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Topic 2

The capital punishment must be avoided at all cost as we need to give a concrete example to the
perpetrator that violent behavior would solve nothing. The capital punishment will justify If someone
who commits a serious crime by hurting someone else is punished with the capital punishment, she/he
would gets the right justification for his/her doing. For instance, a gangster who murdered his enemy
to payget his revenge and then he received a capital punishment for his action, would get the
impression that it is fine to get punishment through violent. It would be preferable to teach a lesson to
someone who commits crime by giving his/her counseling or any similar activities so that he/she will
noton’t repeat his wrongdoing in the future.

On the other hand, despite the arguments above argument, many people believe the basic fundamental
reason for death sentence in the case of serious crime is to convey the message that such kind of
criminal act will be not be tolerated. As we know, most heinous crimes cannot be restored to their
original circumstances (i.e murder, genocide), they can be prevented by creating the fear of death in the
minds of criminals. Hence, the capital sentence is the best method to fight serious crime in any state. As
prime samples, In Indonesia, number of serious crimes are decreased to 50 % since the death sentence
was introduced, and this can be a pilot of success implementation of capital punishment.

Topic 1

On the one hand, decent mental ability is certainly crucial for an athlete. Players should be able to focus
on their goal even they areir physically drained and left behind the opponent on the game with the
remaining time. For instance, they must maintain their tactical awareness and fighting spirit to come
back and win the game. If they lose their spirit and determination in the game, of course they will be

Moreover, it has been proven that many successful athletes must be mentally strong when they lose a
game. When athletes have a strong mental, they will congratulates the winning team and show
examples of their big heart to their supporters. It can be seen when their team suffers subsequent losses
due to various external factors (e.g. the other team bring out the A team composition), but they could
be still proud of their hard work and rebuilt the spirit of their team mates and supporters. If the athletes
are only physically strong, they would not be able to get back on their feet once they are facing the loss
in games.

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