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Create a Tabular model with the following specifications:

1. Data Source:
a. AdventureWorks [Any version that you have in your system]
2. Tables to be imported.
a. FactInternetSales
b. DimSalesTerritory
c. DimCustomer
d. DimProduct
e. DimPromotion
f. DimCurrency
g. DimDate
3. Do the following calculation in the table
a. Fact table:
i. Create a calculated column in the fact table to fabricate a column with the first
digit as OrderLineNumber, the second digit as Revision Number, and the last
digits should be for the OrderQuantity.
ii. Create a calculated column where we will be finding the profit obtained for each
of the entry. [Profit = SalesAmount - ProductionCost (with considering the value
is not affected by any other additional costs)]
iii. The whole table should be sorted according to Order Date.
b. Currency table:
i. Hide all the currency Key’s present in the table.
c. Customer Table:
i. Create a new customerKey with combination of CustomerKey and geography
ii. Create a customer name column and order this column with respect to their
d. DimProduct:
i. Create a calculated column that will have the complete product name.
e. DimDate:
i. Order the table with date
4. Have only one relation for each table.
5. Make sure the model is following Star Schema.

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