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Engineering &

More Reservations. Happier Guests.™


3 Introduction
4 How to use this eBook
5 Maintenance procedures & standards
8 Stock of maintenance materials and items
10 Organizing repair projects in a manner that does not disturb guests
11 Handling renovation projects
13 Maintenance planning & preventative maintenance
25 Maintenance / repair requests by housekeeping or guests
30 Unplanned maintenance (emergency breakdown maintenance protocol)
36 Cloudbeds useful guides

Legal disclaimer
The SOP templates provided by Cloudbeds in this eBook is for general informational purposes only. Here we are

sharing our hospitality knowledge and experience but we make no representation or warranty of any kind
regarding the accuracy and completeness of this information. Please kindly use it as general recommendations
and references. It is the responsibility of the property to adapt it to fit its business reality and needs.

Table of Contents 2
Any successful property utilizes numerous processes in order to operate effectively and
efficiently. To ensure all processes are aligned and delivered consistently, all staff members
should be familiar with the property’s standard operating procedures. In the hospitality industry,
well-defined SOPs help deliver the best guest experience, ensure service and safety standards,
lower costs, reduce errors, and provide faster employee onboarding.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are written step-by-step guides on how to perform routine
or repetitive activities in the workplace.

Here, at Cloudbeds, we understand that independent properties may not have the time or
necessary sources to create their own SOPs. That’s why we have put together our hospitality
expertise to create this ebook. This tool is to help you document procedures for your hotel
processes involving engineering and maintenance.

Introduction 3
How to use this eBook
This ebook is divided into several parts, with each section covering each of the Engineering and
Maintenance processes.

● The “Purpose” section briefly describes the process and explains its importance.
● The “Procedure” section will outline the suggested procedures for each section. Please
review each of these sections individually and edit them to reflect your property’s
● The last section entitled “Tips” contains additional suggestions on how to improve the
process and COVID-19 recommendations to help to adjust to the current business reality.

We are covering several Engineering and Maintenance areas which will be a good starting point to
document your own SOPs. Still, we encourage you not to limit your documentation to the
mentioned procedures and to add all existing processes to these recommended SOPs. Cloudbeds
will be sharing more SOPs for other departments soon, so stay tuned for more updates.

Throughout the eBook, you will find links to the SOP
templates with the procedures covered here. To edit Get the SOP Templates
these templates, make a copy of the doc and then
customize the process to fit your business needs. While
customizing, be sure to upload your logo to brand your
new SOPs.

If you have a few minutes, we would greatly appreciate
your feedback which will help us improve and expand Share Your Feedback
our SOP library.

Introduction 4
Maintenance Procedures &
01 Standards


The main purpose of property maintenance is to maintain and repair all building systems, facilities,
and technical equipment without loss or interruptions. Some of the benefits of keeping a well
maintained property are:

● General safety: a repaired and well maintained building promotes safety for guests and
● Improved guest satisfaction: a problem-free stay results in happier guests.
● Revenue loss and legal liability prevention:
○ Happier guests write better reviews and are more likely to return to your property.
○ Preventative maintenance allows you to use equipment to its full ability. Parts can be
replaced before a breakdown occurs, preventing interruptions.
○ Well maintained rooms can be made available for sale at all times.
○ Preventative maintenance allows for scheduled, routine work and ensures that room
inventory management is efficient and updated frequently.
○ Properly maintained properties limit the chance for injury and accidents.

Properties should definitely see maintenance as an important investment.

Engineering & Maintenance SOP Templates Available

Download, customize and print your own SOPs to Get the SOP Templates
fit your property.

Maintenance Procedures & Standards 5

Hotel maintenance can be divided into the following categories:

Building Systems and Structure:

● Plumbing
● Electrical
● Lighting
● Ventilation, heating and cooling systems
● Elevators
● Doors
● Windows
● Walls
● Floors
● Stairs, etc.

Technical Equipment:
● Refrigerators
● Kitchen appliances
● Wi-fi system
● Staff computers
● TVs
● Security cameras

Room Interior:
● Carpeting
● Wi-fi systems
● Phone lines
● Room furnishing
● TVs
● Doors
● Windows
● Faucets

Building Exterior and Landscape:

● Pool
● Landscape in general
● Masonry
● Roof
● Emergency exits

● Parking lot/driveway/car park

To keep the property within safety standards, regular maintenance is necessary. The best way
is to keep a record of regular inspections, scheduled maintenance, and emergency repairs.

Maintenance Procedures & Standards 6

Although the maintenance routine can vary from one property to another, based on the size of the
property and the range of services it offers, below are the three most common types:

● Maintenance Planning:
○ Planned maintenance to check all equipment and hotel structure
○ Designed to detect potential failure, preventing unplanned maintenance
○ A regular schedule should be created and followed, based on the manufacturer
recommended timeline or usage guideline
○ The property should always keep a record of all planned maintenance
○ Examples: checking refrigerator motor, air conditioner filters, checking furniture, light
fixtures, smoke detectors

● Preventive maintenance:
○ Maintenance to perform repairs in all applicable equipment and hotel structure
○ Designed to ensure optimal guest experience, detect potential failure, and perform
minor repairs, preventing major operating problems
○ The property should always keep a record of all preventative maintenance
○ The main difference from the maintenance planning is that preventive maintenance
performs the necessary repairs identified during the maintenance planning
○ Examples: cleaning the air conditioner filter, repairing a wobbly chair, replacing a light
fixture or smoke detector wiring

● Unplanned Maintenance (Emergency Breakdown):

○ Maintenance to restore an asset to its functional state after a breakdown or tear
○ The goal is to perform it with minimal interruption and impact on the guest stay and
○ The property should always keep a record of all unplanned maintenance
○ Examples: fixing water leaks, replacing light bulbs that burned out, fixing broken items
such as doors, furniture, replacing broken phones

Safety Standards

The maintenance department is also responsible for ensuring all safety standards equipment is
compliant with local regulations. Below is the list of items to be inspected:

● Fire extinguishers
● Emergency lighting system
● Emergency exits signs
● Fire hose
● First aid kit
● Smoke detectors
● Sprinklers

● Emergency evacuation plan

Check local regulations about safety standards procedures and requirements for each one of the items
above, as this greatly varies based on the property type, size, and location.

Maintenance Procedures & Standards 7

Stock of Maintenance Materials and Items
The maintenance department should have access to a fully stocked and high quality tool kit.

Getting Started Checklist:

❏ Define the list of all essential tools and supplies to perform maintenance tasks and routines.
Some examples are:
● Light bulbs
● Hammer
● Nails
● Screwdrivers
● Tape measures
● Pliers
● Adjustable wrenches
● Power drill

❏ Define the minimum quantity of each item to have in stock. Be sure to consider the
● Property size:
○ Larger properties require greater numbers of supplies.
● Shelf life of each item:
○ You should not buy large amounts of items with a short shelf life. Order them
periodically instead.
● Usage history:
○ Analize how often you use an item.
○ You may need to wait at least 3 months to have a better understanding of this
○ Order a larger amount of items until you are able to gather precise data
about the usage of each item.
● Delivery schedule of each item:
○ Some may arrive weekly while others may be delivered less frequently.
● Seasonality:
○ For example, during summer months, the property will most likely need more
pool supplies than during winter months.

❏ Create a spreadsheet with the inventory stock information:

● Consider adding the following information:
○ Item = full name of the item (hammer, nails)

○ Date = date when the stock was checked

○ Min Quantity (Re-order Level) = quantity
○ Supplier = supplier’s name
○ Name = name of employee that checked the stock on this particular date

Maintenance Procedures & Standards | Stock of Maintenance Materials and Items 8

Stock of Maintenance Materials and Items
Item Date Min Quantity Quantity in Supplier Name
(Re-order Stock

Light bulbs 12/20/2021 10 12 The House of John Smith

Light Bulbs

❏ Cloudbeds integrates with Helloshift, which allows properties to keep track of their
maintenance inventory.

❏ Determine when to check the stock:

● Check daily if you keep your stock at a minimum number.
● Check weekly if you keep your stock at a more comfortable level.

❏ Organize your stock:

● Determine a logical way to arrange items.
● Items should be easy to find, use, and put away.
● Organize items by type, label each one accordingly.
● For perishable items, place older stock up front with newer stock behind to ensure
older stock gets used first.

Ongoing Checklist - Daily or Weekly:

❏ Check the current list of available products in your inventory:

● Count your stock physically and cross check the information with the existing
spreadsheet or app.
● Be sure to update the quantity if repairs have been performed.
❏ Determine if any materials need to be purchased at the last minute to meet your demand.
Contact the purchasing department if that is the case.
❏ Consider any last minute changes, unexpected maintenance or renovation requests.

Ongoing Checklist - Once a Month, Quarterly or Annually:

❏ Regularly review the list of materials utilized:

● Consider the shelf life. This will determine when you will need to review each

❏ Determine which products can be discontinued or replaced to prevent loss. For example,
products that are not compliant with the manufacturer's expected lifespan, resulting in
revenue loss, should be replaced.

Maintenance Procedures & Standards | Stock of Maintenance Materials and Items 9

Organizing repair projects in a manner that does not disturb guests

It is vital to find the right balance between minimizing the impacts on the guest stay and
experience while still ensuring overall safety and satisfaction.

Getting Started Checklist:

❏ Determine the best time to perform

the repair:
● Decide if it requires immediate attention. For example, is it a major water leak in a
guest room on a day the property is at 100% occupancy? Or is it a small crack on
the wall that can be fixed later?
● Consider the type of guest. For example, if most guests are business travelers that
stay out of the property during the day, the repair should be performed during
business hours.
● Consider the property's occupancy:
○ Major repairs should not be performed when the property is close to or at
full occupancy unless it is urgent.
○ Room moves should be considered if the repair will affect the customer for
an extended period of time or cause inconveniences.

❏ Confirm all required materials for the repair are available.

❏ Communicate the repair to all applicable parties:

● Send formal internal communication to all applicable teams.
● If the impact on the guest experience is significant, determine if compensation
should be offered such as a free meal, upgrade, or discount on the next stay and
inform all impacted departments.

❏ Communicate the repair to all applicable guests:

● If applicable, inform impacted guests before and during their stay.
● Utilize the Custom email template feature in Cloudbeds to create an email to be
sent to guests.
● Schedule it to be sent to all impacted reservations during the dates the repair will
be performed. Below is an example on how you would configure it.
● Be sure to confirm a calendar block is created when rooms need to be out of
service. If the repair may cause significant disturbances, consider also placing
nearby rooms out of service.

Maintenance Procedures & Standards 10

During Repair Checklist:

❏ Be sure to constantly check if the repair is on schedule. If not, inform all affected parties

After Repair Checklist:

❏ Inspect all repairs done by third parties.

Confirm there are no outstanding tasks.

● If any repairs are incomplete, not

done to an appropriate standard,
or not done according to the
contracted agreement, contact the
third party immediately to lodge a
complaint and request for further or
remediary service.

❏ Inform all applicable parties the repair has

been completed. Guests only need to be
made aware if it is impacting their current
stay or access to facilities.

Handling renovation projects

The main difference between repair projects and renovation projects is the fact that the
property needs to determine whether or not it needs to be fully or partially closed during the
renovation period. The impact of renovations is usually much more significant than repair

You can utilize the repair checklists listed above, as they encompass the same tasks of a
renovation project.

Maintenance Procedures & Standards 11

● Your list of priorities should always be flexible. Something that is not urgent today
may become urgent tomorrow. This will be critical in preventing emergency repairs.

● Oftentimes, replacing equipment will be better than keeping fixing the existing one
in the long run.

● Create calendar blocks to organize all planned guest room maintenance or repairs.
○ For example, if you are planning to paint a guest room on a future date,
promptly create the block to prevent reservations on these dates.

● The Housekeeping and Front Desk teams are powerful allies for preventive and
emergency breakdown maintenance. Be sure to ask for updates about the room
condition or guest feedback.

COVID-19 Tips:
● Ensure all team members wear a protective mask and gloves while performing
maintenance tasks.

● Ensure guests are comfortable with maintenance staff entering their room during
their stay.

Maintenance Procedures & Standards 12

Maintenance Planning &
02 Preventive Maintenance


The main purpose of maintenance planning and preventive maintenance is to ensure optimal
guest experience, detect potential failure, and perform minor repairs, preventing major operating
problems. Both planning and preventive maintenance promote a problem free stay and generate
savings, as unplanned maintenance (emergency breakdown) is usually more expensive and is
more likely to cause a major inconvenience for guests. For example, regularly checking pipes and
promptly performing repairs might keep them from bursting and flooding an entire floor.

Properties should see maintenance planning and preventive maintenance not only as an
investment, but as a way of protecting their business, and maximizing the well-being of their
property, staff, and guests.

The regular inspections below are part of both planning and preventive maintenance. The main
difference is that preventive maintenance performs the necessary repairs identified during
maintenance planning. Maintenance planning will become preventive maintenance as necessary
repairs are identified through regular inspections.

Engineering & Maintenance SOP Templates Available

Download, customize and print your own SOPs to Get the SOP Templates
fit your property.

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 13

Daily Checklist:

❏ Check your maintenance material and items stock:

● Check daily if you keep your stock at a minimum number.
● Check weekly if you keep your stock at a more comfortable level.

❏ Review urgent or non-urgent maintenance requests:

● Prioritize work accordingly.
● Update log or maintenance app.

Building Systems and Structure Maintenance:

❏ Check the water temperature.
❏ Check if the boiler or tankless heater is working properly.
❏ Check for leaks.

Structure (Interior and Exterior):

❏ Check doors, windows, walls:
● Confirm there are no cracks, peels, holes, or defects.
● Ensure there are no pests.
● Ensure all locks work.
● Ensure doors are latching properly.

❏ Check floors:
● Ensure there are no loose tiles, cracks or infiltration.
● Ensure wooden floors are sealed with no signs of rot.

❏ Check stairwells, confirm handrail and railings are properly secured:

● Confirm all lighting is working and there are no dark areas.
● Ensure no steps are loose.

❏ Check lighting in all hallways, parking lots, and rooms to ensure good visibility.

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 14

Exterior and Landscape:

❏ Check the rooftop and gutters for debris.

❏ Inspect the swimming pool:

● Clean it appropriately.
● Add water to the desired height.
● Check for leaks.
● Check water temperature.
● Test water PH and alkalinity levels, add chemicals.
● Inspect drains, ladders, filters and any important components.
● Inspect and clean tiles.
● Check the lighting.

❏ Landscape:
● Water plants or turn sprinklers on.
● Remove debris and all leaves from the grassy area.
● Remove unwanted plants (weeding).
● Pick up any trash and cigarette butts.

Room Interior:

The Housekeeping team is responsible for checking all room conditions before and after the
guest check-in on a daily basis and should inform the maintenance team if any item or
equipment needs to be repaired.

Additional Items
You may customize this list according to your property’s needs.


Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 15

Monthly Checklist:


❏ Regularly review the list of materials utilized:

● Consider the shelf life. This will determine when you will need to review each
❏ Determine which products can be discontinued or replaced to prevent loss. For
example, products that are not compliant with the manufacturer's expected lifespan,
resulting in revenue loss, should be replaced.

Building Systems and Structure:


❏ Inspect the water tank:

● Check for cracks or tear.
● Clean it appropriately.

❏ Check the boiler for leaks.

❏ Inspect pipes for cracks.
❏ Confirm the artesian well works properly.


❏ Ensure light fixtures are secure, with no wires exposed.

❏ Confirm lights are operating properly.
❏ Inspect ventilation, heating and cooling systems:
● Clean the filters.
● Inspect the equipment for condition.
● Check the temperature.
● Inspect for leaks.
● Check the wiring.
● Adjust chemical settings.
● Change air conditioning gas.

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 16

Technical Equipment:

❏ Inspect refrigerators:
● Check for leaks or defects.
● Check and record the temperature.
❏ Check all kitchen appliances:
● Confirm all work properly.
● Check the wiring.
❏ Inspect the wi-fi system:
● Check the cables.
● Check the signal strength.
❏ Check all TVs:
● Check the cables.
● Confirm all work properly.
❏ Inspect the phone lines:
● Check the cables and the equipment.
● Check if the signal is working properly.

Exterior and Landscape:

❏ Inspect the swimming pool:

● Brush segment from pool walls, ladders and slides.
● Inspect skimmer, pump, pump strainer, drains and filter to confirm all works
○ Run the pump long to ensure the water is properly filtered and each item
in the circulation system is clean and in good condition.
● Check the water temperature sensor.
● Clean the pool cover.

❏ Landscape:
❏ Inspect the irrigation system.
❏ Mow and edge lawn areas.
❏ Prune trees and shrubs.
❏ Fertilize lawns and plants.
❏ Look for and control insects and/or pests.
❏ Clean the water fountain, check for leaks.
❏ Check the area lighting.

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 17

Room Interior:

Guest Room:
❏ Inspect the wi-fi system:
● Check the cables.
● Check the signal strength.

❏ Inspect the phone lines:

● Check the cables and the equipment.
● Check if the signal is working properly.

❏ Check all TVs:

● Check the cables.
● Confirm all work properly.

❏ Check all windows and walls:

● Confirm there are no cracks, peeling, holes, or defects.
● Ensure there are no pests.
● Ensure all locks work.

❏ Check all doors:

● Confirm there are no cracks, peeling, holes, or defects.
● Check the door peephole.
● Ensure door latches securely.

❏ Check floors:
● Ensure there are no stains or other damage.

❏ Check the ceiling:

● Ensure there are no cracks, holes or peels.
● Check for water infiltration.

❏ Check all switches and outlets:

● Check for tears and defects.
● Confirm all work properly.

❏ Inspect ventilation, heating and cooling systems:

● Clean filters.
● Inspect equipment for condition.
● Check the temperature.
● Inspect for leaks.
● Check wiring.
● Adjust chemical settings.
● Change air conditioning gas.

❏ Ensure light fixtures are secure, with no wires exposed.

❏ Confirm all lighting is working and there are no dark areas.

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 18


❏ Follow the same checklist above for doors, walls, windows, floors, ceiling, switches, and outlets.

❏ Inspect all faucets:

● Check for leaks or tears.
● Confirm no part is loose.
● Ensure hot and cold water operate properly.

❏ Ensure the sink has no cracks and works properly.

❏ Inspect the vanity:

● Confirm there is no mold.
● Check for cracks or chips.

❏ Check the showerhead:

● Inspect the plumbing.
● Confirm there are no leaks.
● Ensure hot and cold water operate properly.
● Ensure it is secure.

❏ Inspect the toilet:

● Ensure it flushes properly.
● Check for leaks and cracks.
● Confirm the seat and tank are secure.

❏ Check the drains:

● Clean them properly.
● Ensure drains are working and free of tarnish.

❏ Check the shut off valves:

● Confirm they work properly.
● Check for leaks.

❏ Inspect the bathroom stall:

● Check if it operates smoothly.
● Check for mold.
● Confirm there is no tear, crack or chip.

❏ Ensure the shower rod is secure and free of tarnish.

❏ Inspect shower curtain and hooks for tears, cracks, mold, discoloration, and tarnish.

❏ Inspect the bathtub for cracks or leaks.

❏ Inspect all pipes for leaks or cracks.
❏ Check for mold and water infiltration where applicable.
❏ Ensure tower racks and grabbing bars are secure.

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 19

Quarterly Checklist:

❏ Check all security cameras:

● Check the wiring.
● Confirm they operate properly.
● Confirm they are positioned properly.

❏ Inspect staff computers:

● Check the wiring.
● Confirm they operate properly.
● Confirm all updates are installed (if applicable).

Biannual Checklist:

Room Interior

❏ Inspect all room furniture:

● Check for tears, cracks, or chips.
● Ensure there are no loose parts.
● Confirm all drawers open and close smoothly.
● Check the sofa and chairs for stains or rips.
● Ensure shelves are secure.

❏ Inspect curtains:
● Confirm rods are secure.
● Check for stains or tears.

❏ Inspect the bed:

● Check the quality.
● Check for stains or rips.
● Check the mattress springs.

Exterior and Landscape:

❏ Inspect all plants' health:

● Check if they need fertilizer for better growth.
● Prune trees and shrubs (frequency may vary depending on the plant, season,

and phase of the moon).

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 20

Safety Standards:

Check local regulations about safety standards, procedures, and requirements for each one of the
items below, as this greatly varies based on the property type, size, and location.

❏ Inspect fire extinguishers:

● Weigh and clean.
● Take pressure gauge reading.
● Check the expiration date.
● Ensure wall mountings are secure.

❏ Emergency lighting system:

● Confirm it works properly.
● Clean if needed.

❏ Confirm fire hose wall mounting is secure.

❏ Check the first aid kit:

● Confirm it has all essential supplies.
● Check the expiration date of all items.

❏ Inspect all smoke detectors:

● Test the batteries.
● Replace the batteries (if applicable).
● Clean smoke alarm of dust build up.
● Ensure the signal sounds when the test device is operated.
● Ensure it is safely attached to the ceiling or wall.

❏ Inspect the sprinkler system:

● Check all sprinkler heads.
● Confirm it is working properly, and there are no damages to it.
● Check for leaks and tarnish.

❏ Emergency Evacuation Plan signs:

● Check the signs for wear, confirm they have not been tampered with.
● Confirm they are securely attached to the wall.

Annual Checklist:

❏ Inspect elevator:
● Check if position indicator lights work properly.

● Confirm all buttons work properly.

● Operate the elevator going up and down and check if it works properly.
● Check the interior of the elevator car for damage to the walls, ceiling, and handrails.

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 21

After Inspection Checklist:

Properties must keep record of all maintenance planning, regardless if it was performed daily,
monthly, biannually or annually.

Consider adding the following information to your log:

● Area = if it is Building Systems and Structure, or Room Interior, etc.

● Item or equipment = which item or equipment was inspected
● Item/Equipment Serial Number
● Date = date the inspection was conducted
● Inspected by = name of employee that inspected the item or equipment
● Description = which item or equipment component was inspected
● Repair = does it need to be repaired?
● Notes = any additional notes you may need to add

Area Item/Equip Item/ Date Inspected Descriptio Repair Notes

ment Equipment by n

Room Door 12/12/2021 John Smith Cracks and Yes It has a

Interior peels crack on
the left

Cloudbeds integrates with Helloshift, which allows you to log your maintenance requests.

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 22

After Repair Checklist:

It is also vital that properties keep track of all preventive maintenance. Consider adding the
following information to your log:

● Area = if it is Building Systems and Structure, or Room Interior, etc.

● Item or equipment = which item or equipment was repaired
● Item/Equipment Number
● Date = date the repair was performed
● Inspected by = name of employee that inspected the item or equipment
● Work Order = add the work order number
● Description = which item or equipment component was repaired
● Notes = any additional notes you may need to add

Area Item/Equip Item/ Date Inspected Work Descriptio Notes
ment Equipment by Order n

Room Door 12/12/2021 John Smith #9924 Cracks and It has a

Interior peels crack on
the left

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 23

● Your list of priorities should always be flexible. Something that is not urgent today
may become urgent tomorrow. This will be critical in preventing emergency
● Depending on how busy the property is, a monthly task may need to become a
weekly task. Be sure to constantly evaluate the property’s needs.
● Oftentimes, replacing equipment will be better than to keep fixing the existing
assets in the long run.
● Create calendar blocks to organize all guest room planned maintenance or repairs.
● For example, if you are planning to paint a guest room on a future date,
promptly create the block to prevent reservations on these dates and to
keep your schedule organized.
● The Housekeeping and Front Desk teams are powerful allies for preventive
maintenance. Be sure to constantly ask for updates about the room condition or
guest feedback.
● Be sure to always update your maintenance inventory after every preventive

COVID-19 Tips:

● Ensure all team members wear a protective mask and gloves while performing
maintenance tasks.
● Ensure guests are comfortable with maintenance staff entering their room during
their stay.

Maintenance Planning & Preventive Maintenance 24

03 Maintenance / Repair Requests
by Housekeeping or Guests


The housekeeping team is a powerful ally for preventive and emergency breakdown
maintenance. As guest rooms are serviced either during or after the guest’s stay, the
housekeeping staff should take note of any damage or defect they notice, and promptly inform
the engineering/maintenance team.

Although properties should always strive to offer guests a problem-free stay, sometimes, they
may receive complaints or repair requests from guests. It is vital that properties swiftly react to
these, identifying the impact on the guest experience and providing a solution.

The engineering/maintenance team is responsible for prioritizing the requests accordingly and
performing the necessary repairs.

Engineering & Maintenance SOP Templates Available

Download, customize and print your own SOPs to Get the SOP Templates
fit your property.

Maintenance / Repair Requests by Housekeeping or Guests 25

Daily Checklist
❏ Review all maintenance requests received from the housekeeping, front desk teams or
directly from guests.

❏ Decide if the repair requires immediate attention:

● For example, is it a major water leak in a guest room on a day the property is at
100% occupancy? Or is it a small crack on the wall that can be fixed later?
● How many people does it impact?

❏ Determine the impact on guests and staff:

● For guest room repairs:
○ Does the guest need to be relocated to another room?
○ Will the guest notice and is this item a necessity? Many room items may
not be critical to the guest stay, and can be addressed later without
informing the guest, for example, if a room typically has two chairs,
removing one with a broken leg until it can be repaired does not
significantly impact the guest experience.
● Common area repairs: does the area need to be temporarily closed?
● Back office repairs: does the area need to be restricted or closed?

❏ Determine how long it will take to perform the repair.

❏ Determine how much the repair will cost.
❏ Determine the best time to perform the repair:
● Consider the type of guest. For example, if most guests are business travelers
that stay out of the property during the day, the repair should be performed
during business hours.
● Consider the property's occupancy. Major repairs should not be performed when
the property is close to or at full occupancy unless it is urgent.

❏ Decide if the repair can be performed by the maintenance team or by a third party:
● If it can be performed in-house, assign a team member accordingly.
● If it can be performed only by a third party, contact them to check their schedule.

❏ Confirm all required materials for the repair are available.


Maintenance / Repair Requests by Housekeeping or Guests 26

Daily Checklist
❏ Update your maintenance log accordingly. Consider adding the following information to
your log:

● Area or Room # = if the repair is for Building Systems and Structure, Room
Interior, etc.
● Item or Equipment = which item or equipment needs to be repaired
● Item or Equipment Serial Number = to help search for appropriate replacement
● Date = date the repair was requested
● Inspected by = name of employee that inspected the item or equipment
● Damage Description
● Estimated Repair Cost
● Notes = any additional notes you may need to add

Area or Item/Equip Item/ Date Inspected Damage Estimated Notes

Room # ment Equipment by Description Repair Cost

Room Door 6598 12/12/2021 John Smith It has a $500

Interior large crack
on the left

Cloudbeds integrates with Helloshift, which allows you to log your maintenance requests.

Maintenance / Repair Requests by Housekeeping or Guests 27

Before Repair Checklist

❏ Communicate the repair to all applicable parties:

● Send formal, internal communication to all applicable teams.
● If the impact on the guest experience is significant, determine if compensation
should be offered such as a free meal, upgrade, or discount on the next stay and
inform all impacted departments.

❏ Communicate the repair to all applicable guests:

● If applicable, inform impacted guests
before and during their stay.
● Utilize the Custom email template
feature in Cloudbeds to create an
email to be sent to guests.
● Schedule it to be sent to all impacted
reservations during the dates the repair
will be performed. Below is an example
on how you would configure it.

❏ Be sure to confirm a calendar block is created

when rooms need to be out of service.
If the repair may cause significant disturbances,
consider also placing nearby rooms out of service.

During Repair Checklist:

❏ Be sure to constantly check if the repair is on schedule. If not, inform all affected parties

After Repair Checklist:

❏ Inspect all repairs done by third parties. Confirm there are no outstanding tasks.
● If any repairs are incomplete, not done to an appropriate standard, or not done
according to the contracted agreement, contact the third party immediately to
lodge a complaint and request for further or remediary service.
❏ Inform all applicable parties the repair has been completed. Guests only need to be

made aware if it is impacting their current stay or access to facilities.

❏ Update your maintenance log and stock accordingly.

Maintenance / Repair Requests by Housekeeping or Guests 28

● Be sure to always keep up-to-date:
○ List of maintenance suppliers. Share it with all applicable team members.
○ Maintenance supplies stock inventory.
● Your list of priorities should always be flexible. Something that is not urgent today
may become urgent tomorrow. This will be critical in preventing emergency
● Oftentimes, replacing equipment will be better than to keep fixing the existing one
in the long run.
● Create calendar blocks to organize all planned guest room maintenance or repairs.
○ For example, if you are planning to paint a guest room on a future date,
promptly create the block to prevent reservations on these dates.
● Train your maintenance staff about basic etiquette to interact with guests:
○ Always knock on the door
○ Call the guest by name
○ Inform the guest about the repair to be done
● Ensure housekeeping has access to maintenance reporting systems and is trained
to use them. This will avoid tasks being forgotten or lost through verbal notification
of needed repairs.
● The housekeeping team is your first line of defense against insect infestation such
as bedbugs and roaches. Partner with their leadership to train them on how to spot
infestation early and communicate it immediately.

COVID-19 Tips:
● Ensure all team members wear a protective mask and gloves while performing
maintenance tasks.
● Ensure guests are comfortable with maintenance staff entering their room during
their stay.

Maintenance / Repair Requests by Housekeeping or Guests 29

Unplanned Maintenance
04 (Emergency Breakdown
Maintenance Protocol)


Emergency breakdown maintenance is required when an asset or equipment suffers an

unexpected malfunction or disruption that could potentially negatively affect the guest stay or
become a threat to the property’s staff or premises.

It is critical that properties promptly react to unplanned maintenance notifications or requests.

Carefully assess each one to determine how it can be solved with minimum impact on the guest
experience while still ensuring the safety of all parties and allowing the property’s operations to
continue normally.

Emergency breakdown maintenance is intended to restore the asset or equipment to a condition

in which it can function as expected by either repairing or replacing it.

Engineering & Maintenance SOP Templates Available

Download, customize and print your own SOPs to Get the SOP Templates
fit your property.

Unplanned Maintenance (Emergency Breakdown Maintenance Protocol) 30

Daily Checklist

❏ Review all urgent maintenance requests.

❏ Decide the type of repair

● Temporary, when you do not have all material to perform it, or the permanent
repair may significantly impact guests
● Permanent, an immediate fix that a temporary solution will not fully address or
may impact health and safety

❏ Determine the impact on guests and staff:

● For guest room repairs: does the guest need to be relocated to another room?
● If the impact on the guest experience is significant, determine if compensation
should be offered such as a free meal, upgrade, or discount on the next stay and
inform all impacted departments.
● Common area repairs: does the area need to be temporarily closed?
● Back office repairs: does the area need to be restricted or closed?

❏ Determine how long it will take to perform the repair.

❏ Determine how much the repair will cost.

❏ Determine the best time to perform the repair:

● Consider the type of guest. For example, if most guests are business travelers
that stay out of the property during the day, the repair should be performed
during business hours.
● Consider the property's occupancy. Major repairs should not be performed when
the property is close to or at full occupancy unless it is urgent.

❏ Decide if the repair can be performed by the maintenance team or by a third party
● If it can be performed in-house, assign a team member accordingly
● If it can be performed only by a third party, contact them to check their schedule

❏ Confirm all required materials for the repair are available.


Unplanned Maintenance (Emergency Breakdown Maintenance Protocol) 31

Daily Checklist

❏ Update your maintenance log accordingly. Consider adding the following information to
your log:

● Area or Room # = if the repair is for Building Systems and Structure, Room Interior,
● Item or Equipment = which item or equipment needs to be repaired
● Item Equipment Serial Number = to help search for appropriate replacement parts
● Date = date the repair was requested
● Inspected by = name of employee that inspected the item or equipment
● Damage Description
● Estimated Repair Cost
● Notes = any additional notes you may need to add

Area or Item/ Item/ Date Inspected Damage Estimated Notes

Room # Equipment Equipment by Descriptio Repair
Serial Number n Cost

Room Door 6598 12/12/2021 John Smith It has a $500

Interior large crack
on the left

Cloudbeds integrates with Helloshift, which allows you to log your maintenance requests.

❏ Print out the complete list of arrivals, departures and in-house guests from your dashboard
as a precaution against emergency situations.

Unplanned Maintenance (Emergency Breakdown Maintenance Protocol) 32

Before Repair Checklist

❏ Communicate the repair to all applicable parties:

● Send formal, internal communication to all applicable teams

● If the impact on the guest experience is significant, determine if compensation
should be offered such as a free meal, upgrade, or discount on the next stay and
inform all impacted departments

❏ Communicate the repair to all applicable guests:

● Inform impacted guests before and

during their stay
● Utilize the Custom email template
feature in Cloudbeds to create an email
to be sent to guests.
● Schedule it to be sent to all impacted
reservations during the dates the
repair will be performed. On the right is an
example on how you would configure it.

❏ Be sure to confirm a calendar block is created

when rooms need to be out of service. If the
repair may cause significant disturbances,
consider also placing nearby rooms out of service.

During Repair Checklist:

❏ Be sure to constantly check if the repair

is on schedule. If not, inform all affected
parties accordingly.

Unplanned Maintenance (Emergency Breakdown Maintenance Protocol) 33

After Repair Checklist:
❏ Inspect all repairs done by third parties. Confirm there are no outstanding tasks.
● If any repairs are incomplete, not done to an appropriate standard, or not done
according to the contracted agreement, contact the third party immediately to
lodge a complaint and request for further or remediary service.
❏ Inform all applicable parties the repair has been completed. Guests only need to be
made aware if it is impacting their current stay or access to facilities.
❏ Update your maintenance log and stock accordingly. Consider adding the following
information to your log:
● Area = if it is Building Systems and Structure, or Room Interior, etc.
● Item or equipment = which item or equipment was repaired
● Item/Equipment Serial Number
● Date = date the repair was performed
● Inspected by = name of employee that repaired the item or equipment
● Work Order = add the work order number
● Description = which item or equipment component was repaired
● Notes = any additional notes you may need to add

Area Item/Equ Item/ Date Inspected Work Description Notes

ipment Equipment by Order

Room Door 6598 12/12/ Mathew #9924 Crack and peels It had a large crack
Interior 2021 Johnson on the left upper

Unplanned Maintenance (Emergency Breakdown Maintenance Protocol) 34

● Oftentimes, replacing equipment will be better than to keep fixing the existing
assets in the long run.

● The hotel staff are powerful allies for emergency breakdown maintenance. Be sure
to constantly ask for updates about the room condition or guest feedback.

● Build strong relationships with hotels in your area that offer the same services, in
case you ever need to walk guests.

● Avoid at all costs downgrading a customer. If it is necessary, offer compensation.

● Utilize mobile devices to access the applicable systems when the power is out.

COVID-19 Tips:

● Ensure all team members wear a protective mask and gloves while performing
maintenance tasks.
● Ensure guests are comfortable with maintenance staff entering their room during
their stay.

Unplanned Maintenance (Emergency Breakdown Maintenance Protocol) 35

Useful Cloudbeds System Guides:


● Cloudbeds Marketplace integrations
● How to Create a Custom Email Template
● How to schedule emails for your guests
● How to block availability for all channels and direct reservations


● Cloudbeds Marketplace integrations
● How to block availability for all channels and direct reservations


● How to Create a Custom Email Template
● How to schedule emails for your guests
● How to block availability for all channels and direct reservations

Useful Cloudbeds System Guides 36

Thanks for using this SOP template to document standard procedures for your own
property! Your feedback will help us to improve and expand our Cloudbeds SOP library!
Please take a minute to share it here.

This SOP template is provided by Cloudbeds for general informational purposes only.
Here we are sharing our hospitality knowledge and experience but we make no
representation or warranty of any kind regarding the accuracy and completeness of this
information. Please kindly use it as general recommendations and references. It is the
responsibility of the property to adapt it to fit its business reality and needs.

If you would like to get more information about Cloudbeds products, request a free
demo and get in touch with one of our market managers here.

Your demo will include a custom walkthrough of Cloudbeds catered to your property’s
unique needs. Cheers to more reservations and happier guests!

© 2022 Cloudbeds. All Rights Reserved.


Useful Cloudbeds System Guides 37

Cheers to more reservations
and happier guests.
© Cloudbeds 2020. All Rights Reserved.

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