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4 Fill in the blanks with the words below: Speaking

identify, dispatch, respond, back up, badge number.
8 With a partner, act out the roles below
1 based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
The police
quickly to
2 emergencies. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
Can you the car that hit you? We have a code ...
3 State your
over the radio.
4 I'm on my way.
We officers to locations in the
Got it.

if you have a problem

Student A: You are an emergencs

5 9 Listen and read the manual again. What cysoa:cre« Talk to Student B about
is the first thing an officer should do when an emergency
responding to a call from the dispatcher? the offense
the suspect
6 Student B: You are an officer Resoond
6) Listen to a conversation between a
dispatcher and an officer. Check (V) the Student A's call
information the officer gives.
Type of emergency
Badge number Writing
Present location 9 Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the
Description of suspect emergency response record. Use today's date and
7 9 Listen again and complete the
We have a code 357 in East Liberty.

Officer needs back up. 1 Police Department

Officer: 5963 responding.
Dispatch: 5963, are you 2

Describe the emergency:

Officer: I'm currently on Aiken at 19th Street and
Dispatch: Proceed to 24th and Aiken immediately. Responding oficer's badge number:
Suspect js fleeing the scene
Describe the
Officer: 1. Dispatch announced a
right now.
2. I responded and
Dispatch: Suspect is a Caucasian male in a black
jacket and brown pants. About 6 ft tall, 3. Dispatch directed me to
heavyset built. 4. Dispatch provided a
Officer: 6 5963 out.

Operaoocts: 19
Operations: Traffic stops

drivees license

moving violation


Traffic Ticket for

Moving Violations
S.oo? Name: Fred H. Yerkes
speed traffic stop Address: 112 Hazelton Way,
OH 38995
Phone number: (443) 555-5999
Date of birü: 11/5/80
Dive's tiænæ number: 759906
Tme and date of bamc stop: 4:35 pm 12/6
Location: 12tl and Broad St.
Get ready! Oficer issuing the dböon: Janet Walker
the passage, talk about
1 Badge number: 500066
Before you read
these questions.
Type of offence (check all that apply)
rat are some traffic laws people often break
country? Failure to obey posted speed limit (If so, was
2 v.',ra•.. rappens when people break those laws? violation in school zone? (Y / N)
Failure to stop at red light/ stop sign
Reading Illegal tum
2 Read the trafic ticket. Then, choose Driving with expired license
the correct answers. Driving without insurance
eason for the ticket? Other.
was speeding
Toe ar
B rar a stop Sign
fre ar .er made an turn Vocabulary
D Tre dr:ver did not have Insurance car you infer 3 Match the words (1-5) with the definitions
about the driver?
2 s
out of state 4 moving violation
1 citation
-as ar expired license
c •omoblle Insurance
2 failure
5 speed

Dco•. the t•cket near a school —cematton IS 3 traffic stop

NOT Included on the ticket? how fast one is traveling
3 tee's home address not doing something one IS expected to do

cer s oadge number breaking the law while driving

B D the act of pulling over a driver
nc of car the driver has a notice of punishment for an offense
D '-ne moving violation occurred

20 Traffc
4 Check (Z) the sentence that uses the
underlined part correctly.
A She got a ticket for speeding.
B He parked in a moving violation.

A His driver's license is expired.
B Bad weather caused a traffic stop.

A She got a citation for driving well.
B This is a no-parking zone.
4 A You must pass a test to get a driver's
B Parked cars have high speeds.

5 A She received a failure for speeding B His

insurance costs a lot of money.

5 Listen and read the ticket again. What

must you have to drive a car?

6 9 Listen to a conversation between an
officer and a driver in a traffic stop. Mark
the statements as true (T) or false (F).
The driver was pulled over for speeding.
The driver does not have his license.
The officer will give the man a ticket.

7 9 Listen again and complete the

Officer: Do you know why
I speeding?
Driver: No, officer, I don't. Was
Officer: No. You failed to stop at a stop sign
Driver: Oh, no. 3
about that. I didn't even see it.
I'm going to 4
you a citation. Can I see your license?
Driver: Here it is,
Officer: Please remain in the vehicle while I

6 the ticket.
Driver: Yes, ma'am.
9 Writing
9 Use the traffic ticket and conversation from
Task 8 to fill out the traffic tick 2t. Make up a name
Speaking for the officer and a number.
8 With a partner, act out the roles
below based on Task 7. Then,
switch roles. Officer:
Driver's name:
Can I see your license?
Driver's license number:
I'm really sorry about that.
Yes, sir. / Yes, ma'am. Will driver receive ticket) Y / N

Check be rnoving violation:

Student A: You are a oohce officer
Failure to obey speed limit
conducting a traffic stop. Talk to Student
B aoou: Failure to at red light/ stop sign
the reason you stopped nim or -er Illegal tum
, hts or her license
DrivirE witl expired license
, what you are gong to do Make up a moving
Driving witlout insurance
Student B: You are a driver Ta:k to S:
uae about your moving woat10fi
CWaooos: nos 21

;æff41 VEHICLE 1
Driver: Paul Harvey
Phone: 5554004
License number: 400589

collision Passenger(s): Melissa Harvey

Vehicle make/model/year: Fairline F80 2002

License plate/state: HPO-399 / Missouri

Driver: Wendy Kline Phone: 5552390
License number: 874090

damage Passenger(s): none

Vehicle make/model/year: Tamaya Primus 2008
License plate/state: T54-RU5/ Kansas

Description of the accdent:

Vehicle 1 nn a red light striking vehicle2 Point
of impact was passenger side door of vehicle
2 Collision caused minor damage primarily to
vehicle 2 Both vehicles are in working order. No
injuries reported. One wmess on scene gave his
name and phone number: Mark Taylor (555-1212).
Witness agrees with driver of vehicle 2

Get ready! Vocabulary

I 3
Before you read the passage, talk Complete the word or phrase so that it
about these questions. has the same meaning as the underlined
are some common causes of car accidents? part. 1
Jane had a wound from the accident
2 ooilce do when responding to an
2 The car was not in drivable condition.

2 Read the accident report. Then, mark the 3 We saw the car crash from our window
statements as true (T) or false (F). James wasa n

1 r n h
K ne crashed Into Paul Harvey wh r h
2 4
. er : e 2 eeceved the most damage
3 5 The car is parked in the wrong space.
• •-ess was .njured In the accident.

22 Operations. Car accidents

4 Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases Speaking
from the word bank.
8 With a partner, act out the roles
, BANK below based on Task 7. Then,
accident damage point of impact run on scene switch roles.

1 The car's paint was scratched at the Can you explain what

a red light, you get a ticket happened?

3 The crash caused to the car. What happened next?

4 Tim has never had a car Right then, ...

5 Police were right after the car crash

Student A: You are a oo ce

5 e Listen and read the report again. How did the two officer at a car acc:aen:
drivers probably leave the crash site? Student B about
v. hat hapoenec
Listening the OnO•

Listen to a conversation between a police officer and a
driver aner an accident. Choose the correct answers. Student B.
1 What is the conversation mostly about? just
Student A aoout •re
A how badly a driver was Injured
B what happened before the accident
C the damage caused by the collision
D why the truck driver couldn't stop
A Use the accident report and
2 What can you infer about the accident? B It happened at a
stop sign the conversation from Task 8
It was caused by weather. to fill out the accident report.
C It involved only two cars. Make up a driver's name and
D It occurred at high speeds. location. Use today's date and
7 Listen again and complete the conversation.

Officer: Can you explain 1 Accident Report

Driver: Sure, officer. 1 2 Then the hg t Driver's name:
turned green, and I stepped on the gas. Date/time of accident:
Officer: Was the intersection 3 Description of accident:
Driver: 14 any vehicles in it at that time. Location :
Officer: What happened next? Cause:
Driver: I entered the intersection. Right then, I saw a truck Injuries: yes no
5 Describe:
Officer: What did you do? Damage: yes no

Driver: 16 He did too. But Describe:

he still hit me. He crashed into my passenger side door,

Operaoors: Car xcne-:ts 23


Wave of Thefts Worries Locals
Last summer, LakelarW reswents reported only two
criminal acts. This year, twelve thefts were
theft reported in June alone. "l felt sonneone bump into
me and my purse was gone," local woman Shirley
Andrews explains. 'He got my wallet and other
personal items
I ddn't even see him."
Sheriff Bill Grady shared his thoughts with us. •
The police
do what they can. But people need to
personal protea themselves from being vidmized." So,
items what does Sheriff Grady suggest? 'Awarenes is
Get ready! mportant
work together to create
I Before you read the passage, talk about these
distractions ard tt'En take advantage." Fortunately,
Grady points out, pickpockets are not typically
violent. 'Just leave your valuables at home,"
1 Are ptckpockets common In your country?
v Grady says. 'Laketard is still a safe place."

2 How does law enforcement address Were you a victim of pickpocketing?

pickpocketing In your country? Share •yu stTY
tw Lakelam Gazette.
Call (583) 555-2969.
2 Read the newspaper article. Then,
choose the correct answers.
this article mostly abouP Vocabulary
B howe the police are stopping pickpockets C how 3 Read the sentence pairs. Choose where
to protect oneself from pickpockets D how to Improve the
the words best fit in the blanks.
Lakeland community 1
how to deal with a violent pickpocket awareness / distraction
A Pickpockets create a(n) to
2 Wnat can you Infer about Lakeland? steal valuables.
It needs more police officers on duty.
B prevents you from having
C It has more crime this year than last year. D It your things stolen.
has had several homes robbed this year.
It nas many tourists during the summer. 2 protect / victimize
yourself from pickpockets by
3 of the following is NOT common p
being aware.
c«oocket behavior)
A us.r.g volence
B Pickpockets unaware people.
in crowded places
C 3 theft / personal items A Purses often
In groups
D c stract,ng people
B The punishment for varies
by state.
24 Cnmæ:

4 Fill in the blanks with the correct words and Speaking

phrases from the word bank.
8 With a partner, act out the roles below based
on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
purse pickpocket valuables bumped into USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
Did you see ...
1 Many women keep their personal Items In a What did you have ...
Don't worry ...
2 Pickpockets steal backpacks hoping to find

3 Aman Mr. Jones and stole his wallet, Student A: You are a pofrce officer Tak
to Student B about
often steals things in • how they are feeling , what was stolen
crowded places.
, how it was stolen

5 9 Listen and read the article again. What is

Student B: You are a citizen Talk to Student
the best way to keep expensive items safe?
A about a stolen personal item

6 9 Listen to a conversation between a citizen Writing
and a police officer. Mark the statements 9 Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out
as bue (T) or false (F).
the police report.
The woman says the pickpocket was tall.
The pickpocket bumped into the citizen
The woman's watch was stolen.

7 9 Listen again and complete the

COMPLAINT: Pickpocketing
Officer: Are you 1
Did the victim see the pickmckeP
Citizen: No, not at all. Someone just stole my
Officer: All right, try to 3 APPEARANCE:
Did you see the person who stole your
Provide a brief dscripDon of the incident:
Citizen: No - it was very 4 . I just felt
someone bump into me. Then my purse
was gone.
Officer: What did you have in your purse? What items did the pickpocket steaP
Some 5
Citizen: A little
money and my ID.
Okay, well don't worry Miss. We'll do what
Officer: we can to find the 6
and your
purse. Cnrnes 25
3 Tme thef left evidence of forced entry 26

Cnmes: Hotel rNm treft

forced entry



Get ready!

I Before you read the passage, talk about these

1 .
are some •vays that people steal other
dc oeoo e avoid lostng valuable Items

Read the police report. Then, mark
the statements as true (T) or false (F).
- -e "o•el manager saw the thief
- -e T.:ef
not take anything from the


Re Number: 0007133712
Incident T : Hotel Room Theft
Officer: James LeBlanc

I answered a burglary call at the Simpson Hotel at 9:00 PM

on Decernber 3. The hotel manager reported that someone
had broken into several guest rooms.
There were no signs offorced
The th.ieflikely
had room keys for each room. The hotel saf
appears damaged. However, nothing is missing. The
thief robbed staff members' lockers as well. No guests
or employees reported seeing anything unusual. The
hotel does not have a security camera, so there is no
suspect at this üme.

Read the sentence and choose the correct
A broken lock on the door showed there had

2 been a staff / forced entry

A thief / burglary stole George's car last night
3 The manager gave Harriet a room key /
suspect for number 119.
4 Franklin stayed at a safe / hotel during his

4 Fill in the blanks with the words below: rob,

broke into, burglary, safe, staff, suspect.

1 Paula keeps her valuable jewelry in a

2 The thief the house when no

one was home
3 John went to jail for committing a

4 Only
members are allowed In
the office
5 The police questioned a
the stolen bags.
6 A man tried to Jennifer on the
street, but the police caught him.
5 9 Listen and read the report again. What Speaking
was taken from the hotel's safe? 8 With a partner, act out the roles below based
on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
6 9 Listen to a conversation between a police
officer and a hotel manager. Choose the Can you tell me who knows ...
correct answers. In this situation ...

1 Who does the officer suspect is the thief?

I think ...
staff member

C a hotel guest Student A: You are a police officer

ASK B about
D the hotel manager an
unknown suspect a robbery

A , room keys
2 What will the officer likely do next? B call the staff members
hotel manager
arrest one of the hotel guests Make up a name for the hotel manager.

D stop the investigation

Student B: You are a hotel manacer
Student A's questions

7 9 Listen again and complete the

conversation. Writing
9 Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the
Officer: Ms. Clemons, I have one more
question about the burglary. page in the police officer's notebook.
Certainly, officer. 1
to help.
Officer: Good. 2 where
you keep the room keys? Incident Details:
Manager: Well, besides me, the maintenance and
desk staff.
Hotel Theft
Officer: 3
Incident type:
the thief is usually someone who knows
the place welt.
Manager: What do you mean?
Who has access to room keys:
Officer: I think 4
was involved.
Manager: Oh, no, 5 Hotel manager's opinion:
I trust everyone
who works here.
Officer: I'd still like to talk to your employees.
Manager: 6
. I'll call them
in right away.

Cnmes: rcom treft 27




e; ' pou.ncE
n January 17 at 1:00 AM, I answered a call to 112 4th
Street about a robbety.
ring I spoke to the victim, Rosa Hemandez. She stated that
a tall man
Get ready! her in an alley and mugged her.
The thief came up behind Hernandez and held her at
f Before you read the passage, talk about knifepoint The thief then demanded alt of her valuable
these questions. items. He &reatened to harm Hernandez unless she
1 cooperated.
VVhat are some valuable Items that people Hernandez dropped her cash and wedding ring on the
ground. The thief stole the items and then ran to the street.
oeople avoid beng robbed?
Hemandez did not see the attackers face clearly.
2 Read the police report. Read the summary.
Then, fill in the blanks with the correct 3 Check V) the sentence that uses the
words from the word bank. underlined part correctly.
A A thief demanded Vera outside her
money robbery thief knife house yesterday.
B A married person often wears a Ling
appr oached Rosa Hernandez in an alley. 2
cemancec her 2 A People use cash to buy things.
and wedding ring The B Everyone praised the officer for s.!ea.Lng
ea .ened to hurt Rosa With a 3 Ef she the suspect.
ac '*Ot cooperate Rosa put her valuable items on the
geocrc The thief stole the items and ran away. Rosa A The thief ran away when he saw the
reoo—.ec the 4
officer approach him
to the police
B A r.QbbQ is a way to catch a criminal.
28 Cnme. RØæry

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