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It was dark. As I stood, gazing at the dilapidated house. I shivered in the icy cold
weather; the cold air enveloped my entire body. The multiple layer of clothing
could not protect against the deathly cold. The walkway leading up to house were
cracked. Weeds and dandelions poked out from these cracks. Red roses grown
wildly in thick batches by the gate. Vines formed a twisted maze upon the side of
house, reaching their tentacles towards the roof. The house's walls showed black
decay by neglect. Cobwebs covered the corners of the doors, tiny black spiders
threading towards their prey. The house is fit for the kings and queens of the

The door begrudgingly creaked open. A musty, dank order creep into my nose. The
house was dead silence except for the intermittent creaks and moans. Black and
brown mold dotted the ceiling in clusters, evident of rain seeping through the roof.
I quietly entered the dark living room. Windows covered with grime and dirt, the
calm moonlight struggled to penetrate the darkness in thin thread rays. Sharp
shadows roamed around the room. The sofa and chairs overturned revealing deep
grooves on the ground where they used to sit. Wallpaper lay curled on the floor. A
large jagged hole dug through the wall stood as though daring any to enter. Picture
frames hanged off-centered. Sharp shadows roamed around the room. A misplaced
grand bookcase stood the corner of the room, undisturbed for a long time.
Selecting the correct book could reveal a secret doorway into a labyrinth.

I made my way back into the hallway, a slimmer of light came from behind a door.
I approached and opened the door. I had reached the bathroom. The single window
was mildly dirty, a flood of light flowed into the room. Dust swirled around the
room as I made my way inside. The medicine cabinet mirror lay shattered in pieces
on the floor tile. Empty medicine bottle lay in the porcelain sink. The only sound to
be heard is the drip, drip of the faucet. A closer look revealed the discoloration of
the water, a brownish concoction. A lone mouse stood sentry at the bottom of the
tub. Never having a visitor in a while, it curiously eyed me before scuttling away.
Approaching the bathtub, a violent odor made it way to my nose. Pinching my
nose, I leaned over and peered inside. Crusty rags filled the bathtub, little hints of
movement underneath them. It would be unadvisable to see what is under the rags.

I arrived at the foot of the staircase. I stood and peered at the top, wondering when
a twisted head person will crawl down and have me for dinner. I summoned
strength and tiptoed my way up the stairs. Each step intensified the moaning and
creaking as if the steps could collapse at any moment. I turned to the right, and met
my final destination. The door did not give way easier, a forceful push was needed.
Stepping inside, a dresser seem to have been pushed against the door, attempting to
deny anyone entry. I could make out the silhouette of bed, edging in closer for a
better look. A toy dinosaur lay missing its head on the bed. The sheet was
splattered with a dark color. The wind intensified outside, the rustling of the leaves
and branches were louder. In the corner, a little chair began to rock slowly. The
room had once belonged to a boy. The thin strips of wallpaper showed little trucks.
Crayon markings scrambled upon the wall where wallpaper used to stick. The
carpet squished as I walked. Little picture frames remained face down on the

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