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Language BOOKLe+ Synonyms yelled walk garbage some laughed tired damp sketch silly mistake | May | have a few cookies? 2 Remember to take out the trash. 3. Tony likes to draw pictures of dinosaurs 4. My sister wears funny socks. 5. The girls giggled all night long 6. lam exhausted after doing all that yard work. 7. Please do not leave the wet towel on the floor. 8. We shovted for our team to win 9. Mother took a stroll in the park. '0. She made an error when solving the math problem. lip art by Crective Clips Name___ —- ead the story below. Rewrite the story by replacing each underlined word with antonym from list. Write neatly and be sure all words are spelled correctly. Fluffy was a good cat today. While playing outsi he found a thin, speedy mouse running through a huge hole in the wall. Fluffy put his paw on the ouse's tail. Then, Fluffy picked up the mouse an tossed it over the table. The mouse landed on its eet and ran away. Jame ---- --- Date ----_-__. -- Number _. Common vs. Proper 112.0 Proper Noun Common Noun BR aren nccnenceecreecntnnecnennnennneeneeneonennetnenneecnns | New York City | 1___Playstation i jeans i_grocery store | dog \_...WakMart Nike |__ bubblegum | school Number __ Common v vs. Proper 12 Directions: Tell whether the underlined word i is a Common or proper noun Write common or Proper on the line. L Mom bought us a German Sheprd an Sheprd puppy! 2. She purchased it from her best friend, Molly. ---------—-- =. —_ 3. The puppy wais black and brown with bigears. 4. My sister and | named him Buster. 5. We love to play catch with our new pet. a 6. Dad says that I have to help walk the new Puppy. ~~~ 7. I put the red leash on Buster and took him outside. 8. We walked on the sidewalk in my neighborhood... 4. Buster liked seeing the children Play 10. Buster and! walked back downPineStreet, 4. Mom let me give Buster treats when we gothome, - {2 I love spending time with my new dog! _——---—-----_. © 2088 Crimson Classroom, Name S¢uatehead Showa ca. ——— This is Squarehead Snowman. He Leafs About Pfefositions 3 nis a word learning about prepositions. He knows that a preposi that shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in the sentence. Some examples are “The dog is under the bed" or “the dog is in the bed.” He thinks he understands, but he needs your help choosing the correct preposition in the sentences below. Circle the correct preposition. 1. We are sitting 2. He parked his car 3. They are walking 4. Weran 5. There is a window 6. The fish live 7.1 walked 8. The cat jumped 9. The snowman is 10. The bird flew the campfire. (around, below, out) the entrance. (by, beneath, of) the stream. (onto, beneath, along) om the school playground. (towards, of, against) my bed. (in, under, over) the sea. (against, above, under) my room. (below, into, beneath) the roof. (of, under, onto) a tree. (near, in, above) the window. (against, on, of) #isquavebeat f iy TEACHERS t q zy fb ca t box snowman blackberry awxnwdxokapvyv »p sunflower sohqkutmxh j sch thhpos me 3 E 2 uw > JOC ABE SOT Ant 3 ato oop oo j Going fishing for Collective a Nouns! LJ Q oO f Name r| A collective noun names a group of U oO people, animals or things. og [] find the collective noun in the box that matches its group f below. & Pei ennneenntneneneennenetenneernnentceeeereng Fl flock crowd family band { q deck pack pair swarm | o litter team herd pride | 7 t Ln eeereenenenenenenneeneennenenene anew aware cceeeeeeeeenecnneceneneed Oona group of related 2. A group of playing oO | people: cards: . 4. A large group of q 3. A group of wolves: people: q u 5. A group of birds: 6. A new-born group 5 5 of puppies: = uJ 7. & group of deer: 8. A group of lions: a O a. 9. A group of bees: 10. A group of people 5 1 who play a sport: A (| 11. A group of people o oO ry who play instruments: 12. A group of two people, animals or Ll = things: Cepgpshl © Gan Barnard 2018 (0G 0 oc oa ancora J Page 1 Collective Nouns Collective nouns are used to name groups of things. a of fish DS. Dx a of lions a of horses a Match the noun with its collective term. cows: suite ships swarm furniture herd cards bed snakes pack wolves deck bees fleet List any other collective nouns you can think of. Write a sentence using a collective noun. Mandla’s tadpoles Mandla takes six tadpoles home from the river. He puts them in a glass fish tank. Mandla gives the tadpoles fish food from the pet. shop once a day. After a week they grow back legs. A few days later the front, legs start to grow. The tadpole —~ If has a tail that. starts to shrink until it = has gone. "Come and see my tadpoles. /\ They have grown into small frogs,” shouts Mandla. Answer the following questions in full sentences: |. How many tadpoles does Mandla take home? 2. Where does he put. them? 3. What. does he give them to eat? 4.What happens after a week? 5. What. happens a few days later? 6. What happens to the tadpole’s tail? Tor+oises dnd Turtles Both tortoise and turtles are reptiles. Tortoises live on land and the turtle spends its life underwater and only comes ashore to lay its eggs. Tortoises have two shell. Turtles have a hard, smooth heart-shaped shell which covers the whole of its body and protects it from enemies. Tortoises are gentle, shy animals that. move too slow to run from enemies. If they are scared they pull their head and legs into their shells. Tortoises like to lie in the sun. Tortoises have legs and turtles have f1 lippers. Both tortoises and turtles lay their eggs in the sand. A female tortoise will lay about, I2 hard-shelled eggs. Turtles lay about, 100 eggs. Both baby tortoises and turtles look after themselves. Tortoises hibernate in winter. Tortoises are herbivores and turtles are omnivores. |. Where do tortoises and turtles live? ( el). 2.What do tortoises do in winter? 3.Where do they lay their eggs? 4.Which of these reptiles are omnivores? 5.What. does the word ‘omnivore’ mean? 6. What kind of legs does a turtle have and why? 7. Who looks after the babies? 8.Do you think turtles and tortoises are warm or cold- blooded? Why? 4.Who do you think are the turtles’ enemies? Taking Care of a Snake Snakes are an unusual pet to have but they are not too difficult to take care of. Although some snakes are dangerous, most are safe to keep as pets. What Does a Snake Look Like? Snakes have a long, thin body. They do not have any legs; they move around by wriggling their body. Unlike many other pets, their skin is covered in scales and they are cold-blooded so they feel cold to the touch. They use their eyes to see and tongue to smell and taste the air. eyes for watching for danger tongue for tasting and smelling the air skin covered in scales long, thin body What Does a Snake Need? Snakes need a tank, or terrarium, to live in. The bigger the snake, the bigger the tank. It is also essential that they have somewhere to hide in the tank where it is dark. Although snakes are cold- blooded, they don’t want to be hot all the time. Therefore, only a section of the tank needs to have a heat mat or a lamp. There should also be cool areas for the snake to spend time in. Page 1 of 3 vis winkicom | Taking Care of a Snake Questions . How do snakes move around? . Where do pet snakes live? . Does a tank need to be warm or cold? - Why does the tank need to be quite damp? . Find and copy one word which means ‘necessary’. . Why do you think snakes are an unusual pet? . How often should you feed a pet snake? . Name one way you can tell a snake is hungry. QP xxx age 30f2 vit incon Birds Bedks The kind of beak or bill a bird has will give you a clue as to what. kind of food the bird eats. Birds of prey, like eagles, have strong, hooked beaks for killing animals and tearing their flesh. Seed eaters will have short, stubby beaks for cracking open seeds. A bird with a long, curved, slender beak probably uses it to reach into flowers to suck the sweet nectar or reach into insect. holes. Water birds have flat, broad bills for dabbing in muddy water. Answer the f\ ollowing questions in full sentences. Give another name for a birds’ beak. Why do birds of prey have strong, hooked beaks? Can you think of a bird that has a short, stubby beak? What do some birds suck out of flowers? What kind of insects do you think some birds eat? What. type of beak do water birds have? ee cee ae SS ax The Eqry Bird Cd+Ches the worm (Maybe) Bud is a bird. He wakes up early to catch a worm. Bud is very hungry. Will is a worm. He moves around in the dirt. Will sees Bud Flying in the sky, Bud is looking for food. "I must hide,” says Will. He moves to the grass. He still sees Bud Flying in the sky, "Lam not safe here. I must hide somewhere else.” Will moves near a tree. He hides in the shade. Bud flies around the tree. "The shade does not hide mel” Will moves to the garden. He still sees Bud fi lying in the sky, "I must find some place safe to hide,” Will says. Will looks around and disappears as Bud swoops down. Bud eats some bird seeds that he finds on the ground, Bud did not see Will Bud flies away as will pokes his head out, of an apple that fell from the tree! Will smiles and says, "That. was close!” Answer the f ollowing questions in full sentences: |. What. was Bud looking for? 2.Who was moving about in the dirt? 3.Where did Will try to hide? L. What did Bud get to eat? 5.Where did Will fi inally hide? 6.How did the worm feel when the bird flew away? A Very Silly Bird {An ostrich is @ Funny bird. He is rather quite absurd. He has no teeth and has no tongue. He likes to run in the sun He really has an appetite ond likes to eat, both day and night. He has two stomachs to consume. And also has black and white plumes. He likes to eat. grasses and seeds, Fruits and leaves. He can swallow sand and stones lizards, Frags, birds and bones. Eating metal of f the ground cans and nails he has Found, This bird loves to peck and peck and has a very long neck. Hs lege are very long you see and quite bad tempered he can be. Sometimes he may kick and bite and even start an ostrich fight. You may find an ostrich Feather or have a bag made from its leather. Although the largest bird am I Unfortunately cannot fly, Questions | Which bird is featured in this poem? 2. How many stomachs does an ostrich have? . What. does consume mean? . What. strange things has an ostrich been known to consume? . Can ostriches be dangerous? Explain why What is leather? 3. 4h § 6 What can't an ostrich do that most birds can? 7 8. What can the leather of an ostrich be used for? q. . Find Four pairs of rhyming words From the poem. Susan's Favourite holiday was Christmas. Presents were great. The food was even better, especialy cookies. These were not, the best. things about Christmas, though, at least not. to her. The best: thing wes Christmas trees She loved to decorate Christmas trees. Fake ones were okay, but real ones were the best. The smell of pine needles was so Fresh and nice. It made her think of clean air. Susen always started with the ght. The tainking lights looked lice stars, Next, was tthe tinsel. Shiny strands of gold were strung eround the tres. Then there were strings of popcorn. The white fluffy con hung on @ string war pretty, It locked lke snow, wrt of. Then the bubs in every colour were hung around the tree. There reed ones, pink ones, yellow and blue. The last pie was the star on top. Her her had te help her with thet, be ¢ wes mush taller than her. she could stond back and en joy the t whole Family loved to look at the tree. The tree would last o couple weeks. It was sad to see i there was always next yo Questions What holiday does Susen like? 2) What is Susan's fovourite part of Christmas? 3) How aid the pine needles smel!? 4) What is the first thing ond the last, thing on the tree? 5) Who has to help Susan with the star? 6) Why is Susan not too sad when the tree is gone? 7) Tn poragraph 2 what word is used Lo describe the air? 8) Give one example of an ad jective, ¢ noun and ¢ verb from the story 4) What is your Favourite holiday? 101 How long would the Christmas tree last? LiS+eNiNg SKiLLS

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