Anu Beauty: Project Quotation

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(200403154690 (001517111-W)


No Entities Description Perunit RM Total RM

RM200.00perhour x 8
Trainer Fee - (TTT
hour (RM1,600.00) x
1) Trainers) 8,000.00 24,000.00
5days (RM8,000.00) x 3
trainers (RM24,000.00)
Module + Material
RM3,750.00 X 100
2) and Equipment 3,750.00 375,000.00
(Each Participant)

Venue Rental + RM2,250.00 x 5 days x 4

3) 2,250.00 45,000.00
Logistic Room

RM25.00 (Perhead) x 100

4) Food & Beverage 2,500.00 12,500.00
participant x 5days

Certification Fee + RM650.00 (perhead) x

5) 650.00 65,000.00
Start Kit 100 participant

RM250.00 perhead x 100

6) Student Allowance 250.00 25,000.00
participant (5days)

SUB TOTAL 546,500.00

a. SST (6%) 32,790.00

GRAND TOTAL 513,710.00


Pragramme Duration 5 days

Cource Commencement Month May 2021

Mode Venue No Of Participants

Class Room KL 50

Class Room Selangor 50

Copywriter by: insan dinamik Page 8

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