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ae ColL= Tha Unik of fe $ coh dlscove i . > car dis Covered by > Robext Hooke fn rk Side of plant Quevuy To be Completed in 3 doxs — So, Robert Hooke = disc. of cero Dead call > Anton Yon Lecuwenhook => discovered Living colt > Robert broum = disc: Nucleus. > au ‘Theory given by Sclahelden 4, Schuaan > Modem wt they 3 " node ’ Rudolf virchoo 4 Ah ving, orgeniems are made of Cele): QAM dhe fumes cre He Product o» functions | Of Ra CAL - ~T pur cally cvvise pom pre-existing calls. » Rudolf Vivchow "omnis cellula e cettul TS smallest COU => PPLO > Plano Preumoia Ske oy My coplasma Cogs (Cos aan — 934m) [* Smaller than tobtnewe Bacteria COU waht S Lary ‘3 ostich cab eg H Pactow dor Sty of cole f= @ Nucleo-Cy Foplasinte pedo 2% Gi) Surface Aven to yols Necio - Giiy Rate ef metabolism - Surface freq fo Volume Ratfo * Cored “) Gobel cube, Ast bel, hel { cube, Lea, be 2 hed P, Aven = ba= bem , Area = GO > ORE Qhane Volumes Axbxh= Lom, volume? ky beh = Ban? 1 Ary = 68h \ So, ALe Qet8 = Bib U yea to vel veto gos © Virg. as te Sige Of coll fncranded, SF wel chaye to Rakndaly drt ratio ne sehe teh ghowld -yemaln smatt." chaps ef ‘ at | ie Skelete a moudsde Fore Ss cel = coe i Srnec mag Coanotytes spindle doped Cperiferad Rectang. Collar Bke Heh 6, ed working 7 Ahighes, the For Jariy effet Arnogba /w BC ‘Treguloy HX Preectio¢n “Taft et rh t=" a Caboidal Flame col Neen 4 Goblek cell a Solanocy fe Glardubar Cea Sehmthinc Epldomal ced an C= Roe ot. Ae ete (excretory ve. af platy halmenti tpi ») lad ne Bl tonite | ee eee Se Se ph Reco F ard CLS _{nbudented) ah aleot ' Bean hoped Comma thapeh — Sphyubllum vibiio Tapes of cobls t— G) ProKomyotfe Cotes mule 3 Pimifve ced Nucleus 4X > No memberare beund Stradvae (organelle) & Bacteria Monesa 4 enly. Ribemmelds food only KE cas Badius guasd Cus of Pla Monocey Dumble Ghoped diy Eukaryotic cots ‘Advance fF fungal = ‘4 ads Profits Plard cob Animal cots H No: of cabs fn Orgarisms {9 ay Ui ailuias > fy dy Multi cotton > Arnoeba , Paramecium > dhese exist divisten of Labow fel Plant , Rminnal - H Prokeryotic CLS? sey pi EH prtetot Cell fmbrae (Adhesion) Sue (Wyte Giocenal) | if @ (Gytotasyx) * Contains engyms u wath cel wal Cperti dogly can) doy Respiration sworks Khe Milochordtig| Plasrra Memban, Cem) 7 Helps Yh cell division» Cyto plasia enzymes fo all activity Riborsmes es ed Ciradss DIA £4 Plasmid colycullay @xtrmputteon gente, Cressi: ¢ vasteval.) q K Plasmids.) 4 ye Shaky (male) roe (ooner cell) Plasmid Is > —ve -Seetn (female) abseut Caceepion ett) Plasmids have 3. hips gene 6- > E gene (fertility gene) $+ Responsible Apr ormotion of Sex pill + A back cod utth Sex pill fs surely a seve Stoediny Gi) R Gene CAntibiote pesistene gene) $9 it) “Cot! gene (efdstance against Coline ) Seereled by ECU Notet> Cram Gv) 3 Fakes $a Gato (epkideglyen gus tne) Panel Gram (-ve) 9 donct take fu Sai (4 corals me tne bys Apoprotein , which donor ged ofan) a 4 Euxoryotic Coll ¢- @) Antral GUa an Mittochondaton aE {Cenhosore | Some o Loeniralay Golgs Boy. N ( Nucteolus “> Plasma membrane (Pm) 7 Nucleon monbarne Cytesketelor L Nutlern Pore Cofepbuls [wi hamet) € Jubulor Grid HA sein iG Coon Smooth ER Rowgh (ER (Ribosomes ) Fe Lysosom vacGole: Bos Type iy Plant cells +> jew janes cree (Golgi Body (Dicyoserne) Micropod tes (sphessene, peroxisome) AK glyorgsemt & Ggot oS Ee Cobia (cottulere) Plasme Merbrane (Pt) veaie vec) | See He— pis lysosome oy Spheroseme( plant {ysoiome)) tte chondofon Note - Plant Cetts -» Donot Anowe Cerrriste / Centrosome, Arima celts Denot trove, chlowplast/Leuste/ ehnoweg st de Cell wall Is absent + FH Plosma Membrane {~ (Pin) = (Bio hembrane [cod membrane) > bade up of protein & phoipholl pid. ° (Selectively. pamiable Sewvipermeable | Selectively. Permeable. fariide. enter fc fe ‘ only, usefil parties fpr cells “Pore Gye xe 4akeh toto by endocytorts {ovupective. oF Gye. Nee’ poche, af ey Pm when cdfached to Coll —o> Selectively. Leymenble_ Pm when pal of cath ——> (Geri fermeable. wo . RE po pesties > > Stlectively, foryerble Raia soluble arg | alin fat Gluble are also alowed 40 cnn ~ Varoble (Actin e Phospholfptd ) yao > Dynamic Mombrane «(shows vavialtion tn Simi) 4 Pm _moddls *> (4) Sandwich | ‘Model RM ts | Given " Damietlt 4 Daven « > pm ts mode of frofein & pluighol{pid. ~ Protein ore ok gidouloa. rotion : G sphevieel > Photplolipids ave’ [fmohi palbics + preue frghno pte gtycerl tread Hydaoghbif [> FA chains > Phospholipid ave anvanged Sin Such o manner Mts Bloyer k dois face each-other, > force bu bilayer ¥ Phastipid Is Varderwatt Force. 3 Pasldins ane on Ulin de of Prorpheltpid Bibge Stoweae. Rotein tatty. | 9 : : “fl PL Bilages- fo : ae Poolci pat 2) Unk Membrane Model 9 Given by- Robertson « > pm fs made up of poten & photplali pid: = Phospholipid fs cei phigarts c 5 > Prvargerment oh Phospholipid is Same SS Sandi le model « KO Pyoiein ts Of PrAAlbyow protein (dhvesd ike) « 54% 3. Thins Bf 2M (as-t00 A) - ex yall lok Dahi Ilex Doll ex Dall Note - - Gandesich Model given by Daniell k Pavien, Unt} membrane medeh — giver by Robestimn » & Both are Called LAMTULAR ModDEL or TRILAMILLAR “Mmope, + Both wore aejeced « se | I a ee a (3) Plutd mosaic model ef Pms> + Given by. Singer & Nichole. > pm Ss made up paodeln & phosplotipt 2 Aetetss oe og globuior - Exhinge — ntintte On fy owubr Side ° rete or seid emplesly erm +> aklached bp tn Arabettptd therpho lipid Head > lossely, adtlached > Phorplulipids coe. Aenphi pale . #X yeensitional Fllp-Flop ** Novemet Mover) > indy. Of Phorphelaprd > Movenerd af Pe tg {fos wo layers Im Same layer SS Phorphalipid ave arranged: in Bilage pep fy ae al face acrotha— KR heads axe uns Fon cadre > Weak force at odtothon fe PL Leyor- Le, Vanderwaat's force > Rrotdin = TL by > Protety. — "Prtety coe Leeberg, tm dhe Son of Alpids." G Quaristakic. Extaente Praln wine RKTT, Trokcin PL Raley YY V' tnbtnete Protety MOS avd (channel Protein) . Exbinke Gotetn Ih Most accepted medel ALU date - # Trarsport_acruss pits @ Active Transport @ Passive ‘Trenspox ~ntP [energy legendery ~ wsithout ATP > Foster. > Slower Qo. siete > mov: Com Ae again > Mov OF, Cenc? gqpadion: iy Conc” gradient high, fo Lowers: {90 > 0 loo 9 0 om |e so es $0 — Semtipermenbl, membyen Wey or tray nok present > Not affected by Jow temp , > Membrane {5 present > Ek gels affected. by. low temp, whs- af 05 ue be inka Abserte oF Oy oy rnebbobe inefabobu InlabHou. ‘nkebitows Like cqoride, hu Nat /Kt Pump =" Osmosfe Na pump ‘Diffusion kA puny Factliteted Aiffssen Cart puree Exocytetts 1H osmosis > > Movenard ef Solvent (a0) from the region Of His Aigho. Conc to Hs lower Con ace a Sem Periecble membrane KL Hf veathes equitibyiam - Bows \ agosalt zA— 7B Boo Frets too dre hy _— Uiygotoke) Dildo <=] BE— (on™ soln. (Aaperdonic) => oGmoHts Lo the Tow Of Solvent forma dil eal toa Cont gpm across Semi Permeable: membrane lL Ub veackes a > Dsmmoris of fs the mow OF Solvent: on wo hy poberge Sam toa Anypevionic Gol? ateess SPM FUL L-veacles eq: Mt calls_placed fn Yates Salt» G) Ainimal celts» G) In My gotoric Sot” (6)9Tn Hypertoate ol” 7 Endosinovis = Exosombsis ~> Togid > fe Flacid > Ruptoe — skein ue Uerenaked eae!” 3 Q) Plant «lS» (G) BH Hypetorde Sel (by Tr Hyporfonic Sel" hye? es > Endosmosts > Pxosmoy's ~ Turgid = > Plasinclystc dosinot wuphae due —e Fladd bat He Bhoge do Digi cell wall, doesnot Change = yacoutl Shrinkonly q Cytoplene Content? Gok detached (gone cone idee) a + ¥ Tsotic Sof > i Towo Hige > (00 the No net movernent of joo sal | Le Salt Hye (Solvent) Gavtice Quo frertie | Se0fet he _ Rr B & . 64 n ‘ 08% Nad Sol Tsotoric fo ea. Cotbelor S Yo Calucsre sel? Comer Nppllcationg 1. these Gelns t= 4) Opening A closing of Stomata a) mor gy kava Sn Mremesa Pubes -( Gf 3H) 3) qorinaion af seed , 4) Absorption tf Hae we bby rook Awaz ke Ls Aearspon- upto coaee: $) Prekels ome adda with exha Salk od prsearatin against forges: . Di ffustont> , vs > Moy lof SOLUTE paride fom i Aiglor Cone” fo Us Acwer Conc” AWM Ib veoches aye! ASoltel Solute —> Smoke 4 Liquid Solve Lime Sutee * ges goluk® > Carbonated dotnks. RPattors Affecting sate of Aiffirions Gwe Righen the domp. ) faster fs He vate of di ffiacien- Hest = KE> Srna eh food wenthes yovm- J Se 46 hy Daniy of the vnedlam 2 Grotham's Low : Dat De Pe AMtfistn ace d= density rf medfim, Wit) Didance > More dicfance , Aers ts fhe vede of Alfio, ND Cope Grad Gradient te Higher The pellet, fasten ts ‘ie Shade, ApplitaNors Of Diffusio S> a (2) Res piratory. om sey @) Transpiration - ) Pheromonealso cLiffse « - | + (4) Proper Aighibution of Subst In’ ¢ in “s tel. ite iL 3. Pauilitated diffusions » =} Proteins Called Caveies’ ave rgyd to -tAke ‘nto Ae ged ralealy . > No ATP yd | Passive Process. a Subsfunes ushich uses feutlitetel franipoa Inechawism ave 5° + Pruchese 2 Nucleosides von RBC, Afver cell rrrveombyane- Anglos in Andlitated dlffusten- Cyltohe - Ht Active anspor acres PM ts > wlth exponditre of ATP + ete “Dod tmp: at ADP Laie 7 We", net, fe a woe Nat nig + SSRN NG Sax a Primary. Active Troneget Net Glucose 4 protdin transports Substres Sec: Active Transport in Sa lil 5 Movement of & pacer TANTIPORT] Gubstance by 4 protein fn Same Abr. . y Nac Pumps Location to cl) Membre ef ewwrons s- gett hy Membrans ¢} moscle Fibre s- Same mMethowicm os Weurrs. @® only Nak Pumps t+ Pound gry “Post Syraptic Membrane’ (danke ~> membrane of NtwWons- @ only Pumps +> > Pryert op News & mash ke > Membrane of Guaad cots. es we ® only Ca’ Pump s~ > Preset on "Serrcoplasrle Retake! wv The ER found fin rnuacles Cented ving Cat fey rae Combraction- >on fre- synaptic membrane * © Endecytor's ke Cxocytor’s to ” big prolecues are fe be qaken in _ by out: > These ave abso Knsion ad "Bulk ‘Praniyot' _— oN Endory tosis Exocgtosts > Big mobeales faker into he calf undigat ood puvttds ; Hhrson outiof Cell gutta, AA Hey ae sane WV ” =, riosgitie VPage Eragy” (cot. eating) (colt drinking) xls Ex! = wee = Insulin, Macy ployes Polypetides . Armroeba «They fon forfoldiings 40 gulf foreign pasties ‘ Note ~ Endo k Exocytoeis avre active 6 process be coy —, energy. Ss wweguctred to barge He Shape of colt Suth fut they eprm enfolddings te eral fre pavdieles. + Modlficoxions of pme> Coeds Gy piers dl Bruwh-Borde 4— Microw eplthella oTo Incense fhe Surface oes fo, absorption. 5 Present fn. Intestine (3000 nero /caLh) Prose Sn DCT of Hephray Gell hy Sancktonal Complex > - Approx ooh Js fhe CPalercetbaular spa e = Sp increase the Suodace area fey ex charge of gubsjance b/w dhe ce. qi Tig Junciin ¢> > Exhindc fretting ave fused ads Uke Spot EID" WenD” — fucitos as adhesion & Gap FJuncion 45 — found fn Cardiac (us des- T > Sophie Bs formed made up of extrinsic protetin — Helps tn Synchvonised Conbaction S$ Cardiac Muscles W) Desmosome 4 - ae = 5 Tonoftakis ae Wi) Teyminal Bass 4- fb These ave Like debmndlome without tonofi bes * wii) Plosmodes meta ! Niddle DD Primary call alll Lamela Sec. Cet urtl Cytoplasmic Strands — Pound fn Plant celle = Hep fn excharge % Substances brs a cell. (iit) Glycocatyr 3 Also Kmoun os “CELL CORT”: rushen ebfgosaccharda eve eliael to ether \etefn ox Lite SF yeory’ den ot oe L glyco lipt id sel cw seent fede By Xue Profeckve vm fanckion WHT) Sheath > 7 Evlensien of Pm around fhe ‘avonire! 7 dar Plagala shave ($42) axrvargqermewe Of micretubwly culed tAxonic! pk We bate of Ua ov Flagitem , fo Stretches and Covers die base of dee Cilium or f lagen : ‘ a Thak Shoich & Covemng called “Sheath” RLS 9, Paves i Bye AteleA» Ft call_wal b+ ; Souter, VAgid snembrane > Protective Strengibh Regidiry— 5 dtecovircd by Robert Hodke (dead colt) COs, > foud in plant cl, Pungs, Prokeryotey [except prot velo), Cormposiion Cet Worl > w Prokaryotes > Papticoglyton ®) Frengys — Ustin (Homo poly sacch of N-acetyl bee gb Cosamine) Gi Plent celts cellule — : 2 a Foote tips Ha:2 + Probetr a Gy Plant coll ——> Cotlulese (Homedpoly Sach» wall, c wb aiucos) Ghrerm cellulose Citeteregdgsacls of gqalactore + Kgfode + tramnee + Prbinose’) & Pectin (glucevonte Add + galachoonic Aud) Looe D-blucese 1 cottulore moleule L & tee Wicelles Ls Ups, proper Ly Some exo Subsiamce deporition. Mos fii Cuktn , suberth, Ligrim, ‘ peer Macofbsl Note !~ “yf = Cath wal arises dung cy toldinests Grom Frag ioplest (Hse doe pieces of Gelgian ER ushith’ Seerela Wiadle (amet Coourd whide cellorclosa 6 depersfed) / H Plant coll Wath b> Shucheele — > Made Up af cetlulore « rath gis) Tere LU) eae Lametla a) 7: Ce Tt > Primary. “Cell wll (move -hermicedlutese) Chess cottulese) SiS Say & Meristmatte cotls hare. Cinove cottuloye | Only Primamys cell wall Aess rernicetduse) Pi Membrare ‘t offer substances : , 2 saben af{<—> Simple Pit io Spam) Peudin ne (refer a LT > Berdered PES ( Kannosgermn) See wal Found In pormanens cell JUKE ganenLby rma ake 4 Covmotion of Plort cal wall $+ > ah walk famed of tha Rime of tett division especay Cytokines’s call eaasd plate . made of Fragmoplast. : — Smal) pieces of gelgt Joodies ER y ; Gone Middle Jarnehn Funders ef cull wal 4 Provider Shope to the cell 3 Primary cell usotl anolps kn engymake ren + > Ppoplasr rrangpos: |.°% wake . (Cuvee, roves flrmgh CEU wool Using gy Rte cu) > Planks, agmdble to adtain height — So \cu) wall, Aone depestifens Uke & Cuttin = Prasene Provenrtion of Jets of alee 9 Subevin Prevents Avis of Hy: Uh) gin > Mechanical Suppor 4 CyAoplasm a > Arnovphow , translucent Tue sol” Cotleical suger, fA, — Preitin, feds Nucleotides dreplets- Phasing Prenb- - Nudear, Memb + thoiglasin fae _ Cote plasm " g aRiferenfded fe ave ponds SN Cytoplasmic Cytoplosetic Macha x Stu chan + the a organelle k Ancluied cant cot + Site fm metabolic oxn organelle facluitod 4 glycolyrss skelp fm the formation of pseudo podla os voricle- + propes distribution a Substance « C Gelvow Coster or Echo plasm sek Condopesm)~ ” ; wer Cycles i — slaw Stream Cytoplasm © = Reported wy a cfr & Rotational cycler’s '- + Plucougs Unidirectional - + Theat must bea forge vaccusle fn the coll Ground uslich cyetosts cctund G) civewlscory Cy clots. = Alwccus Malidirre etionad « 7 Octuns g ue Smolt ee Ro) sme | Hy Cabt onganeltes b> 4 Endoploswic Retfcutumn +> CER) In Gytopham anetuort, Ca ronal Shuchee —s pbsered by Gamnia. - > Vibashuchae by Porter, > Ten war giver by Porter > Porgent fn eT cells ox pt errnial CUU ure mammalian PBC: Claude 4 Fullans” AK & cols. = Absent in al ~ > Clemens ef ERY d Usfemae ; a vesades Heels Va § Usternae b> Goyissaspmnanomctnnt le From Nuclear ymerabranc mb- aothey arises So Formed toy. Alebbing of MUG ME 3 Shtied with Ribedsrnes = Ribosomes ave attached oy again do Abe Surface Of of Efstenae elbeghotne Junnen (nareove) 3 Unbranched k de So Atm Pigs uk inte Conneded . An + Closer te yquclan,_ ynembarne Cisteanae. (N) vesieles * > ~ Spheveal Shuchar, | > ye So-Svo um Eigee . ty > Ustes fo Ufstemae : (its Tubal + > Formed 0 Foi RER by ley of “ribosomes. . => Branched wilh, Hbokome > Closer fo Plasrra” membrane Righ- > lumen fs (aaidey (S-L00 Lien). Ay oe “Cs Notel~ —— SpecotLASMEC ERetfesturm + ER tn rescles dre known ad Sexe Coplasmnic seckcutum Tus type Endoplasmic Retfeutm &- BER SER > Made, up Of Csfernae — Made ¢4 Tubules +9 Closers to nuclear mem 5 Clotes te Plasma thembsare. > => Ribosomes ome on Surface ~» No vibetema sdk Gurfate, helps in: protein synthesis — Helpa Jn Syntheris of REPEL bits trang. ~ AHS Aranspoy). = Fronspoy, of Nudeor — SER faim Da abules inated from Nucleus hid, Yans dogh ' do clk oman Plasmodiynate, aeRO BER SER > 94 dorms Sarrteplesric Rett Paimarye <— delgh Bobi Cond): Of rnctet Srnpule Lyposeme executes a Pemaiat ob dnt, Pe RER : SER Ext found In 2, — — Pfibroblast — Ddefoxt Acation of Substances, — Recalls of tolets: Of Ate Beng pyrene (carctoogen) Langerhans i. Mycog-enolysis fy Uver celu > Breakdown Gi. Found dn ~" - Adkpose Hssues — Uver cls — bak Leyding's Cell - — Folicadas colts k Common functors ef ERS et DN 9 Provided Pyamework do dhe — ¢ = HL COX Cytoskeleton Shucher)- . V) CY Peres bein of Info: | ((s0s o 8 ° from nucleus 40 organelle oo . r or otter, CU SK 4 = Helps ‘in chesport, O protein k Uptds te golgi body. 7 Pomoia Comgavtmertaligat > ER membrane has 30 engymed | a chure Note! ak Nisslets Granvels = > Masses SF RER tov Cyton eh : New: te mydlad Bedies > > Mowe ef SER dn Retinal CAL - Biosyntrerts J ATPaxe, Achydoogenare de. — ttetps In GU plate formation Aisaing LA Aviston (Pragmoptst) pieces of EES Golgi — Builds Cygoplarmic—varcude Syblen, S Mainfatns Surface “oven. do volume yal +oy GERL System - ae A Galgt Body 49 Coattow's Complex / U pathyndrta) ~ observed toy George ~ Marphelogy, Shuchoe Given by- Camblo Golgs " & news coll of Cots & Berm ou. > Uifvastnichire esos given by Dalton: 7 Im se ef plank, golgt boly & Caled bt etyosomes - > Bigger Wye tn Secreiony. teh ego Liver Synallo. Sap in Non erly cel 2-45 Muscle: ed a eH Golgi 3 only one In even animal ceil. f-12 fn plat eth. houses algae — 4 7 Pigcidal call of Chaas Few undyed . gelgs fea. — fositton*> Yn verdebrake > Povinuclea Tr davertebrate _, ified or or plants Kattered > fossa Zone OF extlurten (clean cyte Area Ground Gelg boty). “5 + Gap Grope Changes ofé Fuckers A Struchre ot _Golgl Body. $° > Ula Shuchoe shied boy Datton 3 gloments t» & Astenae, diy vaccwete Gi) verdes A Galgi body Shows Polont Concave Comex pare \ fos. towad Nuder Struchoe! > Cheward PM) a OS) Moher 7 O i Coes cis— Face Not” 4 Unterslerral gelgi besly Jr qfurd tn Reng. ek Vacewla ave bigger i Hye near tre Contove face Ke Vesicles Ove Smatlr in Aye found nem fre Convex au 4 FancKers o Gol * Body 45 — Searrtion Packaging. ? Polysacelrrides Secretion + kn Goblet cetl G Collagen Secrxetion—s fan Commective -Lissue, « Botdin Secret m —9 actnal Cells of RPancseass > Secretion of Harnones Like Thyroxine. AL > VITRLLOGENESIS S "Yolk Poernation" tr cal plete forrnadien ef Madle. Jamelia ( fectic vaatertal) ~ > Helps > Seaction Ke ~> GLYCOSYLATION iho hy desde, tho protekn os Lipid. Add” gh Cow Profant Coabochytecde — Caer] Legesactn) Wy | (eXtjems Cen Sdentificctin Lipid 4 Peal Cenrokydeate > [Gyo] vy Protectan Qcetl cot) BR 2 Aewosame ef _Spoyco*- secrete Sporn Lysine’ « 7 Helps Ln formation of Primang. Ausctome. > Lrnpordand park of GER Syston - > "" dhrecter % wncrevmen eas post in te coh" > Secsettons are by the metred Of- " govease Phocyletis” Lo fe a # LySosomes & > 5 Vscwrned “by Crvstiean de dave- fn Mver coll. —> Found tr wh eukaryotes except Gxcegh’ some Purgi» Year, Newresposs — Profits Ake Euglena - — Meristernatte colts = Mabie maramallon R&c. 7 No: ef Lysoseme depends wpen conn atitny v ynertsin cols With | Anta celldor dfgestive— € cuctiyrhy: rs Phogocyte, @ Feoclast : UGE Shape > Spheviet- devolghic eng) > only. membrane, & Mmotsix ove. found hy anys > tk lselgalymosphic Oy conte" exists ka 4 types Ly somes _acsr 6h 4 types on the batts of Mablin's nace $ o Peirnery, Ly Soseme \s 3 Prayonce of fmachyve hyavolytte ogre Hetero coc. tysod a iy Sees bysofomes 4 Phragesame| = Nctive Hydvoly ttc onyypne. GD Tes, lysosome [ Revidual Bodies > Possess undigested ynateial. _ 0 Rude phogosemes /fato_ysetrene 7 Gufeldol Bags , Cell gus Aigerted or despeyel. Functions - > Mainly. Algestin of food parttdes oy Foreign partides. > Helerophagy 33 dtq: 6 Food qyom ough ve fathogeh. — patoplagy > Aig. of vesenved fod. & , > Padolya's => deytmctin om cal = ay \ = dastoy Corschrenons. = @l = Defence- Emyme proc _fn Ayseseney 4 ~G Colegeva ef One eyes paeserd- G) pretenses . Giy Nucleases <7 DNAME SS @hinose aity Glyeovidares iy Esterses (u> Chosphadoses tui) Subphatade 4 GERL System 49 \ cee AySoseene Pp Oy encorsteris te _Rtbosomes ** (Palades Portide) 3 PRst & Ssolated by “Claude! orn cytoplesin kaoum os ' Microsome!- = Robinson and Broun — observed Ht fn xoot . Celts of Midla faba > Terme bog “Palade ~ Non- membranes: ka —> Pound in Prokeayone ke Eukaryotic cous OxLeph > Mature Sperm “Madhure rrommediian RBC Also found th Some gegatnclies- mitoeherdtio S Plastas Cintin- Ribesemes ) (Cplastide- Pibssomes)) > Ln Cyteplum > Pree Pibeisne- on Ane yrembrart os Bownd Ribosome, SPER’ pucks Ribosomes Lecage Subtnts Smabler Subunit > ptacthed te Hu —> Free membrane with tra help of proten UR ie PHORTN Pbosome S= Sedberg's Consie a 5 Hes gos In Prokaryetes FT Euxanoty Cob —T sees xe Ss 6) ses Coos} (408) 4 Ri boscnnes, Pbsocp Types & Composttten Rebossmes %- > Rfboriitles Protein fawticls Ca-ene: 4 Protetnd Fo-8 ~ Go-bs LRN Pt ott es sy ues Sos 206 ce) (smaller) > 3s— Ate Je Protetn Login Sulountt Shape’ “Za Pro Faubercente > pidge > Sfalk, & outtached Ho membrane bys Rtbophosin getentt E Tamneh fr me Accepio P= Peptidyt) Dono’ = Aintnoacy’ «te ' 1 ' 1 1 So-s | > ® 45 Fe ARNA \es RBs “3s Gos 40S Clawger? CSrredly —SS% Predeto Slecepe = Flak Platform > Head > Base acess 2 > meRND oT, Bfndlng Sie way tm R. pssembiy ef Ribosomal Suburtt + an “ooLM Say Od Say Unit Seer | Note’ Coo Is less tran o-60L then Dissocfatten . Polyseme poly beseme Cont? gs nove Shan 91001 M a 2 > e ) Hen 3 ptmes Formator H Functfors_ ot Ribsame t> > Helps in Profeinesyrivents - SS Peledls tH “Emoleclen. Genetfas! Riboscare WA-RNA do see laxges Subwat, Forine, Cod es Riese over tH Milewbodtes > = found fn ckeryetfe Galt L artce from ER, io Sphevesemes “(b> Glyorysome. | Micwbodien Mil) Peroxiseme. ae | oO Sphewoseme ® Glyoxyseme @ Pevoxysome = only Ln plard cus ~ only fn plant eel —s enby in both plank & animal cel 3 Afscoverc by fema: > Ry Beever. — By phodtn Sen Uver 4 Kindney Help in B-oridatTen i. cee <> Contains adele * of Fat: ~~ tadalow Hydrolyte engymes. f Fat Oats Fe Mey > Crrbahysrate “ert © plant Lysosomes"!. Fal = &e toy t I A oa Endogpenn eer Caster Seed ate yo, Colyledens — formiatiant bveatdcn CL Wig - A oyehponisthle fer Photorerpiratin: Peanut Mttochondria Cfower House) > Ddiscovercd by. keller “kn flighttre muscle ot insects. — Tem fila toy Eletamning- mh Bfoflos tay" AUtinande”” (tverecd package [ast ty Mffethoadna, by Renda ontgn) AS Sant -auwenomens Onganelle (oun DWA, even Yiboserne) MLN eo] paitochmndsig Win —> one nil / cell Bxb Chimetla, Chlarmylomonss — “m Mar — Ss lath (eet ty bdiotscomebe PUgtat musche 4 dnseel soo / CCU ay Ghant arnecla. Cchacs Chacs) . Yghes deyaluration Seaches' Hy, cena Ribosomes (40s) C-DNA = vith In CEQ Tana memarane- more profeness tee Selectively Permexble, Pot - F a Imttochondatal okey membane seace, less protenoe = Permeable owe Comprtinent Oxysermes / FoF, parttcte. or elementary, Pasticles b» -has EMBYME For cellular yegncrctian « 2 Conicins dévaleal fas eg mgs, ian pe! +? GA Cycles DNA L Rébosomes : Fo fale-yitlon Cle ( ptheslerén) greseny \ Rilossemes fy Mammalien Mitechondiva fs of See type Bes aes 4 Enlarged Stmcture Of OxySome (ferfy past of Witochedaa) $3 Ofstac. Mabie wy (o-fe fonticle K } fo (ustidle Fy partie oy Bese tend C- Face oY F Cyieset Face Uy otyseme. 8} torer cal Witee : ~ . if ows, frmer trombone Y m—face werrbyrs ANP Synibee of Tre membren gns Note!- Erne. membian, has more protein & bey Lipids and > Cholesterol fs absert. Duker. membrane has low, poten & ynore Mpids . cholesterol fs posted y pitochondaia Can Repticate « Noo Of crystme _. leoo0 to 4 Latbs [pnitachondo, Rinetions of Mitochendsfa +> = ATP Syrtnesss . 3 Nem Nebenkarn (Mitochndsta 6} Spe) ATP Synth. . 2 Thermiog ene st s Anheritancen (eds only Ferale Conbibute = Gyrplasmc . for eytcplasmic Inbes) a Vila ViteLlogeheste (YoUle Formekin) > wite + gulyt bodigy => Synineris e} Heme port of He & peynglbiny 4 Plastida + D> Ditevered, oy Haeckel + > Found dn alt plant cells Gene prish—"Gagtena” —— = celowed Plata 3 coleuteyd > tr plat fat ret 3 In plat pars expad 4 1d Mabe (led, pede. JU, Se) fine) yoots , Mazar, : a = Photusgntets — Ghraye sf food _ ottvatten > No Brana , pigment’ absent Types yf Leacoplest t 3 © Arngtoplut- — Sore Carbolydsedes 244 Potato Tuber , usheat: E> Blew past —> Pavteop last Stores proien (plewovmes pretein) Exls Matxe Ui) Clatoplan —> Fak Sirage cx Coxon Secs , growed rs we &—chisyeplas_= . Typo St Unrome plost 4 (Cigments) ) chivwplat > Chiov (greer) CAMA, Greun Shem Gi Pheoplast — 2 Kaniho ploytt ke Pucoxaniiin (Bre) Sg Bram Algac Gi) Rhodeplast —> Phy evplaovn (HO eqs Read Algae More Pigumards rod Unyemeplash x Lycepln > Rea pigrnent (omarto) “ CRed Pepred x Capsandhin ~ ( Comret Reot) & Corotene — orange Red x Chlovoplast > ~ Uscovercd by. + Tern by Schimpe.- No: ef Chloveplet [cous eg? Chalrny demenss Ulotinix KA-WG por COU eg spiregyra KG Ro-4w per cell eg > Highes plows & Soo per cell — chara Anton Von Lee wenhoek. & L pow coll = Chioweplat te Dirmospiaie ranelle, figrare, Grom Shapet Gy Lup os Horse Shoe shaped >> C4 Cilaany dornescs - chlowe . yes City Giedteseaaped + eas Ubetirdx S| wot (ii) Robin shaped > Uf tel fas — sa. . Sot thee th loveplet Ext > Spo eyes ass &v) oval ox disceidal shaped > & he Wighor plants cS SAponhere OP Chena & Sor audrncrnond Chreutor DNN 5 Shoma Larnetlae outa, Mernbrorre cless poten * Permeable aTrmer Menrbrare eo Move Projety P Selectively ferrneable Strong, parte Cen? Rich Inengyrnet Ay Byrn > Repressed oy Dark. Ren * RuBISco (ost Aburdanc) * tng? Mn, eet NorrAppremed pots Fiqh Thytlatesd Soe. Note’ 7 Quartosenes :- (wieale tp 9f 230 pigment metecutes) « > Ubtovophy ts " Carvolensids > Kamthephyt > Phycobiliins LUCL- Light Heavesting Compler Ps-t 22 Poo (th-a) PS-T 33 Pegs (thea) a chloroplasts que Dimorphic Osqernetle. a NS ad v7 _Granal ve? Bgrar = Grane + Stroma, SS Shesra + Stroma Aainetlae + Strona lamellae fed tn Bund ~~ low in Bundle 9 Ferd fon Tmesophagth cls Sheath cots of Cy. plan's, oh & ve Cye faoncKons 39 : = > Photosyntnerts ay Cytoplasmic Inhottante Cig k Plagella “> Cy Hye Smatt (Stow) |) + dongen (150 4m) Gy Mo. = Numevous 1g A to Few - iy lomo «All over son the amietoy Gide Wy Beak 2 Synchrenew | * “ a levgthuliral) 7 Independent Dew + Inetasysnthrened ‘ . Onduleding Insveeaeud: (wave Uke) SS poey Sho ARAL > L Recovery gheke | ' Wi Tyres —. Kipoutbianss ) + urkiplash Tyee + Motle ’ = Hunter Ayes EY eaachat , Fallegian Kidney Tolales © Geatodiliat “Non motile, Ge Gastate Fey fend dor genepe OF Sensory cole Brown Alga: \ (wily Fanchns'- = locomation \ — Capduting Food > Ss eunSory whe t © Lo Comoten tH Indenol Shuchoe st Wa & Plagetta 4? @ Proteplasmic Sheath @ Axonome o% . Ariol Filaments Smal projection seen on S l CyCQS0A) Maal upet B protofamot : Teh) - wed up of 13 protefilamants 4 mnfercuhults in Small projection not Sen mG “firme doubleks 4 microfubule ae orringedtooinds ie Sth ogg | wi phe ry at ths Conter hae . Note!= yA dynein Bolen = 9 doublets > Tubular Protein owley am of tufcrotudies AR UnkesS—>Nexine 0 oudes inne arm & Dynein Patel Nex Eo Tae BF WR egmantt rel ® @B ig Ns Protofilaments 3 Kimodlia = mobile Ua & G4g) arrangement <> Steriod = Irmobtle cla k (940) avargement rengeathy, cikia hay (94a) arrangement confi k unas Chaya i} fo Glecded steviodilia + HH centfole & Basal Body b> "Basal Body | Back Granule / Blepheroplast ", Contiole Pasa B Potition'= = Pevinuderr © Belotontte, Plasma Cyvcon reennudes) membrane. Nuggba'> ‘ne e Numero only Ro” - een Crtways Lar) . 0 * . ‘ ae > o:3-0°5 4 Looges (20 — $k Lim) Fagan’ . 3 Ctl divi sow « Ghye rise ty, hf, = aster foranaten k Plagetr = Spindle Fesrnachen mov ef alfa * Alege. oceuvancels = Ainimal cetl except © AL Cally hawk yates marnaluian . cilia & Ploedt RBC aapelta & Enteral stwchon {s Same for boty a Made up of Miorotubuls, (94d) Avsangement- 35 povipheral microtubules in Taiplels form CoO @ 6 A (o tb @ prateftlarnendys (a-Btubulin pa) $ Trtonal shuchur of Cantiole_ Bosal Body. .~ — (940) Prscngement- Note ee ~ SPAS of Contsfgle Fakes places! phase of. Tnterplose Gf cebt cy le + Cytusketetil Shouchuves +> @ Meevotebules ® Mics Filomena — Hollow — Solfd Red Like shuchar = Tubulin Rojein — Adin Prottin k some Location’ + yesine lia Plegetia, Basal Boddy, * Latatien' Microw , Cytoplesmn Spindle fibre, aster rays, & in muddy Qxoneme L sperm el % contviele we proteftloments CD no Lumen a a irae a sf “PeAg cana) P git Flames grotofilamends MN (one vertical Sectin) 7 4 = Yaccuale t+ Lvacus > empty) > Membrane bounded Shuctre called os TONOPLAST = In omimal col — genat iin Gye More in number ~~ In Plark tell — One Lorge Vaccuole, . Cabsert in meristmebie ces). — Absort fn ‘Bacteria & Mayceplosrna (ePLo) , ¥ Plant vaccuele Filed sith 5 (Sap Vaceusle) wales + painoralst Salk + Suge + AR és Lanctins 6 Gap veceucle 0 8 Sy Sfornge “Bqqe > Pog Pressure elongation YER 7) meitoate, Bow. <> Hups im calt elongation hy Food Vaccuoles >> + 3 sdlid food — Phogriome. = Mil Fook — Rosome & Gas Vaceuele “> = provides Bwoyoey Gfhy Conactile_voceuele > Tr free Water Profozoant Gxt Amoeba, Pooameccium > Helps in Osmorequtation & Exostion- 4 Systolic = Contraction Diartttic = Relaxation H Cah Including os Ergastte Materials *- Substance > Frclude Non Nvirg Catted as Esgeatte cubbsteeres /Dutoplasrmfe sub + > Following Comes under {wis @ Ford !+ 5 Tn Form of Stench Speci ‘ © eg Potadnses , ice. = Im Foym Of ghytogen greanclan: Gxte Liver Muscle — Protein Ges ptenrone Protein fn Wai xe = bn faire arog Cx. pchipacyte : Castor Seed, ged ody. @Tmorganic_Substantes_ UC stabs) 23 > ica Exe Tr Geass b SCeNlos, Ceystorit) = Gee epidermal cls _ th Mornordte. CBtHeged) Ca Oxcrlade (gaperids) Exirty Erchhesnio, (water hyacinth) @ (yages Oa, Coy No @ wodscos Corel cubs. ox urate! = fmmonia, Urea, Uric Adel 3 Quinine (Pak of dnchova) > Coffeine ~ wWotine 4 Morphine — Gums, Resins - + Nutheua 4» = By Rober Broun fm Ordlid cell. —> Number *? No Nudew Enuceated Ext prechnre Mammotian RBC, Sieve Toe i Platelets k One Nucleus — Uninucleated * Two Nudes — Binucleated Gy\= Papamoa divin * k Many Nucl > multinucleated’ Coanocytic Sy nettial (used For Betis) (used Ter ov plants auiimal cell) ut Cpalina 1 SKetefel nicles - = Postion’ x Cenbic —a> kn Animal ceils & Ecentle — fr Plank cetts eehetipagia & Peripheral —> fr Adipocytes of Basal in Columlan call = Shopat> OSD oO Cfrevto, Ol {Smooth . Bilobed Tatiobed Mus sl i es) {nefdog hv) ( Basophils) Eefmopli¥ tualklobea¢ Newbold, ) tyase lie? (wevtieia) # Stuchee ef Nucleus 2 ( Karyon) cfeemnae _eE Nuckeobs cnomatin Fibves eh ER Nude <— 5 ?}: Nudeoplasm a fore FEROS ‘ wo eeguysrl for DUA Raplicts ((ooe-teecr) divalent feat givin’ 7 Octagonal shage > mRNA, EPHA, SREK > Diameter ; a mew Nu eo R npr) membre + ? Kaagotheca Ribosemt Outer, Nucket Posinuches. Merb Space 1. # Nuclear Membrane & Nutleas Pore *- ower ‘ gcoh_ > Annuhus pu mem = 4 6 A Pibtiomss Nucher Mertorar) a sme RE Reta thu metfbaeike Larmety Bibailas nikeita Cer vith Prefein) > Suppey} to nner Nucleor Meynbrare (tucleeplasin) 3 Diameter Cf Nuclear Pore = Sook > Shope of Nuclear. Powe = OUagenal > No ef Pores = (loon — lo, ¢00) & 4 Nudeoptam t= = Rich in Crayne - DNA Raplfeation (NA Polymeiase) Ly mRNA Syntheris CRNA, Polymerase) = mgt, mn2t feu - > mRNA, kRND, APN > pl eG-4 + 02) Alkating.” 3.3: Nudeolus t> > Discavesed, by. Fomteme =n cel of Eel. > Toned doy — Bowman KH Assocaled usti ORE Nudkolar crises Pegtan > wiflout any rnombiane Nudanter Chesemetin Pars, Bbre Props > Grandes Of RNA — Functions > Sambawas of ARON 7 of oRNA — trelp & spindle fouration 4 Chromatin 45 (thread ke) . 7 Discoverd Ay Flemming. i > Ty toierplate Reterochworsttn Cuchnoreatn “ Non-transcvieing > Sry wenseriphion a Lote ‘reptication ‘— bealy Heplieing ¥ Pacultadive ” Constineive Heterotkromadin Hetevothaomatin = Rabve FOr veny Not ache less dime Een Bar Bo Cin Female, 2% Che) § G) > Or Edy Both (Non= funcional) Funct) Chamnoscene \- > Aistavercd by Hof meicter. Cordes: l — Tewned by toaldeger Oyremadin ChromoGeme 7 AG» Ghromonerale (dwn PA) o“— Chromed Iv oxvargement ob Charmonemale, - Primary, Consbicttieon Ore ch: Ne nd dn cath usltch divade by- BAwis 2 Chreneplorny’ fo ile ae Qe Skt ehre Ne . Plactonemse axrangemtst of CLomomnematy | >| > Unvmosemes on tu bovis of poritio of. Conteomen, Telocendic : Motacentic Acro Conk Sab melaconty'e Pee ‘) These © Shaper are Vistble Ow AX % | only, dining Araphaye KOOL T LT] Coke spite fbr ove. Pulling opast Clirenstens) a

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