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Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the results and discussion of the data analysis gathered
and a survey questionnaire distributed to the respondents.
The data were collected and undergone the process in response to the
programs in previous chapter of this research.
The tables in this chapter show the survey results extracted from chosen
respondents which are customers of the chosen locales. It was also supported
by related literature from previous studies. The collected data were tailed and
analyzed using the prescribed statistical tool and presented in table form.
1. Profile of the Respondents


Table 1: Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Sex

Based on the result in the table above, the majority of the respondents who

participated in the study are female, 72.7% while male respondents are

Table 2: Profile of the Respondents in terms of Occupation

Based on the bar graph, 4.5% of the respondent is an accountant, 4.5% of

them is a direct seller, 4.5% of them is a factory worker, 4.5% of them is a

general manager, 4.5% of them is a housekeeper, 2% of them is a sales clerk,

4% of them is a student, 4.5 is system administrator, 4.5% of them didn’t

answer, 13.6% of them is working, 4.5% of them did not specify, and 4.5% of

them is unemployed.

2. Satisfaction on The Impact of Social Media in Promoting PKS


2.2 Awareness of sustainable tourism

Based on the table, 86.4% of them is aware of sustainable tourism and 13.6%

of them are not.

2.3 Preferred Mode of booking Travels

Based on the table, 59.1 of them prefers online travel mode, and 40.9 percent

of them preferred local travel agents and none of them preferred travel

companies website.

2.4 Can Social Media Impact your Travel Locations

Based on the table 86.4% of them can impact their travel locations and 13.6%

of them answered maybe, and no one answered no.

2.5 On what Social Network are you mostly posting your travels?

Based on the result, 72.7% of them preferred posting their travels on

facebook, 27.3 of them prefers Instagram and no one prefers Twitter.

2.6 Do you like watching travel vlogs?

Based on the result, 81.8% of them watches travel vlog, 9.1% of them

answered maybe, & 9.1% of them answered they are not watching vlogs.

2.7 Do you think Social Media helps promote resorts?

Based on the result, 100% answered that they think Social Media helps

promote results.

2.8 Do you think Resorts will have more engagement through Social


Based on the result, 95.5% of them answered that they think the resorts will

have more engagement through social media, and 4.5% of them answered

maybe, and none of them answered no.

2.9 Do you think Social Media can help Market the Resort?

Based on the result, 95.5% of the social media can help market the result,

4.5% of them answered maybe, and none of them did not answer.
2.10 Do u think Social Media will boost through Advertisement?

Based on the result, 100% of them answered the social media will boost

through advertisement.
Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the findings of the study, the

conclusion that was drawn from the findings, and the researchers’

recommendations which were based on the conclusion.

Significant Difference based on the Age, Gender, and Occupation

Age Mean SD Gender F- Sig. Decision Interpretatio

value on Ho n
Male Not
Below 2.30 .48 Female 2.30 .155 Accepte Significant
20 3 d
Male Not
20-29 1.00 .00 Female 3.658 .061 Accepte Significant
0 d
Male Not
30-39 1.00 .46 Female 3.658 .061 Accepte Significant
5 d
Male Not
40-49 1.30 .48 Female 3.658 .061 Accepte Significant
3 d
Male Not
50-59 1.00 Female 3.658 .061 Accepte Significant
60 and 1.00 .00 Male Not
above 0 Female 3.658 .061 Accepte Significant
Male Not
Over- 1.27 .44 Female 3.658 .061 Accepte Significant
all 6 d 47

This means that based on the age of the respondents there is no significant

relationship between age, gender, and occupation, consumers live increasingly

demanding work and personal lives, the simple act of putting food on the table

can often be a significant challenge. Fortunately, the rapidly spreading

universe of e-commerce has now expanded to bring the convenience and speed

of online ordering and delivery services to the world of food. Delivering

everything from fresh, chilled, and frozen food products to meal preparation

kits and fully-prepared breakfast, lunch, and dinner selections, food delivery

services now provide consumers access to a wide range of food products and

prepared foods with a simple tap of their smartphone.

Significant Difference based on the profile and quality of food products bought


Quality Mea SD F- Sig. Decisio Interpretatio

n valu n on Ho n

Price 1.60 .41 2.12 1.00 Accepte Not

5 0 d Significant

Presentatio 3.00 .00 .000 .000 Rejecte Significant

n 0 d

Serving 3.00 .00 .000 .000 Rejecte Significant

Portion 0 d

Taste 3.00 .00 .000 .000 Rejecte Significant

0 d
Smell 48
1.60 .41 2.12 1.00 Accepte Not
5 0 d Significant
3.00 .00 .000 .000 Rejecte Significant
0 d

Over-all .00 Rejecte

3.00 .000 .000 Significant
0 d

This means that based on the profile, and quality of food products

bought online, there is a significant difference, based from Gardner, To provide

safe products, food industry management requires an organized way of defining

and controlling the relationships of critical factors in the complete food supply

system, including product conception, manufacturing and distribution and

customer satisfaction. Quality assurance encompasses the development,

organization and implementation of a variety of activities directed at

maintaining and/or improving the safety and quality of products. It begins

when the product is conceived and continues in the selection and purchasing

of raw materials and in processing, packaging, distribution and marketing.

Significant Difference based on the profile, and satisfaction of the respondents

on the services rendered by the sellers when buying food products online

Satisfaction Mea SD F- Sig. Decisio Interpretati

n valu n on on
e Ho
Communicati 3.00 .00 .000 .000 Rejecte Significant
on with 0 d
Mode of
Payment 1.60 .41 2.12 1.00 Accepte Not
5 0 d Significant
Speed of
Delivery 3.00 .00 .000 .000 Rejecte Significant
0 d

Over-all .00 Rejecte

3.00 .000 .000 Significant
0 d

Based on the profile, and satisfaction of the respondents on the services

rendered by the sellers when buying food products online, there is a significant

difference, control of food safety and quality encompasses a broad number of

factors, and governments must carefully select the areas in which they will set

standards. In particular, quality includes attributes of food that are market

concerns rather than public health matters. Governments should focus their

attention and resources on the public health aspects of quality and on those

market-related aspects of quality and labeling that will protect consumers

against fraud and misleading claims.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were


food delivery service options depend on their satisfaction with the quality of the

delivered food products and the efficiency of the delivery services. To address
these and other challenges, many experienced food delivery service operators

are developing systems and procedures to track delivery service activities and

other variables affecting food quality and safety. These actions can go a long

way to help ensure that critical aspects of the food products delivered to

consumers and the delivery process are consistent with the specifications of

the delivery service, as well as meeting or exceeding the expectations of

consumers. The following are the conclusion based on the result of the study:

 Crowd testing — Crowd testing is used to objectively assess the overall

food delivery experience from the consumer’s perspective, as well as to

evaluate specific aspects of the delivery process and food quality. Crowd

testers are specifically trained to assess each aspect of the food delivery

service experience and to provide written reports to the testing organizer

for further review and analysis.

 Sensorial testing — Sensorial testing involves evaluating the taste and

other sensory experiences that come from eating delivered foods. Such

testing measures tasters’ reactions to identified food properties and

parameters that are specific to the type of food being delivered, and

compares them with the reactions of other tasters. Tasters participating

in sensorial testing can consist of various populations, from ordinary

consumers to food tasters trained in sensory analysis.

 Delivery tracking — Delivery tracking includes monitoring the total

amount of time required for food delivery, from initial preparation and

packaging to receipt by the consumer, and correlating this data with

product quality and customer satisfaction metrics. GPS trackers and

acceleration sensors can provide helpful real-time data and additional

information on preferred delivery routes. More detailed examples of

delivery tracking include the temperature/humidity monitoring tools and

techniques previously noted, data from which can be used to modify

delivery routes, food packaging, etc.


The result of the study can be used for the managers, owners of the

restaurant to create something that can keep their customers loyal. In order to

create a strategy, they must pay attention to the needs of the customers, he

food industry takes a broad view of the term food control, which includes a

large number of factors such as:

· safety - setting standards for toxicological and microbiological hazards, and

instituting procedures and practices to ensure that the standards are achieved;

· nutrition - maintaining nutrient levels in food ingredients and formulating

foods with nutritional profiles that contribute to consumer interest in healthful


· quality - providing sensory characteristics such as taste, aroma, palatability

and appearance;

· value - providing characteristics of consumer utility and economic advantage,

involving attributes such as convenience, packaging and shelf-life. Some of

these factors, such as value, are exclusively in the domain of industry and

consumers; while others, such as safety, are shared interests of government,

industry and consumers.

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