Chapter 1 - The Tigers

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Guyenne, 1350

It was a starry night, the crickets were chirping as usual and the mosquitoes were surrounding the
swamps, at first glance it may seem like a very normal night indeed but that night was a hell for the
people living in the village which was called Enfer, the count of guyenne has acquired the remaining of
Grand Inquisitor's research materials and he is trying to do the same horrible act which the Inquisitor
and his Inquisition did, he is trying to purge all the villages, towns and estates. Neighbouring regions
were unable to help because all of their armies were weak and fragile in front of Count Maxime, They all
were afraid of him because he had something which he called le grand travail which translated to The
Great Work.

People of Enfer were being butchered by the count's army, the houses were on fire and the people who
lived in them either burned along with them or either got killed by the soldiers. The army didn’t cared
about women and children either, all they cared about was following orders. People couldn’t do
anything except screaming, crying and running, that day was doomsday to them.

Even after all of this there was still a secret order who was working against Maxime and it was called
“The Tigers”. Tigers worked secretly, nobody was aware of their existence and yet nobody ever tried to
uncover them because they were nomads who used to travel through regions in order to hunt their
targets, their targets consisted of tyrants, slavers, smugglers, murderers and oppressors. This order's
goal was to make this world a better place for the weak, poor and good people. Strategy was the main
core of this order, they believed that strategy can always outsmart more numbers hence strategy was a
one big reason with the help of which tigers assassinated their targets. Although tigers consisted of
thiefs, looters, pickpockets, scrappers, alchemists yet they had their set of rules which they followed
sincerely, They were like this:-

• They will only kill those who tries to stand in their way
• They must end their targets quickly and must kill them without any extra pain and suffering
• They shall not kill any soldier/target in a horrible way
• If anyone from the outside world somehow discovers their existence then they must either kill
him or capture him

These were the rules which tigers followed. There was not a single rule regarding trust issues because
the members trusted each other so much that they were ready to trust each other with their lives, After
all the tigers consisted of only six people…..

To be continued…

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