PDP Matrix

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Table 2.

1: PDP Matrix
Required Type and Specific Significance of Requirements (4) Barriers/Challenges
Competencies (1) Professional the Activities (3) and Solutions (5)
Intervention (2)
“Enhancing Teaching -Attend seminars and -Register in any DEPED -Time Constrain
Competencies: Strategies for training about students' training and programs
Effectively Engaging Diverse Multiple intelligences and -Established effective concerning multiple -Teaching loads and auxiliary
Learners" their appropriate teaching teaching strategies for intelligences and their works
strategies students prefer learning appropriate teaching
styles strategies. -Availability of the school
-Classroom observations principal and master teacher
and feedback -Increase student students’ - Monthly classroom for classroom observation
interest and improve their observations and feedback
-Student Feedbacking academic grades with the master teacher, Solution: Set a time for training
program school Principals, and co- and check the availability of the
teacher with the same field principal and master teacher
of specialization for classroom observation

-Provide students Feedback

box approved by the school
"Maximizing Learning -Attend seminars and -Develop strength in - Register in any DEPED -Time Constrain
Outcomes: Strategies for training about student teaching strategies and training and programs on
Sustaining Student Learning engagement and student engagement in student Learning -Teaching loads and auxiliary
Engagement Through Peer its teaching strategies classroom discussion engagement and its teaching works
Collaboration and Rubric- strategies in relation to and
Based Assessments" -Attend school learning its appropriate teaching -Availability of the trainers on
action cell sessions for -Increase student students’ strategies. strategies for sustaining student
rubric development, teacher interest and improve their - Craft and include essential engagement through peer
feedback and coaching, academic grades LAC sessions on strategies collaboration and rubric-based
peer mentorship, and for sustaining Student assessments
engagement through peer
classroom discussions
collaboration and rubric- Solution: Sent a letter to the
-Online studies on different
based assessments" in principal to attend the training
student learning
School Improvement Plan and seminars. And include a
LAC session on SIP Crafting and
Table 2.1: PDP Matrix
"Digital and Alternative -Attend Workshops and - Increase teachers made - Register in any DEPED -Time Constrain
Resources for Effective Training on developing and and banking system for training and programs on
Instruction: Aligning with utilizing Digital and student's learning resource developing and utilizing -Teaching loads and auxiliary
Students' Learning alternative resources for Digital and alternative works
Objectives student learning in the resources for student
DEPED office -Increase student students’ learning -School calendar of activities
interest and improve their time allocation
-Attend school academic grades
benchmarking on best -Craft and developed LAC Solution: Ask for the school
practices on developing and session Learning resource calendar of activities and time
utilizing learning resources development on School allocation for benchmarking.
to other local schools in Improvement Plan Sent a letter to the principal for
DEPED attending the training and
-Developed School Miles seminars. And also include a
-Attend School LAC sessions Stones of activities on LAC session on SIP Crafting and
in learning resources benchmarking for best Enhancement.
development and utilization practices in the utilization
and development of
learning resources

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