Comparison-Contrast Essay

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Comparison – Contrast Essay

1. What is a Comparison - Contrast Essay?

- A Comparison – Contrast Essay uses points of comparison to show how two
topics in the same category are similar and/or different.
*The most important thing to remember with comparison is to avoid the
2. How to write a Comparison - Contrast Essay.
a. Introduction
- Hook: +engages the reader
+presents the subject that is to be compared or contrasted.
- Background information: +gives essential information to help the reader
understand the writer’s point of view.
- Thesis statement: +focuses the comparison for the reader.
b. Body paragraphs
 Option 1 - Block Method
-compares the subjects in two body paragraphs, each paragraph has a clear topic
+Similarities Differences Essay
Paragraph 1 - Similarities
Paragraph 2 - Differences
+Subject to Subject Essay
Paragraph 1 – Subject A
Paragraph 2 – Subject B
Option 2 – Point to Point Method.
-two or more paragraphs
-each paragraph focuses on one point either with the similarities or the
Paragraph 1 – Point 1
Paragraph 2 – Point 2
c. Conclusion
-summarizes the main points
- gives your final opinion

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