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Republic of the Philippines

Northwest Samar State University

Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Marvin Jethro C. Nardo

Dr. Helen S. Cabral
Prof. Ed. 10 The Teaching Profession
Quiz #5
April 20, 2023

Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of education is a set of related beliefs that influence what and how students
are taught. The teachers’ philosophy of education guides their behavior or performance in the
classroom. The philosophy statement reflects their personality and values.

Direction: Formulate your own philosophy of education.

My Philosophy of Education
Education is everything. We can use education as a fundamental feature and a source of
wisdom to grasp the purpose of life. The significance of education in ensuring a prosperous future
cannot be overstated. To become the person you want to be, to solve problems critically, to know
what's best for you when making decisions while taking into account the people around you, to
effectively communicate with others, and to simply understand how the world works, you must
apply all of the knowledge you have learned. Education is not just learning to read and write. With
education, we become disciplined, intelligent, and morally upright people. Yes, learning can occur
anyplace, such as at school, home, and other learning environments. But I firmly believed
education, in its most basic form, contributes in achieving the growth of an individual's autonomy,
growth, and potential for compassion and love, and that school has the power to teach and
develop a person's ability to become their best selves.

Investing in creating and cultivating an appropriate educational setting plays an essential

part in the process of optimizing a learner's potential as an individual who is well-mannered and
intellectual. Focusing in analyzing the philosophical attribution of education is a great deal for a
brighter future of the learners, where a conducive learning environment must implement a high
quality of education. It is important to invest in providing high-quality educators with high learnings,
making sure that teachers have high-quality standards-aligned knowledge, and focusing on those
effective materials that can really help those teachers in imparting the information that learners
need to attain in different subject matters. Additionally, improving school strategy can provide a
better outcome for the teaching and learning process. Technically, providing high-quality teachers
and high-standards-aligned educational material takes a huge responsibility in providing a high
and equitable learning experience in the school setting.

Teaching has always been considered a noble profession that requires a great deal of
passion. The challenges abound, and one’s passion can truly be tested. It is also your
responsibility to impart learning to your students, not only imparting knowledge but also inspiring
and motivating them to take important steps in life. Helping learners gain self-confidence, guiding
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

them on the right path, and dedicating their whole selves to empowering their students and making
them better and more successful human beings in their lives. In inspiring the student of the future,
it is not enough to let them use books, tests, fun games, and technology to teach them how to
read, write, and comprehend using all the materials you have prepared. Connecting yourself to
your learners and building a genuine relationship could actually help one’s learner be inspired to
learn, to discover, to communicate, and to understand the importance of education.

The best tool for establishing the core of the educational philosophy has been the
collaboration of the curriculum, teachers, and students. increasing their involvement in every
activity, strengthening their ability to communicate, sharpening their problem-solving skills, and
inspiring them to do better in school. Additionally, when children have a growth mindset and the
resilience that comes from persevering through a challenge, they can approach learning in a
positive way with the leadership of a well-mannered and motivated educator. To thrive in life,
students must build their self-confidence via teamwork and problem-solving. If the teacher
employs this technique, it will inspire and motivate the pupils to lead moral lives in all aspects of
their lives. The best tactic is this one. Because they impart knowledge that goes beyond what the
learners are capable of learning, teachers cultivate the skills and knowledge that pupils will need
in their future undertakings.

On the other side, having appealing connections with educators and other academics can
dramatically raise students' levels of motivation. More academic engagement, better social skills,
and more good behavior in students are all made possible by stronger relationships. A teacher is
a person who guides students through the teaching and learning processes. A teacher assumes
responsibility for a student's future. They put in a lot of work to share knowledge and pertinent
information that can broaden learners' perspectives on all facets of life and help them figure out
what they want and who they want to be in the future. Additionally, a teacher is someone that
students look up to in addition to someone who gives them instructions.

In conclusion, our teachers genuinely work hard to provide us with a successful educational
system, ensuring that we can develop into morally upright and successful people in the future.
Therefore, we must promote a polite environment because doing so will enable us to forge
meaningful connections. Teachers are professionals who should follow high ethical standards
since they will act as role models for their students. Teachers must conduct themselves in a way
that is proper to their profession in order to uphold their respect and dignity and fulfill their sworn
commitments. By sustaining strong ethical standards, we can gain the public's trust and dispel
any skepticism regarding our moral character and capacity to provide people with the best
services possible. Being professional also refers to how each of us acts and communicates with
others, not just how a particular instructor conduct. Since we were little, we have had faith in our
teachers since they act as our second family at school, helping us to grow up to be respectable
adults who are knowledgeable about a wide range of topics.

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