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MANUAL ON PLANNING & DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS ‘CENTRAL DESIGNS ORGANISATION CENTRAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ‘CENTRAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CENTRAL DESIGNS ORGANISATION _ MANUAL ON PLANNING & DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS Volume IT FOREWORD _ Tam glad to know that the first volume of the Manual on & Design of Multistoreyed buildings” dealing with the ts of planning and structural analysis has been very well- by the design engineers. This volume dealing with the and detailing aspects will make the manual a comprehen- ive handbook. Iam particularly happy that the Computer Cell ‘the Central Designs Organisation has been able to evolve ina * short time computer programmes required for evolving | design charts and tables which, I am sure, will add to the | i. of this Manual. IT would like all the Engineers in C. P. W. D. connected with gn of buildidgs to make full use of this manual. Detut V. R. VAISH 12th May, 1977 Engineer-in-Chief o PREFACE The first volume of the manual on ‘Planning & Design of istoreyed Buildings with preliminary design and structural lysis was published last,year. This volume deals with the design and detailing aspects Structural design is an innovating process. Though the codes and textbooks deal with basic principles, there are many gaps which have to be filled by the structural designer himself based on his experince and ingenuity. The CPWD have designed and constructed a number of multi-storeyed buildings all over the country and the expertise accumulated by the department in the course of years is sought to be reflected in the manual which out- lines the procedure of design of various structural elements, illus- trating the same with the worked-out examples. During the course of evolving structural designs of various buildings, a number‘of design aids (tables and charts) have also been prepared. These have been added at appropriate places in the manual The Computer Cell of the Central Designs Organsation has done valuable work inevolving programmes for structural analysis and design. Some of the tables and charts have been prepared on the basis of the computer programme evolved by this céll. These are calculated to meet the requirments of the practical designer. Specimen drawings appended to this Manual indicate the various structural details that are to be exhibited on working drawings. Tt is hoped that this Manual, with its worked out examples, design charts, tables and specimen drawings would serve asa prac- tical handbook for structural designers and fill a long-felt need. S/Shri SC Gupta, PK Ratho, Deepak Narayan, Bapu Somasekhara, SS Juneja, Jose Kurian, RC Grover, Engineers of the CDO have enthusiastically participated inthe preparation of this Manual. My thanks are due to all of them. My special thanks are to Shri PK. Ratho for helping me in drafting the Manual and to Shri Jose Kurian for preparing the computer programmes and analysis in such a short time. Any Suggestions for improvement of the Manual would be gratefully received. ‘New DELHI T. S. VEDAGIRI Chief Engineer (Designs) w CONTENTS DESIGN OF FOUNDATIONS Shallow foundations =. . . . 3. Pedestals ~ rine: tia an 4. Design of isolated Foctngg, in aces aS 6-5. Combined footings =. 67. Grade beams... oe 68, Raft foundations ©. 6-9, Iustrative examples... 1. DESIGN OF SLABS, BEAMS AND COLUMNS 7-1, Ultimate load method of design =. wt 72. General requirements 2... 73, Design of slabs EB Pes 8 DETAILING OF REINFORCEMENT . im LIST OF TABLES “13, Values of Kt for T Sections =... 14, Shear reinforcement vertical binders... 15, Bond length for bars in tension oa: 16, Bond length for bars in compression . |. 17, Permissible stresses in concrete... 18, Permissible stresses in steel reinforcement. 19, Area of bars in slabs. ed "20, Areas of groups of standard bars ees "21, Perimeter of groups of standard bars Age 22, Reinforcing characteristics . =... 23, Conversion factors for metric and "6-6. Design of combined footings & conventional (rigid) method. 1. Under reinforced rectangular sections, mild steel, concrete mix M150 2 Do. ‘M200 a Do, M250 4“ Do. “High strength steel, concrete mix MISO 5. Do. M200 6. Do. ‘M250 7. Doubly reinforced rectangular section, mild steel, concrete mix M150 8. * Do. M200 9 Do. M250 10. Do. ‘High strength steel concrete mix ‘MISO 11. Doubly reinforced section, high strength steel, concrete mix. M200 2 Do. . . . M250 PAGE m 172 13 174 176 116 178 178 180 194 196 197 213 223 230 233, 234 235 236 237 238 239 241 242 243 245 246 246 247 249 250 251 251 w CHARTS 1, Biaxial moment relationship 5 2. Rectangular section-Mild steel reinforcement at opposite edges, —— — 0-80 3. Do. 0-85 . Do. 0-90 EB Do. : 0-95 As a 6, Rectangular section—Mild steel reinforcement —-at each face —~ =0 0 2 Do. 085 8. Do. 0-90 9. Do. 0-95 dt 10, Rectangular portion high tensile steel reinforcement of opposite edges = =0-80 1 iL. Do. 0-85 12 Do. 0:90 2B. Do. 0.95 As a 14, Rectangular section high tensile see! reinforcement —— on each face > = 080 a 15. Do. 08s | 16. Do. 0-90 17. Do. 0.95 PLATES 1. Details of footings reinforcement = 4 .. 2, Details of column reinforcement = : a 3, Defhil'Af slab reinforcement ss tt 4A, Detaila of beam reinforcement 5.05.5, \,itonoita: botnets Vea im CHAPTER 6 DESIGN OF FOUNDATIONS the load from a column or a wall is spread over a large area by providing a ure on the soil is limited to. the recommended safe bearing pressure al stress distribution on the soil depends on the properties of the soil ‘and the rigidity of the footing. The stress distribution underneath a flexi- ‘on cohesionless material is as shown in Fig. 6-1, The stress resting on a soil possessing both cohesion and angle of internal min Fig. 6-2. For design purposes, the pressure due to a concentric load is formly distributed over the entire area of the footing if the load is ap- ‘of the gravity of the bearing area. In order to avoid tilting of footings, the footing should, as far as possible, be symmetrically distributed. ‘This applicable for’ combined footings and footings with strap beams. LOGE STRESS DEPLNOS OV Fait QLAIH OF COO7INE OF LE OSAE A PLL SSUL XSTEEU TION AancATH A RIG AOOTNG [ev 4 voose cawsancess sor] Le nl ss A EDGE STRESSES May BE VERY LARC, (b) GENERALLY FOR COHESIVE So/t, Fig. 6.2, 172 _, 1:1 Foundations of column footings may be designed to have adequate stiffness. Thus it is suggested that the design of the column footings based on elastic: theory may be adopted. It is desirable that the length of the footing beyond the face of the column is limited to three times the depth of the footing. Where, it is not possible to adhere to this limit and instead a thin and long footing is proposed, the assumption of uniform bearing pressure may be veri- fied with reference to the sub-grade ‘reaction of the soils. Alternatively the: design may. be based on the theory of beams on elastic foundation. 6-1-2 The recommended safe. bearing capacity is based onthe shear failure criteria or the settlement consideration, whichever the lower value. In both the cases the re- commended value is for the net increase in vertical pressure which may be permitted on the Soil at the particular reduced level and location. 6-1-3, When two footings are in close proximity,. the effect of interference may be exa- mined. In addition, when either of the footings is at a higher level it is to be ensured that for. granular soils, ‘the clear distance between the two footings is atleast equal to twice the difference of the foundation levels and is not less. than half the width of the footing. In clayey soils the clear distance should not be less than twice the difference of level from the bottom ‘of higher footing to the top of lower footing nor less than halt the width of footing. FoorIwG Iv GRANULAR sole roorna in clayey o/b ‘Shope er JING LINE a) Sebeae tett” fue weenras STEEPER Than TWO MORIZONTAL 10 one veRtica (5) To OME VERTICALCR) AG. 6.3 : 6-2 Spread Footings : 6-2-1 Due to the resulting economy, it is suggested that sloped footings may be provided where the thickness of the footing at the column is more than the minimum. thickness to bbe provided at the edge of the footing. It is also suggested that in large sized footings, (i.e. when the projection beyond the face of column on any side is more than twice the effective depth at the face of the column) half of the reinforcement, in each direction, may be curtailed at 0-1B from the edge of the footing. (Where B is the width of the footing). However, before ‘curtailing the reinforcement it “may be checked that the adequacy of anchor length for the bar and the requirement of bond beyond the point of curtailment are ensured. 2-2 Normally, footings are designed for axial load. However, footings may have to bbe designed for moments in addition to axial load when it produces’ appreciable variation of pressure on the foundation. Generally, the moment effect may be considered when the difference of maximum and minimum base pressure is more than 15% of the average. If this difference is less than 15% the effect of moment may be very smail in which case it may be neglected and the footing "designed for axial load alone. On the other hand, if the maximum base Pressure exceeds the allowable net soil pressure for the axial load condition alone by more than 25% when the effect of eccentricity is considered, the size of the footing will need reproportion- If the eccentricity of the» resultant from the centroid is very large, negative pressures may result. Since the soil cannot grip the footing to hold it in place, the area of the footing, which 8 in tension, is comsilered neste, andthe) prewoe stibution recalculated. (Refer example), 198 with moments or eccentricity about both axes. ce Cocety Can redily LOCMTED ON AOOPNG BOT PUT QUBRTUENING ATOMLNT LE es 1.25 , permissible bearing pressure on foundation for concentric load and with no ‘moments, pressure may be exceeded at the edges of the footing by 25 per cent when footings ‘the combined effect of axial load and bending moments. ‘The base area of the footing may be proportioned in such a way that the- footing to witstand, the Joads without ceeding the, permissible stresses and, permis ipressure. Normally the pressure on the soil should be uniform under all footings 30 that the settlement may be as nearly uniform as possible. 5. ‘The recommended safe bearing pressure for soil, in the case of spread footings, ‘on the size and shape of the footing. When} the difference in the width of adjax ‘in a building is appreciable, say by] more than 50% of the width of smaller gant differeatial settlement. may result if both the footing are designed for the bearing pressure. In such cases each footing may be designed for the appro- ity. Alternatively, a strap beam may be provided to take up the moments erential seitiement. Generally, a layer of lean concrete may be provided beneath the structural footing ievelling course. In. such a case, a clear cover equal to 25 mm plus, the diameter nt subject to a minimum of 6 ems. 10 the bottom most layer of reinforcement isto be provided. sanaree ae ery column may be provided with a pedestal of minimum 15' ems. depth and a pro- ound of 15 cms beyond the column. The height of pedestal may be calculated from | ; tga the requirement of vertical bond length for the main reinforcement of the column as per para 6-4 (V). AO £55 THAN 1G EME ADeSTAL FOOTING Fig, 6.5 6-4 Design of Isolated Footings : For notmal sized columns with axial load, sloped footings, square in plan, is obviously the most suitable choice. Where, however, the’ columns are subject to. overturning spegusly or site conditions so require, a rectangular sloped footing may be necessary. The following soe: soda of ei arpa se {) The load on the foundation is obtai fdding tor the oad “Pon the column a cena poroomlage, si" 5.pereen, on account of the ilgence im weight oye footing and equivalent ‘mass of ‘carih. Dividing the ‘otal load by the recom sale bearing pressure fn the soil, the required area of the footing is obtained when the column is aallg estore For columns with appreciable over-turning moments the size of the footing is, obtained from the equation in para 6-2-3 by successive trials. = (i) After drawing the pressure diagram, the bending moment at the face of the pedestal is compated as, the moment of the forces acting over the entire area of the ‘footing ABCD fas shown in Fig. 6-6. ‘ caine aL |SECTION Fee BENLING Ie Saalacih B & Fig. 66 (iil) The required effective depth ‘d’ is calculated from the formula M=Rbd2. Where “b’ is the effective width of section under bending compression which may be taken as equal to the sum of the width of the column/pedestal plus effective depth of the footi at the face of the column/pedestal. - M> Bending moment on the section under consideration, ~ ‘i aa f. =Permissible stress in compression in concrete in bending. k =Ratio of depth of neutral axis to effective depth. Ratio of lever arm to effective depth (calculated with reference to the triangular distribution of stress, over the trapezoidal area in compression). y 5 i a ‘which is equal to 195 saunaenT wei Zone oro I (x. bred — bas6 Niet a | Sb re — 4067 of 0 should generally not exceed ¥4 otherwise shuttering for the top slope will be ‘effective depth, required, from punching shear consideration, is determined at a distance P fof the pedestal by dividing the total force beyond the periphery at this ible punching shear stress which may be taken as twice the permissible ‘due to diagonal tension. of the two effective depths determined from punching and bending considera- ‘heeked for the adequacy of bearing pressure on the footing and the adequacy the main reinforcement of the column. .'The bond length, is obtained by dividing ‘of the actual compressive stress in thé bar and the diameter of the bar by 5 issible average bond stress. When the column bars are under tension the bond i dividing the product of the actual tensible stress in the bar and the the bar by ines the permisible average bond ses, To ‘provide this length the ‘and taken parallel to the bottom side of the footing. In order to avoid pun- ‘concrete due'to. high compressive stress of the bar at the bent, it is suggested that bond length should atleast be equal to the product of the actual compressive stress and the diameter of the bar divided by 5 times the permissible local bond stress. fequisite depth of footing on local bond stress consideration is not provided the “he pedestal may be increased to cover the additional bond length. cffective depth required from the consideration of shear as a measure of on is checked at a vertical section located at a distance from the face of the column the effective depth of the footing. i) On the basis of the finally adopted effective depth, the area of the reinforcement required is ted from the formula M Ase Fax “Area of reinforcement. .=Permissible stress in stel reinforcement. xdy=Lever arm reinforcement thus provided is checked for the bond stress by considering the crit ‘at the face of the column/pedestal, the shear force being equal to the to- ction considered for bending moment purpose. ii) In two. way reinforced rectangular footing the reinforcement in the long direction uniformly across the full width of the footing. In the short direction the total at requires provided in three, bands. The spicing is closer in the contal band width of the footing. 176 . In the short direction ratio of the amount of reinforcement in the central band width 2 SHI Where S is the ratio of the long side to the short side of the footing. The balance reinforce: ‘ment is provided in the remaining length of the footing beyond the central band. to the total quantum of reinforcement in short direction should be equal to be ratio If spread isolated footings for a particular column cannot be povided due to limitations combed ie eet abutting. @ property line, the foundation for this column may” ‘be combined with the foundation of adjascent column by providing a strap beam or a combined footing with or without a beam. S51 A combined rectangular footing is possible when the resultant soil pressure lies H_ct Prxond the mid-point ‘between, the columns measured from the column abutting: proper line, If however the resultant lies within the limit of L/2 and L/3" where L is distance beteece it, Columns) then a. trapezoidal. combined. footing, may be provided. ‘A. strap footing ‘may ‘be wed Where the (distance, between columns is so great that a combined or trapezoidal footing) tease quite narrow resulting in high bending ‘moments. CONDITIONS FOR VALID TRAPEXOIDAL FOOTING Solution FI¥.6.8 652, A combined footing is also necessary when the footings of two adjascent columns Fee oor gttls cas, if the property line limit does not exist, the length and. breadth of com: Pined footing is so chosen as to have minimum design momett for the footing. When the dis fance kbetween the columns ‘is not’ considerable, (say 6 times the thickness of the footing) a footing without [beam is suggested. If’ however the distance is considerable, single beam of uniform depth connecting the two columns and extending from one end of” the footing to {ithe ‘other, may be provided. In this case the size of the footing may be so. chosen i to make the design moment in the span between the columns equal to the higher of the moments (due to two cantilevers. When the distance between the columns is considerable the max mum heaving moment in the centralfportion may be considerably greater than the moments, ai the, faces of the columns. In such aicase the central, portion may be economically designed as a ‘T’ beam ‘section with the followihg limitations ! The flange thickness shall be not less than one half the width of the web and the total flange width shall be not more than 4 times the width of the web, 6-6 Design of combined footings by conventional (rigid) method: the footing is infinitely stitt ion. For the design of a com- bined footing supporting several loads, the following procedure is adopted. 17 ey ‘eae att ont | 4 es ony Wertades -Q323-HE nae jah oie fase af, f 3 ; free (aI (arf eat: @ ures) o Of ere max- 2EQ P a. 34-8) b E w a mine o ae. ae < ia T 4 ty re ; Pressure J mat, Wi oe tm. Ai afi Inamenk are Shawn yan mangers ar eee or ons af dete Mate portry £06. EI the magnitude of loads and positons of columns, the position of the resultant Wherever possible the length and position of combined footings is so adopted as to feenire of gravity of the combined footing coincide with the line of action of the ‘of the column loads. Where this is not possible on account of restrictions at site, ee Toad from the centre of gravity of the footing is determined formula, Ques +Qx¢2—Ques—Ma =Q ihe ccentricity is Tess than or equal t0 1/6b ofthe Tength of the footing, the maximum fase pressures, per-metre length are calculated fom the formula 19, & : =—(+—) ec. Th shear fore, diagram ‘along the length of the footing fs dawn, The sear at Jars tual to" the algebraic sum of al. vertical forces 0 the left or right of the (abich is equal to the difference of the column loads acting downwards and the total give 10 the” soil presure acting upwards). 178 * () The bending moment diagram along the length of the footing is then drawn. ‘The bending moment at any section is equal to the algebraic sm of moments due to all the forces ‘and reactions to the left or right of the section. (which is equi! to. the moments of all the column loads on one side of the section minus the moment due to the soil reaction on the same side of the section). (vi) The footing is designed as a continuous beam to resist the shear and bending mo- ments) thus calculated, (vii) The footing is designed for transverse bending in the same manner as for spread footings. 6.7 Grade beams: ‘The LS, Code stipulates that Grade beams are to be provided for buildings with isolated footings in Zones III, IV & V. These grade beams can cither be placed at the’ foundation level or at about plinth level. ° The bbeams are designed for taking up the load of filler walls and to stiffen all ae CME, as el The beams are designed for moments due to vertical loads and moments due to seismic forces. With this arrangement, the column is considered as restrained at the grade beam level and designed accordingly for moments due to vertical loads and horizontal seismic. shear. This hhas the effect of reducing the height of the point of contraflexure and thereby ‘reduce the moments on columns. ‘The isolated footings of such columns need not be designed for moments as the effect will be negligible except for deep footings when grade beams are provided at plinth level. 6.8 Raft Foundations Raft foundations are generally provided— (a) in locations where the soil has low bearing capacity and the column loads cannot be supported paste footings or combined footings; RAET ON ROCK RAFT GN STIEF SOIL 1 RAFT QE! SSE? fOIL fr 1G 6.09 ‘ 179 ‘The foil may contain compressible lenses leading to the possibility of differential settlement Ee is dificult to ascertain; the floating type of foundations are required. (such foundations are required where the build- the Ho be founded at a deeper level inorder to get higher bearing capacity through replace. “ment of soil). ino- tad building have deep basements and heavy waterproofing is required, (A. raft is more fmenable to external tanking system of water-proofing). ‘Whee individual footings, if provided, wil be subject to such bending moments “which may tin differential rotations and differential settlements of individual footings. ture distribution under the raft resting on different types of soil is indicated OF RAFT figure 6.10 all aft supported on soil; and ) raft supported on piles. the Bass of structural system ofthe raft itself, it can be classified as— ) raft of uniform thickness; also known as mats, with or without pedestals and columas, “fibbed rafts ic. raft with beam and slabs—normally the beams will be projecting upwards Aand the ribbed raft will be like inverted floor system, “Celilarraft where the foundation slab, walls columns and the floor above act as one unit. {of uniform depth which is otherwise called as Mat. foundation is most popular one, due to its ‘in construction, centre of gravity of foundation raft should, as ily of the vertical loads. After having done dietion of the raft are calculated on the basis of and the sheer forces may have, therefore, to be of column loads and the spacing ais ao to be seen thatthe bending moment 2t any section isnot ess than WL2/10 where W" i Herage overall soil pressure and ‘L’ isthe distance between columns. then decided in such a' way tha itis si and is capable of resisting the highest ithout any sheer reinforcement and developing enough resisting momreneo Section except in a few sections where double reinforcement may be rentren. ofthe cian feauited for the lover bound value are divided uniformly throughout the length Meee nate appropriate face. Additional reinforcements is provided in stips io proves between the lover-bound and the adjusted upper bound vahues in the Concerned guape, Focement te a cen that on the face of the raft where theoretically no reinforcement is necessary, teat a extent of half the quantity of steel on the other face is provided. ‘The mane, nid aetgne Provided is 013% of the gross sectional area of the raft on each ‘faee ie Af'mild steel is adopted. This minimum will be 012% in case of tor stegl, GP. W, DIT 180 69 ‘Illustrative Examples EXAMPLE_-Redistribution of base pressure when negative pressure is indicated due to effect of axial “Toad and. bending moment on a footing. Data Column load 100 tonnes, “Moment on column 90 tonne metres Footing size 34m x 34m “Depth of footing” 115 metres: * Thickness of footing at edge 25 ems. : > Thickness of footing at face of pedestal “65 ems. (assumed) Self weight of footing 4-634 x 2400 = 11-12 tonnes ¥ i Weight of soil ss 12-706. x 1920 = 24-396 tonnes Total load on footing 100 + 1112 + 24-396 = 135-516 Say: 135-52 tonnes P 135-52 = 11-72 )TSam. 34x34 a ate Selb ahi 8 0 SS 213-14 tfsam. wi of Bb 2655 POM <4 = + 13-74= 25-46 T/Sam. AP az emiag 2 Fi or (=)2-02 T/Sam. Sie si eit 50 va 5 PREM Bit TNT Raley Ot i oo attest dam 3 Ene) ' 3. x : 34 Sauer 3 = 0-66) = 312 m. gh Total, B= Pile b : *s 4 ST gongs tte ABB 26 4 isan a4 on = ai "Wr oredl [Ly 30 Conne mehres 204 imate coals AR vei FEE Ble isi jnsenoes guibnst ISOLATED SQUARE FOOTING 100 tonnes, 40x 40 cms. ‘compressive stress in concrete, “50 kglem? tensile stress in steel ‘’ 2300 kg/cm? soil pressure (net) 9 tonnes/Sqm. = 18-67 Say 19 al 1 x 0-29d x50xbx0-903d 2 65468 bd? =Qbd? 6.5468 = 6.55 t SIZE » Column load 100 tones Add 5% 5 tonnes: Total load 105 tonnes: é Area of footing required= 105 z —— = 11-67Sqm. 1 ; 9 Fe j ‘Assuming square footing is tobe 5.020) Ua ashe | provided side of the square footing = 11-67 ihe Say 3.4 metres. $ Net upward soil pressure — 100% 1000=8650 kg/sqm. 34x34 l Pedestal size = 70x 70 cms. Height of pedestal = 15 ems. 12 b#—. 340 Ge —_»} FIG. 613) Max. bending moment at the edge of the pedestal M = 865x 135x135x3-4 z = 26-80 tonne metre (0 + 2d) + 70 Av-width of compression © =——__________70 +4 2 ao Joo Pe 8x 105 re Fx V6-55x(70 +d) Ord? (70 +4) = 4-092x 105 d= 56-81 cms. Overall depth = 56-B81-46+ 1-2 40-6 = 64-61 Say 65 cms, effective depth = 65—7-8 = $7.2 ems. ‘Check for punching at a distance @/2 from face of pedestal Punching shear = 100,000 = 8650 x 127-2x 127-2 “100 x 100 100,000—14000 86000. kg. Perimeter of footing resisting punching shear = 4 x(10-+28-6++28-6) = 508-8 cms. Ag. 6.5% <10 kg.jem? =3 47 kg. /em? 340 cms FIG. 6.15 the centre of upper layer of bars 12-06 = 572 em = 22-63 om ‘may be provided in perpendicular direction. for column bars. 1750 x1 5x7 S++ 87-2 = 72-2 > 60 cms. of bars in the footing 09x $72 x 20x3-77 pan 14 kolo? 184 ‘Shear force at critical section a 'b.65 x (135 0-512) x 34 = 22881 eff. width of compression = 70-- 2d 28) 22-88 x 1000 Shear stress = —: ze 0-9 x 184-4 x 40-25, ; = 3-43 <5 ‘ee OK: Details of the footing are shown in Fig. 6:16 ‘Check for bond when alternate bars are curtailed at 0-1 B. O1B=01x3-4m =034m —— Shear stress at this point = 8-65 x 0-34 x 3-4 = 10-0 Tonnes. Overall depth at section = 25 + 65.025 x 0-M = 25 + 10-07 = 35.07 135 Effective depth = 3507 —6—1F2—06 = 27-27cms No. of 12mm dia bars available after curtailment = 20 = 10 ee ~ = 1081 kglem2< 14 kg fom? 09x 27-27x 10-x 3-77 Hence Safe ~ a Sauaee -Footine “7 : ties" : Bond stress, Min M150 280 mmr Ripa A aD Ghee wl ‘S40 om TE Chean cover com " =e Letaae cover ccm. Biel eee eee Eee onan. smears CLIMMMT EOMYRETE 11510 a SECTION OF FOOTINGS FIG, 6.162 [0b = 00 ass, A COMBINED FOOTING Toads Pt = 100-tonnes P2 = 200 tonnes. _ Distance between column centres = 4-0 m. Column size PL = 40 x 40.oms, P2 = 60 x 60cms. ‘ Concrete mix “= M150 % Allowable soil pressure (net ) — 9 tonnes per square metre. of footing for economical design : ie 4 |aer 2007 eee Boxee cm $00 Fannin A : Le? 3p z a ee ChbAe AOTLETTON b = | JE -G-300:39f me, eee cade Bi whseader , Point where S.F. will be zero from A = X metres 300 x X = 100 L t X= 10x L = oC! metres, i 300 3 : Here B.M. will be maximum (hogging). MR aah oad ‘max. cent. moment with max, hogging moment. a, 3 -2 0) = MOL +133 | x ae 4 $2661 a) ae = 37-SL + 399 244-5 = 33-33L, tata 0 E 70-8412 + 399—510-SL = 0 L=721 L+5-4=0 (L369? = 7:32 (3.9 = en ‘ L36 =27 143-6 = 63m io IS ae Se okt: ‘Superimposed load on both columns ‘Add 5% Total 31s Area of foting red. = —— = 35 $4. m. Adopting 4 length of 6.3m 35 Width of footing read. = —— = $:5m(Gty) 300 x 1000 [Net upward pressure = 8658 kg/m? 63x55 Soil pressure per metre of footing = 8-658 x 5-5 = 47-62 tonnes. Let the beam width be 60 cms. SE. Calealations ° S.F. on the LHS. of P) = + 47:62 x 0-48 = + 22-85 tonnes SF. on the RHS. of P; = + 2285-100 = — 77-15 Tonnes S.F. on the RWS. of P; = — 47-62 x 182 = — 86-80 Tonnes S.R. on the LHS. of Pp = — 86-80 + 200 + 113-20 Tonnes Point of Zero shear Let this be at X metres from A. 41-62 X—100 = 0 100 X= ——— = 2:1 metres 47-82 Design of slab as cantilever 5:50-0:60 4-90 Span of Slab=- == 245m. 2 2 8658 x Q-45)2 Max. BM. in Cantilever = =26000 kg. m. oF 2600000 ke. em. 55 Taking clear cover of 6 cms. & using 12 mm tor bars. Total depth = 6340-646-0 = 69-6 cms. Say 70 cms, ‘Actual Effective depth provided = 70—6-6 = 63 4cms. Thickness of slab = |-———— 1006 19-8q, EP 19 an ede Ae 3300x0968 4 113 x 100 Spacing of 12 mm tor bars = ——— = 5-7ems,c/e 19 ‘Say 5+5 cms, ¢/¢ at bottom of slab, 187 = 8658 x 2-45 = 21200 kg. = 21200 x 7 x 55 = 5-4 kg/em? (Safe) 0-963 4X1 222100 tension x (2-45— 0-634) X 1-816 = 15700 kg. ‘be tapered uniformly to 25 ems. overall at the edges. ‘depth at 63-4 cms. from beam = 70— (10-25 x 63-4) 45 = 10-11. 64 = 58. 36 ems. depth = 58-36 —6-6 = 51-76 cms, = 15700 100 x 0-9 x 51-76 length of footing = 3-37 kglem? (Safe) the cross-sectional area of footing = 0-12 x 4:90x 25 +70 + 60x70) = 5-32 em?. 100 2 (i) 20% of the main steel area provided in the transverse direction. of ras x (204 I = 262m? of distribution stel along length of footing per m. width 262 = 46cm? |m 5s eam ‘Max. sagging moment at the outer face of column P2 = 47-2x152 = 55.0t.m, 2 ‘Max. sagging moment at inside face of col. P) = 47-62 x 2122 — 200x030 2 = 107-0 = 470 tm. Max. hogging moment between the cols. (at point of Zero shear). = 47-62 x 2-12 _ 100(2-1—0-48) = 57-0 tonne metre 2 Bending moment at centre of col. Py = 47-62x0-482 2 = 5-5t.m. sagging. Depth of beam needed for sagging moments ss00000" - ne ‘118-5 cms, CP W.DIT 188 ‘This depth will be quite safe for hogging moments also where the beam acts as a T-beam. looper Ay = 2o00mr 97.15 Mr S.F. DIAGRAM B.M. DIAGRAM (OM TENSION FACE) FIG, 6.18 Adopt 118-5 ems. effective depth. Overall depth = (6-0 1241-0 +08 412 4140) + 118-5 = 129-7 Say 130 ems. ‘Actual effective depth = 130-0—11-2 =118-8 cms. Say 119 cms. Reinforcement for sagging moment = $5 x 100000 = 23cm 2300x0-9x119 Min. steel required = 0-2 x60X130= 100 Provide 21 bars 12 mm tor (area 23-73 em!) iss ‘57 x 100000 wal 8 = 31cm? 23000-9119 mm tor bars 21 Nos. 47-621 52 12-50 Tonnes. at inside face of col. Pz = 200-47 622-12 = 200-101 = 99-0 tonnes. at inside face of Col. Py = ————___— 0-9x119x21x3-77} = 1-7 kg fem? 4 (Less than 14 kg/em? O-K,)’ ‘moment at inside face of col. P= 47-0 tm. , atinside face of col. P; = 99-0 Tonnes. ‘of inflexion be at a distance X from inside face of col. Pa X= 47 + 47-622 2 or 238IX -9X +47=0 2 4:16 X +197 =0 ‘(K—2.08)2 =4-33-1 97 = 2-36 = (+ 1-542 | X= 208 =+ 1-54 | X= 2-08 — 1-54 = 0-54 m. i of 2.08 41-54 = 3-62. I orage—Maximum of the two shall be adopted. _ @ 69d = © x 1-2 = 82-8 cm or 0-828 m. " i) 12 dia. or 30 em. whichever is more beyond the point of inflexion. ‘bottom bars shall extend 0-54 + 0-30 = 0-84 m from the inside face of col. Pa point of inflexion. 990-47 62 x 0-54 | = 733 tonnes. ‘bars required for safe bond stress at top 73.3% 1000 3 09x 119 x3 14x 14x12 | oint of inflexion is quite near the cols. | all the top bars may continue upto the col. tension depth of beam = 119 cms. = 1-19 m ce of point of inflexion from P,— 0-$4 m ‘tension will be tested at the point of inflexion, 73-3%1000 ~ 60x0-9x119 = 11-4 kg/cm? (more) in the cantilever ata distance of 119 cms. from face of col. Po = 47-42 x 033 = 15-8 Tonnes. igo 15-8 x 1000 60x0-9x 119 = 2-45 ke/ cm? (safe) 'S.F. for which the shear stress will be 5 kg/em? = 60%0-9x119x5 = 32200 kg. 17508 x05x0-9x 119 7331000 = 10-22 cms. cfc. Shear stress = Spacing of 8 mm ¢ tor legged stirrups = Provide @ 10 cms. cfc. ‘These may be provided upto 1-5 m from inside face of col. P) where shear force drops down to = 3.6247 62-200 = 27-62 tonnes. For col. Py 47 620.482 ‘Sagging moment at the centre of col. Py = ———————— 2 = 5-Stonne metre ‘Min, moments Inside face of col. P,= 47-0 t. m. (Sagging) as the minimum moment to be provided for is = wh = 47-0tm) 16 470% 100000 Reinforcement for sagging moment = ———______ = 19-1 em? " 2300%0-9% 119 1911 No. of 12 mm ® tor bars = = 17 bars. 1B S.F. at outside face of col. Py= 47-62 x 0-28 = 13.4 tonnes S.F. at inside face of col.. Py = 100-47 62 x 0-68 = 100-324 = 67-6 tonnes Bond stress at inside face of col. Py 67.6 x 1000 O-9x1I9x17x3-14 1x12 = 9-9 kalem® (safe) 69d = 69 m 12 = 82-8 or 0-83 m, So extend bottom steel by 0-84 m from inside face of Col. Py From statics, point of inflexion is 3.62—3.50—0-12m from face of Col. Py towards the centre of coi. S.F. at point of inflexion = 73-3 tonnes. No. of bars required for safe bond stress at top =13 bars. All the top bars must continue (upto the end of footing) ‘of inflexion = 11-4 kg/cm 2, ‘the cantilever = 2-08 kg/cm? (Safe) ce for stress of 5 kg/cm? = 322 tonnes. fmm tor 8 legged stirrups — 13cm. cfc. be provided upto 0-75m from inside face of Col. P; where shear force drops down,to 62 —100 = 31.90 tonnes. portion provide nominal stirrups, say 8mm ® tor 4 legged @ 30 cms. ¢/c. | | depth = 119 cms. a ‘beam. Provide additional reinforcement required ='0-1 60x 130 = 7-80 cm? 100 7-80 12mm ® tor bars, No. of bars required = —— =7No. 13 12mm @ bars 4 Nos. on eacit vertical face of the beam. {deals of the combined footing are shown in Fig. 6-19 a8 al 3.80 fae] isan ~ em | cot. co om xsocm "—cot.aocm x 400m a a1nes.t2mm® 65m >| SUPPORTING BARS 4 3 wersmn reas hee ee = ieee eee PSPs eee eee accaairectera| korgsesssbarssas,\e"™ 154 | s.30m L. JECTION OF BEAM samm BARS 4 Nos Gn eneH FACE. damm bosom sk Temdoseen de \— ham tagem se aa SECTION AT XX FIG. 6.19 1, JOSEPH BOWELS, “Foundation analysis and Design” Mc Graw-Hill Book Company. 2, CLARENCE W. DUNHAM, “Foundations of Structures” Second Edition, McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc. New York—Toronto—London, 1962. 3. RALPH B, PECK, WALTER E. HANSON AND THOMAS H. THORNBURN, “Foundation Engineering”, Second Edition, John Willey & Sons, INC., New York, London, Sydney, Toronto. 4, WAYNE C. TENG, “Foundation Design” Prentice Hall, Inc, 1962. 5. BLWYN B, SEELYE, Foundations—Dsig and Praise”, John Wiley and Sons, Ine, New York, London, 1966. “a 6 1a anatase JAIN, “Plain and Reinforced Concrete”, New Chand and Bros., Roorke 1966. 7. WINTER, URQUHART, O'ROURKE, NILSON, “Desin of Concrete Structures”, MeGraw Hill REFERENCES 18.194 . . . . . « + Code of Practice for structural safety of building foundations. 18.2990. 5 sss + Code of Practice for design and construction of Raft foundations. 18.45. . « . « + + Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete. 193 CHAPTER 7 _ DESIGN OF SLABS, BEAMS AND COLUMNS of Design or Plain and Reinforced Concrete LS, 456-1964 indicates theultimate load of constituent members of @ stricture should conform to the provisions ‘method of design of reinforced concrete sections is based on the following as- normal to the axis, remain ple aftr bending. The walsity of shis emmorion ed from test results. Onthis account the distribution of strain across Hz cross-section follows a sraight line. See FB. 7-1) : ma Ver (6.1, kectaneuine Ano T-Skerian UWoeR ENDING FIG. 7A {ensile strength in concrete is neglected in sections subjected to bending. mate strength, stresses and strains are not proportional. This is evident from the stress | ‘of concrete which is based on experiments. (See Fig. 7.2) S7aE8s 3 z é Concesre Sraaxso’ — Srest Stain Xto® FIG-7.2. 194 (@) The maximum fibre stress in concrete should not exceed 68 % of the cube strength of concrete. JAA Rectangular sections under flexure with tension reinforcement From the above considerations the stress diagram can be drawn from the strain diagram and the stress versus strain relationship. (See Fig. 7.1 & 7.2). LS. 456-1964 permits that the diagram of compressive conerete stress distribution may be assumed rectanguiar, trapezoid, parabola or any other shape Which results in ultimate strength in reasonable agree- ment with fests. Accordingly, the compressive stress diagram is replaced as an equivalent rectangle of | depth equal to 0-43 xd, and with uniform compressive stress of 055 ocu. Where “dy is the effective depth of the member and eu the cube strength of the concrete. Thus the ultimate moment of resis- tance Mu for a balanced section=0 55 ocu x bx 0-43 dy ( 0-48 di ) =0'185 X geu bay. Go Equating the ultimate moments of resistance in terms of concrete and steel we obtainan area of tensile steel required for the balaticed condition. ‘Three principal modes of failure of rectangular section with temsile reinforcement are : (1) With under reinforced section, the failure is initiated by yielding of the reinforcement. Conse- sntly, the neutral axis shifts upwards and the final collapse is due to the crushing of concrete. Before ‘the ultimate failure, cracks appear in the concrete Which serve asa warning. The failure is gradual. (2) In over reinforced sections, concrete is stressed to its ultimate strength before the commence- ‘ment of yielding of reinforcement. This causes sudden failure of the section at the ultimate stage. (3) When the section is grossly under reinforced, the failure is initiated with yielding of reinforce- ‘ment and collapse occurs duc to fracture of the reinforcement. Itis preferable that failure, should it occur, should be gradual and give ample warning. To ensure that the failure occurs according to Model, the upper limit of the depth of compression zone is to be limited to 0-43 times the effective depth as specified in 1S, 456—1964 Referring to Fig 7.1 and equating the longitudinal forces we get 0.55 couba = sy Ast The lever arm of the resisting moment i jdt a = = given by: Ast ay ere ‘Ta eoub % ‘The ultimate moment of resistance of under reinforced rectangular section is given by Ast on) My Ast ony(4 — ———-— (Interms of tensile force in steel) 11 ocub Dividing. both sides ofthe Ea, by bd? Pt oxy K= Pt oy(1— y Ti eu If ocu, osyand K are known, the percentage of steel Pt can be obtained from the above equation, For mild steel with osy=2600kg/em? and for high yield strength deformed bars with osy=acd250 Kgjem?, yates of P - have been tabulated against different values of K, for coticrete grades M—150to M in Tables 1 to 6, 195 _ ™! } psa ly SECTION STRESS DISTRIBUTION Dovscy Remnrorced RECTANGULAR SECTIOW FIS. 7.3 also the depth of comPressive stress block is limited to 0-43 dy and the moment resisted jone is “185 6 cu bd2y..Thus the ultimate mement of resistance is given by ‘oct bdy? + osc. Age dy s = area of steel in compression, = distance between centroids of tension steel and compression steel. = stress in compression steel, ‘steel in compression is obtained from the equation. The area of steel in te ing the tension forces to the compression in concrete and steel. ‘equation , we get the compressive and tensile forces in the section, we have p=0°55 ov DX0-43d-+Age Oe Asc O35 0-236 ocu oy A above formulae, it is assumed that at ultimate strength, the stress in compression stecl reaches male of osc (equal to yield stress for mild steeland 3700 kgjem2{for high strength steel). oxy, K and ds are known, the percentages of steel Psc a be obisuned from the above equation. For osy=2600 Kg/em? and osy==4250 Kgjem2, FPLand Psc have been tabulated against different values of K for various values of ds and a mixes in Tables 7, 8 and 9 for mild steel and Tables 10, 11 and 12for high strength steel DIT ete 196 7.13 T or L beams under flexure with tension reinforcement alone ‘The compression zone of @ T or L section may be emtirely within the flange thickness or the depth ‘of compression zone may extend below the flange (0 cover & portion of the web also. Inthe former case the analysis of the T beam is similar to that of a rectanglar beam of the width equal to the width of flange and depth equal to the effective depth of the beam, The corresponding ultimate resisting moment for the section is given by Mu=0-185¢cu Bd% To ascertain the depth of compression flange the value of K= Mu iscalculated. (See Fig. 7-4). ‘Bd? OSS Tu pais ip ilay be bret * SECTION STRESS QSTRIBUTION 416.4 LAFECTIVE Caess-SECzION dO 7-624 witn ayt Fig. 7.4 _ Based on the K value the corresponding depth of compression zone is calculated from table If this depth is less than the thickness of the flange corresponding area of steel reinforcement is cbtained from the same tables. «4 Lfthe depth of the compression zone is morethan the flange thickness thenthe following Procedure is adopted. The value of Mu _ is compared with the value of Ky obtained from Table 13 ecu BE If__Mu __ is less than or equal to Kt then area of the steel is calculated as follows oo Be, ; For the usual range of values of t and b (ie. for t greater than 0-15 and values of b between di Beaded B 0 10 and 0-35), the tension reinforcement may be obtained as follows without any appreciable err0r: Mu hg a eee oe oxy (i—t/2y Gi) For values of t < O-1Sand b < 0:35, the tension ste! is given by: q B Mu here oy j dy mem (1-9) ) (48) YG) (oH CoG) =O) @) 7.2. General Requirements In the analysis of continuous frames, c/e distance are adopted in the determination of moments. ‘Moments at faces of support may be used for design of beams and girders. Isolated beams in which the T form is used only for the of providing additional compression area, shall have a flange thickness not less than one half the width ofthe web and a total lange width not ‘more than 4 times the width of the web. Inconerete joist floor construction joist ribs shall be atleast 10 cms. wide spaced not more than 75 gems. clear and ofa depth not more than 31/2 times their minimum width, Ribbed slab construction Rot meeting the above limitations shall be designed as slabs and Bess, 197 ected to a compression load shall be designed for the eccentricity ‘e” correspon moment which can accompany this loading condition but not less than 0-05 h for ypression members 0-10. h for tied compression members about either principal depth erall width of member parallelto‘e’. Such eccentricity shall be limited to minimum, ‘ise sximum of § ems. of Ee te beams, the tensile, reinforcement. expressed as a Percentage of the gross sth area of the beam being calculated as total cross sectional area for rectangu heared equal to overall depth multiplied by the width of the web in the case of T and Tess than0-30 where plain mild stec! bars are sed and 0 -20 where high yield strength forming to 1S. 1139 or 1. 1786 are Used. hofthe web exceeds 90 cms. longitutudinal reinforcement having a total area atleast the main tensioN steel area shall be Placed near the faces of the web and distributed in rl tension with a spacing not more than 30 cms. or the width of the web whichever is e specified strength of concrete in columns exceeds that specified for the floor system by {ransmission of load shall be provided as follows: ‘the strength sPecified_ for the column shall be Placed in the floor for an area 4 times the About the column well integrated into the floor conerete and cast monolithically shall extend beyond the point at which it is no longer required to resist flexure for ito the effective depth of the member or 12 bar diameters whichever is greater except at fsupproted beams and at free end of cantilever. the positive moment reinforcement for simply supported members and 1/Ath the reinforcement in continuous members shall extend along the same face of the member table fined and in beams at least 15 cms. jc {flexural member is part of the lateral load resisting system, the positive reinforcement re~ Er into the suport 2s in preceeding paragraph shall be anchored to develop the yield mat the face of the support. {ard the total reinforcement provided for negative moment, at the support shall have an 1ath beyond the point of inflexion not less than the effective depth of the member, 12 times ‘Ween ‘of the bar or 1/16 of the clear span whichever is greater. fonjoints in loors shall be located near the middle ofthe spans of slabs, beams or girders, ‘tersects a girder at this point, in which case the joints in the girders shall be offset a 40 twice the width of the beam, Provision shall be miade for transfer of shear and other the construction joints. and slab type construction of a floor, the slab is continuous over the beams or built into ontinuous slab, the effective span i taken equal to the clear span, ifthe with of the support niji2th of the clear span of the slab nor less than 600 mm. If the width of the. support it above limit, the effective spanis considered as the distance between the centres ofthe support ar distance bet Ween the supports Plus the effective depth of the slab , whichever is smaller. In in vith one entd free and the other continuous the effective span is taken equal to the yplus haf the effective depth of the slab, . xy be designed to spanin the short dircetion alone when the effective span in the long direc Ee Than wice the eflective span inthe short direction. Bending moments atthe eritical sections for the following arrangements of live load. “Any two adjascent spans loaded and all other spans unloaded, b) Alternate spans loaded and all other spans unloaded. 198 ‘The bending moments in the slab at the various sections are obtained from two cycle moment dis. tribution, However when the L. Lis less than the dead load the bending mements and the shear forces ‘may approximately be obtained as in Para 8.2.3. and 3.24 of the Manual on Planning and Design of Reinforced Concrete Multistoreyed Buildings Vol. 1. Where the main reinforcement of a slab, which is considered as the flange of a T or L beam is parralel to the beam, transverse reinforcement is to be provided near the top surface of the slab and the quantity Of this transverse reinforcement shall be calculated from the moment-co-efliecients for long span as pet ‘Annexure 3.3 referred in para of the Manual, This transverse reinforcement is to be Provided for a length as shown in the Fig. 7-5, Szcrion XX Fig.25 When the slab is designed on the basis of ultimate load theory the minimum. reinforcement in the main span shall not be less than 8 mm diameter and the maximum spacing shall be limited to 20 times the diameter of the bar or 20cms whichever is less. The spacing shall also be not more than 3 times the elfzctive depth. The minimum reinforcement in either direction shall be not less than 0.15 per cent Of the gross cross-sectional area of the concrete when plain mild steel bars are used and 0-12 percent when high strength deformed bars are used, The maximum spacing for transverse reinforcement should not exceed 5 times the effective depth, 30 times dia of bar or 30 ems whichever is least. Slabs spaning in two directions at right angles have to be designed as per Para 3.2.4 of the Manual oa Planning and Design of Reinforced Concrete Multistoreyed Buildings. Vol. 1. ‘Where a slab is built into the end beam and is constructed monolithic with the beam, Provision is to be male for the negative moments that may occur inthe slab at the support. ‘The negative moments depend on the degree of the fixity afforded to the edge ofthe slab. Ingeneral this negative moment may be taken as 2/3 rd of the moments at the mid span of the slab. Where a slab i built into # brick or masonry wall which develops partial restraint the negative moment 1n the slab at the face of the support may be taken as WE (where W isthe uniformerly distributed load per unit area of the slab). 7% a 4 iy | INEFFECTIVE ePENING 199 are located at a distance less than 10 times the thickness of the slab from the trated load, the part of periphery of the critical section which is enclosed by radial ing to the centroid of the loadinig area is considered ineffective (Refer Fig. 7-6) LOCATION OF CRITICAL SEETION LEN ERITICAL SECTION (@) FREE oe) nun Ra REGARD as FREE | face 1 ‘ ' ' ! ie cd) OF OPENINGS E" FREE EMGE FIG. 76 EFFECT openings are Placed inthe are within the middle halfof the spanin each direction, the quamt- ent cut by the opening in either direction is provided extra, This quantity is distribu- Mea thetwo cdges oF opening in each direction, "Additional bars may alsobe provided atthe Prevent siting 200 ‘The detailing of the reinforcement around, the Pening is shown in the Fig. 7-7. mm § B4ns @ comme fe paAeUS a8 is Serre Jamm gapwronse : irom taton tam Gapoenonat cart Nsom mr Demis FIG2-7 5A pond TY inforcement Provided from Bending moments comsidertion is checked forthe adequacy of nd, DESIGN OF CONTINUOUS SLAB (ONE WAY) (Sce Fig. 7-8) LOADING Min. thickness of slab as Per para of Design Manual Vol. I: ‘Assume 10 em thickness overall Self wt, of slab (10 cms) thickness Floor finish 4 cm thick False ceiling (vide clause 2.8.3/1 of C.P.W.D. Design ‘Manual Vol. 1) = 40ke/m? Partition walls (vide clause 2.2.1 of C.P.W.D. Design ‘Manual Vol. 1) =100 kg/m? Ceiling finish 24 kg/m? (Assumed) AIC ducts 10 kg/m (Assumed) Total dead load 510 kg/m? LIVE LOAD Loading class 250, as per appendix 2-1 of C.P.W.D. Design Manual Vol. I (400 kg/m? taken due non-provision of separate storage facility) =400 kg/m2. ‘Ultimate Toads 10x15 and oe FIC. 7.8 : 202, ‘Effective Span (Clear span for end panel =2602 9 =240m (Clear span for interior panel =2:9-04 =2.50im As per LS. 456, effective span is calculated as follows:— ‘Width of support =40 ems, which is more than 1/12 of clear span, hence effective span for End panels =clear span +1/2 effective depth 2-44.0-082 2 =2-44 metres ‘Eff. span for intermediate panels clear span =2-5 metres FIXED END MOMENTS (Mu) END PANELS 1652-442 Dead load moments =~ =_380kgm. 1645x2442 Total load moments = —————_ =. 816 gm. INTERMEDIATE PANELS 765x252 Dead load moments = >= 4398 kam. Total oad moments = = _ 4857 kgm. Max, ultimate moment =1116 kgms. (After moment distribution) Min. effective depth requi [_1IT6x 100 +185 150% 100 6-34.ems. 203 ‘of slab moments by two eycle moment distribution (sperpret 49 of Design manual Vol.) Mu. TL Int. Pang! 1 Tat. Panel ; 7 2-s0m 280m = 82am. Use :— M—150 Design Mu_—_100pt Ast Min. Stcclem?- Steglto Rinforcement perovided ltimte K- from om be Pro- @mm ele I moments Bal? charts 012% 18% of vided reinfor- max. 5, coment 6, 7 readifor (cm?) balanced ‘condi tion. $a f oes. 3 | 79 1175 0300 246 355345 8 mm store 3204 10mm # Tore 320=4"02eme 116 16-60 0-440 3-61-12 3498 3498 Do. G1 924 0281 189 12 297 297 sm gTor@!60~3-14eme $96 02% 183 12 292 292 Smm STor@loom3 deme 98S 1462 O98 342 12 3-79 3-73 8mm __gTOrI20410mm2 4 03cm | om 1446 0376 308 912 3 3-71 De. | end 2/3nd of -tve =2/3 x3-35 =2:23 203 Smm #Tor@160=3-14em2 ‘eel @0°12% of ross cross sectional area of conerete= 12510 100 = 1 -2em2 aot Tor@2ems. clot 23 em? Bm F030 Te ¢ommpe rege. lamnge sre ge 18 mmf 520 eer: 204 mie sno esenr oP 4B mm FO I20cfe. A00k. gmmge sto c/e SENT UP Cs amp@ sae 7 APPL. 750 e cd mm GO I2096 G om@ 180 ¢, abegennae Gum Fe s20cfe 2En7 er! 4 Bm F@ 320%/e ST. 48 mmhe 320 208 Riper, annexure 3-3 of the Manuelon Planning & Design of Buildings vol 1. In the edge strips the reinforcement parallel to the inimum reinforcement as specified in para 7 2 above. required to be provided at corners ofthe slab over the edges where the slab ‘by edges over which the slab is discontinuous in both directions, onsisis of two layers of bars placed parallel to the sides of slab at top & bottom directions for a distance equal to one fifth of shorter span. The area of the RS a vf ela, hve quarters of the ara require for by edges over only one of which the slab is discontinuous, the’ térsiohdt d to one half of that required as per above paragraph. ‘provided for any other purpose may be included as part of reinforcement f at corpers contained by discontinuous edge or edges. EMM Le DESIGN INO-WAY SLAB FOR TME DIMENSION. Wud SUPBORT cOnDIN/ONS 4s OWEN IN FIG PLAN’ OF _A_WEATHER MAKER Bhi in GaSe BERING FS. 7.10 206 LOADING Self wt. of slab 17 em (assumed) thick =408 kg/m? Flooring 4em thick=4%24 =96 kg/m? Ceiling finish =26 kg/m? (Assumed) Total dead load $30 kg/m2 LIYE LOAD ‘As per para 2.8.3/2 of the Manual on Planning and design of Reinforced multistoreyed buildings Vol. 1 f live load for weather makers room = 1200 ke/m2 ‘Ultimate load=530%1 -5+1200x2-2 = 3435 kg/m EFFECTIVE SPAN Clear spans of slab 510, 6-74 m adopting 12 mm dia bars and 13mm clear cover efctve depth of sab =17— (13442) =15-4om Hence Effective span Ix 5100+40-151 =5.251m Effective span ly =6-740-+0-151 6-891 m ty _ 6-891 0 oes le From annexure 3-3 of chapter 3 of the manual Vol. I for two adjoining edges discontinuous and lyfix | =1-31 zx for —ve moment at continuous edge =0- 050 zx for"+ve moment at mid-span z'y for —ve moment at continuous edge =0-049 zy for +ve moment at mid-span =0037 Maximum —ve ultimate moment = 0-066%3435x5-2512 =6251 kgm ‘Minimuni effective depth required for M-150 concrete with reinforcement conforming to IS 1786 or 1139 6251x100 —— =15 em 185% 150% 100 ‘Actual effective depth provided =15-1 gm i Hence O.K. 207 6251 kgm 21-4 kg/m? sgn of member 100 pt~ 0-816 $16 x15 +1 100 = 12-32 em2 @l8em c/e bent up =—6-28 @l8em ofe Addl. 628 12-56 om? 0-050 34355-2512 =4736 kem, 100 Ox(15 1 $0573 15-1 x100 100 = 20-77 kgfem2 = 8-65 cm? 4 Tor@18 cms. cfc bent up = 6-28 + Tor@I8ems c/e St. 2-79 9-07 cm? 0-674x 14100 = 9-44 em? 100 | my Tor@l6ems. efe (bent up) = 491 Tor@16cms. c/c Addl. = 4491 ‘82cm? 504 kam, fu = 0-037 3435x5251 » 3504100 100 (140) ¢ 0-480 17-88 kgiem? 014-0 100 6-72 cmt: 208 Provide 10mm Tor @16 ems cje bent up =4 91 and 8 mm y Tor 16ems cfc St. 314 805m ‘At free ends there is a monolithic connection between the slab and the supporting beam. As per para 7-2, reinforcement required at the beam edges in short span direction =8-65x2 =5-77 cm? 12mm @ Tor @ 18 ems cc bent up = 6-28 cm? (Provided) a. Reinforcement required at beam edge in long span direction 2 Tx = =4-48 cm 3 10mm 4 Tor@ I6ems cle bent up = 4-91 cm? (Provided) ‘Torsional reinforcement Torsional reinforcement shall be provided as per para 7.3.2 Area of maximum ve steel=8, 65cm? Area of torsional stee! at corner A 0-75x8-65 = 6-5 cm2flayer/100 em width for 17 cm thick slab minimum steel available at the comer shall be 0-12x17 Hence additional steel required at corners A = 6-50—2-04 = 4-46 cm? Provide at top and bottom mesh of 8mm Tor@ I1ems. e/e of length Ix/5 and width 1x/5 ‘Area of torsional steel at comers B and C 1x65 = 3.25 em?/layer/100 em width Minimum area of steel available at these places = 2-04 em? ‘Hence additional steel required at corners B & C = 3:25 — 2-04 (8mm ¢ Tor@ 40 cms. c/c) Limit spacing of bars to 30 times the dia of bars ie. “8x30 = 24 cms. Provide a top and bottom mesh of 8mm Tor @ 24ems. ¢/e for length Ix Ix — and width = —— 3 3 Reinforcemet in edge strips [As per para 7.2.2 minimum reinforcement need be provided in all edge strips of width 1x/8 and ys ‘The arrangement of reinforcement is shown in Fig: 7-11. ex oF mip7y GH ond Monfh & 18.0 Ye CKD Bmmhe 10046 SF Hmm @ 180 Ye CHD, | Moment a Ib 0c CRE “110 mk [60 ADE-| TTB mm se 24ocle MEM AT PPG Batiser Lo moG @ (60 YokD (+8 wncpielea de 37 among O60 He xD oa ¥Brregalbe He Sf 8mm CE Ihe 6/emssh AT Jar &Y BOT 7 en oS Fig at EMENT iw dOCE S1a/RS IS NT Sua wn. FOR EACH LOGE S7AIP LE Paoviak, alan RemcoRCEMm ENT AS PAR FARA TE Re Jormpra leazeeno) L @mmB@le Yemesn Ar Jo gs BoT7 ere 210 DESIGN OF STAIRCASE EXAMPLE : Design the staircase as per data given below: 5200 ea ae Ne NI eee. se 500 mm WE 23.00 mm 020m Sep pe cecome tae mm 1G. 7272, + Data: @ Stainwell 5.0 x23 M (ii) Floor to floor height—3-30 M (ii) Tread 30ems. Gv) Riser 15 ems. () LiL. —S00kg/M2 (vi) Tor steel to be used (vil) Mix of concrete M-150 Effective horizontal span 5000-300 — $300 mm (IS 456 clause 16-1) Assume thickness of waist slab = 20 cms. LOADS : 202400 100 Dead load of 20 ems. waist slab — =480 kg/m? Ceiling finish (assumed) Railing load (assumed) Total load on waist slabs (Inclined) 540 kg/m? Corresponding load per sq. m. on plan VRP ———*s40 = 604 kg/M2 T Stes 15 em (verags 180 kg/M2 Floor finish 2 ems. 48 ke/M2 332 kg/M2 Load on landing = $40-}48 — 588 kg/m? Dit Lib, & U.L. dingrams shall be as shown (see fig. 213) vor PS es is © 300mm 3000 mm G32 Kym 500 fm 23; a FIG. 703 om 212 19821 1524234830 Reaction at cither ends. = ———_--___ =5801 kg. 2 Mu at centre = S801 x5-3 — (1982 x1 -15 x2-075) —2348x 1-52 = 8002 kgm. 2 2 | 8002x100 Min. effective depth reqd. = | ——————__ = 1Tems, 185% 150% 100 Effective depth available = 20—(1 -4440-7) = 17-9 oms (using 14mm. ¢ tor bars) ‘Hence O-K, 8002% 100 K= —— 24-97 gfe? 100x17.92 100 pt from charts = 0-721 Ast = “721x179 = 12:91 em? Provide 16 mm tor @15 ems. ofc (13-4 em2) 12x20 Distribution steel @0-12% ae 100 Provide 8 mm stor @20 ems. ofc (2-51 em?) —ve moment at supports = 2/3 of +-ve moment at centre (clause C 3.1.6 of IS 456—1964.) ‘ Hence steel reqd. at supports = 12-91 x 2/3 = 8-61 em? Provide 16 mm ¢ tor @22 cms. cle (9-14 cm?) ‘The arrangement of reinforcement is shown in Fig. 7-14 = te mm 150 fe EU mm BO 30° toda x00 A SAS Se Szcrion Fig. 7.44 ithic frames the effective span of any member may be taken equal to the distance ‘of the centre lines of the connecting members. For monolithic construction, the face of the support may be used. to design the members at those sections. "The ‘ritical sections in beams are calcilated for the loading condition similar to that ‘of labs, Ultimate moments at the critical sections are obtained by multiplying the ° from moment distribution for the static condition by a combined load factor ‘worked out as follows: — _-15xdead load+2-2xLive load ‘Dead load-+Live load I ‘over supports may be increased or decreased by not more than 15 percent, provided Over the supports are taken into consideration in working out the corresponding {To the working design moments in the static condition the moment due to seis- ded and the sum multiplied by load factor 1-4. The final design moment for the d in the static or seismic condition whichever governs. ve width of flange at the compression face of a T-beam or E-beam maybe taken as 0-25 times the effective span of the beam, except that the overhanging part of the shall not exceed the lesser of E ‘the thickness of the flange; and 05 times the clear distance to the next parallel ‘member, ‘The width of the web plus 0-083 times the effective span of the beam, except that ppart of the flange shall not exceed the lesser of 6 times the thickness of the in beams of uniform depth due to transverse shears : for rectangular beams. a- v q = —— for T or L beams Bid _V = Total shear across the secton, “The shear at the critical section is the sum due to the imposed loading and due to ‘the moments at both ends under static and seismic conditions. | due to torsion ; 1-6Mt ben MtG-+26/D) for rectangular sections. 3Mtxti | 1 Fp for sations made up of retange, sch as T or I | F nt :tiis tor ta according to the section under consideration. 24 SHEAR STRESS IN MEMBERS OUE TO TORSION DESCRIPTION OF SECTION SHAPE. MAKIMUM SHEAR STRESS, i sycecte D a)etcianste Fe ne Vj, | ‘ oh be baw ae Thea MHEREL | IS LORE, ACCORDING TO THE SECTION UNDER CONSI- 3)SECTION MADE UP OF ERATION, RECTANGLES, SUCH astbeL 7-4-3 Design for shear When the sum of the shear stresses, due to the transverse shear and the torsion, Jess than the permissible shear stress in the working condition, only nominal. shear sce’ ment 4s provided in the entire span of the beam in the form of stirrups at a pitch not i than {the lever arm of the beam. If, however, the total shear stress is: more than the. perm ble shear stress, shear reinforcement is provided to resist the whole shearing force due a sNerse shear and the shear resulting from torsion. In no case, however, the total, sheas. st is allowed to be more than 4 times the permissible shear stress. To resist shear,, the. stisns ere Be Spaced not farther apart than jd or 60 cms. whichever is less. (where jd—depth everarm), Tensile reinforcement, which is inclined and carried throughout the depth of the is also considered as shear reinforcement, provided it is anchored sufficiently, The sea to shear at @ section due to inclined bars is calculated on the assumption that’ these serve as tension members of one or more single system of lattice girders ‘with the ‘cong forming the compression members. Reinforcement for shear resulting from torsion Lows, 1? ‘Sinforcement to resist shear resulting from torsional moment is calculated as lows. fio Tlangular sections, ‘the area of ‘the two vertical legs in a closed stirrup shall as follows — MS 0-8xo38 X1¥1 24 SHEAR STRESS IN MEMBERS DUE To TORSION DESCRIPTION OF SECTION SHAPE MAXIMUM SHEAR STRESS, ere syorecte =D 2)RECIANGLE J : ee bos Y), | “ ao by sme eto Fhe T ay MERE E) 1 LORE, xCCORDING 3)SECTION MADE UP OF FO THE SECTION UNDER CONSI- a DERARON, RECTANGLES, SUCH i te ASTOR'L” as : FIG. 7.15 7-43 Design for shear (When the sum of the shear stresses, due to the transverse shear and the torsion, fess than the ‘permissible shear stress in the working condition, ‘only momisal, shear ean than qi, Provided in the entire span of the beam in the form of stirrups at a pitch nor soe tats, lever arm of the beam. If, however, the total shear stress is more thas the voerm ble shear stress, shear reinforcement is provided to resist the whole shearing force die Sm eversemee ‘Raced not farther apart than. jd or 60 cms. whichever is’ less. (where desdepth ieverarm. ‘Tensile reinforcement, which is inclined and carried throughott the depsh sf 1 So, ,Comsidered as ‘shear reinforcement, provided it is anchored sufficiently,” ‘The wesiven fo shear at a section due to inclined bars is calculated on the assumption that’ thea. FENG aS fension members of one or more single system of lattice girders with the conc forming the compression members. For fectangular sections, the area of the two vertical legs in a closed stirrup shall calculated as follows MS Ay = 0-8xo55 Xi¥1 2391 x1 541160x2.2 LOAD FACTOR =- — 2391-41160 The design working, moments are worked out by moment distribution. Maximum and minimum ‘moments at critical’ section are tabulated for a typical beam, DESIGN ULTIMATE MOMENTS (Tonnes metre) Sc ———. i aa ] | End | ° Mid End End | Mid | End | span co cs span | Co |iiao| [1 | OL4LL) | Moments | 24-26 | 421-60) 440-52] —a1s2 | +421-60| +2426 | | p- 2. ELL, Moments) £97-02 | 45-83 | 468-68 | 268-68 || 45-83] +5792 | et fun od tal 3. | OL+LLyxt 73 | 41.97) 437-37| 471-83] 471-83 | 437-36| —a197 | 4, | OLALL+EL) 38-40 | £154.28 | 154.28 | 438-40 | 4113-79 xi-d | 38-02 | 438-02 45:86 3. | Design ultimate | moment, =113-79| +3840 | 4154-28 | —154.28 | 438-40 | 4113-79 45-86 38-02 | 438-02 45:86 i a Design ultimate moments are worked out for the maximum value of the following conditions; (@ (DL.4LL)xIoad factor, under static conditions, (i) (D-L-+LL+E.L) x14 under seismic conditions. fective depth of the beam assuming 25 mm cover and 25 mm bars, when two layers are provided. ‘ Using M-150 cone. and tor steel bars of over 20 mm dia shear capacity of the beam = 5x40x0-896%93-75 = 16800 kg or 16-8. 7 = 4976 m. 70. 916 = $-994m. 5-485 m GAR5—A97 x68 5.994 = 2645-83 = 27-43 2626. 2.02 45.718 (A) S702 ee Bree 20 ee rr Sersone WemENTS CASEI £16 Ca) cseg Secsome AOMLNTS CASE 2 “Ve Uii) S702 Fete pare Kae MOMENTS FIG betG Gis 416. 7018 CAD | KeM | 100 pt | Ast & Reinforcement provided —— | from | or 2 .| bd? | tables | Asc 32:37 |L.945/.13) 35-44 | 35-44 | 8 Nos. 25 9 =39-27 em? 12-54 | 12-54 | 4 Nos. 22 @ =5+120 cm? 13-05 | 0-335, 10-92 | 0-276 | 10-35.| 10-35 5.22.4 =15 20m? es G13 | 413 | TO Nos 25 9=49-08 em? p 154-28 | 93-75, | 38-02 17:25 | 17-25 | SNos.22 =19-00em? Shear force in Tonnes ‘moment shear scismic moments static load conitions (12:97-%) * £23 eH 7 T Eft. ‘M | 100 pt | Ast & | Reqd | Reinforcement provided depth |———| from | or | area dyems.| bd? | tables | Asc | of em? | reinfor- {cement om? | | 32:37 |L.945/.13) 35-44] 35-44] 8 Nos. 25 9 =39-27 em? 13-05 | 0-335 | 12:54] 12-54 4 Nos. 22 @ =:5-120 cm? 10:92] 0-276| 10:35. 10-35 88 (1-23) 3 | 46-13 | TO Nos 25 184-28 | 93-75 } 4 | | 17:25| Nos. 22 38.02 Ba a7 2 Shear force in Tonnes Sat . - ee cs 2 2:92 ™ LUG 2721 ead. upto 8-276 -31+jd) ='2-80 metres from C4 under seismic conditions being more, we design shear reinforcement under this con- SF = 32-517. 32-51 fale Increase instrses by 33% —= ——— m= 24447. “896% 100 AA spacing of 8mm » stirrups (two legged) = 6 em ele. L$ mm ¢ stirrups @ 12 cms c/c. Max.SF, = 29377 29:37 = 2087 1:33 14 spacing of § mm ¢ stirrups (two legged) = 7Zems. c/c. mm sticrups @ 14 ems. ofe. Nominal stirrups 8mm-4L. @ ems. cfe SME 30> places nominal stirrups shall be provided. ‘of nominal stirrups have not to exceed the minimum of the following. dia of bars = 32mm in of stirrup = 384mm 93-75 ) = —— = 46 87 cms. 2 8mm 441-350 mm ofc eo tort i este Bumee sony : Wag 4 Neriore ~ 7 Bums sony [ $n 52 Bong eee ace Y O91 Ph 65 eng! | ess | Best Te coge—+ toc toopstt es. ct ors 14 oe =z vy | | yogs - vo s 510% ostoj a 2 2 f> + t a i ; ; 3 : L 1 ice 3 fs { i t i Pease bo b> Fuzz ‘sons I ‘ + of Fumsz cons 7 $F aKst ono. Pun £2 sony fuw sz ‘sone ——* soe +3002 + | tsroet °F mec? sony ~ $m sz sono Suu se cong 223 reinforced rectangular sections subject to axial compression and bending in one plane section is based on the following principles as laid down in 1S-456 (See Fig. 7.23) SSTRAIN Ht CONCRETE O3 % Tl, eeeee. L SB trate resron rm sreek Fig. 7.23 of the rectangular compressive stress block should be equal to 3/4th the depth of the ject fo the limitation that this should not exceed a value equal to the depth of the the depth of the compressive stress block is less than half the effective depth of the sec- ‘compressive stress in the rectangular stress block is to be considered as 0°55 ithe depth of the rectangular stress block is equel_to or more than half the effective section, then the average compressive stress in the rectangular stress block is re- Manner such that the resultant moment of the compression about the centroid of i reinforcement, or the reinforcement least in the compression, is equal to the mo- | for the condition when the depth of the stress block i ‘equal to the half the | the section. stress in steel is obtained by multiplying the appropriate strain by the modulus subject to the limit of yield stress, ‘maximum strain in the concrete may be assumed 0-3% for the purpose of design section is designed from the conditions that the algebric sum of the forces in steel is equal to the ultimate compressive load on the section and that the ulti- due to the external forces about any reference line is equal to the algebric sum ‘of forces in concrete and steel about the same reference line. . uilibrium of forces results in the equation : 0-55 ocu bra-bAse ( asey—0-55 acu)—Astxo sy nt equilibrium gives the equation : O-55ccu_bxa (dy—a)s) + Asc (osey— 0-55 acu) (di—d;) a of a section a trial depth of the neutral axis is considered and based on the es it is verified whether the forces and moment equilibrium equation is satisfied. ‘on the depth of the neutral axis the failure may be duc to the crushing of the con- before the steel yields or it may be due to the yielding of the reinforcement. Since of rials are required standard charts are available which indicate. the inter , oy ram against for a particular;percentage of steel arrangedin a symetrical manner. euxbd —acubd? design reference is made to the charts 2 to 17. sections subject to axial compression and bending in two planes. Solution may be obtained on the above principles as for bending in one plane. As | fnvolves considerable calculations it is Convenient to transform the bi-axial moment by any of the standard methods such as Pannels method. (Alternatively, a ntage of steel is assumed and the capacity of the section to resist the extemal ‘the two planes acting simultaneously is compared with the external moments. act- section,, the relevant equation being 224 og 0-5 log 0-5 Mux log 8 Muy log B Ga) Ce) ie ae Mugx Musy Where Mu, and Muy are the external moments acting on the sections. is a coefficient ob- tained from chart No. 1. Muy and Muyy are the resistiig moment capacity of the section due to uni-axial mo- ment acting on X and Y axes separately. For preliminary calculations the imposed moments about the two axis may be arithmatically added and considered as equivalent moment for * uniaxial condition. ‘The ultimate load or moment for which a member is to be designed by load factor me- thod is obtained by greatest “U’ value obtained from the following :— @ U=1-5DL+2.2LL (0) When wind load is considered in addition to dead and live load. U = 1SDL+2-2LL405 WL (© U=1-S DL40-SLL42-2 WE (® For structures in which earthquake load is considered in addition to dead load and live load. U=1-4 DL+LL+EL) where DL=Dead load LL=Live load WL=Wind load. EL=Earthquake load, and ‘U=Ultimate load ‘The member is designed as per the condition which gives the. fighest ultimate load/ moment.on the member, However wind and earthquake loads are not taken to act together. Pu Ma ‘The percentage of steel is calculated with the lep of charts. from ——-— and gcu bd ‘ocubd? _ Example; COLUMN DESIGN Data: P=664 tonnes Pu=28 tonnes 4 tonnes metre Muy=55 tonnes metre Mix’ M 300 Size 61x 122 ems. First approximate solution :— ‘Assuming it as uniaxial with Moment (64-455) Tm=119 Tm about x x—axis. 1 Pu 1228000 ———_—__. = 045 ocubd 300% 61 x 122? Mu 11900000 ie. .04 cocu bd? 300611222 : From Chart 13 = 065% 10-4 ecu Ast = 0-65X10-4x300x61x122 = 145-12 om? SEL Olt Breu 26 sou be ences OF Z/ —: sxe yyoq anoge sNioutou pur peoy jer ayy 203 12949 10j woNES ‘yoyo way onqea pourego sisnowaxd am) qh eoucyquIase 280 Ht OE x21 X19 11X90 = = 96 LXE ito 96-94, or = 80-91 L/1=8P 689 80: 91x L/E= 8 sit = 80: 91 XL/S= ous = 2 -2ony UOHS Y>Ee HO [PAS 4opun sv vase aarjoaye anfs 01 (2189 T- 602) JOL-# ZE—9E Bul save Yrmeue ZE “Sou D2 sz 226 Steel on each short face 7-32 dia = 56-29 2-32 dia=2/3 x 16-08 = 16.08 2-32 dia=1/3 x 16-08 72-37 cm? ‘Steel on each long face=72-37 cm? For Mxx = Pu — = 055 ocubd 2x72:37 <= et cu 611225300 From chart 4 Mu = 0.47 ocubd? 047 x 300 61 x 122? ; Mu = = 128-01 Tm 100000 Mu 047 x 300 x 122 612 For Myy:— ee ee ocubd? 100000 Mux 64 2 Seuss Mux 128-01 Muy 35 ES Behe Hit Ge Muyy 0 From chart = 0-70 log 0-5 log 0-5 Mux logB Muy logB Gia) ee Muxx Mayy Jog 0-5 Jog 0.5 = log 0-7 (086) LHS. =' (0-5) 1.6990 7. 6990, + —— 0-5) 78451 (0-86) 84st -3010 3010 ea 05 a5 (086) 1549 5) 19367 + (861.9367 0-26040-746 = 1.006 = 1 Hence assumed section is all right, ‘Check for the condition 4 = o1 227 0m a * 300% 61% 122 0-1 = “x10 bd x10—8x300%61%122 = (162-98 om? 125-6 . = 095 122 = 0550 & cfd = 01 0.710% sTx10—4%300X61122 = 156-3 om? = 238 = 16-08 88-46 steel for Myy=2%88 46 = 176-92 om? = 56-29 } = w12 . 80-41 3x80-41 = 160-82 em? 228 ‘Transverse Reinforcement Min. dia of Tr. reinf. Pitch ; 1. Least lateral dimension of column = 61 cms. 2. Yx dia of longitudinal bar. where 12x (80x 7216 8)+-(1750%225 2) 664000 See IS 456 1756 (Value should lie between 16 & 24) YxD = 1756x3.2 = 56-19 cms, 3: 48>

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