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Carlos Bautista

Period 6
World Literature
March, 2023
Global Citizenship Essay

Ambassador School of Global Leadership (ASGL) has a mission to educate its students on the nature of

the world through the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profiles and to develop their skills as responsible

citizens who can positively impact the world. ASGL is more than just a school, it is a community of individuals

working towards the common goal of making the world a better place. The school's vision is to prepare its

students for success in an increasingly globalized world by cultivating their abilities to think critically and act

compassionately in a variety of cultural contexts. In this essay, we will explore the mission and vision of ASGL

and how they align with the qualities of a global learner/citizen.

For me, being a Global Citizen means being someone who is aware of what is happening in our world,

and takes action to face these problems. Is someone who sees the world as a community and inspires others, to

become better and to support each other to build a sustainable and peaceful future for all. In my belief who I

believe was a global citizen was Kobe Bryant. He was a very talented and influential basketball player who

made a significant impact not only in the United States but also around the world. Kobe Bryant was a cultural

icon who inspired people with his work ethic, passion, and talent, embodying the values of determination and

teamwork. His qualities were Inquirer since he was always looking for new ways to improve his game, learning

from his teammates and rivals and asking if he had any questions. Communicator, he was a person who worked

as a team on the court, he also inspired and motivated his teammates with actions and words. Reflective, he

always sought to learn not only from his failures, but also from his successes. Risk-Taker, Kobe was a person

who always tried new things by taking risks, even if he failed, he was always looking for a way to improve, he

wanted to be the best by putting himself out of his comfort zone.

Throughout my life I have always strived to improve myself by learning from past experiences and

avoiding repeating the same mistakes. The COVID-19 pandemic, which occurred four years ago, had a

significant impact on my life. During this outbreak, I was primarily concerned with ensuring the safety and

well-being of my family and close friends. I followed all the recommended safety protocols, as I understood
Carlos Bautista
Period 6
World Literature
March, 2023
that individual actions could help us all get through the pandemic. As I reflect on this experience, I realize that I

modeled the IB learner profile of "caring" during this difficult time. I was not only concerned about my own

health and safety, but also that of those around me. By practicing this attribute, I believe I was able to make a

positive contribution to my community during a global crisis. This experience has helped me recognize the

importance of empathy and has inspired me to continue developing the characteristics of a global citizen. In the

future, I would like to incorporate more IB learner profiles into my daily life. I believe that by doing so, I will

become a more complete and compassionate person.

As I continue to develop my learner profiles, which include being open-minded, reflective and

communicative, I am confident that I will be able to make a positive contribution on the global stage. My

aspiration to become a Spanish teacher stems from my desire to help future generations, especially within the

community where I come from. I would like to share what I have learned at ASGL and encourage the new

generations to become more world-aware people by implementing the IB learner profiles. Also, being a good

communicator and open-minded person will allow me to help my students overcome challenges they may

encounter, both personal and academic, without judging them based on their backgrounds. My goal is to give

back to my community and help others, which would align with my strong sense of global citizenship that I will

continue to develop over time. I want the opportunity to use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact

in the world.

In conclusion, I have come to understand that it is very important for students like me to be aware of the

world around us. With everything so connected, what we do and how we think can have a huge impact on the

world, whether positive or negative. By being globally minded, we can learn more about different cultures,

issues, and events happening around the world. This helps us become better citizens of the world and make a

difference in our own way. It's not just about helping others, but also about creating a better future for ourselves

and everyone else.

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