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Gesmundo, Cristel Diane B

Activity #3

1. What qualities of a Filipino are evident in the national hero? Cite examples and
 Compassion – This is when you relate to someone's situation, and you want to
help them. Example of this is when we feel like we want to hug a person because
we knew how it felt when we knew what their problem is.
 Perseverance – Perseverance is when you continued effort to do or achieve
something despite difficulties. Example of this is our journey in studying, it is not
easy, we will experience being emotionally and physically tired but despite of that
we have a dream we want to achieve that is why we have perseverance to keep
 Confidence - It is a firm trust to yourself. As a hero they cannot do such thing to
help if they don’t have confidence. Example of this is when you’re helping others
and you know what to do to help them, you can’t help other people if you’re not
confident that you can’t do it.
 Selfless – it means that you are concerned with other people than thinking first
yourself. Example of this is my mother as a single mom I observe that she rather
by things we need and set aside what she really needs for herself and also
because I consider my mom as a hero someone I am idolizing and look up for.
 Strong - As a hero you should be brave and strong enough to face problems
and difficulties.
 Fair – Someone cannot be a hero if they are only favor on specific side, being a
hero you should see both sides know everything to know how you can resolve
the problem.
2. What are the benefits of being well-travelled? Elaborate your answer.
 The benefits of being well travelled are having a peace of mind, Enhance your
creativity, improve your communication skills, Broaden your horizons, Boost your
confidence, Get real-life education, Make memories and understand yourself.

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