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Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

3 2 2 2 2 1

Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 65 XP

Special Abilities:

Cat’s Eyes: Witchers have excellent night vision. When making skill checks, they remove up
to two Setback imposed due to darkness.

Mutant Physiology: The effects of the Trial of the Grasses give Witchers supreme endurance
and resistance to many forms of disease and poison:

• All Witchers treat Resilience as a class skill

• Witchers reduce the damage and strain penalties imposed when drinking a potion by 4.
• Witcher add two boost die to Resilience checks versus Disease and Poison

Witcher School Training: All Witchers are created by a specific school, each of which
focuses their training on a different area. Select one of the following schools and gain their
bonus feature:

• Wolf: Witchers from the School of the Wolf are adept at defending themselves in
combat. When using a melee or brawl weapon, you may treat the weapon as having a
Defensive rating one rank higher to a maximum of 3. If the weapon has no Defensive
trait, it gains Defensive 1.
• Cat: Witchers from the School of the Cat are trained in striking with precision. When
using a melee or brawl weapon, you may treat the weapon as having a Vicious rating
one rank higher, to a maximum of 4. If the weapon has no Vicious trait, it gains
Vicious 1.
• Viper: Witchers from the School of the Viper are experts in the use of poisons and
oils to impair their foes. Add one boost die to your attack rolls when using a weapon
with a poison or oil equipped. Add one boost die to Alchemy rolls to create poisons or
• Griffin: Witchers from the School of the Griffin use Sign magic more heavily than the
Witchers from other schools. When using the Sign Magic skill to cast a spell, the cost
is only 1 Strain rather than 2.
• Bear: Witchers from the School of the Bear focus on dealing heavy damage to their
foes. When using a melee, brawl or ranged weapons, they may treat the weapon as
having a Pierce rating one rank higher. If the weapon has no Pierce trait, it gains
Pierce 1.
Witcher Career:

• Athletics
• Alchemy
• Knowledge (Monsters)
• Melee (Heavy)
• Negotiation
• Sign Magic
• Survival
• Vigilance

Background comments

• My current plan for Witcher alchemy potions is that they are creatable through
Alchemy and can grant a number of useful effects but inflict both Wounds and Strain
when drunk (currently thinking 5, reduced for Witchers by Mutant Physiology down to
1 - so Witcher potions can theoretically be used by non-Witcher characters but it will
really hurt). Having more than one effect active at a time requires a pretty difficult
Resilience roll (3 purple), upgraded by the number of effects that will be active (e.g.
drinking a second potion is 2 red, one purple). Failure results in a long lasting
(encounter length) Disorient condition (or nastier if despair/threat rolled)
• Sign Magic will be a separate skill from Arcane
• They really don't have much XP to play with, but get some decent bonuses and the
various class bonuses should stay useful throughout an entire campaign as well.
• The career skills were tricky to decide on as there are so many that make sense to
include. Adding Resilience to the species was a way to get another in (also that is the
one that I would consider is a direct result of their mutation, so should be possessed by
all Witchers even if they have chosen a different career for some reason). I'm also not
sure whether to have a career per school to represent the different training differences
- e.g. Cat would have Stealth in there somewhere, Viper could have Melee (Light)
rather than Melee (Heavy).

Any feedback? Hoping to hear some other opinions :)

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