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Transaction Status : Executed Successfully

Transaction Reference No : 230206028394730

Submit Date Time : 06 Feb 2023 - 10:22:43 (GMT+07)
Menu : Single Transfer
Product : SKN/LLG

Document No : 230206028394730
Transfer From : 000107083883 / ULTRA PRIMA PLAST (IDR)
From Account Description : REFILL APAR, PO 08086

Transfer To : Beneficiary List

Transfer Method : SKN

Alias Name : GILDAN-APAR

Beneficiary Bank : 0020307 - BRI

Account Number : 385501018931534

Account Name : Agus Saefulloh
Address :
Beneficiary Notification
Email :

To Account Description : REFILL APAR, PO 08086

Beneficiary Reference No :

Beneficiary Type : 2 - Corporate

Amount : IDR 4,550,000.00

Charge Instruction : Beneficiary

Debit Charge : Combine

SKN Fee : IDR 2,900.00

Total Charge : IDR 2,900.00

Total Debit Amount : IDR 4,550,000.00
Payment Detail :

Beneficiary Resident Status : Resident

Instruction Mode : Immediate

Expired on : 08 Mar 2023

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