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Co-Morkipyg HUG INVESTIGATION ON HOW SPATIAL QUALITIES OF CO-WORKING SPACES CAN ENHANCE WORK EFFICIENCY AND SOCIAL NETWORKS, IN A CITY CENTRE THAT IS DRAINED OUT OF URBAN LIFE, FOR A RESILIENT SOCIO-ECONOMIC GROWTH OF UDDEVALLA CITY. Co-Workinc HUB Investigation on how Spatial Qualities of Co-Working Spaces can enhance Work Efficiency and Social Networks, in a City Centre that Is Drained Out of Urban Life, for @ Resilient Socio-Economic Growth of Uddevalla City, Rozjan Hassan Master's Thesis at Chalmers School of Architecture Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering This is o Moster’s thesis written during spring 2018 within the Master's Programme: Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability (MPDSD) Chalmers University of Technology “412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel: +46 (0) 31-7210 00 Examiner: Emilio da Cruz Brandao Supervisors: Nils 8)Srling External Critics: Giambattiste Zaccoriotto & Dovid Leite Viena © Razjon Hassan, 2018 Razjanhassan@hotmailcom Gétoborg, Sweden 2018-08-30 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Razjan Hassan was born in Sulaiman, Kurdistan, and raised in Den Haag, The Netherlands. She has a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from University of Sulamani and completed her Master's programme in Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability Her projects were often based on dialogue and participatory design methods, co-design, co-creation, citizen participation, s0cial sustainability, circular economy, shared living spaces, waste menagement (recycle, reuse, repair, redesign), social integration, sustainable building and community building, (Author's picture) STUDENT BACKGROUND Bachelor studies | 2010-2016 Tear BSc of Architecture at TU Delft BSc Architectural Engineering University of Sulaimoni at Master studies | 2016-2018 Master's Programme Architecture and Planning Beyond Susteinability ct Chalmers University of Technology Selection of courses within the master studies: *Sustainable Development Design Professions Design ond Planning for Sociallinclusion *Design Systems + Sustainable Architectural Design + Building Information Modelling “Masters thesis preparation course 16 2 *Planaing and design for sustainable development in « local context ond the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [A special thanks to my supervisors and examiner Nils Bjérling and Emilio da Cruz Brandao, for their guidance, trust constructive advices, involvement and time. For pushing and inspiring me during this process, this project would not have been possible without your knowledge, support and inspiration. My family and my friends, for your encouragement and for alwaysbelieving In me. My fellow students in the master thesis studio, for your encouragement ‘and good inputs. For always taking the time to share ideas, Thanks to everyone who lent me their time through meeting me, answering ‘emails ond telephone calls My Mother for helping me out with everything all the time. Without you | would not be able to finish this Master's Thesis. Bona J. ahmed, Lana M. Al ‘and Trifa Hassan for all your fantastic support and for always taking the time to give good advices along the way. Bohez Aso Rahim, for being by my side during this process, for your constant support and for never complaining. For ‘always toking the time to cheer up and give good advises. And thank you for ‘always believing in me. | dedicate this work to you all. TABLE OF CONTENT Co-Working HUB Site Context 33. 5rd @ Ath Floor Plan 69 About the Author 3. The Site 3a Section b-b 70 Acknowledgment 4 Site Surrounding 35 Section oo n Table of Content 5 Accessibitly 36 Section c-e n Reading instructions 6 Climate Study —________. 37 _ Bird Eye View. 8 Abstract 7. Interview and survey conclusions 38 Municipal facts 6 Statistics. 40 6- CONCLUSION & REFLECTIONS 1, INTRODUCTION SWOT Analysis 1 Conclusion. 76 Monifesto 10 Local Objectives and Strategies. 42_ Reflection s Aim & Purpose: 1 Conclusion a3 NextStep 79 Methods © Process 12 oe Delimitations- 115 4. CONCEPT & PROGRAM 7, REFERENCES The Concept 46 ° 8. INSPIRATION 2. RESEARCH Design Approach 47 Tech-Farm 88 Thesis Discourse. 16 Target Groups 48 Architectural Elements Inspiration —= 89 Sustainability Discourse — 17, Locetion ao Mec 2 Co-Working 18 Design Strategies. 52 Hospice Open Plan Offices. 19 Spatial Program 53 9, appennix Propinguity Etfect 20 Sociere os Hub ond Spoke 21: THE PROPOSAL Eudamonia Machine, 22. The Concept 2 Transition HUB 25 Building Form Cy Conclusion 36 Gradvel Privacy Transition oa Flexibility 6 3. LOCAL CONTEXT Brief Background, Uddevalio 3 32 Site Plan. Ground Floor Plone. 67 Ist @ 2nd Floor Plan 68 READING INSTRUCTIONS This Master's Thesis is preferably read from cover to cover, but for those wha want fo read something specific, this is facilitated by having anumber of chapters dedicated to each port in the project process. Important is to mention thot the process has not been linear but rather in loops. This thesis report is divided into three ports. Part 1: Introduction, Research, Local Context Part 2: Concept & Program, the Proposal ‘and Conclusion. Part 3: References, Inspiration and Appendix The design proposal is a result of the first port, aaa Part one introduces the thesis and argues for the problems and questions raised within it.I gives a background to put the thesis in a broader context and shows methods of working as wells limitations of the work, The research is displayed first and the site is Introduced later together with analysis of the local context which this project is based upon. ee Part two consists of the design proposal. This part shows how the research and analysis, ore turned into conclusions providing a base for the design criteria and program. These criteria guided me in the creation of the design. >> Part three is for more information on the references that | have used during this Master's Thesis, inspirational reference projects and additional material from the process as well as the posters produced for the exhibition. ABSTRACT The new modern community consists of more freelancers, start Ups and solo-enirepreneurs, and will constitute a large amount of the total workforce in the fulure. Nowadays younger generations prefer to work in places where they can find a community of like-minded people as well as @ “fun and social” workplace. This place can be @ co-working facilily, which has become a part of the current sharing economy revolution, Uddevallo, 0 mid-sized city on the Swedish west-coast, has become a trade centre for small businesses, yet the city centre is struggling to survive due to a lack of social networks and ‘ctivities. There 1s an increased need for shared working spaces In order fo enhance social interaction and connect existing and emerging networks. The im of this master thesis is to investigate @ solution for achieving an extroverlad and inclusive working environment that can encourage its users to interact, thereby creating 0 social platform where they quickly bounce ideas back and forth, The intention is to combine people at different ages ‘and background with a common interest for sustainability and create a comfortable, homelike environment in the workspaces to enhance work efficiency and productivity The result iso design proposal for a Co-Working HUB with flexible shared spaces for activities such as co-working and co: creating. The aim is to provide the users with an environment that encourages social interaction and enhance nel working and collaboration opportunities for businesses by working in close proximity to people in other tields that shore similar values. This will contribute to a city centre that willbe attractive to visit, work ond live in Research by design is mainly implemented, and problems have been tesled through digital model studies and skelching. The proposal should be seen as an example of how to demonstrate, educate, and inspire people to shore, care, and collaberate, in order fo generate new sustainable and innovative business ideas, Finally, the concept, strategies and design proposal could inspire ‘other cities that are struggling with the some urban challenge, KEY WORDS Co-Working, Co-Creating, Sharing, Collaboration, Social Interaction, Start-Ups 6 Small Businesses “A PLACE YOU JOIN AS AN INDIVIDUAL, ‘ME,’ BUT WHERE YO! BECOME PART OF A GREATER ‘WE. eee) 1. INTRODUCTION MANIFESTO THE CO-WORKING HUB Imagine a place where you can enjoy work and socialize without feeling alone. A place that opens up the opportunity for spontaneous conversations, with like minded people, ‘bout anything you can Imagine without feeling out of context. Being inspired by each ether and being an inspiration for the next generation. This place is a co-working HUB, that consists of shared spaces for recovering, learning, earning and socializing ‘We believe that with the proper atmosphere around you will be inspired to start-up. ‘and manage different kinds of resource efficient businesses, and you will contribute in strengthening the local economy of your city, your place. We alm for togetherness where people, activities, ond valves are weaved together and supports each other. The social network will be open and flexible for new collaborations to happen between different entrepreneurs, industries, researchers, and inventors. This venue supports cooperative collaborations, and provides room for community events ‘ond local organizations. ‘We ore committed to offer you creative spaces and satistying atmosphere that con. encourage you to meet, interact, share and exchange resources, knowledge, experience, Ideas, values and more, Together we con establish a strong and sustainable social network, that will help fo generate new sustainable and innovative business ideas. THESIS QUESTION How can we design for revitalization of a city centre that is drained out of urban life, by focusing on co-working spaces, for a resilient socio-economic growth of uddevallla city? INTRODUCTION 10 AIM & PURPOSE AIM AND RESEARCH FIELD The aim of this master thesis is to investigate @ solution for achieving fon extroverted and inclusive working ‘environment thal can encourage its users to interact, thereby creating a social plat form where they quickly bounce ideas ack and forth, The intention is to combine people ot different ages and background with 2 common interest for sustainobility, fond create 9 comfortable, homelike environment in the workspaces to ‘enhance werk efficiency and productivity, The strategies and design proposal could Inspire other cities that are struggling with the sone urban challenge. score The final result will consist of @ building with activities such as, working, and co creating. The co-working HUB will serve as @ venue fer social interaction through cooperative collaborations, community events and room for local organizations, The design proposal is limited to an architectural scale where the most Important indoor and outdoor spaces are Investigated on a higher detail level. The main focusison the spatial qualities in the building, its immediate surroundings and the working environmen! and interactions within it. The thesis does not focus on the structural details, technical ‘aspects of the building ond its systems, PURPOSE & SUB-THESIS QUESTION + A social platform where you quickly bounce ideas back and forth + An environment that encourages social Interaction and enhances networking and collaboration opportunities for businesses bby working in close proximity to people in other fields that share similar values + Anew and high-quality way of working + Strengthen the circular economy, + A “fun and social” workplace with like minded people + Comfortable, homelike environments in the workspaces + Affordable working space for start-ups and small businesses + Providing necessary tools for diverse professions P octcenyn eninge D paosietocorwortond cocreatey =e @- /\\ SAMPLE Afler observing friendships in @ small two-floor apart ment building, they came to the conclusion thet neighbours often friends, whilst people on separate floors were not, and those on ground-floor level ear staircases and mailboxes had friends fon both floors. Friendships ore usually established between neighbourhoods, at workplaces, with class mates and other places where people gel together. This means that it is crucial for us to meet Up regularly in order 10 make friends and build social trust, and fo ensure this casual To ensure you meet up, arrange your life so {you repeatedly ‘bump into’ them. Festinger (1954). Schachter ond Bsc (1950) & Zojonc (1960) IMPLEMENTATION During proposing the layout of the spaces, wil try to implement this propinguity effect. The starting point will be wel appointed meeling spaces and a diversity of lounge areas, this is to stimulate social interactions. In order to stimulate and enhance social Interaction we have to improve the more: public and common increasing the number of casval interactions one has in this space. This phenomenon is according to Jane Jacobs research and theories on how design can affect community and creativity, Jacobs J (1961) HUB AND SPOKE HUB AND SPOKE Hub and Spoke spaces feature a singular entryway into common spaces ond hallways that spoke out to different individual offices, People hove the ability to choose to collaborate or to ensconce themselves In their offices. The mora public/central spaces ond hallways in the Hub ond Spoke approach needs to be navigated cand therefore, encourages conversation ‘and social interaction A famous sample where this design concept is applied Is the ML.T’s building 20. Fig5. Hub end Spoxe @ siesiom POSSIBLE DEVELOPMENT The Hub and Spoke concept can be developed in order to enhance social Interaction, This will be through different connections wilh the central space, with different sequence of spaces linked with each other, Applying one of these connections (web, chain, o group) with the central space (Hub), in an architectural design can lead to different approaches in terms of the transition between public ond private spaces, and will eventually result in different qualities of space. Fig 6. Hub and Spoke development RESEARCH /21 EUDAMONIA MACHINE EUDAMONIA MACHINE Eudamonia is the Greek concept for “a state in which you're achieving your full human polential” This theory, by David Dewane's, has been investigated ond ‘adopted in Cal Newport's book "Deep Work". Mathison, J. (2016) Achieving true mastery is the only way to create something genuinely innovative, something truly new that moves the world forwards In that specific field. For echieving mastery you need to"force your way into its secrets”, and thal requires deep, extended periods of focus. Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets for it, and knowledge can raise men to the divine: Mathison, (2016) We literally never experience hunger unless we starve ourselves, So it should not be too expensive to experiment with our workplaces and find @ method that makes the most of human patenticl. RESEARCH / 22 In the Eudamonia Machine, there are five spaces that get progressively more focused on concentrated, focused work. This way we can establish @ productive shared space as, well ass deep work, Employees will produce more value and quality work while working there, and that this valve/quality is significantly above the cost of maintaining the facility, @ caer + First room when you enter + Contains examples of produced in the building + Meant to inspire users of the machine, creating a ‘culture of healthy stress and peer pressure @ son + Creates @ mood that ‘hovers between Intense curiosity and argumentation: + A place to debate, and work through the ideas thot you'll develop deeper in the machine @ ery + Stores a permanent record of all work produced in the machine * Contains books and other resources Used in previous works deep work © ornce + Contains o standard conference room with a whiteboard and some cubicles with desks. for low-intensity activity @ cramace + Each chamber is conceived to be six by ten feet and protected by thick soundproot walls * Allows for total focus and uninterrupted work flow ‘deep work chambers Public Private —ee o ==» Galery + Salon = Library -Ottice - Chamber Fig 7.Eudamania machine theory diagram TRANSITION HUB CONCEPT Transition HUB is a master’s thesis reference that has developed a concept for @ physical meeting place, of trans- disciplinary character, that will accelerate the tronsition fo 9 sustainable future. Findings trom this reference will be on important teol in developing a design framework for the final design propose The concept of this Tronsition Hub Is; "To attract a broad spectrum of actors, working with sustainable development cand to generate mestings that accelerate the transition to a sustainable future” The aim is to design @ physical place thot Increases the chances of spontaneous meetings, supporting positive friction, being alive at different times of the doy, encouraging co-creation, learning ond reflecting upon sustainable development. Stotn, & (2014) THEORY A theoretical model named “Quadruple Heli, is used for understanding the actors; civil society, business, education ‘and public sector. | will use this system analysis ond place my master's thesis topic within the system, to understand the potenticls of the nelworking and haw to Connect existing networks. Fig 8.Ditforent inks dotning aiferent connections between actors ond now this con be n'a bigger Scale creating 6 small worl network Fig 9. The Quadruple Helix with the four actors RESEARCH / 23 TRANSITION HUB en Co] Pees eee Pree el oa Goes Panay eer rr pases cy erat Piers transit ‘enables contact w ore hard nership of the Building isc his kind of place to work, o§ activities that filla need will help to attract people to this place ond not to forget that the public 5 TRANSITION HUB ‘SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN BUSINESS The economic system in which the business sector operates is primarily directed al maintaining profitability Yel, in business, there has been on Increased focus on sustainability issues, primarily through higher demands {rom customers and consumers, The driving forces behind this change is because companies want to collaborate with other stakeholders, whom are of great potential 95 well a5 a willingness to be active in the lecal community in which they operate. According to the transition hub thesis we can define the main actors, activities they can take care of, the challenges they will face and the potentials that they bring with them in the Sytem of Quadruple helix. These point can be applied later during the design phase, in order to define potential target groups and @ program for the building ACTORS = Small, medium and large companies = Municipally owned compenies Fig 0. + Stort-up’s = Self-employed ACTIONS = Taking care of Environmental Sustainability “Becoming @ pioneer in Sustainability, ‘and waking up awareness = Designing or producing durable product and/or services CHALLENGE = Must find a link to profitability in order to be feasible POTENTIALS Increased demand trom co-workers ond customers (civil society) can drive more sustainable actions, The system answers the question: Whet actors and activities in the business community contribute to Sistoinable development? RESEARCH /.25 CONCLUSION RESEARCH & THEORIES Findings from the research part will be valuable input for the design proposal. Main findings thot con be translated Into design strategies or needs to be considered during the design process are: + Quadruple Helix + The propinauity effect + Eudamonia machine - Levels of Privacy Furthermore, 9 connection between the potentials of co-working as on activity ond quality of working spaces will be made. RESEARCH / 26 Some of the potentials are: + Testing new ideas + Saving money on rent + Creating a social network + Creating a business network + Growing 9 creative ond community + Gatling advice and sharing knowledge and experience + Generating new sustainable and innovative business ideas. + Business, research, customers and organisations can come together and be + Enhancing cooperation and. collaboration between researchers, start Up entrepreneurs and small businesses innovative Main qualities that needs to be addressed + An environment thot encourages social Interaction ond enhances networking and collaboration opportunities for businesses bby working in close proximity to people in ther fields that share similar values, + Anew and high-quality way of working + Alun and social” workplace with lke minded people + Comfortable, homelike environments in the workspaces + Affordable working space for stort-ups and small businesses + Providing necessary tools for diverse professions included in the cost of the rent * A social platform where you quickly bounce ideas back and forth + Improve socialsuppert, communication, ‘and cooperation CONCLUSION THESIS DISCOURSE BYNES AIDING THEORIES DESIGN FRAMEWORK [monet crours| LOCATION HUB AND SPOKE ‘QUADRUPLE HELIX RESEARCH /27 “COLLABORATION IS THE SOFTWARE, CO-WORKING IS THE CCG Fass, W. (2018) 3. LOCAL CONTEXT BRIEF BACKGROUND Uddevalla is 0 mid-sized city, located in the province Bohusian (swedish West coast) 6 miles North of Gothenburg, and isa central node in Vastra Gotaland. The city is connected to Géteborg and Oslo, both through the highway E6 and the railway. The city centre ts located along the {Jord aytjorden and surrounded by green nature areas (Uddevalla kommun, 2016). The city is strategically located by the sea with @ coastline of 27 mile. The population in the municipality has increased since 2000 andhas currently 55.615 inhabitants. Renal Land: 658 sa/km Population per sake € ‘Sweden and Vasa Gotaland Fig 12. Commuting distance trom Usdevala to eties within Vasira Gétaland LOCAL CONTEXT / 31 UDDEVALLA THE CITY SITE CONTEXT Uddevalla is embedded by hills ond is known for its great green nature. Their are {a some very valuable green areas trom which Skansberget is close to the city centre, but yet disconnected from the city network, & beautiful green walk along the water, called strand promenade, connects the city centre with the green areas, Uddevalla hes more than 300 local organizations of different kind. There are also lots of small theatre associations whom unfortunately has ne place to perform. There is also need for an art gallery. The Site ®utlord The Site LOCAL CONTEXT / 33, THE SITE FACTS Width: 85 m. Depth: 67m Are: 5695, Current use: Bus station & Parking lot with space for 25 cars, KAMPENHOF The site is currently surrounded by parking lots on two sides with walking paths behind them. The site will be on empty space in the dense city centre ond has @ very nice view towards the Bytjord. Building @ central working & meeting place here will benefit the area In many ways as well as enclosing the hole in the city The aim is thot this project will perform {95 a pioneer and show that belonging to {9 social community, rather than to live alone, is necessary for us to be more resilient ond behave more sustainable. Eventually, this project should be adapted to, and integrated in the local climate and context Fig 15. The ste LOCAL CONTEXT / 34 SITE SURROUNDING The creniin dong needaretstzing @ secondhand shop © cheme O vrvscun OQ church O Foetsnus © Sumnasiestote Ostrabo © ruseum @ Senki Mikoctgseden ) Kunsgaton © honevere stolen © Kampenhot ® city cenive, to be able to mature a more sustainable and integrated development, The city centre consist mainly of cultural Fig 1. Existing meeting places. ACCESSIBILITY CLIMATE STUDY SUN & WIND The buildings surrounding the site ore too far to have any impact on the sunlight penetrating the building that willbe built. This \s on optimal lecation for the project in terms of daylight penetration, yet we have to consider the prevailing wind coming irom South-West during the design phase. 1ST OF JANUARY 1ST OF APRIL (Shadows irom 12.00) w 1st OF OCTOBER (Shadows from 1200) * Fig 18. Prevailing wing aie (ict gs os LOCAL CONTEXT / 37 INTERVIEW & SURVEY CONCLUSIONS DIVERSE NATURE Uddevalla is known for its great nature fond diverse landscape, which creates 9 colm environment for its inhabitants, Residents value this the most. This is the main reason for @ large number of tourists Visiting Uddevalla each summer to enjoy the west coast, forest ond green areas. TRADE CENTRE Usdevalla hos become a trade centre for ‘many small businesses thal are increasing leach year. Some of these small businesses hove started to work at the same place to save on money(rent costs), yet they have not started collaborating. LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS Another interesting fact is that Uddevalla has more than 300 local organizations, which means active citizens who can help with creating an united community where diverse people, activities, and values ore weaved together and supports each other. LACK OF PERFORMANCE AND EXHIBITION SPACE There are many small theatre associations, bbut no place for them to perform. There is ‘also need for an art gallery LOCAL CONTEXT / 38 INTERVIEW & SURVEY CONCLUSIONS eee LACK OF SOCIAL INTERACTION From the interviews it has become clear thot there is an interest in sharing living fond working spaces with local residents, People who wants to live in some type: fof co-housing situation tend to do this because of social reasons. There is a big Interest in socializing and meeting new people. LACK OF DIVERSITY Many people mention that they have no oplions to choose from, there are lots of the same kind activities, which are mainly hairdressers, pzzerias and cafeterias. The reslourants are clustered around the main Street(Kungsgatn), and does not stretch ut fo meet the water(By ord). rete OUT CROWDED CITY CENTRE The main noticeable problem with the city centreisthe fact that it is out crowded and. rained {rom commerce and urban lie. There are no activities that attract people and if someone want fo do shopping {hey prefer to go to Torp (external shopping ‘mall, 7 km outside the city centre) Pome LOCAL CONTEXT /39 MUNICIPAL FACTS & STATISTICS INCREASED POPULATION Uddevallais @ growing city, The population has increased during the 2000's and is expected to continue growing. In 2016 increase was 985 inhabitants, which is the largest population increase ever. The increase consisted of positive migration ‘ond @ positive net birth rate, (Uddevalla kommun, 2018) Fig 19. Population growth 2000-2016 LOCAL CONTEXT / 40 HOUSING & JOB OPPORTUNITIES Stotisties of people immigrating to Uddevalla today shows that Uddevalla Is appealing fo young families and start up entrepreneurs, not necessarily with © connection to the city from before (Lanstrém, 2010). The commuting distance makes Uddevalla attractive for people moving from Gothenburg, looking fer cheaper housing or a more calm environment, as wellas for people coming trom Ljunskile, Munkedal, Orust and other surrounding small cities and villages to work in Uddevalla, ¥ iM vohed reasons why new 2010) Ofice = Chamber Fig 44. Edomonia machine development @ orice + Conference roam / meeting rooms + Co-working desks with flex option + Workshop spaces - atelier, soft lab, machinery (3D printer/plotier/wood) @ cuameee + Private rooms (study or work) / small offices + Private quite corners (open individual work places) CONCEPT & PROGRAM /55 SPATIAL PROGRAM ‘THE GALLERY ions and Activities Il consist of @ lobby w joard and exhibiti resting. An Proposed Fun: This space Intera: will be an important place to jablish contact between members and isitors and will therefore have multiple and diverse sitting areas that encourage wersations. Here we spontaneous have examples of building. I's meant to create a culture of healt pressure. Additionally to the we Multi Pur types of perfor is lacking in the cily Cart gallery, theatre). CONCEPT & PROGRAM /56 CHARACTER (PUBLIC) = iia SPATIAL PROGRAM : Proposed Functions and Activities urban farming SPATIAL PROGRAM THE OFFICE CHARACTER (PRIVATE) Proposed Functions and Activities T and at & PROGRAM /58 SPATIAL PROGRAM ‘THE CHAMBER Proposed Functions and Activites ce will consist of private rooms cted by thick nd uninterrup! Description The chamber cai addition to the work with total focus, @ space in which ork done, ‘and the o be a private ro fan open space. or aquite corner within CHARACTER (PRIVATE) “IN THIS SPACE WE ARE PASSIONATE, WE TRUST AND TREAT OTHERS WITH HONESTY AND RESPECT, WE WORK HARD AND. STAND FOR CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION, WE BELIEVE IN WE ARE DEDICATED AND LOVE WHAT WE DO, WE ARE INSPIRED BY EACH OTHER, WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO BE GREAT.” COMMUNITY, Levoen, K. (2018) 5. THE PROPOSAL CONCEPT THE CONCEPT The concept is responding to the design strategies, The main strategies ore embodied in the following concepts, in order to achieve the main objectives ond aims of this Master's Thesis. \OPOSAL / 62 DESIGN STRATEGIES 1. Permeable Borders 2. Spatial Diversity 3. Flexible & Adaptable Space concerts 1.Connecting 1. CONNECTING Spaces, FUNCTIONS AND PEOPLE t x ¢teeantl Y CONNECTING SPACES, FUNCTIONS AND PEOPLE eae nie ee PLAYING WITH VOLUMES / PRIVACY TRANSITION THE PROPOSAL /63 Diverse Layers oF EXCHANGING KNOWLEDGE Ove” 2. GRADUAL PRIVACY TRANSITION PRIVATE PusLic THE PROPOSAL / 64 3. FLEXIBILITY SOME SAMPLES OF UNITS USED IN THE PLANS THE PROPOSAL / 65 1st AND 2np FLOOR PLAN THE PROPOSAL /68 3rd AND 4TH FLOOR PLAN os ‘THE PROPOSAL / 69 SECTION A-A SECTION C-C INDIRECT INTERACTION (VISUALLY) INDIRECT INTERACTION (VIS\ ) DIRECT INTERACTION cO-LIVING MAIN ROAD BYFJORO. DIRECT INTERACTION EL GREENHOUSE wapee | oA WER can nn BIRD EYE VIEW ‘THE PROPOSAL /73 “WE CAN NOT SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS WITH THE SAME THINKING. WE USED WHEN WE CREATED THEM.” Tra nee 6. CONCLUSION & REFLECTION CONCLUSION Closing the hole in the city centre with buildings and spaces thal are highly demanded from the local community, municipality and personal investigation of area, There is need for more ond diverse activities in the city centre for it to regain the social life, Revitalization of the city centre is not something we con solve by @ particular bullding or space but rather a process that takes time ond should be seen as a chain of interventions Ina long term perspective, where in the co-working HUB is one of the necessary interventions in my opinion. | hope this conceptual proposal will inspire people who have the authority to make @ change inthe eity planning of Uddevalla The co-workingHUBcanbeastarting point to revitalize the city centre and contribute toa more resilient and sustainable future for the city. Possible positive effects of the proposal on the city centre might be that more people want te visit, ive and work in Uddevalla. The co-working HUB will become on Important node for the local community ‘and is on exciting and dynamic centre which will contribute to @ strong social ‘ond business network in the city REFLECTION @ CONCLUSION /76 Possible positive effects and qualities from the proposal: + A city centre that encourages social interaction and enhances networking and collaboration opportunities fer businesses by working in close proximity to people in other fields that shore similar values + Anew and high-quality way of working, @ “tun and social” workplace with like minded people * Comfortable, homelike environments in the workspaces + Alfordable working space for start-ups and small businesses + Improve social support, communication, and cooperation Providing a meeting place os well as @ place to test new ideas Saving money on rent Creating strong social and business network Growing @ erealive and innovative community Getting advice and sharing knowledge ond experience Generating new sustainable and Innovative business ideos Business, research, customers and organisations can come together and be one Enhancing cooperation andcollaboration between researchers, start-up entrepreneurs Ind small businesses, creating synergy effects Finally. | would like to mention that since this thesis does not discuss economic aspect, construction, and organizational aspects, there is @ possibilily for this thesis fo be further developed so it will be more convincing and realistic, especially to the municipality of Uddevalla. Yel, the concept, strategies and design proposal could inspire other cities thet are struggling with the same urban challenge. CONCLUSION GOING BACK TO MAIN QUESTION How can we design for revitalization of a city centre that (s drained out of urban Me, by focussing on co-working spaces, for’ resilient socio-economic growth of Uddevatla City? The city centre is becoming too much introverted ond social networks ore becoming weok and disconnected. The big challenge Is to make people settle down (live Gwork) in Uddevalla, to create city centre that is fullof ive and activities that attracts the majority. By introducing a method thal encourages people to share, collaborate and connect we might be able to change the existing situation towards @ more sustainable future. The city hos great potential for new start-up businesses and needs co- working offices to facilitate Inhabitants with a place that encourages sharing ond collaboration, tora Fig 4S. Proposal inthe urban context Main Roca Exiting Buding I Proposed new structure ME Froposal Co-working HUB REFLECTION 6 CONCLUSION /77 REFLECTION NECESSARY INTERVENTIONS The proplems with the cily centre are Interconnected and needs several interventions an actions {o be solved, We will have to bring people together and create a strong identity for Uddevalla in the first place, by focussing on existing qualities, Some potentials of the area ore; ~ Green Areas, Byfjorden (Water), Cultural Activities (Cinema, Folkets Hus, the Library and Béhusian Museum) and High Accessibilily (public transport) The author thinks that this Master's Thesis might not have ended into the best design proposal for the co-working HUB and the surrounding, because of the limited time dedicated for the design phase, bul it is Important to see the proposalase first trial ‘and go back to the concept and strategies ‘ond redesign the proposal accordingly, The process should be seen as a loop, In which we go from the strategies ond concept to 4 design proposal and then g0 back to the main ideas and be critical fon the proposal and see if this proposal responds to the stratagies defined earlier. Therefore the author sees @ potential for further development of the proposal and ‘proposal for the urban layout, to see the whole picture, REFLECTION @ CONCLUSION /78 Fig 46, Urban development strategies yo coon nd iting Boing i Proposal Coewortng HU fo be considered as a potential base for development and agthens in one way or another. In order to do this we should consider: @ ena gconsctaates master pan development forthe city centre ond provide a central point for people to meet. Make people come togeiner To bring in the green and blue environment into the city centre and try fo make It visible by increasing accessibility to the surrounding nature. Increasing the access to public transportation and provide facilities that makes it convenient to be a commuter in the city centre, NEXT STEP CONSILODATED CITY, ROBUST CITY CENTRE Fig 4. Newt Step The question is how to accelerate the transition to @ consolidoted city centre which is open for collaboration and sharing of all kinds and at the same tim, extroverted and open for the o ‘world, eventhough change In suc! scale is a slow longterm proccess, IE Chamber (Courtyors) i otice (suisings) IMB Solon (Sice Strests) SE Gatery (Hain streets) Nevertheless the Co-Working HUB mi bbe @ good starting point in showing ‘essential of shoring and collaborating hopefully this ideas will inspire the close surrounding environment and boost 9 new trendof exchanging knowledge ond how fo regulate the transition from public to private on an urban scale t00. re be overed « REFLECTION & CONCLUSION / 79 “CO-WORKING SPACES CAN PLAY A MASSIVE ROLE IN SHIFTING COU eae RL ols ano Se) A rel INTENTIONAL, COLLABORATIVE, HOLISTIC, AND POSITIVE.” Pete >) 7. 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INSPIRATION TECH-FARM “co-tivinc COMBINED WITH A GREEN HOUSE” The Fisgship| ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS INSPIRATION THE SEATTLE LIBRARY BY OMA VAXJO CITY- AND STATION MANAV SADHNA BY YATIN PANDYA. building ‘+ Generous living room weave tagether all parts ‘create mach iiehie Scions iocen nese atoms fr work play nd interaction foci path in forme of sais eseolotors, ond + Clima shell dines the voit raion, shopping + Ting facade > more ight inte deep volumes + energy eficient shape KLONG TOEY COMMUNITY LANTERN BY TYIN. THE PLAYING FIELD BY ASSEMBLE SPATIAL CONTINUITY HANGING NET *Spillout ativity Spill out actiity innabitgble windows» Inhabit double height space 1 Iahabitabie edge enclose a play area Timabitable edge enclose a playarea Inside outside Wanaition Relax, read. py + Simbel for he togetherness INSPIRATION / 89 HOSPICE; "A HOME PROVIDING CARE FOR THE SICK OR TERMINALLY ILL” AUTI64 COURSE: "FUTURE VISIONS FOR HEALTHCARE, HOUSING AND WORK.” RESIDENTIAL HEALTHCARE - HOUSING FOR SENIORS, AUTUMN 2017, BY THE STUDENTS CORNELIA FRANZEN AND CAJSA TINGDAL, ‘vides different indoor and outdoor spaces with different spatial qualities INSPIRATION / 90 Entrance and courtyard perspective ulaing form concent INSPIRATION / 91 “COMING TOGETHER IS A BEGINNING, KEEPING TOGETHER |S PROGRESS, WORKING TOGETHER IS SUC! [eary) 9. APPENDIX POSTERS © Razjan Hassan, 2018 Razjanhasson@ hotmallcom Goteborg, Sweden 2018-08-30

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