Constitution Original Revised

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1. The name of the group shall be Thorne Camera Club.

2. The address shall be that of the chairman.
3. The area covered shall be Thorne, Moorends and surrounding
4. The aim of the group is to promote Photography within the
Community as an interest and a skill.
5. The group shall endeavour to achieve the aim by the following
a) Encourage members of the community to develop their
photography by joining the group
b) Encourage members of the group to share their interest,
expertise and abilities with others
c) Discuss work of members, offering support, help and advice
to increase knowledge and creativity
d) Organise practical workshops, demonstrations, talk,
assignments and other connected activities to further the
above aims
e) Involve the wider community occasionally, by invitation to
guest speakers, illustrated talks, outings an exhibitions, and
other opportunities to work within the community as and
when possible.
6. Membership of the group shall encompass all individual persons
over the age of 18 who are interested in the aims of the group. 16-
18 year olds are welcome when accompanied by a responsible
7. An acting Committee shall be formed in the interim to act on
behalf of members, with elections to be held at an Annual General
Meeting at a date as yet to be determined, and annually from that
date. A Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall
volunteer initially, with further committee posts added as
necessary and desirable. The Committee shall not be held
responsible for any claims or demands while acting in good faith
on your behalf of the group. The Committee shall control the
administration of funds, placing them in a current account with
cheques requiring two signatures. The Treasurer shall keep
regular accounts of receipts and payments to be presented to the
Membership at the AGM.
8. Membership fees and Subscription shall be arranged, and
reviewed annually at the AGM.
9. Income is solely for the benefit of the group, and shall not be
transferred to any member, unless in payment of any pre-
arranged expenses.
10. In the event of the group being dissolved, its funds and assets
shall be disposed of according to the wishes of the members. At
an EGM two options shall be put before the members for them to
decide which option the majority prefer. The options are:
a) Transfer all funds and assets to the members
b) Transfer to a local charity
A member or members shall be appointed to act on behalf of the
club in the realisation of the value of equipment etc and that value
added to the funds.
The Chairperson and Treasurer shall then organise an EGM for the
distribution of any funds remaining after any debts have been paid,
to be transferred to the members. Equipment shall be sold at the
market value and monies added to the funds and any unsold items
shall be offered to the members or given to a local charity.
11. Any changes or amendments to the Constitution or Rules shall
only be made after consultation with the Membership at an AGM
or EGM. Other decisions shall be made by the Committee, or
where deemed necessary by a Meeting with a Quorum (7)

Revised and accepted by the Membership at the AGM held on 10th October

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