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Institute of Science and Technology

A Final Year Project


“Missing Person Finder”
Submitted To

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the bachelor degree in computer science
andinformation technology

Submitted By:

Kushal Niroula (11480/073)

Dipesh Mishra (11474/073)

Ramesh Gutam (11484/073)

About 2000 kids are reported missing every year in Nepal and more than half of those children are
never found. More than 5000 people are reported missing in Nepal every year most of whom are
women and children. Human trafficking is a huge problem of the Nepalese society and the statistics
show the number is increasing. The Himalayan times(2017-18) noted 15,785 kids were reported
missing between the years 2009-2018[1]. The Kathmandu Post(2019, aug 6) reports 1.5 million
Nepalese are at serious risk of Human Trafficking[2]. The main purpose of our system is to
facilitate the authorities involved in tracking the missing people through the help of responsible
citizens and the security forces. Our system uses face recognition to recognize the missing person.
The border security forces or any other responsible citizen can check whether the suspected
person is reported missing just by clicking a photo. The system uses cutting edge computer vision
technology to recognize the face to the faces stored in its database. The main importance of this
system is the ease of checking whether the person is reported missing and needs help.


Figure No. Figure Name Page No.

Figure 2.1 Use case diagram............................................................................................................7

Figure 2.2 : Gantt chart....................................................................................................................9
Figure 2.3 : ER diagram of find me application............................................................................10
Figure 3.1.2: Flowchart..................................................................................................................11


List of Abbreviations

AWS : Amazon Web Services

API : Application Programming

InterfaceDB : Database

GB: Giga Byte

GUI: Graphical User Interface

LSVRC:Large Scale Visual Recognition

ChallengeMB: Mega Byte

MTCNN: Multi-Task Cascaded Convolutional Neural

RAM: Random Access Memory

Resnet : Residual Network

VPS: Virtual Private Server

List of Figures ...............................................................................................................................II
List of Tables ...............................................................................................................................III
List of Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................IV
Main Content
Chapter 1.Introduction...................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement.......................................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives....................................................................................................................1
1.4 Scope ...........................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2.Requirement Analysis and Feasibility Analysis ...........................................................3
2.1 Background Study........................................................................................................3
2.2 Literature review..........................................................................................................3
2.3 Requirement Analysis..................................................................................................4
2.3.1 Functional Requirements ..............................................................................6
2.3.2 Non Functional Requirement........................................................................8
2.4 Feasibility Analysis......................................................................................................8
2.4.1 Technical Feasibility.....................................................................................8
2.4.2 Economic Feasibility… ................................................................................8
2.4.3 Operational Feasibility…..............................................................................8
2.4.4 Schedule Feasibility ......................................................................................9
2.5 Structuring System Requirement .................................................................................9
2.6 High Level System Design……………………………………………………… ..11
2.7 Expected Outcome………………………………………………………………….12
Chapter 4 Conclusion …..............................................................................................................13
Chapter.4 References ...................................................................................................................14

1.1 Introduction
“Missing Person Finder” has been designed to facilitate Authorities to track down and recognize
the missing person with the help of cutting edge computer vision and face recognition technology.
It is the mobile based application which helps to recognize the reported missing person.
The authorities(police department) will upload the picture of the missing person in the database.
The neural network is trained for the given picture and the classifier algorithm recognizes the
person if the suspected person is checked(through photo) by the application. The ground security
forces or any other responsible citizen can check and recognize the suspect and take further actions.
Human trafficking is scary to the civilized society. So to facilitate the searching and
tracking process introduce a mobile application which helps to recognize if the concerned person
is being trafficked and has been reported missing.

1.2 Problem Statement

Human Trafficking is a huge challenge to the Nepalese society. Thousands of
women and children are trafficked to India for labor and sexual exploitation. Some children are
kidnapped for the ransom. 16,808 people went missing between the years 2015-2018[3].The
process of tracking and identification of the missing person can be greatly eased by facial
recognition through computer vision.

To address this problem we have designed a digital and mobile app centric solution to ease
the tracking and recognition process. Any responsible citizen who is concerned or is suspecting
trafficking can track and recognize the reported missing person. This simple task can save
someone's life.

1.3 Objectives

a) To ease the tracking and recognizing process of the missing person.

b) To introduce digital platform in criminology to reduce the existing societal problem i.e
human trafficking

c) To introduce Crowdsourcing as a potential solution to track missing persons.

1.4 Scope
-Recognizing and detecting missing person through face recognition
-Application of AI in the field of criminology.
-Users can report a person missing.
-Users can report if the person is found

Chapter 2
Requirement Analysis and Feasibility Analysis
This application caters to the needs of the society. Requirement analysis phase is conducted to
note out the objective requirements of the product from the general outline/idea of the product.

2.1 Background Study

Our research for the project was mainly focused on increasing human trafficking as a major
challenge for a civilized society. Currently crowdsourcing to find missing people is generally being
done from facebook groups through various pages and groups. This method is quite inefficient and
doesn't bear much fruit.
So we decided to proceed with our application as an organized solution to track and
report missing persons.

2.2 Literature review

Human trafficking and child kidnapping is a huge concern for security forces around the
world. In Nepal also digital platforms are being used in criminology and to maintain social
harmony. Similarly use of Face recognition technology and computer vision are also in rise in
various domains of the society.

a) Hamro police:
“Hamro police” app is a mobile application launched by Nepal police in 2015 AD
for android and ios whose main aim is to provide justice and maintain social harmony
digitally under the banner “Truth, Service and Security”[4].
“Hamro police” app is a major step towards e-governance. From this app Users can
file a report or report the happening of any unfortunate or criminal events that require the
authority’s attention. People can file a person missing report or can inform theauthority if
the missing person is found.
However they do not have face recognition to identify the missing persons.
Furthermore this app’s usefulness outside kathmandu valley is under immense doubt.

b) Face Recognition:
Face Recognition is deep learning technology that can identify and recognize faces.
Face recognition is an example of transfer learning where the facial features of the given
photo are encoded and trained fed into the pretrained model. Only the last softmax classifier
is allowed to train, other weights are kept from the pretrained model.

Works done on face recognition through transfer learning:
i) Inception net(resnet) : Inception net is a very deep convolutional networks have
been central to the largest advances in image recognition performance in recent years. The
introduction of residual connections in conjunction with a more traditional architecture has
yielded state-of-the-art performance in the 2015 ILSVRC challenge[6]. The inception net
can be trained to recognize faces by training the last layer i.e softmax classifier by the
photos of the person. We should use the haar cascade algorithm to locate and detect the
face first[3].

ii)FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering:

It is a system called FaceNet, that directly learns a mapping from face
images to a compact Euclidean space where distances directly correspond to a measure of
face similarity. Once this space has been produced, tasks such as face recognition,
verification and clustering can be easily implemented using standard techniques with
FaceNet embeddings as feature vectors. This uses a deep convolutional network trained to
directly optimize the embedding itself, rather than an intermediate bottleneck layer as in
previous deep learning approaches. To train, FaceNet uses triplets of roughly aligned
matching / non-matching face patches generated using a novel online triplet mining
method. The benefit of this approach is much greater representational efficiency: we
achieve state-of-the-art face recognition performance using only 128-bytes per face[4].

iii) Amazon Rekognition:

Amazon Rekognition is a scalable deep learning technology that can
identify objects, people, text, scenes, and activities in images and videos, as well as detect
any inappropriate content[5]. Amazon Rekognition also provides highly accurate facial
analysis and facial search capabilities that you can use to detect, analyze, and compare
faces for a wide variety of user verification, people counting, and public safety use cases.
SearchFaces enables users to import a database of images with pre-labeled faces, to train
a machine learning model on this database, and to expose the model as a cloud service with
an API[5]. Then, the user can post new images to the API and receive information about the
faces in the image. The API can be used to expose a number of capabilities, including
identifying faces of known people, comparing faces, and finding similar faces in a

2.3 Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis of the project shapes the final deliverable product. Hence this is one
of the most important phases of application development. This application’s requirements must
cater to the interest of the public and society.

Software Requirement:
OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows Xp/Windows 10,
Java development tool kit (JDK) 1.8(or above), javascript,
AWS rekognition API
VS code

Hardware Requirement:


Processor: Intel Pentium 4(or above),

500 GB Hard disk (or above)

Requirements can be further classified into functional requirements and non functional requirements.

2.3.1 Functional Requirements
Functional requirement mainly concerns specifications and behavioral aspects of the
application. It represents what the application is supposed to do and achieve. This also states the
definition of ‘done’ for various modules of the application and their behavior.

The functional requirements of this application can be listed as-

- Track and recognize missing person
- Report missing person
- Authority accepts/verifies the report of missing person or report of recognition of missing

Use-Case Diagram
Use Case diagram is a pictorial representation of various elements of the system. A use case
diagram consists of mainly four components

● The boundary, which defines the system interest.

● The actors, usually individuals involved with the system defined according to the roles.
● The use case, which specific roles are played by actors within and around the system.
● The relationship between and among the actors and use case.

Figure 2.1: Use case diagram

2.3.2 Non functional requirements

Non functional requirements are the requirements that defines the standards and criterias
that should be achieved through the application.
Some non functional requirements of the application are
1)Speed: Application must be speedy and request\response to/from the server must be quick.
2)Usability: Application must be easy to use for new users.
3) Standards: Strict coding standards must be followed during the development(for eg SOLID,
4) Scalability: The application must scale with the increase in number of users. For this database
tuning, query optimization and other processes might be required.

2.4 Feasibility Analysis

A feasibility study is an analysis used in measuring the ability and likelihood to complete
a project successfully including all relevant factors. It must account for factors that affect it such
as economic, technological, legal and scheduling factors.

2.4.1 Technical feasibility

The system can be developed using our own pcs. Furthermore the softwares used i.e
Mongodb ,Express, React , Node.js are all free and open source. Hence this application can be
considered as technically feasible.

2.4.2 Economic Feasibility

This system is economically feasible because the cost involved for the hardware and the
software are approachable. The majority of the public are already in possession of a smartphone.
So, there is no additional cost on the general user’s side. Hence, this project is economically

2.4.3 Operational Feasibility

● A week of Training required on the authority side to use the system.
● Authority should be able to add , update , delete and check the status of the missing
● Authority should receive the report of any person’s finding or complaint of any person’s
● Simple and easy to use GUI for the 9general users side.

2.4.4 Schedule feasibility
Schedule is the estimation of time required to carry out all project related activities. The
schedule of our application is shown in the gantt chart below.

Figure 2.2 : Gantt chart

2.5 Structuring system requirements

System structure and database requirements primarily depends on data structures and
relationship between them. Data modeling and structuring is required to ensure data integrity , non
duplication and establishing relationships.

Data modeling

Data modeling is the process used to define and analyze data requirements needed to support the
business processes within the scope of corresponding information systems in an organization.
The end result of the data modeling process is data model. The data model presents the logical
organization of data without indicating how the data are stored, created, or manipulated so that
analysis can focus on the business without being distracted by the technical details.

ER diagram-
ER diagram captures the data models of the entity and relationship between them.
Entities , relationships and attributes are represented in the diagram.
Figure 2.3 : ER diagram of find me application

2.6 High Level of System Design
Flowchart is the pictorial representation of the logic of the application. Flowchart serves as a
common language for technical and non technical person to communicate about the logic of the
Following is the flowchart for the general user.

Figure 2.4: Flowchart

2.7 Expected Outcome

‘Missing Person Finder’ application caters to the public interest in tackling a huge social
problem and it was a pleasure to take up this task which will serve for the greater good. This
project isdeveloped to organize crowdsourcing to track missing persons which is currently done
by the use of social media through groups and pages. We believe active participation of people
in this application can considerably help to find the missing person in near future.
We used mongodb , express , react, node.js and react-native as a technology stack
to make this application come to life. During the course of this project we came to following
- Crowdsourcing is an effective method to tackle missing person problems.
- AWS rekognition api is significantly more accurate than other implementations.
- For projects with complex requirements, an agile development model could have been
more accurate as opposed to the waterfall model.
- User feedback is essential for continuous improvement of the product.

[1] The Himalayan times report on missing person

[2] The Kathmandu Post report on missing person

[3] The Himalayan Times status of missing person in nepal

[4] Hamro police application
[5] Aws rekognition service

[6] Research paper on facenet , face recognition algorithm

[7] Research paper on resnet , face recogntion algorithm


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