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Simulation Driven ESD Current Density Check

Ulrich Glaser (1), Radu Stoica (2), Radu Ionescu (2), Marcel Preda (2),
Haiko Morgenstern (1), Doaa Nassar (3), and Hartmut Marquardt (4)
(1) Infineon Technologies AG, Am Campeon 1-15, 85579 Neubiberg, Germany
tel.: +49-89-234-22047, fax: +49-89-234-955 6781, e-mail:
(2) Infineon Technologies Romania & Co. Societate in Comandita, Bd. Dimitrie Pompeiu 6, Sector 2,
020337 Bucharest, Romania
(3) Vendito Software Solutions GmbH, Landshuter Allee 8-10, 80637 Munich, Germany
(4) Mentor Graphics Deutschland GmbH, Arnulfstrasse 201, 80634 Munich, Germany

Abstract - The presented current density check tool identifies the ESD current paths itself and checks the
interconnection layers for realistic ESD currents depending on all available ESD paths and the applied
ESD stress. It achieves highest flexibility and coverage with practically no false errors and without any
need for marking.

I. Introduction and Goals essential advantage of a tool approach that it does not
limit its coverage to the obvious range like the direct
Successful implementation of ESD protection in path from a pad to the next ESD protection structure.
integrated circuit applications must also ensure that Any such limitation of the verified ESD path is an
the current density in ESD paths does not exceed the unnecessary risk.
technology current density limits. The risks as well as 3) Applicability for various ESD hardness
the challenges increase with advancing technologies requirements and ESD stress models. The intended
which enable more complex designs. applications have often different ESD hardness
Various commercial software tools are already requirements for their pins. The same product also
available to assist the design community, for example requires typically ESD robustness according to
[1,2,3]. They all have decent use models and different stress models like HBM component level [5]
advantages. However, they all could not meet the or system level ESD stress models [6,7]. A versatile
complete set of our requirements and goals: tool shall be capable of handling all these required
1) No need for marking of ESD protection structures. ESD stresses with the real ESD stress currents and
The intended products have a significant amount of distribute this ESD stress current over the possible
analogue design, e.g. for automotive applications. The ESD stress paths.
ESD protection structures can be adjusted for each 4) Maximum reuse of and compatibility with existing
application and hence vary typically. Many ESD tools, data and models. The solution shall fit into the
protection structures [e.g. 4] utilize the same library existing design and verification landscape. For
devices as the functional circuitry and do not have a example, a simulation approach shall be compatible
special or even a frozen layout. Hence any marking with the existing SPICE device models. This target is
requirement induces significant effort or restrictions, most important for the business case. It avoids new
and is prone to errors much like a manual review. software license costs but enables short development
2) Automated inspection of the full ESD current path time, fast time to productive use and low maintenance
including functional, unintended or parasitic paths. effort.
Functional devices can be part of the ESD protection.
Unintended or parasitic device paths are often
overseen in a manual review. It is considered as
II. Approach verification flow. This ESD verification methodology
The chosen approach uses advanced design
 Enhanced standard device models, e.g. for
automation and data processing with two major steps /
efficient breakdown modelling
two tools. Figure 1 illustrates the used flow.
 Tool chain to post-process / extract the device
failures and resulting current paths
CLEX Schematic This verification framework is based on Cadence
environment Virtuoso® environment and its script language
Critical SKILL®. SKILL allows access to the internal
Path Data databases of the design and simulator to
Calibre Current  Control the SPICE simulation (define analysis
Density Check Layout +
settings, start simulation, read and evaluate
Figure 1: Illustration of the used flow with the two tools, Chip  Extract the schematic/layout connectivity for
Level ESD Extraction (CLEX) environment and Calibre®
PERC™ Current Density Check (CDC). current path analysis
 Automate testbench creation for all intended
The first step comprises a SPICE based circuit ESD stress pin combinations
simulation of the ESD stress within the Chip Level Further details and background information about the
ESD Extraction (CLEX) environment. The second CLEX framework are described in [8].
step reads the simulation output data and performs the The simulator receives special ESD models for
desired Current Density Check (CDC). Both tools are functional and ESD devices. These enhanced device
already available and used in our verification flow. models are checking overstress using parameterized
The combination of two available simulation and voltage, current and power assertions. Additional
physical verification tools generates added value current paths are opened by special turn-on sub-
while enabling all defined requirements. The next two circuits. The turn-on/off limits are extracted via TLP
sections outline the details for the respective tools, measurements during device characterization. The
input and output data. characteristics of the devices show, for example, the
A. Critical ESD Path Search Using device behavior which is only feasible for the typical
ESD stress duration ranges. The models also account
Circuit Simulation for certain dynamic effects – such as voltage
The first step consists mainly of a SPICE circuit overshoot – and parasitic device behavior, resulting in
simulation based on schematics. The simulation can significantly improved results compared to a static
be run on module-level as well as top-level. A top- approach.
level simulation is normally executed and considered In Figure 2, the transient nature of the ESD current
in this work because of the intention to emulate the path is demonstrated by an easy example circuit.
real ESD test of the complete hardware. Top-level
simulations of complex mixed-signal ICs are able to
be executed in acceptable computing time (maximum
~8-10 hours) due to the performance of state-of-the-
art SPICE simulators. It helps that the simulation time
in case of an ESD pulse is normally limited to the
range of ~100 ns in contrast to simulation of analog
performances, e.g. signal-to-noise ratio of an analog-
to-digital converter. Of course, if the design
complexity exceeds the capabilities of a SPICE
simulator, analog or digital behavior models are used

to substitute dedicated blocks (e.g. radio frequency or

digital circuitry) and speed-up the simulation.
CLEX was developed inside Infineon Technologies
AG more than 10 years ago to automate the entire
Figure 2: Example demonstrating two subsequent damages caused
by dynamic switching behavior.
The upper part of the figure shows the full circuit including ESD, functional and parasitic devices. The
consisting of an HBM source (according to [5]), an simulation also depicts the transient behavior.
ESD protection diode, two low voltage (LVx) The CLEX environment provides some post-
transistors and one high voltage (HV) transistor. The processing steps after the simulation. The user selects
lower part of the figure focusses on the protected the ESD stress pin combinations (see Figure 4) for
transistors. In the first phase of the ESD pulse around which he wants to perform the current density check
1ns, the drain node of the HV device is capacitively in the next step. All ESD stress pin combinations are
coupled to ground and device LV1 is therefore required for sign off, of course. The feature is
damaged. After this, the gate-drain capacitance of HV however beneficial for reexamination after a small,
causes a current flow, which enables this transistor local modification for example.
and damages LV2 as a consequence. The models The tool then determines the critical terminals (e.g.
appropriately consider such dynamic effects. device pins exceeding a defined current value which
Figure 3 illustrates an example of parasitic devices in depends on technology, e.g. on minimum size of the
the model context using a PMOS transistor in a p- via/wire and maximum current density per area/width)
substrate technology. A suitable model comprises all for each simulation. The critical terminals are
relevant parasitic devices. Then the simulation can received via specific dynamic assertions used during
identify both intended and parasitic ESD paths. The the SPICE simulation. To reduce the amount of data,
described enhanced models are already available in only schematic nets which are connected to at least
the technologies for functional and ESD simulations. one critical terminal are considered relevant and are
processed further. Next the tool determines the ESD
Gate currents through all device pins of relevant nets. For
PMOS the purpose of the check, current is averaged over a
p+ Source Drain p+ defined time window.
After processing simulation results, the following data
Q1 are saved into a csv file:
Q2 Q3
 Schematic names of the relevant nets
 Schematic instance names of devices
p-substrate connected on the respective net
Figure 3: Example of parasitic devices of a PMOS transistor build  Pin names of the devices
in a p-substrate technology. The p+diffusions create with the n-  The current through the pins of devices
well a parasitic pnp bipolar transistor Q1. Each p+diffusion builds
with the n-well and p-substrate a parasitic pnp bipolar transistor connected on the respective net
Q2 and Q3. More parasitic devices exist like pn-junction diodes or Later this data can be read by the Calibre® PERC™
capacitances of the pn-junctions. CDC.
The user next defines the ESD stress source. Various
ESD stress sources are available and cover the typical
ESD requirements. The most relevant ESD stresses
comprise HBM component level [5] and system level
ESD stress models [6,7]. The energy impact of CDM
[9] stresses on metal connection lines is – despite the
higher currents – typically less than the impact from
HBM stresses because of the shorter stress durations.
CDM typically leads to overvoltage and gate oxide
rather than connection line damages.
The CLEX environment also enables different ESD
stress pin combinations to be simulated with one
mouse click only. Figure 4: Graphical user interface (GUI) for CDC data creation of
The simulation identifies the ESD current paths and selected ESD stress pin combinations. Note that the number of
fails in this GUI refers to voltage, current and power assertions;
quantifies the ESD currents in the respective paths. It they do not relate to current density violations which are not
delivers an accurate answer about the distribution of known at this point of time. The parameter Vsel is used to select
the ESD current due to the complete and elaborated the ESD stress pin combinations which are indicated further in the
model set taking all modelled devices into account pins column.
B. Layout Based Current Density schematic (LVS) clean state of the project. This is not
a major limitation since a layout check anyway makes
Check most sense when the layout is ready, close to tape-out.
The reliability verification tool Calibre® PERC™ [1] The simulation does not have any information from
from Mentor® performs the Current Density Check the layout in the current tool version. This is
(CDC) based on the layout view in the second step. beneficial for the run time of the simulation.
The combination of this tool with the data from circuit However, it might introduce some inaccuracy of the
simulation fulfils the complete set of our requirements simulated current distribution across parallel paths,
and goals. for example due to resistive impact of the metal
The CDC is part of the default functionality of connection lines.
Calibre® PERC™. Since it works only on the layout In order to transfer results from simulation to layout,
data, the main implementation effort has been in one needs to take into account the fact that a simple
translating the critical path information generated by one-to-one relationship between schematic and layout
CLEX from the source netlist to the layout netlist. devices does not exist in general. A one-to-one
After this conversion, the tool adds sources and sinks relationship only exists for reduced (sometimes also
for forcing the simulated currents into the connection called “smashed”) devices. Typical examples are
layers at the correct locations. multi-finger transistors. Each finger is represented by
The CDC tool then uses resistance values and current one device in the layout netlist, but the set of fingers
density limits given in a technology input file to is represented by one single device in the source
calculate and check the current densities in the metal netlist. In order to find the correspondence between
lines and vias. It does so for the input data from layout and source netlist, the multi-finger transistors
multiple simulations as selected in the CDC data are reduced to a single device which then can be
creation within one run. unambiguously related to the schematic device. The
The results of the CDC are finally stored in a device reduction scheme is defined in the LVS rule
database. The engineer reviews these results deck. Therefore, in our current tool implementation, if
subsequently using Calibre RVE. This tool displays a schematic device is drawn as a multi finger device,
all results sorted by simulated ESD stress pin the current simulated for a given schematic device pin
combinations and nets (see Figure 5). It allows further is divided by the number of corresponding layout
filtering and sorting after selection of a dedicated ESD device fingers. This effective current is then imposed
stress pin combination or net. It also highlights the on each finger of the layout device. This approach
results in the layout with an easy to understand color may cause inaccuracies for the current distribution if
map. This allows the review engineer to quickly spot the parasitic resistances of the different fingers are not
the weakness and define corrective measures. well matched. Calibre PERC has been upgraded after
the flow has been implemented. It now allows to
virtually connect a single current source to all
individual layout devices belonging to the same
schematic device. With this feature, the current
distribution over a multi finger device will depend
Two experiments Result overview in table
correctly on the parasitic resistance of each finger, i.e.
= (sorting) there are no more inaccuracies caused by LVS device
two simulations
These potential inaccuracies due to multi finger
devices and resistive impact of the metal connection
All data of lines have been acceptable so far. It is indeed a major
one result outcome of this work that more accurate simulations
are not needed. Some reasons for this are (without
aiming at a 100% proof): the current density limits
Figure 5: Results review with Calibre RVE providing extensive
selecting, filtering and sorting features. contain a margin and the inaccuracies typically lead to
stronger violations in critical cases like a resistive
bottle neck in one of several paths or in a finger which
C. Requirements and Limitations is smaller than the average width of all parallel
The link between schematic based simulation and fingers. Furthermore, ESD rules also limit the
current density check on layout requires a layout-vs.- resistance of the metal connection in ESD paths.
Functional paths which conduct significant currents Figure 6 and Figure 7 show an example of the current
during normal operation and ESD stresses are density histogram and the corresponding metal shapes
unlikely to have a relevant resistance in their metal for one of the simulations.
connection for functional reasons. Hence the main
ESD current flows in the correct paths, possibly with 3 2 2 2
acceptable underestimation of currents. As a final (22.2%) (22.2%) (22.2%)

Result Count

solution in case of serious concerns about the metal

connection resistance impact, the described approach
can be applied also on an extracted view containing
Error (%)
the metal connection resistances. However, again, our
experiences indicate that simulation with extracted Figure 6: Histogram of current density violations. The “Error (%)”
view is unnecessary. specifies how much the technology limits are exceeded in percent.
The “Results Count” specifies the number of shapes with this
The consideration of a device in simulation requires it violation. The colors correspond to the colors of the shapes in
to be present in the models. The quality of the CDC Figure 7. The histogram hence supports the engineer to match the
results also depends significantly on the models. This colors to the violations/severity.
is not a limitation but just a requirement one needs to
be aware of. The advantage of the presented approach
is the fact that the CDC benefits from any model
improvement of other simulation tools and vice versa
because there is just one model set for all simulation-
based tools.

III. Application Example

A design having known ESD weaknesses (based on
lab measurements) at 2 kV HBM stress level was used
to validate the check implementation. The details of
this test case (focusing on ESD stress combinations of
the known weaknesses and related combinations) are
as follows:
 Chip size: ~30000 schematic devices, 4 metal
layer stack
 Number of circuit simulations/ESD stress pin
combinations: 8
 Source/sink pairs checked: ~200.000
 Total runtime for CLEX and CDC (machine
CPU: Intel® Xeon® Gold 6142 CPU @
2.60 GHz, 4 cores): ~34000 s Figure 7: Color map of current density violations. The colors of
the shapes correspond to the colors and hence the amount of
 Peak memory used: 8 GB violation in the histogram in Figure 6.
The total runtime depends heavily on the number of
circuit simulations; each simulation generates a
separate ESD current density extraction.
A total of 17 violations were highlighted using the The presented simulation driven ESD current density
default technology current density limits. The check was successfully implemented and turned out to
violations come from two of the eight simulations and be especially useful for the intended products with
include the weaknesses observed during significant analogue design. The test case proved that
measurements. The check proved to have a very high this CDC detects all known weaknesses with a very
success rate, all highlighted shapes being potential high success rate, i.e. the number of false errors is
weaknesses and considered violations of ESD rules. much lower than the number of real errors. The
The ratio of false to real errors is 0. simulations and current density checks require some
execution/computing time, but the final current
density check is reliable and the result review is very
efficient due to the high automation, the
realistic/small number of reported errors and Discharge Sensitivity Testing – Human Body
additional debug information extracted from the Model (HBM) – Component Level”, May 2017.
simulation results. No current density issues occurred [6] IEC 61000-4-2, “Electromagnetic compatibility
so far in checked products since the CDC tool has (EMC) – Part 4-2: Testing and measurement
been in productive use. techniques – Electrostatic discharge immunity
test”, Ed. 2.0, 2008.
References [7] ANSI/ESD SP5.6-2009, “ESD Association
[1] Calibre® PERC™, Standard Practice for Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing – Human Metal Model
design/reliability-verification/calibre-perc (HMM) – Component Level”, 2009.
[2] Magwel® ESDi®, [8] H. Morgenstern, “Effiziente Verifikation der Robustheit komplexer integrierter Schaltungen”,
[3] Ansys Pathfinder, https://www.apache- TU-Berlin, 2011. [9] ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002-2018, “Joint
[4] Y. Cao, U. Glaser, “Statically Triggered Active Standard for Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity
ESD Clamps for High-Voltage Applications“, Testing – Charged Device Model (CDM) –
EOS/ESD 2012. Device Level”, Jan 2019.
[5] ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001-2017,
“ESDA/JEDEC Joint Standard for Electrostatic

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