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Bayambang National High School

Bayambang, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2022-2023

A Semi-Detailed
Lesson Plan in
English 10
Topic: Guidelines in Writing Informative Essays

Prepared by:
Samantha Claire V. Butuyan
Student Teacher

Submitted to:
Mr. Roy Allen C. Perez
Cooperating Teacher
Learning Competency
EN10Wc-IIIb-14.1.2: Use a variety if informative, persuasive, and argumentative
writing techniques.

I. Objectives
At the end of a 60-minute lesson, 75% of the students should be able to
accomplish the following with at least 80% level of success:
A. discover the guidelines in writing informative essay;
B. evaluate the accuracy of provided informative essays according to the
guidelines through
C. ; and
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Food of Paradise by Ibn Amjed
B. References:
The Food of Paradise. Retrieved from:
The Food of Paradise. (2019) Retrieved from:
C. Materials
Multimodal presentation

III. Procedure
A. Routine/Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Review and reminders

B. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Motivation
“What’s your order?”
The teacher will present an interactive game entitled “What’s Your
Order?” in a multimodal presentation where the students will freely select
their desired snack or food to order for their snack time from the menu
shown. The selected food contains questions to be answered by the
students. The teacher will randomly pick two students by calling out their
numbers from the class list. The game will be conducted in 5 minutes.
Food with its questions:
Salad: What is your favorite soup?
French fries: What is your favorite dessert?
Tomatoes and nachos: What is your favorite drink?
Soft drink: What brand of cellphone do you desired to have?
Iced water: Which country do you want to visit someday? Why?
Orange juice: If you were given a chance to choose between one million
subscribers in YouTube or one million shopping vouchers in Shopee,
what will you choose?
Hamburger: Own an entire cinema or own a condo unit?
Hotdog: A luxury house filled with foods, or a luxury house filled with
Sandwich: Would you rather have more time or more money?
Ice cream: Would you rather be an expert at one thing, or pretty good at
many things?
Chocolate Chip Muffin: A high-paying job or a stable job?
Cheesecake: Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button
on your life?

2. Unlocking the Meanings of Difficult Words

The teacher will provide pictures that directly states the meaning of
the Islamic terms and unfamiliar words to the students. The teacher will
give clues by presenting two words that makes up the pronunciation of
the vocabulary word. The students will have to guess what word is being


cull + lift = A chief Muslim

pass + shah = A Turkish officer


gee + inns = Angels in the castle


skim + meter = A sword

day + us = A seat thrown for King and Queen
6. A sweet meat composed of sugar
hall + waah = mixed with paste of

Key Answers:
1. Caliph
2. Pasha
3. Jinns
4. Scimitar
5. Dais
6. Halwa

3. Background of the Author

The teacher will present the biography of Ibn Amjed, the author of
the story “The Food of the Paradise” through a multimodal presentation.
The teacher will call a student to read the text.

Ahmad ibn Majid was or popularly known as Ibn Amjed was one of
the most influential writers in Arabian literature. He was raised with a
family famous for seafaring; at the age of 17, he was able to navigate
ships. He was so famous that he was known as the First Arab Seaman.
The exact date is not known, but Ibn Amjed died in 1500. He
became famous in the West as the navigator who helped Vasco da Gama
find find his way from Africa to India. Ibn Amjed was the author of nearly
forty works of poetry and prose including "The Food of Paradise", which is
considered as his masterpiece.

C. During Reading Activities

1. Presentation of the Lesson
The teacher will be establishing the connection of the topic to the
motivation activity by doing the following:
 The teacher will ask what they often do when they want something.
 The teacher will introduce the main character of the story.

2. Discussion of the Text

The teacher will group the students into pairs, and they will create a
story map organizer which will be done in 5 minutes. The teacher will
create a folder in the files tab of MS teams where they will pass their
outputs. The teacher will choose one pair of students to present their
story map.
The teacher will present only the summary of the story in a
multimodal presentation since the teacher already instructed the students
to read the story
The teacher will ask the students the following questions:

 Who is Mullah Ibrahim?

The main character of the story Mullah Ibrahim is a teacher in a

 Why did Mullah leave his job in the City of Baghdad?

One day he just thought that no one appreciates him. So he asked
Allah why does he need to suffer. He left the seminary and the City
of Baghdad.

 What did he find in the river while he was under a tree?

A halwa which is a a sweet meat composed of sugar mixed with
paste of almonds and attar of roses.

 Why do you think Ibrahim is dying out of curiosity about the giver of
his food?
Because he might see a miracle and he wants to return the kindness
of the person whose providing him a food or daily ration every day.

 What did Abraham find out about the princess and how did he react?
That the Princess the daughter of a pasha and a princess was the
one who gave him the food but he was disappointed because the
Princess explained that those leaves with sugar and sweet-scented
cosmetics are wrapped around the skin of the Princess while taking
a bath.

 What do you think are the moral issues presented in the story?
Materialistic, greedy, lack of faith, arrogant, tardiness, contentment

 What is the lesson of the story?

It tells us a lesson that we must be contented and thankful of what
God gives us. We should not be lazy instead we must work hard so
that God will give us what we deserve. The story serves as a mind
opener in the way that it tells us hope and faith towards our God.

 How important is your faith as you live in this world?


 Do you see yourselves as what Ibrahim does?


D. Post-Reading Activity
1. Enrichment of the Lesson
The teacher will instruct the students to individually make a
concrete poem containing 70 words that is heart-shaped structure which
tackles what they have learned from Mullah Ibrahim.

CATEGORY 5 4 3 1-2
Spelling / The spelling and The spelling and The poem has The poem has
Grammar grammar are error grammar are few errors in several errors in
free. virtually error free. spelling and/or grammar and
grammar. It is spelling which
easily make it difficult to
understood. understand.
Concrete Poem includes The poem is The poem is The poem is
Poem Style detail in shape that written in a well- written in a written in a crude
adds to aesthetic of defined and creative shape, shape.
poem. detailed shape. without use of
May use minimal excessive lines
lines, but only as to create shape.
Use of Poem includes use The poem uses The poem Little thought has
Imagery & onomatopoeias, or vivid language demonstrates been given to
Language other creative and sensory good sensory word choices.
language adding to details that have details and Your poem would
the meaning of the been carefully appropriate use have been more
poem. chosen. of language. meaningful with a
few word
Neatness & Shape includes Writer's final Writer's print is Writer's print is a
Legibility detail points made product is neat, fully legible. mostly readable.
with writing. clean, and legible. Writing is Writing may not be
Shape is also shaped in straight lines or
neat and tidy. appropriately placed neatly for
for shape. shape.
Some areas
may be

2. Generalization
The teacher will conclude the discussion by stating the following:
 “The main character of the story Mullah Ibrahim who is a teacher in
a seminary and lacks out faith and contentment in God for he
always compares his works from others. He does not know how to
wait for Allah’s blessing to come.”
 “If you serve God, you should never be after the lust you will get.
You should know that God knows the right time and the right
moment to give the blessing you need. You should also be
contented on what you receive from God.”
 “In rendering kindness to someone, you should never expect in
return because kindness is a gift not a payment.”
 “Hard work is not enough if you wish to achieve something, pair it
with a solemn prayer to God.

IV. Assessment
The teacher will prepare a 10-item multiple choice quiz for the students for
their literary comprehension. This is done through Quizizz where the students
need to access the link or code to take the test. This is the link for the quiz:

1. Why did Mullah Ibrahim left the seminary and City of Baghdad?
a. He compares his hardwork to his fellow servants.
b. He believes that he should be compensated with money.
c. He left because he is not fed by Allah.
d. He does not feel belong to his religion.
2. What was the first problem he encountered after settling to a dry and shady
spot beneath a spreading cypress tree by the riverbank?
a. He looks for a shelter
b. Ibrahim felt ill
c. He gained sleeplessness
d. He suffered from starvation
3. How halwa was described in the story?
a. a roasted-meat composed of sugar mixed with and attar of roses
b. a sweet-chicken composed of sugar mixed with paste of almonds
c. a sweet-meat composed of sugar mixed with paste of almonds and
attar of roses
d. a sweet-meat composed of salt mixed with paste of almonds
4. Why does Ibrahim started to wonder where his daily ration of food came
a. Because if he could trace the spot on the river where it was
deposited, he might see Allah.
b. Because if he could trace the spot on the river where it was
deposited, he might see a miracle.
c. Because if he could trace the spot on the river where it was
deposited, he might get another food.
d. Because if he could trace the spot on the river where it was
deposited, he might see the giver.
5. Where did he go on his fourth journey?
a. He goes back to the City of Baghdad.
b. Ibrahim started out on a journey upstream.
c. Ibrahim came upon a fair castle on an island in the midst of the
d. He went to the desert.
6. Who narrated to Ibrahim the history of the castle?
a. A Caliph
b. The princess
c. A pasha
d. The hermit
7. According to the hermit's story, why did the pasha abduct the princess,
married her and kept her in that tower?
a. Because the princess is too wealthy.
b. Because he want to kill her.
c. Because the princess' father is against to their marriage.
d. Because the princess commited a mistake.
8. What did Ibrahim found out about the daughter of the princess that
answered his curiosity?
a. The princess is the one who throws the halwa that Ibrahim is
b. The princess possesses magic.
c. The princess is beautiful and kind.
d. The princess is not living in the castle.
9. Fill in the blanks. Ibrahim cast himself into a _______, for as a holy man he
had acquired some knowledge of the magical art. His spirit walked in the
land of the Jinns. There he met Adhem, one of the Jinns, who promised to
aid him in breaking the magic spells of the castle.
a. monster
b. tranquil
c. trance
d. Skull
10. What is the lesson of the story?
a. Time will pass by quicker than we know it.
b. We must be contented and thankful of what God gives us.
c. God waits for humans to realise what they have done wrong and
ask for forgiveness and welcomes them back when they do.
d. The responsibility demanded by relationships with others leads to
a greater understanding and appreciation of one's responsibilities to
the world in general.

V. Assignment
The teacher will give an assignment to the students where they will
compare Islam to Catholic through an infographic. The students will submit their
outputs in Class materials > Activity No. 2 files tab in MS Teams.

Islam Catholic

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