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Lesson Plan in Physical Education

Grade 10
I. Objectives:

With the use of PowerPoint presentations, students with at least 80% accuracy must
be able to:
Understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and weight management in the
enhancement of their fitness
Explain the correct strategies for losing weight.
Discuss the value of being physically fit; and
Apply the strategies correctly to lose weight to be physically fit.
II. Subject Matter:

Lesson: Weight Loss Strategies

Reference: Physical Education and Health, pp. 63-68 (LM)
Physical Education and Health, pp. 56-57 (TG)
Our World of MAPEH 10, PP. 87-90
Materials: Pictures of some personalities who lose weight, video presentation of Zumba
exercise is one way to lose weight.
III. Procedure: A.

The teacher will present a video presentation of the Zumba exercise to let the students (25mins.)
follow the exercise, then the teacher will show pictures that show a person who lost
Afterward, the teacher asks the following questions:
What do you think are the strategies/ secrets of those people in the pictures (2mins.)
were able to achieve those fit bodies?
Who among you wants to have a fit body like those pictures? (3mins.)
The teacher explains the importance of having a physically fit body. (3mins.)


The teacher will present a short story and let the student read and analyze the story. (5mins.)
Afterward, the teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What can you say about Yani’s experience as a high school student? Do you share the same
experience in managing your ideal body weight? (3mins).
2. Are you satisfied with your current body composition (including body weight) and quality of life?
The teacher explains the importance of a healthy lifestyle and weight management in the
enhancement of their fitness. (2mins.)
The teacher presents a PowerPoint presentation featuring the weight loss strategies,(12mins)
and ask the student to share their ideas about it

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