Ict Final Activity

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Sungay West, Tagaytay City, Cavite


In partial fulfilment of the Requirements for Empowerment Technologies

Submitted by:

Grade & Section


Submitted to:
Ronnie I. Maranan
ICT Teacher, SHS Department

Date Submitted:

March 6, 2021


Water is one of the most essential things that everyone needs. In human,
animal, and plants, it’s very necessary for them to survive. There are a lot of
things that water can do and give to us in order to survive. Without it, no one can
survive especially those who are dependent with it. But, nowadays, there is a
shortage on supply of water example is in metro manila. It is because of the
rivers, lakes and other bodies of water that are being polluted. Many people
throw their garbages, chemicals and waste on the source and as result it is no
longer healthy and not available to be used and consumed. However, the main
focus of this concept paper is the importance of water and how to preserve it.


The purpose of this concept paper is to describe the importance of water. It

describes what are the things and benefits of water in everyone’s life. And the
ways how can water be protected and preserve for the good of everyone and for
the next generation. And also to prolong the supply of water.


Importance of water

Water serves a lot of its purposes to and for all of us and for other
creatures. It is the key for survival and living of everyone. It has a big impact on
health of the human. It keeps us hydrated and healthy when drinking a lot of
water and prevents diseases. We can also use it for cleaning, washing clothes
and cars, and many more. Even the animals and plants need water in order to
survive and continue to grow. Animals use it for drinking, some as their habitat
and some as their necessity. In plants, they use water in order for them grow
faster and not to become dry and continue to live longer. It’s just some of the
things that water can do so we must think and do ways that will surely prolong
the water for all of us.

Preservation of water resources

Water makes up the earth most. It makes us alive and healthy human
being. Without it no one will stay alive and earth will be colourless. Since water is
the most important, we should preserve the sources of it and use it in a
responsible way. People must not and never throw waste and other harmful
materials on bodies of water. These will decrease the pollution in water and also
makes the species’ shelter healthy and presentable to live in. Consume only the
right amount of water needed. It will not only decrease your water bill but also
help in maintaining amount of water to fit for the entire consumer. Support also
the environmental projects on making water sustainable and healthy to use. And
be a good example on everyone and show them that you care and love to
preserve the water and use it until the entire future.


This project is budget friendly. It means that this project does not need to use
high funds. Just only the will and care of the people on preventing water pollution
and preservation of water resources. Let’s not just think for our own sake, let’s
also take for the entire future that are coming. If there is no water there is no
living. We all depend on water in order to survive and become healthy. We
should also replace the things that water did to us and not destroy them for our
days that are coming.
“No water, No life, No green, No blue” -Sylvia A. Earl

Paper Prototyping is a prototyping method in which paper models are used
to simulate computer or web applications. After initial design, a paper prototype is drawn
on plain or construction paper, sometimes with colored markers. Paper prototyping as a
prototyping method relies on tangible objects for usability testing and functions under
the assumption that the user will interact with the paper application as he or she would
with a real application.

This page is created inform all the people about the importance and benefit of
water in our daily lives. And also to discuss some ways on how to preserve water and
it’s resources. It describes what are the things and benefits of water in everyone’s life.
And the ways how can water be protected and preserve for the good of everyone and
for the next generation.

This website is created inform all the people about the importance and benefit of water
in our daily lives. And also to discuss some ways on how to preserve water and it’s
resources. It describes what are the things and benefits of water in everyone’s life. And
the ways how can water be protected and preserve for the good of everyone and for the
next generation.
Assessment: Answer the following items. You may refer to your printed worksheet and
search over the net for more ideas.
1. What is a website and cite some purpose for setting up one.
 Website is the most important part of internet. It is a collection of publicly
accessible, interlinked Web pages that share a single domain name. It can
be use for businesses, application, organizations and many more. And
with these websites we can get information and references easily.

2. Why is it necessary to publish a website?

 Because it will help people to gather information and news easily. And
also to improve businesses, organizations, and many more.

3. What is the role of Site Statistics in website maintenance?

 It serves to know the visitor’s demographic and the time and day they
usually log in. It is also useful to improve the website and make a beautiful
content that will increase the viewers and also their ratings.

4. Search for any sample of website technical/ performance report. Explain what it
is all about. You may see the sample on your worksheet page 5.
 This report is all about the overview and rate of viewers the website have
every month. We can also view the percentage and rate of the different
viewers from every countries.
5. Answer the reflection questions from your worksheet page 6.

1. How can technology change your life and the community?

 With the help of technologies it makes our work and life easy. It helps us to
reduce burden of works, get news and information easily and faster, go to the
other place safe and many more. Technologies also change our life because
without them we cannot achieve the things that we have right now.

2. How can you become a great contributor to society when it comes to ICT?
Discuss your role in developing the technology.
 By giving the right and exact news and information especially on social
Medias. And also by being an example to others on using ICT on the right

3. In the current situation, how do you access information as a student? How will you
integrate the use of ICT in your daily life and your chosen track?
 I access information as student on social Medias like facebook, twitter, and
youtube and also on websites like google. And as a STEM will integrate the
use of ICT in my life by making sure that the informations from the internet is
true before passing it to others. And also by using it on making good things to

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