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Differential cryptanalysis is 

a general form of cryptanalysis

applicable primarily to block ciphers, but also to stream
ciphers and cryptographic hash functions. In the broadest
sense, it is the study of how differences in information input
can affect the resultant difference at the output.
Cryptanalysis is the process of transforming or decoding communications
from non-readable to readable format without having access to the real key.
OR we may say it is the technique of retrieving the plain text of the
communication without having access to the key. Cryptoanalysis is the art,
science, or practice of decrypting encrypted messages. The secret key used
for encryption and decoding is considered to be unknown to the
cryptologists, mathematicians, and other scientists participating in the
process. In contrast to a brute force attack, this form of analysis seeks
vulnerabilities in a cryptosystem. 
Cryptanalysis frequently comprises a direct evaluation of the cryptosystem in
use, which is essentially an advanced concentrated mathematical attempt at
decryption utilizing knowledge about the encryption scheme that is already
available. They can employ intercepted encrypted messages  (ciphertext),
intercepted complete, partial, likely, or similar original messages (plaintext),
or information (encrypted or original) that is known to be used adaptively in
subsequent trials.

Process of cryptanalysis

Different Forms of Cryptanalysis:

Cryptanalysis basically has two forms:

1. Linear Cryptanalysis:

Linear cryptanalysis is a general type of cryptanalysis based on discovering

affine approximations to a cipher’s action in cryptography. Block and stream
ciphers have both been subjected to attacks. Linear cryptanalysis is one of
the two most common attacks against block ciphers, with differential
cryptanalysis being the other.

2. Differential Cryptanalysis:

Differential cryptanalysis is a sort of cryptanalysis that may be used to

decrypt both block and stream ciphers, as well as cryptographic hash
functions. In the widest sense, it is the study of how alterations in information
intake might impact the following difference at the output. In the context of a
block cipher, it refers to a collection of strategies for tracking differences
across a network of transformations, finding where the cipher displays non-
random behaviour, and using such attributes to recover the secret key
(cryptography key)

Difference between Linear Cryptanalysis and Differential Cryptanalysis

No. Linear Cryptanalysis Differential Cryptanalysis

Linear cryptanalysis was basically Differential cryptanalysis was first

invented by Matsui and Yamagishi in defined in the year 1990 by Eli Biham
1. the year 1992. and Adi Shamir.

Linear cryptanalysis always works on Differential cryptanalysis can work on

2. a single bit (one bit at a time). multiple bits at a time.

In the case of Linear cryptanalysis, In the case of differential cryptanalysis

ciphertext attack is a very big plain text attack is a very big
3. disadvantage. disadvantage.

The use of linear cryptanalysis is to

figure out what is the linear The use of differential cryptanalysis is
relationship present between some to get clues about some critical bits,
plaintext bits, ciphertext bits, and reducing the need for an extensive
4. unknown key bits very easily. search.
No. Linear Cryptanalysis Differential Cryptanalysis

The underlying structure of each

individual input is unimportant in this
Subsets of input attributes refer to the case since the input attributes are
5. internal structures of a single input. differential.

The cryptanalyst decrypts each After several encryption rounds,

ciphertext using all available subkeys Cryptanalyst analyses the changes in
and analyses the resultant the intermediate ciphertext obtained.
intermediate ciphertext to determine The practice of combining assaults is
the random outcome for one known as differential linear
6. encryption cycle. cryptanalysis.

Any random plaintext is selected in Plaintext is Carefully chosen in

7. Linear Cryptanalysis. Differential Cryptanalysis.

Plaintext is used one by one in linear Plaintext is used in pairs in Differential

8. Cryptanalysis. Cryptanalysis.

Complexity of attack is low in linear Complexity of attack is High in

9. Cryptanalysis. Differential Cryptanalysis 

Mathematical relation between

plaintexts used has Linear Mathematical relation between
approximation (such as a series of plaintexts used has  Specific
10. XOR operations). differences (such as XOR).

Goal of the attack is to identify the

linear relation between some bits of
the plaintext, some bits of the cipher
text and some bits of the unknown Goal of the attack is to  Identify some
11. key. bits of the unknown key.

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