Commercial Law Paper Arguments About of Commercial Law On Trade in Indonesia

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Commercial Law Paper

Arguments about of Commercial Law on Trade in Indonesia

Name : Aulia Putri Najmi

Class : KI

Faculty of Law

University of Mataram

This paper is made for the purpose of providing my personal opinion on commercial law.
I will discuss the definition of commercial law, the scope of commercial law, the purposes of
commercial law, and the effectiveness of commercial law that we apply on this era.

As we know, trade law regulates trade, commerce and business. Commercial law is a law
that regulates the behavior of humans who participate in trading to gain profit. Commercial law
is a law that regulates legal relations between humans and legal with each other in the scope of

Commercial law refers to the body of law that pertains to commercial transactions. Its
wide-ranging scope includes many different areas that affect businesses and individuals who
enter into commercial transaction. contracts, agency, bailments, carriers, sales, product liability,
partnerships, corporations, unfair competition, secured transactions, property, commercial paper,
insurance, and bankruptcy are all governed by commercial law.

Commercial law is held to achieve certain purposes, such as to maintain the security of
market mechanisms, protect various types of businesses, especially for medium-sized businesses
(UMKM), to control and to improve the financial system.

Commercial law is a source of information for business people. Traders learn about their
rights and obligations while carrying out trading activities so that their business does not deviate
from applicable regulations. Entrepreneurs better understand their rights and obligations.

From the several functions of trade law, has Indonesia achieved the goals it wants to
achieve? As we already know, after Indonesian independence day, criminal law, civil law, and
commercial law were declared to remain in effect to fill the legal vacuum.

However, until now Indonesia still uses the colonial-era of commercial Code.
Unfortunately, the Commercial Code is no longer able to regulate trading activities because it is
no longer in accordance with the times.

The implementation of colonial-era laws in Indonesia shows that Indonesia has not been
able to produce suitable and appropriate legal products to replace colonial-era laws.
Beside that Indonesia has also added and made a lot of trade laws which of course help
economic prosperity at this time. However, Indonesia must keep trying to do even better in
developing trade law so that it can continue to compete with the times. Because in truth we all
crave a national legal system that contains all legal regulations made by the nation.
Law Paper

Arguments about of Commercial Law on Trade in Indonesia

Name : Aulia Putri Najmi

Class : KI

Faculty of Law

University of Mataram


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