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1. Negotiation is a process where two parties with differences which they need to resolve
are trying to reach agreement through exploring options and exchanging offers—and
finally find an agreement. [Reciprocal]
Better than nothing, find something [in common] to build on.
2. Negotiations take place on all levels. Business, politics, and daily. [formal and informal]

Language Competencies
1. Differentiate between formal and informal language.
2. Learn utilizable language techniques.
3. Be proficient in encapsulating core of situation/circumstance/problems in a good
Communication Competencies
1. To have an insight into human behavior and recognize psychological types.

Communication is a flow. Perception – selective attention.
Communication principles relate directly to negotiations.
Planning and strategy prepared but then filters down, generally to specifics.
Becomes a combination of scripting and improvisation.

Reciprocity. Trust, power (not the power of fore or coercion but power of...)
Be versatile, culturally aware, decide on priorities, holistic approach, build a relationship, learn
negotiation principles.

Process: phases and development

Two parties: not a subjective
Reflection but a dialogue in a social setting:
Differences: If no differences, no need for negotiations.
Agreement: There is a need for resolution. Differences must be settled.

Important part of framing is attitude, including empathy

Paraphrasing means summing up your understanding of what the other side has said and
repeating it back in your own words.
Do not change or put your own interpretation on it at this stage. Paraphrasing gives the other
party the feeling that you have felt.
Emotion and Negotiation
- Do you care about how others perceive you?
- Improvisation allows the possibility of creativity.
o Seems chaotic but tis still structured.
o Essential to carefully listen to other
o Especially in jazz-interpret cues from other parties
o Invent response butt not analyzed.
o A new future unfolds-unpredictable.
o The idea and implementation happen quickly
o Small actions
- Opening gambit
o Important part of framing is attitude, including empathy
o Empathy means you can put yourself in someone else’s situation. This is also an
important part of negotiation.
o Put yourself in their shoes, ask the relevant questions.
- Intuition
o A flow, a being-present, and involvement.
o A 6th sense of the now
o There’s a oneness with the moment, spontaneous, high performance
o Direct knowing without the conscious use of reasoning-tactic knowledge

- Find out the best market price in the market place
- Try to estimate other party’s BATNA—use research, analysis, etc.
- Aspiration price- what you would like. High aspiration price usually results in better deal.
- Market price (reliable-ascertaining? Fair price?)

- Prepare an agenda
- Western cultures streamline agendas, no time wasting.
- Too much flexibility can lead to derailment
- Eastern cultures allow for more “breathing space”
- Tax issues.
- Internal- company strengths-pricing supply, distribution deals.
- External: political climate-green areas to be protected-taxation changes-NGOs
- Fur coats.
- Headline! Newspapers have sections-correspond to phases in negotiation.
- A tactic may be to “forgo” an issue. Give it up to show goodwill.
- In listing your agenda topics importance is a priority, but also bundle issues.
- Segway-transfer from one to another

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