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Civil Law Paper

Pasal 131 I.S (Indische Staatsregeling)


Ahmad Zuhairi,SH.,MH

Created by:

Name : Aulia Putri Najmi

Class : KI

Faculty of Law

University of Mataram

This Paper was made in order to discuss article 131 I.S (Indische Staatsregeling).
Indonesia is an independent country that was once colonized by the Netherlands and inherited
various kinds of legal rules from the colonial country. Shortly after independence, Indonesia
even confirmed itself to use the provisions Dutch law as the colonizing country in Indonesia to
avoid the occurrence of a legal vacuum through the provisions in the Transitional Rules of the
1945 Constitution.

One of the origins of the diversity of Indonesian inheritance law cannot be separated from
historical influences, namely during the 350 year Dutch colonial period. during the Dutch
colonial period, the constitutional system in the Dutch East Indies referred to the Indische
Staatsregeling (IS). The application of Article 131 and Article 163 to IS is one of the factors that
make a legal pluralism in the civil law, especially inheritance law.

In Article 163 IS, the Netherlands regulates the classification of the population in the
Dutch East Indies. The distribution of population groups above is also followed by the
application of legal rules according to their groups. This explanation is contained in Article 131
IS.The Dutch government differentiates the application of law to the three groups based on
Article 131 IS (Indische Staatsregeling), as follows:

a. Chapter. 131 paragraph 1 IS reads:

"Civil Law and Commercial Law as well as Criminal Law as well as Civil Procedure
Law and Criminal Procedure Law are regulated by the Ordonat".
b. Article 131 paragraph 2 IS reads:
"In the ordonantie that regulates Civil Law and Commercial Law for Europeans it is
followed by the law in force in the Netherlands".

As time goes by, Indonesian society is growing and existing laws are getting left behind.
The condition of society in Indonesia which is pluralistic and plural has caused the specific legal
rules related to the Population Classification and the Classification of Legal Rules contained in
the provisions of Article 131 IS are no longer relevant to the condition of the nation and have
long been in conflict with the philosophical values of unity contained in the third precept of
Pancasila. .
Therefore, a research was carried out with a descriptive nature and a normative juridical
approach that explored primary data based on secondary legal materials sourced from legal
literature, so that it is known that both philosophically, sociologically, and juridically, the article
on population classification needs to be abolished. The elimination of articles on population
classification must begin with the enactment of a statutory regulation at the level of a law which
expressly states to revoke or delete articles on population classification so that legal unification
can be realized.
Resume ini dibuat dalam rangka membahas pasal 131 I.S (Pasal 131 I.S (Indische
Staatsregeling). Indonesia merupakan sebuah negara merdeka yang dulu pernah
dijajah oleh Belanda dan mewarisi berbagai macam aturan hukum dari negara
penjajah. Sesaat setelah merdeka, Indonesia bahkan mengukuhkan dirinya untuk
mempergunakan ketentuan hukum Belanda selaku negara penjajah di Indonesia
untuk menghindari terjadinya kekosongan hukum melalui ketentuan di Aturan
Peralihan UUD 1945.

Pemerintah Belanda membedakan berlakunya hukum bagi ketiga golongan

berdasarkan Pasal 131 IS (Indische Staatsregeling), sebagai berikut :

a. Pasal. 131 ayat 1 IS berbunyi :

“Hukum Perdata dan Hukum Dagang serta Hukum Pidana demikian juga
Hukum Acara Perdata dan Hukum Acara Pidana diatur dengan Ordonat”.
b. Pasal 131 ayat 2 IS berbunyi :
“ Dalam ordonantie yang mengatur Hukum Perdata dan Hukum Dagang
untuk orang-orang Eropa diikuti dengan undang-undang yang berlaku di
negeri Belanda”.

Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, masyarakat Indonesia semakin berkembang dan

hukum yang ada semakin tertinggal. Kondisi masyarakat di Indonesia yang bersifat
pluralistik dan majemuk menyebabkan aturan hukum yang khusus terkait dengan
Penggolongan Penduduk dan Penggolongan Aturan Hukum yang terdapat dalam
ketentuan Pasal 131 IS sudah tidak relevan dengan kondisi bangsa bahkan sejak
lama telah bertentangan dengan nilai filosofis persatuan yang ada dalam sila ketiga

Oleh karena itu, dilakukan sebuah penelitian dengan sifat deskriptif dan
pendekatan yuridis normatif yang menggali data primer berdasarkan bahan hukum
sekunder yang bersumber dari literatur hukum, sehingga diketahui bahwa baik
secara filosofis, sosiologis, maupun yuridis, pasal penggolongan penduduk perlu
dihapuskan. Penghapusan pasal penggolongan penduduk harus diawali dengan
dibentuknya sebuah peraturan perundang undangan setingkat undang-undang yang
secara tegas menyatakan mencabut atau menghapus pasal-pasal penggolongan
penduduk sehingga unifikasi hukum dapat terwujud.

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