Project Seal (Safe E-Learning Environment For All Lecturers) : Intervention Toward Teachers' Level of Digital Competence in The New Normal

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Lead Proponent Jovita De Vera



Type of Research  Action Research

 Basic Research

Division Schools Division of Isabela

I. Context and Rationale

In the digital world, digital competence is the ability to confidently and

efficiently use digital, electronic, and technological devices and systems as

problem-solving machines or achieve an objective. (2021). Improving school

management and related tasks; increasing accountability, efficiency, and

effectiveness in school activities; introducing PowerPoint presentations and

the Internet. According to research, well-used ICT in schools can improve

teaching and learning in many ways. ICT is learner-centric, involving teachers

in the teaching process. teachers are motivated by challenging, authentic,

multi-sensory, and multi-disciplinary activities. ICT programs and projects

increase school attendance, motivation, academic achievement, and effective

communication. ICT initiatives benefit teachers as well. They use ICT for

personal and professional purposes. Using ICT in the classroom makes it

more engaging, interactive, simple, and effective. Traditional teaching-

learning is complemented. Educators find that using ICT makes teachers

more receptive and responsive. Also, ICT can help teachers learn more in

less time, maximizing resources and time. (digitalLEARNING Network, 2020)

The use of technology is becoming increasingly important for teachers. This is

particularly true may it be distance learning o, where computer and internet

access are required for online classes, or face-to-face classes. Aside from

hardware manipulation, mastery of many apps and programs is a must for all

teachers. Apps like Google Meet, Google Drive, Google Classroom, Flipped

Classroom, Classpoint, Facebook Messenger, Moodle, and others are highly

recommended for blended learning. Many teachers have noticed a gap in

teaching and learning as teachers' motivation, attendance, and academic

performance has plummeted. Several factors were found to be the cause,

including internet connectivity, device compatibility, and knowledge of

educational technology apps and programs.

Furthermore, there are still issues with technology in education. We

looked at several technology articles to find the most problematic aspects of

implementing and utilizing technology in school. For example, consider the

issues of laziness and dependency. These are critical issues in any

educational system around the world. Most of them are related, so if one

appears, the others follow. (Authors, 2019)

The framework for 21st-century skills, which will include ICT literacy,

learning & thinking skills, life skills, and traditional core subject content, must

be framed now more than ever. (LAPUS, 2021) There may be more common

ground than expected. Despite this, teachers expect technology in higher

education, but they may require more guidance than expected. teachers may

not be able to use and evaluate online sources effectively. While today's

teachers have used the Internet for class research for many years, they may

lack online research skills. Digital natives are no better at multitasking than

their predecessors. Today's teachers lack a second sense that allows them to
text and listen to lectures. Not all teachers understand (or appreciate)

educational apps. Instructors who use technology in the classroom should

allow teachers practice time. Rather than relying on last-minute technology

issues, assign an online tutorial or a low-stakes task early in the semester.

(Mueller, 2017)

Barrot's works document teachers' online teaching challenges and how

they cope ( 2021). The findings revealed that teachers' online teaching

challenges varied in type and extent. They faced the most challenges at home

in terms of technological literacy and competency.

The district of Ramon, Schools Division of Isabela has the same issue.

The number of teachers participating in follow-up discussions decreased, as

evidenced by the FB Live attendance sheet. According to a few of the

observed teachers, the main reason for their absence and lack of participation

is the fear of not using educational technology such as programs and apps


The researchers believe that more information technology proficiency

will lead to more participation in online classes and virtual follow-up

discussions. A safe e-learning environment for all learners is now being

introduced through a series of webinars/workshops on basic teacher

applications called Project SEAL. This will help teachers cope with the

demands of distance learning and shall improve academic performance.

II. Action Research Questions

The researchers would like to introduce Project SEAL as an

intervention to address teachers' level of digital competence in the District of

Ramon, Schools Division of Isabela It will seek to answer the following


1. What is the level of digital competence among teachers before

Project SEAL?

2. What is the level of digital competence among teachers after Project


3. Is there a significant difference between the level of digital

competence among teachers in the District of Ramon before and after

Project SEAL?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

Every teacher must understand their position and level of instrumental

knowledge with these gadgets and utilities in light of the introduction of

technological devices; computers, artificial intelligence, interactive boards,

and simulations; in man's daily life. There is no doubt about it: social

networking and harnessing the Internet's potential will continue to grow due to

this growing innovation. There are many advantages to this concept in

education, as more educational resources can now be created and stored

online (2021).

Hence, the proponents introduce the project SEAL, which stands for

Safe e-Learning Environment for All Lecturers. It is a webinar/ workshop

series on basic programs and applications in teaching and learning, such as

using Google Suites, Classroom, Meet, Forms, etc., and other educational

technology apps. The said project shall also tackle Cyber security, mental

health, and ICT skills improvement. The webinar primarily invited the 26

teachers which were the School ICT Coordinators on a Google Meet platform

while the whole webinar will be streamed on Facebook. The Google Meet is

done twice a month for two hours, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm as organized by

the District ICT Focal Person. The project's primary objective is to raise the

digital competence of the teachers of the District of Ramon, Schools Division

of Isabela in the use of educational technology apps. The secondary aim shall

be to equip them with ICT skills that will aid them in coping with the demands

of distance and face-to-face learning. The limitation of the said webinar only

falls on the internet accessibility issues primary teachers have no internet load

to use, which will be solved by providing teachers with load allowance coming

from the supportive Parents- Teacher Association and other kind donors from

the pool of generous external stakeholders. The success of this program shall

be measured by the increase in the number of teachers participating in the

discussion online, the increase in the number of teachers submitting output,

and the increase in the number of teachers who are more familiar with

Cybersafety and security.

The PSDS or the Public Schools District Supervisor shall be the Project

Management Overall in charge, While the Project SEAL chairperson shall be

the proponent himself. All other teachers on the committee will serve as the

Invitation and platform Host Committee, Webinar/ Workshop in charge, and

documentation committee.
The resource speakers and the topic shall be as follows:

Date Resource Speaker/s Topic

December 13, 2022 Google Mail/Drive
Google Meet/ Google
January 15, 2023 Google Docs, Sheets,
and Slides
Internet Safety
January 29, 2023 Video Editing
February 11, 2023 Google Meet/Google
Classroom (teachers’
Jamboard (teachers)
Google Forms
IV. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and other Sources of Data and Information

The participants of this study are the 26 randomly selected teachers

who were at the same time the ICT focal persons in their respective stations

with in the District of Ramon, Schools Division of Isabela.

The population was deemed to have experienced the predicament in the poor

use of Educational Technology apps or may have been observed to have

poor ICT proficiency or low level of digital competence, and have attended the

webinar or workshop conducted before, making them fit for the study. The

researchers implore the purposive sampling method to achieve the desired

number of participants from different grade levels but still achieve statistical


b. Data Gathering Methods

The researchers anchor the study in Pre Experimental research

design, particularly the one-group pretest-posttest design. This research

design is pre-experimental, whereby a single case is observed two times

before and after. It further adds that changes in the outcome of interest are

presumed to result from the intervention or treatment where no control or

comparison group is employed. (Experimental Research, 2021)

The level of digital competence of teachers-- shall be the given case,

while Project SEAL shall be the treatment.

The researcher will ask permission from the PSDS to conduct the said

study and implement the intervention. A pretest and posttest with similar items

shall be conducted before and following the intervention implementation.

The teacher-made survey instrument, which shall undergo validity and

reliability testing, shall comprise only one part which aims to gather data on

the level of digital competency of the teachers. It shall use a five-point

numerical rating scale where respondents will check on either 1-5, where one

highly disagrees, two beings disagreed, three is neutral, four agreed, and five

highly agreed. There shall be eight indicators, namely defining information

needs, access to information, information assessment, integration of

information, communication and information sharing, information

management, technological self-reliance, and creating information.

c. Data Analysis Plan

A. The researcher will record all the necessary data for the analysis.

B. To get the level of digital competence of the respondents, either

before or after the intervention, a mean shall be used. The computed

mean of the test results from the raw scores of respondents shall be

categorized and interpreted according to the table below:

Table 2. Level of Digital Competence

Numerical Range Description

4.1-5.0 Very High
3.1-4.0 High
2.1-3.0 Average
1.1-2.0 Low
0.0-1.0 Very Low

C. The following hypothesis will be tested at a 0.05 level of significance:

There is a significant difference in digital competence among the

teacher respondents before and after the intervention, Project SEAL.

D. On the other hand, the study shall use the dependent sample t-test

on problem three.


The action research work plan and timelines are shown below during

this study's pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation


Table 3. Plan of Action

Objectives Strategies/ Time Persons Output Success

Frame Involved Indicator

Pre-Implementation Phase

Secure Securing 2nd week Researcher Letter of Approved

permission permission of permission letter of
to conduct to conduct Novemb School permission
the study the study er 2022 Head

Draft a Drafting a 2nd week Researcher Research The

researcher researcher- of instrument research
-made made Novemb Panel of validation instrument
instrument instrument er 2022 experts result was
to be to be validated
validated validated by and
by experts experts obtained

Submit the Administer 3rd week Researcher Established The

instrument the of reliability research
for the instrument Novemb index of the instrument
reliability to a group of er 2022 instrument obtained a
test participants Sample high-
to obtain the participants reliability
reliability of index

Reproduce Reproducin 3rd week Researcher Reproduced Researcher-

the g the of researcher- made
instrument researcher- Novemb made
made er 2022 questionnair instrument
questionnair e

Implementation Phase

Conduct Conducting 4th week Researcher An Pre-

pre- the pre- of accomplishe assessment
assessme assessment Novemb Pupils d conducted
nt of of identified er 2022 researcher-
identified participants made
participant instrument
s with scores

Gather, Gathering, 4th week Researcher Recorded Pretest

record, recording, of data result was
and and Novemb gathered
interpret interpreting er 2022 and
the data the data recorded

Orient Conducting 2nd week Researcher Gathered Written

parents parents’ of parents’ consent
and secure orientation Decemb Parents consent from each
informed and er 2022 parent was
consent securing gathered

Prepare or Preparing or 2nd week Researcher Intervention Prepared

obtain obtaining of materials intervention
interventio intervention Decemb materials
n materials materials er 2022–
the third
week of rs
er 2022

Administer Administerin 3rd week Researcher Successful The

the g the of administrati intervention
interventio intervention Decemb Pupils on of the program
n program program er – program was
week of d
January successfully
2023 .

Conduct Conducting 3rd week Researcher Accomplish Post-

post- post- of ed post- assessment
assessme assessment January Pupils assessment was
nt to assess 2023

Collect Collecting 3rd week Researcher Recorded Post-

and record and of data assessment
the results recording January results were
of the results of 2023 gathered
post- the post- and
assessme assessment recorded

Analyze Analysis and 3rd week Researcher Analyzed Results

and interpretatio of and were
interpret n of data January interpreted analyzed
the data 2023 data and

Post-Implementation Phase

Finalize Finalization 4th week Researcher Final paper Bounded

the paper of the paper of ready for action paper
for binding for binding January binding

Disseminat Disseminati 4th week Researcher Disseminate Results

e results ng the of Teacher d research were
results January School results disseminate
2023 Head d

VII. Cost Estimates

Shown below are the estimated expenses throughout this action research.

Table 4 Cost Estimates for Supplies and Materials

Unit Quantity Description Unit Cost Amount
ream 4 Short Bond paper 169 676
ream 2 A4 Bond paper 223 446
bottle 1 Ink L3110 black 275 275
pcs 26 Ballpen for Participants 6 156
TOTAL 1, 553
Table 5 Cost Estimate for Travel expenses for the Submission of Action
Research Proposal to the Division

Purpose of Destination Transportation Amount

School to Division Office PUJ 100
Division Office to School PUJ 100
Table 6 Cost Estimates for Other Expenses
Unit Description Unit Cost Amount
Bound 1 Binding 350 1, 524
26 Snacks for the Participants 25 650
Internet and
26 Communication Load 100 2600

Table 7 Summary of Expenses

Description Amount
A. Supplies and Material     Php 1, 553.00
B. Travel Expenses
        B.1  Submission of Action Research                  200.00
Proposal to the Division
C. Other Expenses      4, 774.00
   6, 527.00
Grand Total


The study's findings matter to teachers, parents, and pupils. It will be

utilized to apply methods, build curricula, and arrange lessons. So it must be

carefully shared via:

a. Attend division or district-wide research conferences, research forums, and

policy forums to present and discuss research findings and recommendations.

We can ask our academic peers to review our papers.

a. Contribute to research journals and bulletins so that colleagues in the field

are aware of new findings. It will help them improve their knowledge and


c. Budget allocation in School Improvement Plans and Annual Implementation


d. We can participate in conversations through LAC sessions or In-Service

Training. Other IN-service training can welcome us to share our skills and

help other schools improve their teaching-learning practices.

Authors, G. (2019, October 3). Top Problems with Technology in Education

Today. TechWalls.


digitalLEARNING Network. (2020, October 12). Teaching and learning with

ICT tools: Issues and challenges. digitalLEARNING Magazine.



in Basic Education. PIA.


Mueller, E., Ph.D. (2017, November 22). What teachers Do not Know About

Technology. Duke Learning Innovation.


Pre-Experimental Designs | Research Connections. (2021). Research



T. (2021, April 13). How to Measure Your Digital Competence as an Educator.





This survey instrument is intended to gather data among 26 ICT teachers of
the District of Ramon, Schools Division of Isabela in aid of the study being

NAME:______________________________________ ( optional)

Level of Digital Competence

Instruction: Check the column that appropriately matches your response.
Based on the answers from the table below:
Indicator Descriptive Equivalent
5 Highly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Highly Disagree

Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
1. Defining Information
(I can identify general information and
research on the web and perform
everyday tasks like shopping or
contacting personnel over the web.
2. Access to Information
( I can use search engine websites
and surf the Internet with ease.)
3. Technological Self-Reliance
( I can create an email, install and use
computer programs, use antivirus,
create a homepage, and
independently do a self-induced task
that involves a computer like
transferring pictures from a digital
camera to a PC.)
4. Information Management
( I can manage spreadsheets and
organize data on the computer)
5. Information Assessment
( I am keen on the safe space on the
web and familiar with what to do with
information to keep it secured)
6. Integration of Information
( I can compile, edit, and transfer
words, graphics, and slides using the
7. Communication
( I can communicate and use
educational technologies for
convenient communication.)

Certificate of Validity of Research Instrument

This certificate is to certify that the undersigned had validated the

research instrument constructed by Norman Guerrero, the lead proponent, to

be used in this Action Research entitled “PROJECT SEAL (SAFE E-




The results showed an average of 5, which is interpreted as

Outstanding based on the criteria provided in the validation form. It implies

that the test is valid by its content and construction.

(Name of Validator) (Name of Validator)

Title of Masters Title of Masters

(Name of Validator)

Title of Masters

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