T TH HE E A AN NV Viil L: Birmingham, Alabama MARCH 14-116, 2008

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MARCH 2008

MARCH 14-116, 2008

INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Anvil, Issue 204, Is the monthly newsletter of the USS
Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of Starfleet, The International Star Trek
Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are
owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a devision of
Hephaestus Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

Captains Announcements 1 WEB LINKS

XO Briefing 2
Communications Report 2
Starfleet Renewal Reminders 3
Fun & Games www.region2.org
USS Hephaestus
Wordsearch 5

Enterprise News

SUBSCRIPTIONS to the Anvil are available for $10.00 per

Anton Yelchin Says New Move is to be its On Star Trek year. Canadian subscription rate is $12.00 per year. Individual
Film 6 issues may be purchased by sending your address and two unaf-
fixed first class postage stamps to Starfleet, USS Hephaestus,
Bruce Greenwood Says Star Trek Move Has Strong
2912 Dublin Dr N, Helena,AL 35080-3740. Back issues to
Artistic Voice 6
January 1997 are available for $1.25 per issue. The deadline for
Lindelof Interview 7 contributions to The next Anvil is Tuesday Feb. 18th.
Fan Film Review: Star Trek Odyssey 8 Submissions should be sent electronically to
TheAnvil@charter.net, or on disk to Dennis Evans, 365
Former Tucsonan Consults on Star Trek 9
Belcher Dr., Midfield Al. 35228, in DOS, Word Perfect or Word
Takei On "The Howard Stern Show" 10 format.

Editor Danny Potts

Layout, Graphics and Publishing Dennis Evans
Medical Reporting Sheila Benton
Communication Reporting Dennis Evans
Treasury Reporting Danny Potts

HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the

forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world's largest iron statue,
that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our Starfleet chapter
the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which
has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor
and weapons for the gods. We create our own "armor and
weapons" here, in our newsletter, so it is called THE ANVIL.




Greetings, Programs! same. I think we can all look forward to this

The 2008 Region 2 Summit is upon us! Every
year, we get a chance to spend a weekend It's been a while since I've talked about the
enjoying the company of our fellow Region 2 Region 2 World of Warcraft Guild. It's time to
members, and 2008 looks to be more of the revisit that subject! The World of Warcraft Guild
same. My family and I will only be attending on is growing at an amazing rate! It's a rare night
Saturday this year, due to the Disney trip being that we don't have close to 10 people playing at
the following weekend, but we look forward to the same time, which is quite an accomplish-
seeing you there! ment, considering that a year ago we didn't have
that member people in the Guild!
In February, the crew cisited the Southern
Museum of Flight. Attendance was amazing! I mentioned the new Star Trek movie coming
Over 15 members (and friends of members) met out later this year (now 2009). I'm also loking for-
at the Arby's in Eastwood Mall and caravaned ward to seeing a few other films that are sched-
down to the museum. My personal favorite was uled to be released soon. There's a new Indiana
the Tuskeegee Airman exhibit. Jones movie, Iron Man movie, and even a Speed
Racer film! Lots to look forward too!
April 2008 will bring the third annual Spring
Fundraiser to the home of the Mohneys. We It's a short report this month, so you have more
raise a lot of money each year for the club, and time to read the rest of The Anvil. Get to it!
this year is a great opportunity to do more of the



The February trip to the Southern Museum of March 7-9 in Montgomery. There’s still time to
Flight was a great success! First we met at register for the weekend, or you can attend on
Arby’s for lunch, then we went on to the just Saturday or Sunday. Another important
Museum. It houses a wonderful collection of vin- event coming up is the first science fiction con-
tage flying machines and airplanes that tells the vention to be held in Birmingham in quite a few
story of man’s learning to fly. Important pioneers years: OmegaCon. It takes place the weekend
in aviation including notable women aviators are after the Summit, March 14-16. There will be no
also represented at the museum. My favorite Hephaestus social in March, but we can all look
exhibit was the section telling the story of the forward to the spring cookout scheduled for April
Tuskegee Airmen. It had sound effects which 19. Its one of my favorites. See you at the busi-
made it seem like we were really on the airfield. ness meeting March 3.
Coming up in March are two important events. Pat HIcks
Remember the Region 2 Summit the weekend of


Just wanted to remind everyone of the upcoming Summit as well as OmegaCon, bothof which are
this month. The Summit is always a lot of fun and well worth the expense.

OmegaCon should be fun as well, show your support for this convention and make sure it can come
back next year and get bigger and better.

The deadline for the next Anvil is Tuesday March 25th. Please get me your submission by that date.




deGruy 3/27/2008
Simmons 4/12/2008
Benton 5/24/2008
Hicks 5/22/2008
Hurst 5/22/2008
Greening 5/22/2008
Lindsay 8/03/2008
Carr 8/04/2008
Miller 8/04/2008
Mohney 11/03/2008
Evans 11/10/2008
Yawn 11/27/2008
Potts 2/20/2010



Command Staff Executive Committee
Danny Potts, Vice Admiral – Captian Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain
Pat Hicks, Captain - 1st Officer Denby Potts, Rear Admiral
Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain – Second Officer Lynnette Yawn, Lt.

Sciences Navigation
Roy Green, Col - Archaeology and Anthropology Pete Mohney, Vice Admiral

Computer Sciences Flo Hurst, Cdr.

Communications Security
Dennis Evans, Captain, Chief Roy Green, Col, Security Intelligence, Chief
Pat Simmons, Captain Charlie Boartfield, Crewman
Melissa Boartfield, Crewman
Sheila Benton, Lt Cmdr, Chief Medical Officer, SFMD

Operations Marines
Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain, Chief of Operations and Counselor Neil Yawn, Brigadier, SFMD
Denby Potts,Rear Admiral, Ships Stores Officer and Secretary Roy Green, Col
Sheila Benton, Lt Cmdr, Stampede Coordinator, SFMD Sheila Benton, Lt. Col.
Lynnette Yawn, Lt, Ship's Galley Officer

Cadet Training Unassigned Crew and Civilians

Haley Youngblood Cadet Apparent Gloria Greening, Lt.
Matthew Potts, Cadet Recruit Nicholas Mohney, Ensign
Katrina Mohney Edward deGruy, Lt. Comm
Tara Mohney MarkAdam Miller, Lt. J.G.
Athena Youngblood Brenda Miller, Ensign






Anton Yelchin Says Goal of the New of myself in what you’re doing.”
Movie is to be its Own Star Trek Film Yelchin explained how he prepared for the role “I
Anton Yelchin sat down watched the old shows and got really into the charac-
with ReelzChannel’s ter and I talked to J.J. and asked him...sort of what
Leonard Maltin to discuss he wanted to keep and what he wanted to get rid of.”
playing Pavel Chekov in Regarding the Star Trek franchise and the Chekov
J.J. Abrams’ upcoming Star character, Yelchin said “It’s really interesting inhabit-
Trek prequel movie, now ing this person because there’s this legacy before
set for release May 8, him. You have to do your own thing and remain
2009. He met with Walter respectful at the same time. I think that’s the goal of
Koenig (the original the film, is to be its own Trek film and not just a
Chekov) and Koenig said, repeat of what you’ve already seen, but remain
“Looks like you guys are respectful to the old show and remain entertaining to
really being smart about people who have been fans of this for forty years.”
this and doing your own
thing, and yet I see traces

Bruce Greenwood Says Star Trek Movie “The disclosure agreement is like, THAT thick,” he
Has a Very Strong Artistic Voice added, holding his arms six inches apart, before lift-
ing his jacket over his head and wrapping his face in
his coat. “We go to the set like this. I’m not
kidding...that’s all we can do!”
MTV Movies Blog post-
ed a brief interview with Greenwood claims he is a fan of the two-part TOS
actor Bruce Greenwood, episode “The Menagerie”, which starred the late
who plays the new Jeffrey Hunter as Captain Pike.
Captain Christopher Pike
in J.J. Abrams upcoming Given that MTV interview took place at the Spirit
Star Trek prequel movie. Awards, where stars gathered to celebrate voices in
Here are few excerpts of independent cinema, did Greenwood see a discon-
the article. nect with “Star Trek,” a big-time blockbuster if there
ever was one?
“I can’t tell you any-
thing! I gotta stop talking “No,” he said. “[‘Star Trek’] stared with a very strong
to you. Don’t ask me artistic voice, [and our movie] is a celebration of that.”
anymore questions!” the
veteran actor laughed on the blue carpet at the
Independent Spirit Awards, where he was being hon-
ored for his work in the Bob Dylan biopic “I’m Not



Exclusive: Lindelof Talks Trek Essentials Bob Orci.

+ Lost/Trek Connections TrekMovie.com: Well he has read the books too
Damon Lindelof: Yes that’s true so he is even out-
The core team behind the new Star Trek has been side canon.
described as a “Supreme Court” comprised of co- TrekMovie.com: So quickly then, what is your
writers Bob Orci and Alex Kurtzman, along with direc- favorite series, movie and episode?
tor JJ Abrams, executive producer Bryan Burk and
producer Damon Lindelof. Lindelof (also the Emmy- Damon Lindelof: Favorite movie: Wrath of Khan.
winning show runner for Lost) is said to be one of the Favorite series: Next Generation. Favorite episode:
bigger Trek fans on the team and so TrekMovie.com the series finale of Next Generation, where it starts
decided it was time to have a chat. In part one with Picard picking fruit with Geordi and he sees
(below) of our interview, Lindelof describes his Trek Tasha Yar and so on and so forth. I would go on to
favorites, Lost/Trek connections and what he sees as say that it is probably the best series finale of any tel-
essential in the new Trek. evision series ever.

TrekMovie.com: I have met everyone else on the TrekMovie.com: In a way it almost feels like Lost
Supreme Court, but not you feels now, with the flash forwards and flashbacks.

Damon Lindelof: Well I am the silent judge who Damon Lindelof: The episode tonight [“The
sits in my robe in the back and quietly waits for Constant”] is our version of “All Good Things” which
everyone to get locked up in a vote and sweep in to we had to do at this point in the series and not at the
write the majority opinion end or we would be really ripping it off. It is definitely
an homage to that sort of storytelling
TrekMovie.com: What kind of robe do you wear? A
Vulcan robe or a bath robe? TrekMovie.com: Can we expect any Lost ‘Easter
eggs’ in the movie? I know there was one in MI3.
Damon Lindelof: Its a little bit of a combo. It terry
cloth Vulcan robe. It is interchangeable. You can use Damon Lindelof: And there was one in Cloverfield
it to sit on the high council or to just step out of the as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if something like that
shower. It is handy dandy…available soon from happened…All I have to say is Trek is its own uni-
Paramount marketing verse and we would never impinge on it with some-
thing that affected story. But we might throw a nugget
TrekMovie.com: I know you are on the Trekkie or two of fun little things to acknowledge that might
wing of the court pop up in the movie
Damon Lindelof: Just for the record the true TrekMovie.com: As a Trek fan. What do you think
Trekker is Bob. I would say that on the spectrum of is the essential component of Trek that will appeal to
Trekkers, on a scale of 1 to 10, Bob is about a 7 and audiences today even though it is a forty year old
I would be somewhere in the 5 neighborhood. And franchise?
Bryan, JJ and Alex would be somewhere in the 1-4
range varying. I have seen all the episodes of The Damon Lindelof: What has always been appealing
Original Series and am a huge fan. Plus pretty much to me about it — aside from the sense of exploration
all the episodes of Next Generation and then I sort of and the wonder of waking up in a job and never
floundered in the Deep Space Nine, Voyager, know what you are going to find that day as opposed
Enterprise era. I have seen all the movies, of course. to the monotony of it all. What always has been awe-
But I would not hold myself to the high standards of some about Trek for me, and what makes this movie



great, is the idea of this real team of people. This all together — Scotty and Uhura and Spock and Kirk
iconic crew of people and each person has their own and Chekov and Sulu and Pike — that you go ‘wow’
function and they all interrelate with each other in This is what it is all about, the crew.
interesting ways. Although the center of the movie is
the relationship and conflict between Kirk and Spock,
the reality is, when we are on the set…when they are

Fan Film Review : Star Trek Odyssey Pilot the sexuality of other crew members play out?
Bobby Rice took over the role of Ro from another
Before there was Star Trek: New Voyages there was actor during the run of STHF and effectively captured
Star Trek: Hidden Frontier, an ambitious online fan the character coming to terms with his sexuality. The
series that ran from 2000 through a final episode in series ended with his marriage to a fellow officer. On
the summer of 2007. Notable for its use of green- his own again and in command, the new story arc for
screen technology to place actors in interesting Star Ro is also promising.
Trek settings, a diverse cast, and gay and lesbian
subplots, STHF was successful enough to warrant a The episode begins with a confident new score and
spin-off. The new series, Star Trek: Odyssey, like opening sequence, as well as a strong first scene
STHF, is set after the canon events of Star Trek: The that introduces Romulan Sub Commander T’Lorra,
Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and played very well by Michelle Laurent. Highlights
Star Trek: Voyager. include the interaction between Ro and his husband,
Lieutenant Commander Corey Aster, reprised by
A new threat from outside the Milky Way has guest star (and episode director) JT Tepnapa, includ-
emerged within Romulan space and an uneasy ing a hilarious but too-short scene of the couple try-
alliance of Alpha Quadrant powers attempt to repel ing to find a few minutes alone for sex before they
the invaders. The enemy is an alien race from the embark on their mission, as well as brief appear-
Andromeda Galaxy with the technological capability ances by other STHF characters. Matthew
to build wormholes. Returning from STHF is Lt. Montgomery is promising in a brief glimpse as Dr.
Commander Ro Nevin (again played by actor Bobby Owen Vaughan.
Rice), a happily married and gay Bajoran Starfleet
officer. After a successful attempt to destroy the However, the pilot episode is a surprising disappoint-
wormhole, Ro and the surviving crew of the U.S.S. ment, especially after the vast improvements in act-
Odyssey are stuck on the wrong side and running ing and production values gained by the end of
from their enemies in the Andromeda Galaxy. Ro STHF. Bobby Rice seems to have lost some of his
becomes captain of the starship and embarks on a previous confidence in the character of Ro, with only
journey back to the Milky Way and his husband remi- glimpses of the natural and mischievous spark he
niscent of the Greek hero Odysseus in Homer’s previously brought to the role. I suspect this is mostly
Odyssey. due to the exposition and speech-making the charac-
ter is forced to make during the episode.
The gay-friendly storyline is perhaps the most prom-
ising aspect of STO, and in the pilot episode “Illiad”. Most disappointing is the new alien race. Even
Will Ro stay faithful to his husband or will he be accepting the human-like similarity between races in
tempted by others during the journey home? How will the Milky Way, I had hoped, and actually expected,



the aliens from an entirely different galaxy to be radi- Some of the acting is top-notch, while some is sur-
cally different. Per usual in Star Trek depictions of prisingly bad and ineffective. The plot meanders from
aliens, however, they are human-like, with face paint long moments of exposition and technobabble to
and archaic speaking patterns offered as the only dif- rather good but brief moments of character introduc-
ferentiation from humans. There are hints that the tions (well, except for the Andromeda Galaxy aliens)
alien culture will be developed in future episodes (Are and character development. There is no question that
they bisexual? Newly ruthless?) and the alien vehicle I will continue to tune in to STO, with hope that this
and hardware designs are quite wonderful. series will not devolve immediately into the rehashing
Unfortunately, an opportunity for the fan filmmakers and lack of confidence and innovation of STV, which
to truly strike out on their own with a unique Star Trek had a similar plot.
vision appears to have been wasted.

Former Tucsonan consults on ‘Star Trek’ me about his thoughts on sci-fi flicks. He mentioned
the movie ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’ Since ‘2001’ is
By Phil Villarreal my all-time favorite sci-fi film, it made me think this
pvillarreal@azstarnet.com guy thinks like me. I was ‘in’ at that point.”
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 02.28.2008 How familiar are you with the “Star Trek” franchise?
“I was one of the originals. I watched Captain Kirk
Beam me up, J.J. back in the ‘60s. I used to actually take my younger
brothers to ‘Star Trek’ conventions. I watched (‘Star
That was the nature of former Tucsonan Carolyn
Trek: The Next Generation,’ the series with) Picard
Porco’s response when J.J. Abrams, director of next
and the first ‘Star Trek’ movie, ‘Star Trek: The Motion
year’s “Star Trek” film, asked her to serve as a scien-
Picture.’ I’ve seen ‘The Wrath of Khan.’ “
tific consultant on the movie.
What will you work on?
Porco, a former faculty member at the University of
Arizona, will advise graphics technicians after the film “Not at all with warp drives and phasers. I’ll proba-
has been shot, lending a measure of credibility to the bly be working with them creating astronomical
imaginary technology depicted onscreen. The movie, scenes, planetary scenes, whatever there’s going to
which depicts the early adventures of series icons be.”
Kirk and Spock, is due out in May 2009.
Do you think you’ll have to shoot anything down?
Porco, 54, served in a similar capacity for “Contact”
“I doubt there will be very much shooting down
(1997). She’s the leader of the Imaging Science team
(with) inane things like phasers. I’m going to be the
on NASA’s Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and
planetary policewoman. That’s what I’ll try to be. I’ll
Titan, director of the Cassini Imaging Central
be consulting, but in the end it’s Abrams’ decision
Laboratory for Operations at the Space Science
what he takes and what he doesn’t of my advice.
Institute in Boulder, Colo. and an adjunct professor at
From what I can see, this is a sincere group of peo-
the University of Colorado.
ple trying to get it right. From what I’ve seen, the idea
How did Abrams approach you? is to make this movie different. Of course, it’s still
gonna be ‘Star Trek.’ “
“He called me on the phone and started talking to



What do you think of the science in other sci-fi to work under those conditions. So, you have to vio-
movies, like “Armageddon?” late something to begin with. Sunlight illumination on
Saturn is 100 times less than what we have here.
“ ‘Armageddon’ I didn’t even watch. People told me
High noon on Saturn is like early twilight on Earth. If
it was very badly done. So ridiculous. I did watch
we were to make our Cassini pictures look totally
‘Deep Impact.’ That wasn’t too bad.”
realistic, you wouldn’t be able to see them because
Are you worried about tarnishing your reputation if they would be too faint.
“Star Trek” is really outlandish?
“Another fact is you basically lose your color
“You know how these things go. If you do some- response when solar illumination is dim. So, things
thing right, another person gets the credit. Do some- would look pretty colorless if we were to aim for per-
thing wrong and you get the credit. In the end, fect realism.”
Abrams makes the decision. . . .
If you’re involved in filmmaking and would like to be
“It would be lovely to get some of the real solar-sys- featured in a Q&A, write to
tem phenomena on the big screen. You can’t really pvillarreal@azstarnet.com.
expect reality. You couldn’t realistically depict objects
as they would be observed at 10 astronomical units
away from the sun because our eyes are not evolved

Takei On 'The Howard Stern Show' although at first, he had no intention of ever returning. "I
realized eventually that a lot of people were listening to his
Saying "no" initially doesn't mean they'll give up and show," said Takei. "But it wasn’t my cup of tea. I told my
leave you alone, George Takei found out when it came to agent I would not wish to do that anymore."
The Howard Stern Show.
Takei did not realize how big a fan his partner Brad was
As reported at Title, his first appearance on Howard until Takei was offered the job of official announcer on the
Stern's radio show as a real eye-opener for Takei. "I was Stern show. "When I told Brad that I was offered this," said
doing a play in New York, in 1990 I think, and when you Takei, "he got all excited and said that I had to do it. So
are doing a play they arrange daily interviews, and on a I’m looking at Brad saying, 'I thought I knew you Brad.' So
particular morning my assignment was to go to this radio I did the show for him."
station on Madison avenue," explained Takei. "So I went
there. At that time, I didn't know Howard Stern from Adam. Takei was no stranger to lewd humor though. At the roast
So I am in the guest waiting room, and the radio was on for William Shatner hosted by Comedy Central, Takei tore
and it was the grossest and most disgusting conversation. into his former co-worker. "In the past we had conversa-
And I said to the guy next to me, 'Why don't they get some tions about his hobby, about him trying to get all the lines
nice music in here?' He said, 'That is the show you are and close-ups," explained Takei, "but I was finally able to
going on.'" take my shots at him at this thing and really let it out. Over
all the years, he really could just not pronounce my name
But more surprises were in store for Takei. "I walked into right. Everyone else could, but not him. But after the roast,
the studio, and there is this wild, skinny guy," said Takei. he is getting the name correct now. I could not get it into
"We exchanged salutations, and then he said, 'Oh, you his noggin then, but I got it onto his noggin now. It is
have a deep voice. Anyone with a voice like that must George Takei, just think of it as 'toupee.'"
have a big dong.' I stared at him and said, “Are we on the

It was the beginning of Takei's association with the show,


Helena,AL 35080-3740
2912 Dublin Dr N
USS Hephaestus

http://www.sfi.org ASSOCIATION


Vice Admiral Danny Potts
http://www.ussheph.org Helena, AL. 35080
(205) 620-1302
P.O. Box 94288 Captain Pat Hicks
Lubbock, TX 79493-4288 2729 Windcrest Circle
ATTN: Membership Processing Gardendale, AL 35071

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