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Angeliyah Campbell-evans
Determining Whether an Integer Satisfies an Inequality
Sep 11, 7:49:34 PM

Which of the following values are solutions to the inequality

−5 + 2x ≤ 6?

I. 14 II. 4 III. − 2

Check each possible choice one at a time:

Check option I:  x = 14
−5 + 2 (14) ≤ 6 

23 ≤ 6 ✘ 

Check option II:  x=4
−5 + 2 (4) ≤ 6 

3≤6 ✓ 

Check option III:  x = −2
−5 + 2 (−2) ≤ 6 

−9 ≤ 6 ✓ 

Roman Numerals That Work:
II and III


x y ( ) 7 8 9 ÷ "
= √ a2 ab 4 5 6 × #
Funcs Ans , 1 2 3 −  
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