Format Data RTC

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linkid survey_direc survey_date survey_hours survey_minute num_veh1 num_veh2 num_veh3

01001 N 11/12/2018 6 15 20 3 3
01001 N 11/12/2018 6 30 50 33 4
01001 N 11/12/2018 6 45 150 133 6
01001 N 11/12/2018 6 60 75 58 8
01001 N 11/12/2018 7 15 100 83 3
01001 N 11/12/2018 7 30 112 95 5
01001 N 11/12/2018 7 45 125 108 4
01001 N 11/12/2018 7 60 200 183 2
num_veh4 num_veh5a num_veh5b num_veh6a num_veh6b num_veh7a num_veh7b num_veh7c
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0
1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
num_veh8 rtc_lat rtc_long consultant_id team_lead_id surv_tool_id
1 -6.872648300000 108.884295000000 1 1 1
2 -6.872648300000 108.884295000000 1 1 1
3 -6.872648300000 108.884295000000 1 1 1
5 -6.872648300000 108.884295000000 1 1 1
4 -6.872648300000 108.884295000000 1 1 1
2 -6.872648300000 108.884295000000 1 1 1
1 -6.872648300000 108.884295000000 1 1 1
1 -6.872648300000 108.884295000000 1 1 1
Column Name Data Type Length Description
linkid Text 8 noprop + ruas + sffx
survey_direc Text 1 direction of survey, N for normal or O for opposite
survey_date Text date of survey (dd/mm/yyyy)
survey_hours Integer hour of survey
survey_minute Integer minutoh survey in 15
num_veh1 Integer number of vehicle class 1
num_veh2 Integer number of vehicle class 2
num_veh3 Integer number of vehicle class 3
num_veh4 Integer number of vehicle class 4
num_veh5a Integer number of vehicle class 5a
num_veh5b Integer number of vehicle class 5b
num_veh6a Integer number of vehicle class 6a
num_veh6b Integer number of vehicle class 6b
num_veh7a Integer number of vehicle class 7a
num_veh7b Integer number of vehicle class 7b
num_veh7c Integer number of vehicle class 7c
num_veh8 Integer number of vehicle class 8
rtc_lat Decimal, using point not comma latitude of the point where data is taken
rtc_long Decimal, using point not comma longitude of the point where data is taken
consultant_id Integer ID konsultan from SMD
team_lead_id Integer ID team leader from SMD
surv_tool_id Integer ID alat survey from SMD
Kode Arah Survei Jalan
1.    N (Normal) – arah survei dari STA/KMPOST kecil ke STA/KMPOST besar (menjauhi pusat kota)
2.    O (Opposite) – arah survei dari STA/KMPOST besar ke STA/KMPOST kecil (menuju pusat kota)

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