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Mã số: TEST/E

WRITTEN TEST Ngày ban hành: 4/11/2023

Lần sửa đổi: 00

Time allowed: 60 minutes

Name: ......................................................................................................... Total:
Job tittle: .....................................................................................................

I) Circle the best answer (20 points)

1) I don’t know………….people
A. many B. much C. a lot D. few
2) We live near…………. the river
A. of B. from C. by D. -
3) John is a good worker. He works very….
A. hardly B. hard C. good D. many
4) The radio‘s much too loud, please turn it………..
A. low B. up C. down D. out
5) Would you like some sugar?
- Yes, please just ………..
A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
6) How much time do you ……………. holiday?
A. make at B. bring to C. give for D. spend on
7) Mr. Brown …………… in London when I last saw him
A. was working B. is working C. has worked D. will work
8) The film was ……………. we went out of the cinema.
A. very boring that B. so bored that C. so boring that D. very bored
9) No one can make me ……….. my mind
A. change B. to change C. changing D. changed
10) In the last two decades, space exploration …………………. great contributions to
weather forecasting.
A. is making B. has made C. make D. makes

II) Give the correct form of the words in brackets (20 points)
1) Truth I believe you because I know you are………………
2) Satisfy Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your
3) Child During his ………………………., the family lived in Cornwall.
4) Popular He owes his……………….. largely to his sense of humor.
5) Advertise Have you seen the latest ………………………………. for Pepsi?
6) Neighbour I know all the boys who live in my …………………………..
7) Similar There is a great …………………..between Hari and his twin brother.
8) Courage Her parents………………………….. her to apply for the job.
9) Sleep I fell so …………….that I am going to bed.
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Mã số: TEST/E
WRITTEN TEST Ngày ban hành: 4/11/2023
Lần sửa đổi: 00

10) Arrange Does this…………………….suit you?

III) Guided sentence building (20 points)
1) What/ population/ of/ Hanoi?
2) How long/ it/ usually take you/ do/ homework?
3) You/ know/ how much/ it cost/ make/ Concorde
4) His doctor/ advise/ him/ stop/ smoke
5) Peter/ bring up/ his uncle/ countryside/ after/ parents/ die/ car accident
6) If/ I/ be/ you/ I/ start/ learn/ a trade
7) This/ most interesting story/ I/ ever read
8) My father/ look forward/ heard about/ results/ my exams
9) How many units/ this book/ you/ study/ this week.
10) I / apologize/ him/ not able/ arrive/ on time
IV) Read the passage carefully and find the best answers which following (20 points)
“A man was tried of living in his old house in the country and wanted to sell it and find a
better one. He attempted to sell it for a long time, but he was not successful. At last he
decided to solve the problem by using an estate agent. The agent came and discussed
several things with the house owner. A few days later he advertised the house in some
papers. The owner saw a very attractive photo of, with a wonderful description of its
garden, in an expensive magazine. After looking through the advertisement, the house
owner telephoned the estate agent and said to him:” I am sorry, Mr. Jones, but I’ve decided
not to sell my house after all. After reading your advertisement, in the magazine, I can see
it’s just the kind of house I want to live in all my life”
1) The man wanted to sell the house because
a) He was sick
b) He didn’t like it any more
c) He need a lot of money
d) He didn’t have a garden
2) An estate agent is a person who…….
a) advertises your house in paper
b) take photos of your house
c) works for an advertisement office
d) can help you sell your house
3) What did the house owner see in the magazine?
a) The picture of his house
b) The advertisement of his house
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Mã số: TEST/E
WRITTEN TEST Ngày ban hành: 4/11/2023
Lần sửa đổi: 00

c) Both A & B
d) The estate agent
4) Which statement is not true
a) The man decided to sell the house
b) Te house prepared nice in the magazine
c) The man had an estate agent help him.
d) The house had a beautiful garden.
V) Writing (20 points)
Introduce yourself and your latest job. What is the best job for you?





















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Mã số: TEST/E
WRITTEN TEST Ngày ban hành: 4/11/2023
Lần sửa đổi: 00




I. Circle the best answer (2P per sentence, total: 20P)

1 X
2 x
3 X
4 X
5 X
6 X
7 X
8 X
9 X
10 X

II. Correct form of the words in brackets (2P per sentence, total: 20P)
1 Truthfly 6 Neighbuorhood
2 Satisfaction 7 Similarity
3 Child hood 8 Encourage
4 Popularity 9 Sleepy
5 Advertising 10 arrangement
III. Guided sentence building (2P per sentence, total: 20P)
1. What is population of Ha Noi?
2. How long does it usually take you to do your homework?
3. Do you know how much it costs to make the Concorde?
4. His doctor advises him to stop smoking
5. Peter has been brought up his uncle in the countryside
6. If I were you I would start to learn after his parents by a car accident.
7.This is the most intersting story I has ever read.
8. My father is looking forward hearing abount the results of my exams
9. How many units in this book have you studied this week?
10. I apologize him for not being able to arrive on time.
IV. (5P per sentence, total: 20P)
1 X
2 X

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Mã số: TEST/E
WRITTEN TEST Ngày ban hành: 4/11/2023
Lần sửa đổi: 00

3 X
4. X

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