3 DPR For 20 MW Solar Project at Jalukie

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Project Report -20MW SPV Project, Peren District, Nagaland

Form 1.1

Sl. Assumption Parameter

No Head Sub-Head (1) Sub-Head (2) Unit Values
1 Power Capacity Installed Power Generation
Generation Capacity MW 20
Capacity Utilization Factor % 19.2
Commercial Operation Date mm/yyyy 08/2021
Useful Life Years 25
2 Project Cost Capital Cost / MW Normative Rs. lakh / MW 420.0
Capital Cost Rs. lakh 8400
Capital Subsidy, if any Rs. lakh -
Net Capital Cost Rs. lakh 8400
3 Financial Debt Equity Tariff Period Years 25
Debt % 70
Equity % 30
Total Debt Amount Rs. lakh 5880
Total Equity Amount Rs. lakh 2520
Debt Component
Loan Amount Rs. lakh 5880
Moratorium Period Years 1
Repayment Period (incld
Moratorium) Years 10
Interest Rate % 11.0
Equity Component
Equity amount Rs. lakh 2520
Return on Equity for First 10
years % P.a 10
Return on Equity 11th year
onwards % P.a 18
Discount Rate % 12.2
Depreciation Rate for first 12
years % 7%
Depreciation Rate 13th year
onwards % 1%
Incentives Generation Based incentives,
if any Rs. lakh P.a NA
Period for GBI Years NA
4 Operation & Normative O&M
Maintenance Expenses Rs. lakh / MW 6.02
O&M Expenses per
annum Rs. lakh 120.4
Escalation factor for
O&M Expenses % 5.72%
5 Working O&M Expenses Months 10
Maintenance Spare (% of O&M expenses) % 1
Receivables Months 2
Interest on Working
Capital % P.a 0

Project Report -20MW SPV Project, Peren District, Nagaland

10.6 Total Project cost

The total project with Interest during construction works out to Rs.84.0 Crores. Out of
this, 70% i.e., Rs.58.8 Crores Approx will be term loan component from Financial
Institution / Banks and the rest 30 % i.e., Rs.25.20 Crores Approx will be brought in as
equity for the project by the project developer i.e, M/s Halo Energie Pvt. Ltd. The Cost
per MW Rs.4.20 Cr.

10.7 Tariff

Over the period of 25 years, the tariff charged to the government has been given below.
These tariffs are subject to change based on any incentives/subsidies received from the

Year Levelised Tariff

1 25 Rs.4.20/kWh

For Halo Energie Pvt Ltd



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