Tcu Pu Auu: Assignment Vi

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Assignment VI

Unit V1

1Exploin the types oparallel prmcessoz stem

Paxallel procesSing 1s method in Computng

iD 0hich Sepaxofe paxts A D Ovenall comple
tasks axt brcken up and run SimuultanemLbl 0n
multipleCPU's thertby rcducing the amOunt oE
time OY pYDCesSing
heneOYC TDUY Lupe opaxallel pmcessoE SYstem-

Single Inatnuckon Single dato strtam (STSA)-

A Sin9le pm.cessagexecute o Single anstmuchon
Strtom to operote an dota Starcd in a
Single memory
UnipmLeL SOE into the cotegay
Single pmceAS0Y
Sinalc instnictim Strcam
Doto 9tortd in Single memo

Si09le InStnicton, Multiple Data StrtamCSIMa)
Singlemachine instnucthon.
EacbpDceASing element hab aSsociatrd data memoy
Each instructhon executed an diifenent set oF
dato by diffenent pmceAsoE.S.
Ccmbnls Simultanemub executiDD

Vechorand CaYry pmce.s0E

Numben opYoceAsi.n9 elements
LOokstep bais

3 Multplc Inshnich00, Single Data Strcam (MISA)-

Seguente of data
Tandmithed d to et opmcess0E
fach pmcessor eLecutes diifenent inatncthon
Nevtn been implemente.d

4Multple Instuchon Mulhple Aata Shrtom (tMIMA)-

Set o pmcesgY.s
Simultoneomusly e1ecude dffenent indinitti om Seguentch
Atfenent sets ofdata
SMPs Clusters And NUMA Systems.

CU28 PE,O Shared


CUn PEnk
2Ahat is cache Cohertnce problem Biscuss
the sottware and hordtoare approach o
Cachc Cohenene.
Cache Caheran.ce oblem
Ahe Cache CoheranCe pmblem is the
Challenge of keeping mulhple lo.col cach
SYnChrdhized ohen One of the prOcessoYs update
its lacalcopy of daBa 0ohich i sshorcd among
multtple caches
4his missDCed the ecand coma Coche
entry to be update d._

SoftoarC Appmach
Compilen Andopen.aing ystem oleo 0oith poblem
Ovrrhead ransferred to compile time
es:go CCmpletity tronAenrd m hardcaare to
HomevL 90toare ttnds to make com.envadiye
Incfhcient cach uiliz oti.on

ttordcoar Appmach-
Direct o pmtocols.
Collect and maintain infimahon aboulCopies
Of data in cache
Shaving stataof a block of physicalmemcry
Airtctoy stotd in main memor
is keptin just One locoi.on, the diYect.ory o
.Regueatart checkeda9ainst dirtctory
Appropxiate bronsfursart pentmed.
CrtateCentxa bottleneck
Effectmve in large scale ystemsCoith CCmplex_
interconnection Scheme

2Snopy pmto.cols
stibute cacheCoherence sponsibility amcmg
eec cache controllen.
Eeny cache. coitha copy o data alsa has a
COPy oF shaing stotua of,but no
cendrobzed ctate 1s kept
Cache tC09nizes that aJine is shaxrd.
Updates annOunced to othe Cachea
Scoted to bu based micmpYDCes
Lnct 0Le.s bustraihe

3 ne and dffertntiatr STMA Ond MIMA.

Single In struci.on
Mulliple 2otQ pefomA_
the some
openott.on on mulhple dataitems
Multple Instruchon, Single Aata
niplePEs to execute duffertnt instruction.s
On a
Single system data

SIMD Stands Dr MIMA stand or Mulhplc

Single Instxuction Multple 1nslruchon Mulhple Bata.

2.SIMA xeguiíes Smal ox MIMD e guirch more oY

less mêmoiy Laxge mcm0

3.The cOst of SIMA is The cost of MIMÐ 1S

Iesc than MIMA greatenthan sIMA,
4. has Single decoder It has multele decoden

5.Tt is latent oy tacit I t is accuxate 0r emplicit

Synchonizaton. Synchronizati.on.

6. SIMA iS a Synchronous MIMA iS a

pT0ganminG prmiamnmung

7.SIMD is a Smple in MIMA iS Complex in termA

Lerms of Complezity than. of complexity than sIMA.

8.SMD1s less effcient in MIMA is more effcicnd in

teims o perfoimance ttrms of penfaimance than
than MIMB.- SIMD.
4 blhat is Multthrcoding2 Exploin Implicit and
Explicit Multithrtoding

It is the ability ofa CPU to provide
multiple threadao o exccuton concuirently-
Suppaxted byopexating system
Implicit Multthreading
Implicit multthrcading is concunrentexecutton
multple thtads extracted fam Single
Seguentia pmgxam.
All cammexical pocess.ors and most experimental
Ones ube eplictt mulithrcading.
Implictt thrcads dehned Statcally by Compilen
OY dunomicauyby hardtoane.

Explicit Multthreoading.
-Explict Mulhtmeading is a poradigm fu
building and pmarammin9 pasalle computtns
deigned omund the parallel rondo.m- Ccces.s
machine porallel Computafi.onalmodel
A l l COmmenical pTDcessosS
and mo st expenimental
one uedexplicit muukthreading.
Concurently eLeCute instructions m diffenent
eaplictt thrcads.
Toterleave tnstruchons om offerent thrtads on
shOrcd Pipelines0pOrallel execution on
5 WhatOrc same of thekey ds design issue
0x an SMP?

Issues oith SMP

1 multple procexsors, each oith i t s oCon cache
shares 0cceas to Same memoryhaxdtoort Or
sofL.caarc mechanism must be employed to enae
that both pruceasor Sharc a yalid imdge o mOin
memory, this is knotanas Cache cohercnce pmblem
2A raditonal COON to increaseSystem performan.ce
1S to s e multiple pioceAsora that can execude
in paxallel to support a gixtn
3 The ttao most common mullple- prDcessor
asaanizaions axc Symmebrie Muli:Processar (MP)
And cluate
4MoTC, tcently_ Non-unifoim Memory Access CNUMA)-
8ystems hare been intoduced comenically.
5 0hen mort than one nLan proceisor axC implem-
entd on a ingle chip, the confqunattoo i
Kefesred to as Chip Multtthrea.ding.
G1dea to tplicate some the components o
a Single process01 S0 that theprncexsor can
execute muliple thrtads concuTrently this is
knocon Mulhthxeadtol pmces0.
h e r t art also ome kejs for aeaign issue
fOx a n SMP ort
Simultaneow conCUXTEnEpX0ceaso scheduling,
Synchronization, Memdry managemend rclability
Ond ault olenance
6Explain NUMA ]Claerng.
I t stands for Non-Unifoim Memo1Aceks ytoy
A NUMA 3ystem is a sharcd memo mulipiocek
SSO1S in ohich the access imemm a i e n
prOcessor to a 0a0xd n memory vasiesCoith
the locaton o the mémory-cooYld.
A Special purpose type of pasallel Osganizaton
iS the Ytctor facilktyCahich is tailored to
the pro.cessing oF vectors 0Y 01Oys 0data.
NUMA can be thoughtoas a cluston in

It isa gKoup o interconnecte d cohole Computu
po0Yking to.ethen as a unüRed computsaing tOUNCed
that hn Crtate the illusion A
bcina One
The teim ohole compuen meand a system
hot can sun 0n its ouon, apaxt mmthe
T t is 0 tak o dividing the populatton o
doto points into0 number aOups Such that
doto p0nts in the same Dups arc m01t
Similorto other doto p0.nfs
Therc Qre too type of clwlering-
Hand cluwterina Soft clusteing.
1t 0im is to Segxogae aroups Cath Similan
toils X assignthem into cluaBen.

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