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The direct answer to the question above focuses on the energy meridian at the side of the hand

(the Karate Chop point in EFT), which is the small intestine meridian. Each energy meridian is
part of a network that is related to a body organ or function, and each one embodies a way of
thinking, a story about what is happening inside us, physically, mentally, emotionally, and
spiritually - our way of responding to life.

When the energy is flowing freely, the small intestine meridian's essential purpose is to support
our choices about what information to incorporate when we are feeling divided, or pulled in more
than one direction. This makes sense when we think of what the small intestine does
physiologically. Its job in digestion is to separate what is most useful in the food from what will
become waste.

The small intestine meridian is paired with the Heart. According to Chinese medicine, the
Heart holds the Spirit, the totality of the person's life force as it expresses through the
personality. So the function of the Heart network is to propel the blood, enfold the Spirit, and
maintain awareness.

The small intestine protects the Heart by filtering out negative input, both from food waste and
effects of damaging energies like shocking surprise, deep sorrow, or even overwhelming joy.
When we are under a lot of stress, the Heart is disturbed and our thinking becomes confused,
and we become exhausted, breathless, and anxious.

The Heart meridian is the most important meridian for healing thought, feeling and personality.
A balanced Heart energy is joyful, radiant, outgoing, loving, generous, optimistic, and giving.
When it is unbalanced it is careless, forgetful, distracted, restless, maybe unrealistically

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