TOPIC Ethic Intermediate

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What ethical issues do different
types of business face?

Operating in different countries means that
multinational corporations must navigate different
regulatory and legal environments, which can
create opportunities for corruption

Labor practices
Companies may face ethical dilemmas related to
issues such as wages and working conditions,
particularly in countries with weak labor laws or in
conflict zones. business
Human rights
IMultinational corporations operate in different
countries with varying human rights standards, and
they can face ethical dilemmas related to issues
such as forced labor, child labor, discrimination,
and unsafe working conditions
Insider trading
Financial businesses must not engage in insider
trading, which involves using confidential
information to make stock trades

Money laundering
inancial businesses must adhere to anti-money
laundering laws and regulations to prevent the use
of their services for illegal activities such as money
laundering and terrorist financing business
Privacy and security
Businesses often collect personal data from
customers, and this can create ethical dilemmas
related to issues such as data breaches and the
use of personal data
Why do businesses need to change the way they

What opportunity do
companies have with respect to the
Companies use natural resources,
generate waste, and emit pollutants
Environmental education
as part of their operations. This can
have a significant impact on the Reduce waste
environment, including air and water Employee engagemen
pollution, deforestation, and loss of Energy efficiency
biodiversity. Reduce transportation impact

Use sustainable packaging materials
Companies have an ethical
responsibility to minimize their
impact on the environment as much
as possible.
CSR. How important are the internal
code of ethics and mission statement for
a company?
The internal code of ethics and mission statement are important for a
company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy because they
help to establish a clear set of values, principles, and goals that guide the
company's actions towards creating a positive impact on society and the

the of ethics and mission statement are important for

a company's CSR strategy because they can help
manage risks, attract and retain employees, build
customer loyalty and trust, provide a competitive
advantage, and establish partnerships and
Reporting illegal or unethical
behavior within an organization

whistleblowers often face retaliation from their

employers, including demotion, termination, or

Whistleblowing whistleblowers may be ostracized by

colleagues and face social isolation

whistleblowers may also face legal

consequences for disclosing confidential or
sensitive information

whistleblowers may also face challenges

finding new employment due to the stigma
associated with whistleblowing
What are the reasons for being honest on the CV?
honesty on a CV can help build trust and credibility with potential employers
being dishonest on a CV can have serious consequences, such as termination of employment,
loss of reputation, and legal action
being honest on a CV demonstrates that a candidate shares these values and is likely to be a
good fit for the company culture

it is important to remember that dishonesty can harm the job seeker's chances of success,
damage their professional reputation, and even result in legal consequences. It is always best to
be truthful and transparent about qualifications and experience on a CV
What are the reasons for not
being honest on the CV?
Fear of being
Competition for limited
overqualified Desire for a fresh start
job seekers may feel that they people who have experienced
In highly competitive job
are overqualified for a particular difficult situations in their
markets, job seekers may feel
role and worry that they may be previous roles, such as being
pressure to stand out from the
overlooked for the position fired or laid off, may feel that
competition and may resort to

they need to reinvent
embellishing their qualifications
they may embellish their themselves in order to be
or work experience in order to
qualifications or work experience considered for new opportunities
be considered for a limited
to make themselves appear less
number of roles
Where is the line of ethical deception in
your opinion?
I understand that everyone has their own personal opinions and beliefs regarding ethical
behavior and the line of ethical deception. However, in general, ethical behavior is
determined by societal and cultural norms, laws, and moral principles that are widely
accepted as being good and right. Ethical deception can be seen as unethical because
it involves intentionally misleading or withholding information in a way that goes against
these norms, laws, and principles.

Of course, there can be gray areas and differences of opinion regarding what
constitutes ethical behavior, but ultimately it is important to consider the impact of one's
actions on others and act in a way that is consistent with principles such as honesty,
integrity, and respect for others. It is also important to be aware of any legal or
regulatory requirements that may apply to a particular situation.

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