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This is a post by guest author Stephen Clark  

(, marketing manager of

Immaculate Flight, LLC ( Stephen was asked to
contribute to this blog because of his expertise in aircraft cleaning. Any thoughts expressed
below are entirely Stephen’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of Universal Weather
and Aviation, Inc.

Whether you’re in a pinch for a quick clean up or shopping to stock up your aircraft’s cleaning chemicals,
today you have more choices than ever. Choices range from inexpensive household cleaning products all
the way to extremely expensive specialty products. Although conveniently located at most local car and
hardware stores, many of these choices may not only be ineffective for cleaning an aircraft, they may in fact
cause damage to it.

Nonetheless, finding the correct chemical(s) for cleaning your aircraft shouldn’t cause you a headache, but
careful consideration should be given to identifying your aircraft’s particular requirements and restrictions.
We covered this in a prior post on "5 Things to Look for from an Aircraft Cleaning Company
company/)"; but if you ever question what product is acceptable or not, reference your aircraft’s operating
manual or call a professional!

Don’t worry, while you’re digging through your manual library, we’ll keep you company with our list of the
Top 5 chemicals you should never use on an aircraft:

1. Ammonia-based window cleaners

Windscreens are a "catch-all" for your aircraft, but proper care is needed to ensure you always have clear
visibility out of it. Although perfectly tuned for household usage, window cleaners and other associated
products are so damaging to your aircraft’s windscreen that they make number one on our list of chemicals
you should never use on an aircraft!

With trademarks that guarantee a streak-free finish, it’s easy to see why so many use these products, but
using non-aviation-approved window cleaners can cause "crazing," or micro-sized cracks on the surface of
the windscreen. These cracks are not only an eyesore, they tend to badly obscure sightlines and may refract
light in unpredictable ways, causing visibility issues that could leave the windscreen damaged beyond 
repair, thus resulting in the need to replace it.

2. Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)

While not technically damaging to your aircraft if used properly, MEK’s rise as a dependable solvent has
come under fire within the last decade due to its extremely hazardous effect on its user’s health.These
effects have been so negative that, according to the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace
and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) (, members have reported
( that long-time use has resulted in years of chronic headaches, asthma,
flu-like symptoms, dizziness, general malaise and fatigue. These health issues, as well as the availability of
effective alternatives, make MEK a chemical you should never use on your aircraft.

3. Chlorine bleach
Great for keeping the bathroom clean, this common product can become a maintenance nightmare if used
in your aircraft’s lavatory. The main concern about utilizing chlorine bleach is the potential to cause damage
to seals and (if equipped) the vacuum system itself by way of stripping the protective layer(s) of these items.
In addition, if chlorine bleach is mixed with your lavatory’s "blue juice," not only could you be filling your
cabin with toxic fumes, but you could be mixing two oxidizing agents.

4. Dish soaps
Not many aircraft owners/operators enjoy cleaning the underside of their aircraft, since these areas are
usually full of grease, oils and dirt that are the direct result of multiple takeoffs, landings and taxing events.
However, removing the built-up mess on an aircraft’s belly usually only takes a good cleaning agent and
some elbow grease. Although perfectly suited for degreasing last night’s pizza pan, these finely scented
products make for poor overall degreasers that can actually leave behind filmy/soapy residues. In addition,
the fact that many of these products now carry anti-bacterial agents and even perfumes means they should
be left where they belong – under the sink and not on an aircraft.

5. Wood care products

If the lemony fresh smell doesn’t give it away, wood care products round out our top 5 chemicals you should
never use on an aircraft because they can actually be counterproductive to your cleaning needs.

Although a great way to shine fine woods, wood care products make poor aircraft cleaners thanks to the
dimethicone "film former" found in many of these products. These "formers," coupled with the
preservatives found in many of these products, can actually leave layers of wax that, over time, can build up
and trap dirt and oils under them. What’s more, if these layers are not removed, they can leave an aircraft’s
paint with a hazy look. 

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