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Prevent the transmission of the covid virus 19 by complying with the health protocol

The coronavirus or if the acute symptoms of coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) is avirus that attacks the
respiratory system. The virus was first discovered in the city of wuhan,China in late December
2019. The virus spreads quickly through the droplet of a covid-19 sufferer. It causes several
countries in the world to adopt a lockdown policy to break a chain of contagion known as covid-
19 and Indonesia is no exception.

Many appeals from the government to take the prevention of covid-19. Some of them wash their
hands 6 paces using soap and running water for 60 seconds, avoid crowds, maintain a minimum
of 1 meters, use the right mask over the nose to the chin, and apply a cough and a good sneeze.
Not only do we also have to suppress our immunity by maintaining a healthy pattern of life. Eat
nutritious food, exercise diligently, get sufficient rest, and drink water as needed.

Besides preventing covid-19 transmission in the above way, we can also prevent it by
vaccinating already encouraged by the government. The goal of vaccination is for the body to
create its own antibodies to fight the covid-19 virus. Despite the injection, we still have to
implement existing health protocols because the pandemic is still not over.

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