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Live a healthy and sustainable life with India's

leading organic food brand Indicow

The current generation is hooked to processed and packaged food products. The ready-to-
make food items have become more popular than ever which helps in preparing food in just a
few steps. However, processed and packaged food products do not cause total harm but are
also unhealthy causing health problems in the long run.

As people have understood the importance of organic food and its health benefits, many Vedic
and organic food brands have come to the light. Indicow is one such brand which offers 100%
organic food which comprises natural nutrient elements that helps in boosting overall
health. With no added substances, the products from Indicow Farms are made under natural
conditions and are great to consume.

One of the bestsellers of Indicow is Gir Bilona Desi Ghee. Made from the Indian breed of
cows, the milk is converted into curd and then into butter by churning the curd using wooden-
made ravaiya in an earthen pot. It is further heated to produce the ghee. Other products from
the organic brand include Kankraj Bilona Ghee, Sahiwal Bilona Ghee, Wild forest honey, chia
seeds, cold-pressed almond and walnut oil, flax seeds, Murrah Buffalo Ghee and sunflower
seeds among other products.
In a time when the biggest FMCG giants are offering products containing artificial preservatives
for the taste, texture and fragrance, Indicow has managed to keep it all natural. Going back to
the roots, the products of Indicow are preservative-free, chemical-free and have Ayurvedic
ingredients which promote health and well-being.

Before the products of Indicow are out for sale, the team does thorough tests and quality checks
backed by modern science. Offering quality to the consumers, Indicow continues to grow its
presence on a Pan-India level and abroad. The brand has successfully delivered its products to
more than 2 lakh homes, and Indicow continues to expand among every household.

According to the Director, Saurabh Agarwal: “In a nutshell, the primary goal of Indicow is to
work for sustainable living and promote a healthier lifestyle. In the coming time, Indicow plans to
launch new categories in food products which will help in body cleansing, boosting immunity
and increasing metabolism in the human body”.

Indicow is exporting its products to USA and Australia where the customers are loving the
product due to its ayurvedic properties and hence there is a sudden hike in demand for
sustainable products in these countries among not just Indians but also foreigners.

To know more about Indicow and its products, visit its website

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