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Amendment No. 2 /IRt NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION NO. 40 To 2018/Kebruary, 2021 (Effective from 1° May, 2021) IRC:5-2015 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section I - General Features of Design” (Eighth Revision) SL] Clause No. For Read No.| Page No. 1 Clause | Bridge located across streams having gravel | Bridge located across streams having gravel No. | or boulder beds (normally having weighted | or boulder beds (normally having weighted (Pg. No.26) | diameter more than 2.00 mm), there is yetno | diameter more than 2 mm), there is yet no rational formula for determining scour |rational formula for determining scour depth. However, the formula given in Clause | depth. However, the formula given in may be applied with a judicious | Clause may be applied with the choice of value of D, and K, and the results | following silt factors, for particle size more compared with the actual observations at the | than 2.00 mm, site or from experiences on similar structure || __BedMaerals | Mean sizeof] Sit factor nearby and their performance and decision patie (Dy) Ko taken based on sound engineering judgment. || gan SI my] 28 ‘Gevel Ge) 316 1 (475mm to 07a) Gravel (Course) TER 3a (20%o som) Cabbes and Tao 30 Boulder (> 0mm} ‘The results may be compared with actual observations at the site or from experiences on similar structure nearby and their performance and decisions taken on the basis of sound ‘engineering judgement. NOTIFICATION NO. 41 Amendment No. 6 /IRC:6-2015/February, 2021 (Effective from 1" May, 2021) To IRC:6 -2017 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section-II Loads and Load Combinations” (Seventh Revision) SL] Clause No. For Read No.| Page No. 1 | Clause No.215 ‘Temperature (Pg. No. 56) Clause [General 215.1 General No.215.1 |Daily and scasonal fluctuations in shade air| 215.1.1 Definitions: (Pg. No. 56) |temperature, solar radiation, etc. cause the} Tmax Maximum shade air temperature as following: a) Changes in the overall temperature of the bridge, referred to as the effective bridge temperature. Over a prescribed period, there will be a minimum and a maximum, together with a range of effective bridge temperature, resulting in loads and/or load effects within the bridge due to: given in Annexure F (State wise Highest ‘Maximum and Lowest! Minimum Temperature). ‘Tmin= Minimum shade air temperature as given in Annexure F (State wise HighestMaximum and Lowest/ Minimum Temperature), To,max= Upper bound of the initial effective bridgetem perature when the INDIAN HIGHWAYS | may 2021 29 NOTIFICATION si, No. ‘Clause No. Page No. For Read i) Restraint offered to the associated expansion/contraction by the form of| construction (e.g., portal frame, arch, flexible pier, elastomeric bearings) referred to as temperature restraint; and ii) Friction at roller or sliding bearings referred to as frictional bearing restraint; b) Differences in temperature between the top surface and other levels through the depth of| the superstructure, referred to as temperature difference and resulting in associated loads and/or load effects within the structure. Provisions shall be made for stresses or| movements resulting from variations in the temperature. structure is effectively restrained. ‘Tamin-Lower bound of the in ital effective [bridge temperature when the structure is effectively restrained Te,max= Maximum Effective bridge temperature for design Te,min= Minimum Effective bridge temperature for design 215.1.2 Thermal Action: Daily and seasonal fluctuations in shade ait temperature, solar radiation, ete, cause the following thermal ations: a) Uniform Temperature Component: It is the temperature, constant over the cross section, which governs the expansion or contraction of an element or structure due to changes in the overall temperature of the bridge. Over a prescribed period, there will be a minimum effective temperature (Te,min) and a maximum effective temperature (Te,max) fiogether with a range of effective bridge temperatures (Te,max to Te,min), resulting in loads and/or load effects within the bridge due to {) Restraint offered to the associated expansion! coniracton by the form of construction (eg, portal frame, arch, flexible pie, elastomeric bearings) referred to as temperature restraint; and ii) Friction at roller or sliding bearings referred toas frictional bearing restraint; iii) Expansion and Contraction movements forbearing design b) Temperature difference component: Differences in temperature between the top surface and do there levels through the depth of the super structure, referred to as temperature difference and resulting in associated loads and/or load effects with in the structure. 30 INDIAN HIGHWAYS MAY 2021 NOTIFICATION SL] Clause No. For Read No.| Page No. 2] Clause No. | Range of effective bridge temperature 215.2 Range of effective bridge temperature 215.2 (Pe, no, 56) _ | Effective bridge temperature forthe location of Bective bridge temperature for the location of the bridge shall be estimated from the maximum and minimum shade air temperature given in Annexure F. Forbridge locations other than the stations listed in Annexure F, the values corresponding to nearest station shall be used. The bridge temperature when the structure is effectively restrained shall be estimated as given in Table 15 below. Table 1 Bake Ti deca between iz sod nina air sha : Range of Bridge Temperature Teeiea Ble enpertae to be ame whee te stunee is eine resabed teopsae swe Meas of asin a nun tisbale teuperme = Ud whichever sci ae ‘Meas of atin amin] tinkade tmperte + SC] biter For metallic structures the extreme range of effective bridge temperature to be considered in the design shall be as follows: 1) Snowbound areas from—35°C to +50°C 2) For other areas (Maximum air shade temperature + 15°C) to (minimum air shade temperature — 10°C), Shade air temperatures aretobe obtained from Annexure-F. the bridge shall be estimated from the maximum and minimum shade air temperature given in Annexure F For bridge locations other than the stations listed in Annexure F, the values comesponding to nearest station shall be used. Minimum and maximum effective bridge temperatures (Tesmin and Teymax) would be lesser or more respectively than the corresponding ‘minimum and maximum shade air temperatures (min and Tmax). In determining load effects due to temperature restraint in bridges, the initial effective bridge temperatures (To,max & To,min), when the structure is effectively restrained, shall be taken as datum in calculating the expansion upto the maximum effective bridge temperature (Teymax) and contraction down to the minimum effective bridge temperature (Tegnin) ie, Due to uncertainty in determining initial effective bridge temperature at which structure is restrained, an upper and lower bound of this temperature ate assumed, The effective bridge temperatures for design Rise & Fall in temperature shall be estimated as givenin Table 15 below: Table 15: Range of Effective Bridge ‘Temperature grep ne ‘ope oa ae Tine abe To,matoise Toni ToSC INDIAN HIGHWAYS MAY 2021 31 NOTIFICATION si, No. ‘Clause No. Page No. For Read For Conerete and Steel Conerete Composite Bridges: max-4°C Te, max Te, mi For Metallic structures: ‘The extreme range of effective bridge temperatures to be considered in the design shall be as follows: Te, max=Tmax+15°C Te,min=Tmin-10°C For Metallic Structures in Snowbound areas for which shade air temperatures are not available: Te,max=50°C Te,min=-35°C ‘To-0.5(Te,max+Te,min) Initial effective bridge temperatures when the structure is restrained shall be calculated by using Table-15. Clause No. 2153 (Pg, No. 56) 215.3 Temperature Differences Effect of temperature difference within the superstructure shall be derived from positive temperature differences which occur when conditions are such that solar radiation and other effects cause a gain in heat through the top surface of the superstructure. Conversely, reverse temperature differences are such that heat is lost from the top surface of the bridgs deck asa result of re-radiation and other effects. Positive and reverse temperature differences for the purpose of design of concrete bridge decks shall be assumed as shown in Fig. 17a. These design provisions are applicable to concrete bridge decks with about 50mm wearing surface. So far as steel and composite decks are concerned, Fig. 17b may be referred forassessing the effect of temperature gradient, 215.3 Temperature Differences fect of temperature difference within the superstructure shall be derived from positive temperature differences which occur when conditions are such that solar radiation and other effects cause a gain in heat through the top surface of the superstructure. Conversely, reverse temperature differences are such that heat is lost from the top surface of the bridge deck as a result of re-radiation and other effects. Positive and reverse temperature differences for the purpose of design of concrete bridge decks shall be assumed as shown in Fig. 15a, So far as steel concrete composite decks are concerned, Fig. 15b shall be referred for assessing the effect of temperature gradient. Fig. 1Se shows temperature gradient forsteel decks. These design provisions are applicable to bridge decks with 50 mm wearing surface. ‘Temperature differences for other thicknesses, of surfacing are given in Table 1SA,15B and 18C. as givenbelow. INDIAN HIGHWAYS MAY 2021 NOTIFICATION SL] Clause No. For Read No.| Page Temperature difference within walls of Hollow Piers Hollow piers may be designed for temperature difference between inner and outer faces of walls of such structures, The recommended value for linear temperature difference across the thicknessis 10°C. Table 15 A-Recommended Values of AT for Concrete Bridge Deck Depth of Temperature Difference in °C Section | Surfacing |—Fositive (Rise) Reverse (Fall) in) | Thickness m mn AH] AT] AT _[ atl] at) at] ar 2 |3 2 [3 | oF 3s aso ao Too. 35_ [35 [os | 20 [05 _|-05_[-1s oF 30 a joo 20 [301s | as ]-1a_ | -t0 | 35 6 30 16 [40 [18 |-87 [27 [12] 49 io | 130 [30 | 20 [65 [18 |-15 | 50 08 30) 178] 40 [21 [98 [24 [12 [3 too) 13s_p 30 | 25) -76 [17-15 | 60 Tw 30 sp ao] ai] os [aa [aa 6 Too 13s [30 [2s | -s0 [1s [is |-63 ss 50 i7s_|40_[ 31] 106 [-07 [08 | -66 too [ss ps0] 2s 84 fos] 10 [65 Der | sataing Temperate irene (C) Sarfacng ‘Temperature iferece °C) Reaaris Sib | Taicyess | Paste Rie) Reverse (Fall ‘Thickness Postve Rie) Revere oH al) 2 | m | m | m | m | m ae [an | am yam) a | a a | a mo [4 a g Tented |] PSY S| S| RB 0 50 4 a5 i i w ps fs [s | Sesion @ | w | = 1 a 3 ® |e i" [i]s] tt oo [4 30 $ a [a 05 [Forties Table 1SB-Recommended Values of AT for Stee! ‘Table 15C-Recommended Values of AT for Steel Concrete Composite Deck Deck Note: For intermediate values of Depth and Surfacing Thickness, values of Temperature Differences may be interpolated, SL] Clause No. For Read No.| Page No. 4] Clause No. 215.4 Material Properties [215.4 Material Properties 2154 > For the purposes of calculating temperature|For the purposes of calculating temperature (Pe: No. 59) | eracts, the coefficient of thermal expansion for |*Mects, the IRCC, PSC and steel structure may be taken as [RCC PSC and steel structure may be taken as 20x 10°C 12.0x 10°C INDIAN HIGHWAYS MAY 2021 33 NOTIFICATION For Read rere. Exiting Fig. 17a & 17b Replaced with Fig, 15a, 15b & 15e | rns ne =p = i oe cua ~ . H | Pop | SEER | ccm iN | ‘t honor ieee | Yas asa Js i 1a Dag Temperate bere or | FS) Be | Conerete Bridge Decks cl Fig. 15a Temperature Differences for Conerete bridge Decks With 50 mm surfacing Terperaure dee an Poste oy] Reverso Fal) Type o Constucton risensuaerone moet Sel ana Comite Scion ots By i 15b Temperature Differences for Steel Concrete ‘Composite bridge Decks With 50 mm surfacing Temperature erence (AT) Bi Foatve ‘Type of Construction Revers Fah [orn auaracne Fig. 15¢ Temperature Differences for Steel bridge Decks With 50 mm surfacing 34 INDIAN HIGHWAYS | MAY 2021 NOTIFICATION (Clause 220.1) Annex E, Clause No. |For Read Page No. ‘Annex E ‘Annex E Exiting Annex E (Clause 220.1) Replaced with Annex E (Clause 220.1) (Clause 220.1) | (Clause 220.1) Vienne iNeed | bio Gee as Dew ta sucalenseee te Se ne al | wn |r| sens [ ton | co ent CLASSIFICATI | CLASSIFICA || |. | Sage | Resin Broo tue onorin. | TIONOF sop | Mt ed on eta ‘i an) gs] ren | Blea | cpa LAND WATER |, INLAND | fame, | mann poral ways in Inpia] WATE was (Pg. No 101) 1 sas wn] 3 a fam) x| | 0 iT) Tima © sult wo |r} elu) | sol «| a] so | 90 | sous we Jin] »|2| o | || o] nak | ane Janae | »® » a0) 9 sla] a y | fran] ees | ae | a0] wl a] ais ed a aes va | focaas | ge | oon | 28) w Notes: 1) SPV: Self Propelled Vehicle: L-Overall Length; B-Beam Width; D- LoadedDraft 2) Minimum Depthof Channel should be available for 95% of theyear 3) The vertical clearance shall be available in at least 75% of the portion of| each ofthe spans in entire width of the waterway during leanseason. 4) Reference levels for vertical clearance in different types of channels is given below A) For rivers, over Navigational High Flood Level (NHFL), which is the highest Flood level at a frequency of 5% in any year over a period of last bwenty years B) Fortidal canals, over the highest high waterlevel ©) For other canals, over designed for supply level INDIAN HIGHWAYS MAY 2021 35

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