Ballistic Questions

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each ofthe following questions.

only one answer for each item by shading thespace corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided.

1. The instruments especially designed to permit the firearm examiner to

determine the similarity and dissimilarity between two fired bullets or two fired
     a. Bullet Comparison Microscope              b. Bullet Microscope
     c. Bullet Comparison Microscope               d. Bullet Microscope
2. It is generally used in the preliminary examination of fired bullets and fired
shells to determine the relative distribution of the class characteristics.
     a. Stereoscopic Microscope                    b. Sterioscopic Microscope
     c. Stereouscopic Microscope                   d. Stereuoscopic Microscope
3. A battery operated instruments generally used for the examination of the
internal surface of the gun barrel to determine the irregularities that caused
microscopic markings on the peripheral surface of the fired bullets.
     a. Onoscope                                                 b.Onosecope 
     c. Onscope                                                 d.  Onoescope
4. This contains a series of microscopic lenses of different magnifications that can
be used in examining fired bullets and fired shells to determine its class
     a. Shadowgraph                                                 b. Shadawgraph
     c. Shadowgrap                                                  d. Shadawgrap
5. An instruments designed to measure velocity of the bullets
     a. Cronograph                                                  b. Cronograp
     c. Chronograph                                               d. Chronograp
6. Type of a weapon fired from the shoulder.
      a. Pistol                                                b. Revolver
      c. Machine gun                                      d. Rifle
7. Instrument used in test firing suspected firearm or firearms to obtain test
bullets for comparative purposes
     a. Bullet Recovery Bax                                              b. Bullet Recavery Box
     c. Bullet Recovery Box                                             d.Bullet Recoviry Box
8. The depressed portion of the rifling as you looked inside a barrel of a gun
     a. Grooves                                            b. Lands
     c. Bore                                                d. Pitch
9. The elevated rifling of the barrel of the gun.
     a. Grooves                                           b. Lands
     c. Bore                                                d. Pitch
10.Caliber .38 fired bullet found at the crime scene having 5 lands 5 grooves and
right hand twist indicate that it was fired from.
      a. Colt                                               b. Browning     
      c. Remington                                     d. Smith and Wesson
11. Colt firearms has
     a. 5 lands 5 grooves, left hand twist       b.  5 lands 5 grooves, right hand twist     
      c. 6 lands 6 grooves, left hand twist      d. 6 lands 6 grooves, right hand twist      
12. Is the study of the firearms identification by means of the ammunition fired
through them or fired through submitted suspected firearm.
       a. Ballistics                                        b. Forensic Ballistics 
       c. Terminal Ballistics                        d. Internal Ballistics
13. Instruments used for making measurement such as bullet diameter, bore
diameter and barrel length.
       a. Caleper                                      b. Caliper
       c. Calleper                                   d. Calliper
14. Firearms which propels projectiles of less than one inch in diameter are
generally classified as;
       a. Artillery                                       b. Small arms
       c. Cannon                                        d. Rifle
15. The still block which closes the rear of the bore against the forced of the
charge is;
       a. Breech face                                   b. Breech block
       c. Chamber                                       d. Bore
16. Characteristic which are determinable only after the manufacture of the
firearm. They are characteristics whose existence is beyond the control of man
and which have random distribution. Their existence in a firearm is brought about
through wear and tear, abuse, mutilation, corrosion, erosion and other fortuitous
        a. Forensic Ballistics                       b. Rifling
       c. Class Characteristics                    d. Individual Characteristics
17.  When the bullet enters the rifle bore from the stationery position and is
forced abruptly into the rifling its natural tendency is to go straight forward
before encountering the regular rifling twist, is called;              
        a. Shaving marks                              b. Skid marks
        c.  Individual Characteristics           d.  Slippage marks
18. The practice of pulling the trigger to snap and unload firearm.
   a. Firing gun                                       b. Dry firing
   c.  Aiming gun                                 d.  Pointing gun
19.  Characteristics of 9mm Browning pistol.
     a. 5 lands 5 grooves, right  hand twist       b. 3 lands 4 grooves, right hand
      c. 6 lands 6 grooves, right hand twist      d. 7 lands 7 grooves, right hand twist

20.  When a cartridge fails to explode on time or there is a delayed in combustion

due to faulty functioning of the primer or faulty ignition of the propellant is;
   a. Misfired                                         b. Recoil
   c.  Hang fire                                       d.  Velocity
21. A ring or serrated grooves around the body of the bullet which contain
substance in order to minimize friction during the passage of the bullet inside the
   a. Lead bullet                                      b. Wad cutter bullet
   c.  Bullet cannelure                            d.  Plated bullet
22.  A firearm having six land six grooves with right hand twist
              a. Smith and Wesson                              b. Browning type
              c. Colt type                                          d. Webby type

23. Instrument used for the propulsion of the projectiles by the expansive force of
gases coming from the burning powder.
        a. Micrometer                                       b. Firearms
       c. Stereoscopic Microscope                 d. Comparison
  24.  The part of the mechanism in a firearm which causes empty shells or
cartridge cases to be thrown from the gun is called;
         a. Extractor                                       b. Ejector
         c. Hammer                                         d.  Trigger
25. The part of cartridge that ignites the main powder charge when struck by the
firing pin.
        a.  Shell                                            b. Base       
       c. Primer                                           d. Bullet
26.Weapon in which pressure upon the trigger both cocks and released the
     a. Single action                                  b. Trigger 
     c. Hammer                                        d. Double action
 27. Weapon in which pressure upon the trigger  released the hammer that must
bemanually cocked is called.
        a.  Automatic                                     b. Repeating Arm     
       c. Single action                                   d. Ejector
28.  A policeman arriving at the crime scene, found a revolver. In reference to this,
he should be most careful
        a.  To see that it is not loaded                 b. To put the safety lock
       c. Not to handle it unnecessarily          d. To mark it readily to the barrel
29.   Lesser caliber firearm but considered as powerful.
              a. 9mm                                                    b. .38                
              c. .357                                                     d. .45
30.  The part of .45 caliber semi - automatic pistol found at then crime scene ,
normally marked for identification in the;
              a. Trigger                                             b. Ejector  
              c. Slide                                               d. Barrel
31.  It is the part of mechanism in a firearm that withdraws theshell or cartridge
from the chamber
a. Ejector                                         b. Primer
       c. Striker                                           d. Extractor
32.  The pitch or rate of twist in the rifling of a pistol or rifle barrels is called;
          a.  Land                                                         b. Grooves
            c. Extractor marks                                        d.  One complete rotation of the
bullet inside the bore
33.The term double action with reference to revolver means most nearly that;
     a. The revolver has both safety and automatic firing action
     b. Pressure upon the trigger both cocks and release the hammer
     c.  The revolver can fire with or without automatic shell ejection         

 d.  The shell of the fired shot is ejected and fresh cartridge is pushed from the
magazine at the same time
34.  The secret of a good shooting form is;
a. Proper sighting of the target             b.  Relaxed and natural position
c. Firing slowly                                     d. Keeping the thumb along the hammer
35.  Of the following the best method to use in firing a revolver is to keep
            a. Both eyes closed                                b.  Only the right eye is open
            c.  Both eye is open                                d.  Only left eye is open
36. A policeman should fire his pistol.
           a.  At no time at all                                       b. Primarily to stop at quarrel
             c. To impress upon citizen                           d. Only at the last resort
37.The science dealing with the motion of the projectiles from the time the firer
squeezes the trigger up to the time it riches the muzzle of the barrel, is called.
              a. Posterior ballistics                             b. Interior ballistics
              c.  Exterior ballistics                            d.  Terminal ballistics
38.  The science that deals with the effect of the impact of the projectiles on
target is called;
             a. Exterior ballistics                               b. Interior ballistics    
              c. Anterior ballistics                              d. Terminal ballistics   
       39. The science which deals with the motion of the projectiles at the time it
leaves the muzzle up to the time its hit the target, is known as;
a.       Terminal ballistics                            b. Interior ballistics
c.  Exterior ballistics                              d. Forensic ballistics
 40. Class Characteristics are determinable even blank the manufacture of the
    a. During                                                b. After 
   c.  Before                                               d. Never
41.  Rifling located inside the barrel of a gun is a combination
a. Pitch                                                  b.Twist
c. Lands and Grooves                             d. Cannelure
42.  A completed unfired unit ammunition is inserted into the chamber of a
firearm for firing is referred to as;
    a.Bullet                                               b.Shell
  c.  Primer                                              d.  Cartridge
43.  A copper jacketed fired bullet is usually fired from;
a. Revolver                                          b. Pistol
c. Rifle                                                   d. Pistol and Revolver
44.  If a bullet is fired through a weapon in which the lands have been worn down
or through a bore which is slightly oversized. The marks, is called;
 a.  Skid marks                                        b. Slippage marks
c. Rifling marks                                      d. Shearing marks
45.  A magnified photograph of a small object produce by connecting a camera
with the ocular of a compound microscope
a. Photo Microphotograph                        b. Microfilm
c. Photomicrograph                                    d. Photograph
46. Commonly, these marks are found on bullets fired from a revolver due to poor
alignment of the cylinder of a bore
a. Shaving marks                                      b. Skid marks
c. Pivot marks                                         d. Landmarks
47. To impart a motion or rotation of a bullet during its passage inside the barrel ,
to insure gyroscopic stability in its flight is called;
a.  Range                                                  b. Gauge
c. Rifling                                                  d. Center fire
48. A metallic cup charged with priming composition, usually made up of
potassium chlorate, antimony sulfide and fulminate of mercury.
a. Primer                                                   b. Gun powder
c. Cartridge                                               d. Primer cup
49.  A type of firearm which the pressure upon the trigger both cocks and release
the hammer.
a. Automatic                                              b. Single action
c. Double action                                        d. Slide action type
50. Part of Exterior ballistics which refers to the sound created at the muzzle end
of the barrel.
a. Muzzle energy                                         b. Muzzle blast
c. Muzzle noise                                            d. Range
51. Placed in the barrels of the firearm to impart a spin on the bullet that pass
through it.
a. Land Rifling                                         b. Rifling
c. Grooves                                                  d. All of these
52. Raised portion between the grooves found inside the barrel
a. Land                                                       b. Caliber
c. Gauge                                                     d. Rifling
53.  It refers to the placement of the right and left specimen in side by side
a. Drag marks                                            b. Positively matched
c. Juxtaposition                                            d. Pseudomatch
54. A part of ballistics dealing with firearms identification
a.  Interior ballistics                                  b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics                                d. Forensic ballistics
55.  The tumbling of the bullet in its trajectory and hitting the target sideways
a. Key hole shot                                        b. Ricochet
 c. Hang fire                                              d. Misfire
56. A bullet covered with a thick coating of copper alloy to prevent leading.
a. Jacketed bullet                                     b. Metal cased bullet
c. Metal point bullet                                  d. Plated bullet
57.  A smooth bore military firearm which has no rifling
a. Shotgun                                               b. Rifle
c. Pistol                                                   d. Revolver
58. This part of the firearm strike the primer causing the firing pin of the cartridge
a. Hammer                                              b. Ejector
 c. Trigger                                              d. Firing pin
59. The measurement of the bore diameter from land to land
a Gauge                                                 b. Mean diameter
c. Caliber                                               d. Rifling
60. Refers to a complete unfired unit of ammunition placed into gun chamber
a. Cartridge                                            b. Primer
c. Bullet                                                  d. Shell
61. Failure of a cartridge to discharge
a. Misfire                                              b. Hang fire
c. Ricochet                                            d. Key hole shot
62. Most common individual characteristics that are visible on the base portion of
then fired cartridge
a. Firing Pin impression                       b. Ejector marks
c. Extractor marks                                d. Chamber marks
63. Needed for a cartridge to be considered as a complete unfired unit
a. Bullet                                   b. Primer
c. Gunpowder                           d. All of these
64. Distance that the rifling advances to make one complete turn
a.  Pitch of rifling                      b. Choke
      c. Trajectory                              d. Recoil
65.  A rearward movement of a firearm from firing
a. Recoil                                    
b. Force
c. Back fire                                 
d. Shot force
66.  Refer to the channels cut in the interior surface of the barrel
   a. Rifling                                  b. Land
   c.  Groove                                  d.  Cannelure
67.  Part of the firearm which closes the rear of the bore against the force of the
    a. Breechblock                          b. Breech face
   c.  Ejector                                  d.  Breech face marks
68.  A smooth bore weapon designed to shoot a number of lead pellets in one
a. Shotgun                                 b. Rifle
c. Musket                                 d. Pistol
69. An ancient smooth bore weapon designed to shoot a single round lead ball
a. Shotgun                                b. Rifle
c. Musket                                 d. Pistol
70. Part of the firearm which strikes the firing pin
a. Trigger                                 b. Hammer
c. Sear                                      d. Main spring
71. The science which deals with the effect of the impact ofthe projectile on the
a. Interior ballistics                  b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics                 d. Posterior ballistics
72. The science of dealing with the motion of projectiles of the same time it
leaves the muzzles of the firearm to the time it hits the target
a. Interior ballistics                      b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics                    d. Posterior ballistics
73. Any metallic body referred to as a bullet
a.  Projectile                                   b. Ball
c. Shell                                           d. Missile
74. Measuring device used to measure the velocity of projectiles
a. Caliper                                       b. Chronograph
c. Test bullet                                 d. Bullet recovery box
75.   A bullet fired from a firearm with an oversized or oily barrel or its lands have
been worn down would produce what kind of marking?
    a. Slippage marks                               b. Skid marks 
  c.  Rifling marks                                  d.  Shearing marks
76.  It literary means delay in discharge or the cartridge failure to explode on time
a. Misfire                                             b. Hang fire
c. Ricochet                                             d. Key hole shot
77.  The most reliable of all individual characteristics when fired cartridges are
 a. Extractor marks                                b. Ejector marks
c. Chamber marks                                  d. Breech face mark
78. When looking a fired bullet, the mark used to identify it is placed on
a. Its base                                               b.  Its side
c. Its side and base                                  d. Its nose
79. It is produced when the muzzle is held against the target or body when fired
a. Smudging                                            b. Tattooing
c. Contact burn                                       d. Contact wound
80. It is result when the firearm is shot a around 2 to 8inches to the target
a. Smudging                                           b. Tattooing
c. Contact burn                                      d. Contact wound
81. A barrel of any firearm is legally classified as
a. Part of the firearm                            b. Nomenclature
 c. Accessory                                        d. Complete firearm
82. Scientific examinations of bullets and firearms presumably used in the
commission of a crime
a. Interior ballistics                                b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics                              d. Forensic ballistics
83. Rifling in the bore of small arms is primary designed for.
a. Increase the speed of the bullet          b. Decrease the amount of recoil
c. Increase impact knowledge                d. Prevent the bullet from turning end over
in the air
84. The type of the cartridge whose case has a well defined upstanding rim
around the base or simply with rim diameter greater than the body.
a. Rimmed type                                       b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type                                        d.Rebated type
85. The cartridge has a rimless form, but with a closer look the rim is slightly
greater than the body.
a. Rimmed type                                              b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type                                              d. Rebated type B
86. Refer to the cartridge with a rimless pattern, which has a rim diameter smaller
than the body of the case.
a. Rimmed type                                             b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type                                              d. Rebated type  
87. A type of a cartridge with a case having a rim diameter equal to diameter of
the body with an extraction grooves cut around the base.
a. Rimmed type                                             b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type                                              d. Rebated type  
88. A cartridge with a prominent raise belt around its body just in front of the
extraction grooves.
a. Rimmed type                                             b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type                                             d. Belted type  
89. It is very carefully made replica of a cartridge, usually a tool steel and carefully
dimensioned to be used as weapons by instructor and repairman.
a. Dummy                                                       b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition                                        d. Live ammunition
90. This type of ammunition is used in mill training to practice loading and
manipulation of the gun.
a. Dummy                                                        b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition                                        d. Live ammunition
91. A cartridge without a bullet, containing gunpowder that is designed to
generate a loud noise to indicating firing
a. Dummy                                                        b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition                                        d. Live ammunition
92. Is the term applied for complete unit of unfired cartridge.
a. Dummy                                                         b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition                                        d. Live ammunition
93. The projectiles propelled through the barrel by the expansive force of heated
gas, sometimes called slug.
      a.  Bullet                                                          b. Cartridge case
     c.  Gunpowder                                                  d.  Primer
94. The container for the gunpowder, sometimes called shell
      a.  Bullet                                                          b. Cartridge case
     c.  Gunpowder                                                  d. Primer
95.  Sometimes called Propellant or powder charge when ignited by the primer
      a.  Bullet                                                         b. Cartridge case
     c.  Gunpowder                                                 d.  Primer
96. The chemical compound or priming mixture contained in the primer cup. This
mixture is highly susceptible to friction.
      a.  Bullet                                                         b. Cartridge case
     c.  Gunpowder                                                d.  Primer
97.  Instrument usedin determining more or less weight of bullets and shotgun
a.  Analytical Ballance                                   b.  Torsion Ballance
c. Analytical Balance                                     d. Tursion Balance
98.  Father of the Percussion of powder
a.  Alexander John Forsyth                           b. Alexander Forsyth                                  
c. Edward Colt                                              d. Henry Colt
99. Similar in used like calipers
a.  Micrometer                                             b.  Mecrometer                            
     c.  Micrommeter                                         d. Mecrommeter
100. It is used primarily for the examination an interior surfaces of the gun barrel
a. Halexometer                                            b.  Helixometer                             
     c.  Hallexometer                                          d. Hellixometer    

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