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Real-Time Optimization of Drilling Parameters

The objective of real-time optimization

of drilling parameters is to optimize
weight on bit (WOB) and bit rotational
speed to achieve maximum drilling rate
and to minimize drilling cost. An exten-
sive literature survey of drilling-opti-
mization research was conducted for
the study described in the full-length
paper. The general equation for rate of
penetration (ROP) was optimized using
actual field data. D/A
Converter D/A
Introduction Rigsite Network
The objective of optimizing drilling Rigsite Network
parameters in real time is to arrive at a Operation Center Network
methodology that considers past drill-
ing data and predicts drilling trends to
advise of optimum drilling parameters
to save drilling costs and reduce the Optimization
probability of encountering problems.
To achieve effective optimization, an
extensive literature survey was conduct-
ed and the results of previous research- Fig. 1—Drilling-optimization data-transmission process; D/A=digital to
ers were considered in developing a analog.
drilling-optimization methodology in a
real-time environment. The linear drill- • Determine optimum drilling tive of maximizing footage drilled and
ing-ROP model introduced in 1974 that parameters specific to the formation minimizing drilling costs. Drilling opti-
is based on multiple regression analysis being drilled. mization can be achieved by preselect-
was used in real time to: The following assumptions are consid- ing the magnitudes of the controllable
• Achieve coefficients of multiple ered to be satisfied so that the equations drilling parameters.
regression specific to the formation. given in this study function properly: Most of the early studies described
• Determine an ROP-vs.-depth pre- • Bottomhole cleaning is achieved in the literature have foreseen a static
diction as a function of certain drilling effectively. drilling-optimization process. In the
parameters. • The bit and bottomhole-assembly past, drilling parameters were required
combination in use is one that is selected to be investigated off site because of the
This article, written by Assistant Tech- properly for the formation being drilled. lack of ability to transfer data in real
nology editor Karen Bybee, contains • The formation interval being drilled time. Recent studies have performed
highlights of paper SPE 129126, is considered to be homogeneous. drilling optimization in real time; how-
“Real Time Optimization of Drilling • The rig and auxiliary equipment ever among the investigated references,
Parameters During Drilling Operations,” are functioning efficiently. there is no work with statistical correla-
by Tuna Eren, SPE, Eni E&P, and Data from three directional offshore tions in a real-time environment.
M. Evren Ozbayoglu, SPE (currently wells in the Mediterranean area were Fig. 1 in the full-length paper gives
with the University of Tulsa), Middle used to test the methodology. the time line of some important
East Technical University, originally achievements in drilling and optimi-
prepared for the 2010 SPE Oil and Literature Survey zation history. In the 1950s, the sci-
Gas India Conference and Exhibition, Numerous detailed research studies entific period began, with expansion
Mumbai, 20–22 January. The paper has have been performed for optimization in drilling research, better understand-
not been peer reviewed. of drilling activities with the objec- ing of hydraulic principles, signifi-

For a limited time, the full-length paper is available free to SPE members at

48 JPT • FEBRUARY 2011

cant improvements in bit technology, mize applied WOB and string rotation. vs.-predicted ROP comparison chart,
improved drilling-fluid technology, and, Optimization is to be formation specific. shown in Fig. 6 in the full-length paper.
most importantly optimized drilling. A multiple-linear-regression technique The chart includes three different datas-
After the 1970s, rigs with fully automat- is used for the optimization methodol- ets for the same database. The available
ed systems and closed-loop computer ogy, which is a statistical approach. data section is composed of approxi-
systems with the ability to control the Multiple regression is used to find those mately 900 data points. The first dataset
drilling variables began to be used in oil parameters of an equation that cause is the one without any correction. The
and gas fields. In the mid-1980s, opera- the equation to represent the data best. second dataset is the one with only
tor companies developed drilling-opti- A computer program has been created WOB normalization. There is a two-fold
mization techniques in which their field to find the coefficients of the model, improvement in the coefficient-of-deter-
personnel could perform optimization mathematically correlating the ROP mination magnitude (R2) between the
at the site, referring to graph templates with the controllable and uncontrol- first and the second dataset. The third
and equations. In the 1990s, differ- lable drilling parameters. The task is to dataset is the interpolated form of data.
ent drilling-planning approaches were acquire drilling data at a rigsite network, The number of points in the dataset has
introduced to identify the best-possible transmit the acquired data to the opera- been reduced to approximately 100 by
well-construction performances. Later, tion center, perform the analysis at the interpolating the data points at a regular
“drilling-the-limit” optimization tech- operation center, and send feedback to depth interval. All parameters have been
niques also were introduced. Toward the rigsite. Fig. 1 shows the data-trans- sampled accordingly to have the most-
the end of the millennium, real-time mission methodology of the process. representative magnitude in reference
monitoring techniques began to be used The data-processing technique is to what the actual data readings were.
(e.g., drilling parameters started to be performed on the drilling dataset to Also, the bit-rotation correction caused
monitored off site). A few years later, achieve the general-linear-ROP-equa- by the mud motor has been performed
real-time operations/support centers tion constants. The equation constants for the third data group. The coefficient
started to be constructed. Some opera- determined are used in the general of determination is within a two-fold
tors proposed advanced techniques in equation to predict drilling ROP as a magnitude in reference to the latter.
monitoring drilling parameters at the function of input drilling parameters.
rigsite. In recent years, drilling param- Fig. 4 in the full-length paper shows Conclusions
eters became easily acquired, stored, a schematic representation of the work- Data quality is very important for real-
and transferred in real time. Following flow for a multiple-regression analysis. time drilling optimization. Data should
the invention of the sophisticated and The minimum number of datasets for be representative and accurate when
automated rig and data-acquisition a multiple regression to solve an 8×8 used as an input for multiple-regression
microelectronic systems linked to com- matrix is five. The coefficients for the first analysis. Results indicate that instead of
puters, a range of drilling-optimization five datasets are solved first, and then the including all available data points, a
and -control services began to be avail- loop is repeated to solve for coefficients, reduced number of sampled data points
able. With advanced smart-computer each time including one more set of data. (i.e., representative of the existing data
systems, drilling ROP and bit lives were The loop is continued until the number trend) could give much more accurate
optimized by performing drilloff tests. of requested datasets is processed. A results. This is attributed to the spiky
Currently, state-of-the-art, high-speed computer program has been created to trend of the raw data. During real-time
Internet-protocol communication sys- perform the necessary calculations. operations, the data could be sampled
tems are functioning with microwave The multiple-regression technique is at certain intervals.
broadband networks as useful tools for based on a regression model that con- Another important point is consider-
oil and gas operations, enabling deploy- tains more than one regressor variable. ation of the wellbore inclination in the
ment of faster, more-efficient networks Multivariate data analysis is characteriza- analysis. The WOB was converted into
to the fields. tion of an observation unit by several the vertical component of the WOB, to
variables. Multivariate-analysis methods use the normalized magnitude of the
Drilling-ROP Model and Theory are affected by the changes in magnitude applied WOB. It was observed that use of
The drilling-ROP model adapted for of several properties simultaneously. the normalized WOB resulted in greater
this study is a function of eight inde- Multiple regression considers all possible accuracy of the ROP prediction and,
pendent variables, as in the model interactions within combinations of vari- consequently, more-accurate results for
introduced in 1974. The reason this ables as well as the variables themselves. the optimum drilling parameters.
model was selected is that it is one of This study demonstrated that drill-
the most complete mathematical drill- Representation of Results ing ROP could be predicted at rela-
ing-ROP models that has found wide Table 1 in the full-length paper gives tively accurate levels, on the basis
acceptance within the drilling industry. the minimum, maximum, and average of past drilling trends. The optimum
data-input ranges of three important WOB and bit-rotation speed could be
Optimization of drilling parameters for the wellbore- determined to achieve minimum-cost
Drilling Parameters section results presented. The well was drilling. It is believed that by means
A drilling-ROP model is defined to drilled directionally in the target forma- of effective communication infrastruc-
accomplish the unique objective of this tion, which was dominated mainly by tures and through team efforts, effi-
study—that is, to conduct real-time shale and sand in a 12¼-in. hole. cient real-time drilling optimizations
analysis for drilling-ROP optimization. One of the most important outputs based on statistical syntheses are not
The objective of the study is to opti- for the data analysis is the observed- too far in the future. JPT

JPT • FEBRUARY 2011 49

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