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Field study 2

”Experiencing the teaching and
learning process”

Kristine Joy R. Solver

#9 Using Traditional and Authentic Types of Assessment for Formative and
Summative Purposes

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Determine if an assessment task is aligned to the intended learning

2. Evaluate traditional and authentic assessment tasks in the light of
principles of test construction

Compile samples of traditional and authentic assessment tasks used in the

classes you observed. Include your annotations/improvement on the
assessment tasks.

Traditional assessment is easier to prepare and easy to administer and the teachers can evaluate
students more easily and quickly while the authentic assessment is harder to evaluate and also time
and effort spent exceed the benefits.
#8 Delivering My Lessons

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Explain the importance of lesson/learning plans

2. Execute my lessons/demonstration lesson well
3. Apply the given suggestions of my Resource Teacher
4. Demonstrate the ability to teach two or more lessons or subjects using
appropriate teaching competencies and multiple teaching strategies.
5. Reflect on the instructional process to improve quality of instruction.
6. Use professional reflection and learning to improve practice.

Demonstration Teaching

After planning your lesson/s, you may be requested by your Resource Teacher to
deliver the lesson/s. Your resource teacher will use the classroom observation
sheet below to evaluate the delivery of your lesson.

Demonstration Teaching Evaluation Tool


Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperating School under the

supervision of your Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson do you need
to improve?
During the implementation of the lesson I am struggling with how and when to start
the lesson I am going to teach. My lessons never go according to plan.
Write Action Research Prompts


Problems/challenges I encountered in delivering my lessons.

Understanding the different learning challenges amongst students.


I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by

Using different teaching strategies to satisfy and stimulate learners in various ways
and by putting an extra effort and a whole hearted willingness to help learners.


Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these

By teaching outside the box you can help students in different ways by the means
of varying activities before, during and after every lesson to accommodate the
learners’ needs.

Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.

#7 Writing my Learning/Lesson Plans

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Explain the importance of Lesson/Learning Plans.

2. Write learning/lesson plans using the specified learning competencies
reflections, and effective communication skills/
3. Revise the lesson/learning plans based on the feedback given by the FS
Faculty/Resource Teacher
4. Cite some problems encountered in writing lesson/learning plans.
5. Use professional reflection and learning to improve practice.


Lesson Plan English Template

Lesson Plan Filipino Template


1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson/learning plan?

 Clear goal/ objectives
 Potential Challenges
 Presenting

What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson/learning plan?

I never have enough time to finish off my lesson.

What feedback was/were given by your resource teacher in your first

draft/succeeding lesson/learning plan?
“You need to focus on how you are going to deliver your lesson and how to easily
caught the attention of your learners.”

What were the best features/areas for improvement of your lesson/learning plan?
Action-oriented and focus on the most important and essential learning needs of
the class.


Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering the given
Questions Answers

1. How did you arouse students’ interest? What By engaging them in some
motivational techniques did you indicate in your activities that are related to my
plan? lesson on hand.

2. How did you respond to the diverse types By encouraging them to active
of learners? learning.
Promotes collaboration and
2.1 gender, needs, strengths, interests and communication among
experiences students.
Gives them opportunity to
2. 2 linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and share their own feedback/s.
religious backgrounds

2.3 with disabilities, giftedness and talents

2.4 in difficult circumstances 2.5 from indigenous


3. What instructional strategies will you Demonstration

employ in face-to-face or in a remote
learning delivery for this lesson? Explain. Demonstrations allow students
to learn by observation and
can demonstrate the
application of a concept/skill,
act out a process. By engaging
the students throughout the
process including analyzing
each step and reflecting as a

4. Was the language used appropriate to Yes. Because the learners are
the level of the students? Explain your answer already familiar and could
briefly. comprehend with the language
that have been used.

5. What types and levels of questions did LEVEL 1. REMEMBER/ LEVEL

you formulate? Are they of the higher order 6.EVALUATE
thinking skills (HOTS)? Write two (2) examples.
1. List the main characters of the
short story.

2. What is your opinion towards the

short story you have read?

6. What instructional resources will you use? The teacher-centered model

Why? Cite the possible online
resources that you can utilize whether
done in the classroom or in remote learning

7. What modes of assessment are aligned with Resources are used for
your learning outcomes and activities? Cite presentations of
specific example/s. supplementary or primary
material in the classroom

8. Will your performance tasks ensure the Yes, because the performance
mastery of the learning competencies? Explain of the learners on how they
briefly. execute and deliver their
performance can determine if
they really understood the

9. On a scale of 1-10, How will you rate I will rate my learning plan 10,
your learning plan(s)? Justify your answer. because I am confident that the
learning competencies will be
successfully delivered, achieved
and executed.

Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?

Helps to make your lessons clear and well-timed, meaning that students can be
active and interested.

Include here your documentations and simple reflection.

In the collaborative learning environment, the learners are challenged both

socially and emotionally as they listen to different perspectives, and are required
to communicate and defend their ideas. Thus, in a collaborative learning setting,
learners have the opportunity to converse with peers, present and defend ideas,
exchange different beliefs, question other concepts, and are actively engaged.
Through this, they can analyze and evaluate of past experience and relate to
current experience. The student experience acquire meaning hence the student
can formulate his/her own concept that can be applied for new learning.
#6 Creating my Classroom/Remote Learning Management Plan

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Explain the importance of my classroom management plan.
2. Enumerate the components of my classroom management plan.
3. Write my classroom management plan.
4. Use professional reflections and learning to improve practice.

After realizing the different elements and steps of a classroom/remote

management plan, you are now ready to make your plan which you can
implement in your classroom/remote learning. You may request a copy of the
Classroom /Remote Learning Management Plan of your Resource Teacher or you
may surf the internet for more samples/examples to guide you in creating your

Be guided with the guide questions for each of the elements. Follow these
reminders in writing your plan:
1. State your plan positively.
2. Use sample specific terms.
3. Use measurable and observable behaviors.
4. Convey expected behaviors.

My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement

I believe that the teacher should be clear in what she/he expects from the students
and should not bargin with students. A teacher can be nice and be an expert
power teacher. Since the teacher has good management skills the class runs

Classroom Rules and Procedures

 Listen and follow directions.

 Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
 Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
 Respect your classmates and your teacher.

Teacher-student Relationships

They show respect value the individuality of each student, and are kind and polite.

Schedules and Timeframes

 Greet students at door

 Go to seats
 Quick motivational activity
 Take attendance
 Review lesson format
 Go over lesson objectives
 Begin the lesson
 Incorporate group activity
 Independent
 Collect assignment
 Dismissal procedures

Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements

Classroom layout is not just a matter of rearranging chairs, but rather of

purposefully rearranging a classroom to achieve desired outcomes. How a teacher
rearranges the classroom should depend on their personal philosophy, the
objectives they hope to achieve, and some best practices that have been
uncovered in the research. However, it’s important to being with a basic
understanding of what elements influence classroom layout.

Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

Be Responsible For Your Own Actions and Words-Teaching students what it

means to be responsible can take time. To teach this rule, have your students
perform skits to give examples of being responsible and irresponsible. Explain to
the class that most of the time when people are irresponsible it is because they are
forgetting that their actions affect the people around them.

Be Respectful to Teachers and Other Students-Disrespecting teachers and

students may lead to conflict and an unsafe environment. When discussing the
rules, ask your students to share experiences when they have felt respected and
disrespected. Talk about what type of environment your students want in their
classroom, so that they feel a consensus about how they will treat one another.

Listen Carefully to Instructions-Some teachers choose to include listening in

their rule about respect. When making a list of safety rules, it may be wise to list it
specifically because not paying attention can lead to unsafe situations. To teach
this rule, try practicing following instructions by playing a game of Simon Says.
Remind students that they need to listen when you are giving instructions just like
they listen carefully in the game.

Know Emergency Procedures-Even though teachers need to be responsible for

getting their class out of the building in the even of an emergency, teach your
students to be accountable by knowing what to do in the event of a natural disaster
or an emergency. Have the fire exit route posted on a map in the room and review
it with your students regularly.

Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

Communicate with Parents-Communicating with parents can lead to an
improvement in student behavior and academic record. Communication does not
always need to occur by means of a phone call. Writing an email home or jotting
down a message in a student’s agenda book is a quick and efficient way to reach a
parent if a full conversation is not needed. In addition, communication with a
parent should be positive before it is negative. Teachers should work to build trust
with parents of middle school students by offering constructive feedback about
their students. When a behavior or academic issue occurs in the classroom,
parents and teachers ideally will already have a rapport with one another.

Administrative Involvement-Administrative involvement with individual students

should be the last resort for students who misbehave in the middle school
classroom. Although sometimes necessary, sending a student to the principal will
often lead to detention, and in some cases, suspension or expulsion.
Administrative involvement is appropriate when students are violent or serious
disrespect occurs. Students should also be sent to an administrator when cases of
academic dishonesty occur.

LEARNING EPISODE 8: Close encounter with the school curriculum

Formal education begins in school. Schools are institutions established to desig total learning
activities appropriate for each learner in each grade level. Thus schools have recommended
curriculum which is the enhanced K to 12 curriculum. The recommended curriculum was translated
into written curriculum like books, modules, teachers' guides and lesson plans which are the basis of
the taught curriculum. A teacher who implements the curricula needs support materials (support
curriculum) to enhance teaching and learning so that the written and the taught curricula can be
assessed (assessed curriculum) in order to determine if learning took place (learned curriculum).
However, there are so many activities that happen in schools but are not deliberately planned. This
refers to the hidden curriculum.

A classroom teacher plans, implements and evaluates school learning activities by preparing a
miniscule curriculum called a lesson plan or a learning plan. The teacher then puts life to a lesson plan
by using it as a guide in the teaching-learning process where different strategies can be used to
achieve the learning objectives or outcomes. There are many styles of writing a lesson plan, but the
necessary parts or elements such as (a) Learning Outcomes (b) Subject Matter (c) Teaching-Learning
Strategies, and (d) Evaluation or Assessment should always be included. All of these elements should
be aligned so that at the end of the teaching-learning episode, learning will be achieved with the
classroom teacher as a guide.


At the end of this episode, you must be able to:
 identify the different curricula that prevail in the school setting;
 describe how the teacher manages the school curriculum by planning, and implementing
lessons through different strategies and assessment of learning outcomes, and
 analyze if the teacher aligns the objectives to the subject matter, to teaching strategies and

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

School Curriculum: What is this about? From a broad perspective, curriculum is defined as the total
learning process and outcomes as in lifelong learning. However, school curriculum in this course
limits such definition of total learning outcomes to confine to a specific learning space called school.
Schools are formal institutions of learning where the two major stakeholders are the learners and the

Basic education in the Philippines is under the Department of Education or DepEd and the
recommended curriculum is the K-12 or Enhanced Basic Education Curricula of 2013. All basic
education schools offering kindergarten (K) elementary (Grades to 6) and Secondary (Grades 7-10,
Junior High School and Grades 11 to 12, Senior High School) adhere to this national curriculum as a
guide in the implementation of the formal education for K to 12 What are the salient features of the K
to 12 Curriculum? Here are the features. It is a curriculum that:

1. strengthens the early childhood education with the use of the mother tongue.
2. makes the curriculum relevant to the learners. The use of contextualized lessons and addition of
issues like disaster preparedness, climate change and information and communication technology
(ICT) are included in the curriculum. Thus, in-depth knowledge, skills and values, attitude through
continuity and consistency across every level and subject.
3. builds skills in literacy. With the use of Mother Tongue as the main language in studying and
learning tools from K to Grade 3, learners will become ready for higher level skills.
4. ensures unified and seamless learning. The curriculum is designed in a spiral progression where the
students learn first the basic concepts, while they study the complex ones in the next grade level. The
progression of topics matches with the developmental and cognitive skills. This process strengthens
the mastery and retention.
5. gears up for the future. It is expected that those who finish basic education in Grade 12 will be
ready for college or tech voc careers. Their choice of careers will be defined when they go to Grade
11 and 12.
6. nurtures a fully developed youth. Beyond the K to 12 graduate the learner will be ready to embark
on different career paths for a lifetime. You will recall that a school curriculum is of many types for
the Kindergarten to Grade 12 in the country.

 The enhanced curriculum K to 12 curriculum is the Recommended Curriculum. It is to be

used nationwide as mandated by Republic Act 10533

 When the curriculum writers began to write the content and competency standards of the K to
12 Curriculum it became a Written Curriculum. It reflects the substance of RA 10533 or the
Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. In the teacher's class it is the lesson plan. A lesson
plan is a written curriculum in miniscule.

 What has been written in a lesson plan has to be implemented. It is putting life to the written
curriculum, which is referred to as the Taught Curriculum. The guidance of the teacher is very

 A curriculum that has been planned, and taught needs materials, objects, gadgets, laboratory
and many more that will help the teacher implement the curriculum. This referred to as the
Supported Curriculum.

 In order to find out if the teacher has succeeded in implementing the lesson plan an
assessment shall be made. It can be done in the middle or end of the lesson. The curriculum is
now called the Assessed Curriculum.
 The result of the assessment when successful is termed as Learned Curriculum, Learned
curriculum whether small or big indicates accomplishment of learning outcomes.

 However, there is unplanned curriculum in schools. These are not written, nor deliberately
taught but they influence learning. These include peer influence, the media, school
environment, the culture and tradition, natural calamities and many more. This curriculum is
called Hidden Curriculum or Implicit Curriculum.

So what will be the roles and responsibilities of the teacher in the relation to the school curriculum,
specifically in the K to 12 or the enhanced curriculum for basic education? Teachers then should be
multi-talented professionals who:

 know and understand the curriculum as enumerated above;

 write the curriculum to be taught,
 plan the curriculum to be implemented; initiate the curriculum which is being introduced,
 innovate the curriculum to make it current and updated, implement the curriculum that has
been written and planned; and evaluate the written, planned and learned curriculum


1. Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting. Secure a copy,
make an observation of the process and record your information in the matrix below. Describe
your observation.

Type of curriculum Where to be Description


1. Recommended DepEd It identifies the skills, concepts and content

Curriculum website that will be emphasized throughout the
learning process.
2. Written School A written curriculum is what is formally put
Curriculum down in writing and documented for teaching.
3. Taught Done by This is about the implementation of the written
Curriculum the curriculum. Whatever is being taught or an
classroom activity being done in the classroom is a taught
4. Supported School The Supported Curriculum is the curriculum
Curriculum supported by available resources. Such
resources include both human (teachers) as
well as physical (such as textbooks,
workbooks, audio visual aids, teacher guides,
grounds, buildings, library books and
laboratory equipment).
5. Assessed School The curriculum that is reflected by the
Curriculum assessment or evaluation of the learners is
called the Assessed Curriculum.
6. Learned School This type of curriculum indicates what the
Curriculum students have learned. The capability that
students should demonstrate at the end of the
lesson can be measured through learning
7. Hidden School This is the learnings taught by the teacher or it may
Curriculum not be taught from the school.

1. Which of the seven types of curriculum in the school setting is easy to find? Which is difficult
to observe? Why?
Among the seven types of curriculum in the school setting, the recommended curriculum is
the easiest to find of them all. Since it can be found in DepEd website.

2. Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one another?

Yes, because all of these curriculums are essential for all the learners.

3. Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum to the other







Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn

Among the seven curriculums, the three have the same goal and targeting the recommended
curriculum in which they have shown relationship to one another and deals with the higher
order thinking of the learners.


Using the diagram below, fill up the component parts of a lesson plan. Borrow a lesson plan form
your resource teacher.

I. Title of the lesson: Tiyo Simon(Dula)_________

II. Subject area: Filipino
III. Grade level: 9___________

Outcomes Teaching Method Assessment

 Nakakapag bigay ng  Presenting the drama to the  Student self

payo sa isang taong class. and peer
nahaharap sa pagsubok (Itanghal ang mga assessments
sa buhay; sumusunod na tagpo na  An analysis
 Natutukoy ang nagpapakita ng pananalig sa of student’s
kahulugan ng salita sa Diyos.) work
tulong ng context clue;  Grouping:
 Makagawa ng munting (The learners into 3 teams
panalangin. and let them choose their
own word to explain about.)
 Watch and Pray:
(Panoorin ang isang
maikling video clip at
pagkatapos ay sumulat ng
isang maikling panalangin.)

1. Are the three components constructively aligned? explain

Yes, it started from the easiest to the difficult level. It’s one of the best way to hone one’s

2. Will the outcomes be achieved with the teaching methods used? why?

Yes, because it’s a step-by-step method that can easily be followed by the young learners.

3. What component would tell if the outcomes have been achieved?

The learners output.


What lessons have you learned in developing or writing a lesson plan?

The lesson I learned in developing a lesson plan is to consider the classroom set-up. It is very essential
for everyone especially for the learners to have a good ambiance to be able to focus on the lesson you
are about to discuss to them.

What value will it give to the teacher if the above three components are aligned?

The value of success will be gained by the teacher if the components are well aligned
together. It will help you on the deliveration of the lesson efficiently and effectively.
LEARNING EPISODE 9: Preparing for teaching and learning

This Episode gives emphasis on the principles of learning which must be applied to ensure quality
instruction. It also focuses on the intended learning outcomes which set the direction of the lesson.
They must be (SMART) Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) and formulated
in accordance with time-tested principles. It also determines the teaching method used by the
Resource Teacher whether (inductive or deductive) which is the practical realization or application of
an approach. This episode dovetails with the course on Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching


At the end of this episode, you must be able to:
 identify the teaching-learning practices that apply or violate the principles of teaching
 determine the guiding principles on lesson objectives/learning outcomes applied in instruction;
 judge if lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes are SMART,
 determine whether or not the intended learning outcomes are achieved at the end of the lesson;
 observe the teaching methods used by the Resource Teacher, and
 differentiate the different methods of teaching

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

These are the time-tested principles of teaching and learning:

1. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
2. Learning is an active process. "What I hear, I forget, what I see, I remember; what I do, I
3. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas. Students are given the opportunity
to connect what they learn with other concepts learned, with real world experiences and with
their own lives.
4. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

A teaching method consists of systematic and orderly steps in the teaching-learning process. It is the
practical realization or application of an approach. All methods of teaching can be classified as
deductive (direct) or inductive (indirect).

Deductive Inductive

Begins with a rule, generalization, abstraction Begins with the concrete experience, details,
and ends with concrete experience, details, examples and ends with a rule, generalization,
examples abstraction

Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning. Identify evidence of application/violations
of the principles of learning. Cite more than one example/evidence per principle of learning.

Principles of learning What did the resource teacher do to apply the

principle of learning

1. Effective learning begins with the setting The teacher uses projector to show the
of clear and high expectations of learning planned learning outcomes of the lesson.

2. Learning is an active process Students were encouraged to actively

participate with the discussion and
activities of the topic.
3. Learning is the discovery of personal The teacher gives learners the opportunity
meaning and relevance of ideas to think about their thoughts on the topic on
4. Learning is a cooperative and The teacher groups the students to interpret,
collaborative process. Learning is enhanced in an brainstorm, and work with each other to
atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration discuss and share their ideas in the class.


1. What principles of learning were most applied?

The mostly applied principles of learning is the active process because in the process of
teaching the teacher will frequently asking questions to the students about the given topic.

2. What principles of learning were least applied?

The least applied principles of learning is the discovery of personal meaning and relevance
because the students are not brave enough to share their emotions and ideas without the
help of the other students.

From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?
For me the most important principles of learning is the active process. It is very essential in
the class to actively participate during the lesson for them to enhance their speaking skills and
reasoning that will activate their higher order thinking skills.

Observe one resource teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the questions, reflect on
your observation and analysis.

Teacher-centered Student-centered

Did the teacher lecture all the time? Were the students involved in the teaching-
learning process? how?
No. Yes, they are actively engaging in all of the
activities the teacher assigns.

Was the emphasis on the mastery of the lesson Was the emphasis on the students’ application of
or on the test? Prove the lesson in real-life? Prove
Yes. On the lesson, the teacher will A question will be raised by the teacher and the
elaborate and the students should undergo students will be asked to answer and relate in to a
an activity afterwards. realistic situation.

Was the class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was the class atmosphere collaborative?

Yes, because the students are actively Yes, they are grouped and work with each
participating. other to achieve a certain goal.

Did the teacher focus only on one Did the teacher connect lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?

Yes. Yes.


1. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and for the test?

The students will no longer focus on the subject on hand because they became bored and
unresponsive during the lesson.


Reflect on principles of teaching worth applying

Effective teaching involves aligning the three major components of instruction: learning
objectives, assessments, and instructional activities. To be able to achieve a successful
learning outcome.

LEARNING EPISODE 7: Physical and Personal Aspects of Classroom Management

This Episode classroom management and discipline. It focuses on the personal and physical aspects of
classroom management which are central to teaching and therefore must be consistently


At the end of this Episode, you must be able to:
 Identify the two (2) aspects of classroom management; and
 Determine the classroom management strategies that the Resource Teacher employed in
his/her class.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep
students organized, orderly, focused, attentive on tasks and academically productive in class.


Importance of Effective Classroom Management

 increases chance of student success
 paves the way for the teacher to engage students in learning
 helps create an organized classroom environment
 increases instructional time
 creates consistency in the employment of rules and regulations
 aligns management strategies with school wide standards
 decreases misbehavior in the classroom
 gives student boundaries as well as consequences


Two aspects of Classroom Management.

1. Personal Classroom Management consists of managing your own self to ensure order and discipline
in your class. It includes:
1.1 voice
1.2 personal grooming
1.3 attendance
1.4 punctuality
1.5 personal graciousness

Managing yourself as a teacher contributes to the order and well-being of your class.

2. Physical Classroom Management consists of managing the learning environment. Attending these
physical elements of the learning environment ensures the safety, security and order in the class. It
3.1. ventilation
3.2 lighting
3.3 acoustics
3.4 seating arrangement
3.5 structure/design of the classroom

3.6 physical space / learning stations

Some Effective Classroom Management Strategies

1. Model to the students how to act in different situations.
2. Establish classroom guidelines.
3. Document the rules.
4. Refrain from punishing the entire class.
5. Encourage initiative from class
6. Offer praise and rewards.
7. Use non-verbal communication
8. Take time to celebrate group effort.
9. Let students work in groups. 10. Interview students to assess their needs.
11. Address bad behavior quickly.
12. Consider peer teaching
13. Continuously engage the students
14. Assign an open-ended project.
15. Write group contracts.

Observe a class and interview the Resource Teacher. Ask how the personal and physical aspects of
classroom management ensure proper classroom management and discipline.

Check if these aspects were observed in the classroom.

Aspects of Classroom Management YES NO

Personal Classroom Management

1. Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she demands respect from the learners? 
2. Is the teacher's voice modulated and can be heard by the entire class? 
3. Was the teacher present in class? 
4. Did the teacher arrive on time in class? 
5. Does the teacher exude a positive attitude towards teaching? 
Physical Classroom Management

1. Is the classroom well-ventilated? 

2. Is the lighting good enough? 
3. Is the classroom free from noise? 
4. Does the seating arrangement provide better interaction? 
5. Is the design/structure of the room inviting to classroom activities? 
6. Is the physical space / learning station clear from obstruction? 

Analyze the different elements of personal/physical classroom management and answer the following

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?

The teacher's tone of voice is a powerful instrument. It sets the tone and environment for
the entire classroom in terms of engagement, behavior, and rapport with students.

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?

The punctuality and the behavior of the teacher reflects to the learners because if the
learners could see that their teacher is punctual then they will also try their best to follow
the behavior of the teacher.

3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom management?

The structuring of the learning environment is essential for teachers and students. The
physical atmosphere of the classroom can help prevent behavior issues as well as
promote and improve learning.

Reflect on the aspects of personal and classroom management.

1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain. "No amount of good
instruction will come out without effective classroom management."

Classroom management along with careful detailed planning in class requirements,

classroom procedures, lesson planning as well as room organization and appearance
is the foundation for a successful classroom learning experience. Good instructions
are meaningless without a foundation students knowing what are the classroom
requirements and procedures.

2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?

 Set the Tone. Don't just stay at your desks before class begins; stand near
the door of your classroom and greet students as they enter
 Jump Right In. Good managers start class right away
 Establish the Rules
 Involve Your Students
 Respect Each Other
 Be Fair to Everyone

LEARNING EPISODE 6: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines

This Episode focuses on the classroom structure and routines performed by teachers in class. to
provide a safe, friendly, non-threatening and caring environment. Effective classroom routines ensure
order and discipline to help the students to stay calm and focused in their daily tasks.


At the end of this Episode, you must be able to:
 identify the classroom routines set by the teacher; and observe how the students execute the
various classroom routines.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning Routines don't
just make the life of the teacher easier. They save valuable classroom time. Efficient routines make it
easier for students to learn and achieve more.

Establishing routines early in the school year:

 enables you to run your daily activities run smoothly;
 ensures you to manage time effectively;
 helps you maintain order in the classroom;
 makes you more focused in teaching because you spend less time in giving directions
instructions; and
 enables you to explain to the learners what are expected of them.

Observing CLassroom Management and Routines

Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given checklist

Checklist on the Classroom Routines

Classroom Routines Observed Not observed

(✓) (x)

1. Movement into the classroom 

2. Transition in classroom activities 
3. Movement out 
4. Use of lavatories of the classroom/comfort room / 

5. Passing of papers 
6. Passing of books 
7. Working with pairs/groups 
8. Tardy students 
9. Absent students 
10. Submission/Collection of materials 
11. Submission of projects 
12. Asking questions during lessons 
13. Asking for assistance 
14. Joining classroom activities 
15. Lining up 
16. Walking in line 
17. Fire drill / emergencies 
18. Movement between activities 
19. Use of classroom supplies 
20. Checking of assignments 
Others, please specify






Analyze the routines by the Resource Teacher by answering the following questions.

1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? why? why not?

The routines that are performed in the class are effective in ensuring discipline and order.
Evidently, the students are focused, the class is organized and the flow of instruction is
smooth. The time allotted for the discussion, activities and assessments are consumed

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? explain

The systematic and consistent routines were morning prayer, paperwork, team work,
question-and-answer time, participation in class activities, and attendance as these
processes were used to retain students.

Reflect on the various routines observed
1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? why?

 Morning Prayer
It is very important to start the class with a simple prayer to value the importance of
our Almighty God in learning.

 Recording of Attendance
It is a simple way on checking for your student’s well being and familiarizing with
their names and faces and to monitor the one’s who are tardy in the class.


Observe a class and list down the classroom rules formulated by the Resource Teacher. Cite the
importance of these rules.

Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced for learners' safety and security. Rules also
teach discipline and self-control. Rules eliminate stress and will provide a more pleasant, secured and
non-threatening environment. Rules ensure the students' engagement and focus in their classroom

Classroom Rules Importance

E.g. Read Directions carefully -ensures less error in answering the activity

1.Be respectful Builds trust among students and teachers.

2.Asking of Questions To check their understanding and clarify confusions.

3.Be on time To enhance students time management skills.

4.Keeping Quiet To create a distraction free discussion.

5. No Food and Drinks while in class To avoid any distractions and confusions.


1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?
1. Being respectful- the students may have develop a misunderstanding between peers that
caused conflict.

2. Asking of Questions- the students may have been confused for a certain topic that made
their output wrong.

3. Being on Time- the students may have been attending late in the class which reduces
their time on learning.

4. Keeping Quiet- the students may distract their peers that will lead to misconception of
the topic on hand.

5. No Food- the students may be disturbed that they weren’t able to understand the topic

2. Are classroom rules really important?

If the students have no rules to follow, everything will be in a chaotic situation. Classroom
rules are set to teach student a proper and safe way to act within the classroom and thus,
improving the student learning.


Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher Will you have the same rules? If
not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.
I will definitely follow the rules setted by my Resource Teacher. I just have observed how
responsible the students are with their actions, they are well behaved and disciplined in a
way that they respect each others on space.

#5 Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures

in a Face-to-Face/Remote Learning

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Establish my classroom routines and procedures before, during and after
classes in a face-to-face

Participate and Assist

To ensure that I can carry out perform my tasks efficiently and effectively in
participating and assisting my cooperating teacher in establishing routines and
procedures in the classroom or in remote learning, I must be guided by the
following questions:
1. How will I gain student attention in the classroom /remote learning?
2. What are the routines and procedures that I need to establish before,
during and after my classes whether on a face-to-face or remote learning?
3. What verbal and non-verbal communication will I use to signal that
students need help/attention in the classroom/remote learning?
4. How must students get/secure the needed work materials and books and
others in the classroom/remote learning?
5. How will students transition to group work and other cooperative activities
in the classroom/remote learning?
6. What procedures must be followed by students who need to attend to
personal necessities in the classroom/online classes?
7. What rules must be set for students who finish tasks early and for those who
cannot complete work on time?
8. What procedures must be observed for tardiness / early dismissals?
9. What procedures must be done when submitting homework / performance
tasks in the classroom/remote learning?
10. What procedures must be employed in movements into and out of the
classroom/remote learning?

Having these guide questions in mind, consult your Resource Teacher on the
possible assistance or participation that you can do to help her/him in doing the
classroom routines. Complete the matrix for the routines that you can employ
before, during and after classes in the classroom/remote learning to ensure order
and discipline in your classes. List down the problems which you have
encountered while implementing these routines.
We are given the opportunity by our resource teacher to assist him in making power point
presentations and making of instructional materials. In such ways, we make his job a little

The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines…
 Time constraints
 High Noise Level
 Monolingual Class

I hope to address these problems and challenges by…
 Consider first how much time I have for each class. Next, consider the goal,
or what I hope my students will achieve by the end of the class.
 A good sitting arrangement comes in. Encourage them to speak softly.
 One creative way to address this problem is to offer incentives or rewards
as a way of helping them achieve their goal.

Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are
A great way to improve my classroom routines are to incorporate fun and engaging
activities as we progress through our class.

Work on my Artifacts
Take some snapshots of your routines in the classroom or in remote learning and
tell something about them. You may also write down the procedures you have
formulated and explain the reasons for these.
#4 Making On-Line or Virtual Learning Environment Safe and Conducive

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Explore the different ways of establishing a safe and conducive on-line or
virtual learning environment.

Unlike the traditional face-to-face classroom environment, online or virtual
environments are a bit difficult to manage. It is because the Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE) is imaginary and not in the physical sense. It has no corners or
walls and it can be set up with the support of technology.

As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual

As an observer in an online class, I discovered that online classes are difficult to manage. Even
though everything was done online, everything must still be bound to rules and regulations for
an orderly and manageable class.

How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
Students show their participation during the lesson by showing their eagerness to learn and
asking certain questions that are related to the topic on hand.

Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on-line learning
environment? Check one or more.
 _____ It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students.
 _____ It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform.
_____ Students who are alone in their home space find it difficult to make
 _____ Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a conducive

As a future teacher, I feel that an on-line learning environment can be safe if …
The teacher will install monitoring software on school computers. It is the best way to ensure a
safe learning environment during distance learning. There are certain “programs” that detects
risky online behavior, including cyber bullying and predatory invading.
I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is …
Exciting and invigorating. In virtual learning environments, students access resources and
interact in ways they would not or could not in the physical classroom. They will be able to
present their work in a variety of ways using different softwares online that will boost their
LEARNING EPISODE 5: Learner Diversity: Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment

This learning Episode provides an opportunity to examine how classrooms are structured or designed
to allow everyone's maximum participation for effective learning. You should be able to examine how
classroom management practices affect learning. This Episode enhances the application of the
theories learned in the following professional subjects such as Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
and The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles.


At the end of this Episode, you must be able to:
 plan on how to manage time, space, and resources; and provide a learning environment
appropriate to the learners and conducive to learning.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

The classroom climate that is conducive for learning is one that is non-threatening yet business-like. It
is a classroom where, when creating audio-visual presentations, the following are observed:

 Specific classroom rules and procedures are clear.

 Classroom rules and procedures are discussed within the first few days of the school.
 Students are involved in the design of rules and procedures.
 Techniques to acknowledge and reinforce acceptable behavior are employed.
 Clear limits for unacceptable behavior are established and negative consequences for such are
 Classroom processes are democratic.

Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your observation.

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages 16-15
years old

2. How many boys are there> how many girls? 20 boys and 20 girls

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior? yes

4. Can the learners already work independently? yes

5. Describe their span of attention.


Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management practices. It is also good to
ask the teacher for additional information, so you can validate your observation. Write your notes
below; and then organize your data in the Table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books, students'
belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Will it make a difference if these areas for specific
purposes are not present?
The classroom set up is just a typical and traditional Philippine high-school style where
there is a blackboard in front of the room and a table in the center front. The row of
searts are occupying the whole space of the room with only minimal spaces left for other
areas. There is a long table at the back where students put their belongings. There is a
small cabinet in the left side of the classroom near the window. It is where some of the
old projects/output of previous students are displayed. The wall displays are mostly in
the right side and back of the wall. Although it does not encourage active learning
environment, how it is being organized it is still promotes positive learning among

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules reinforce
positive behavior?
Some of the class rules posted in the room are
 No talking during classes
 Raise your hand if you have question/s and if you want to speak
 Turn off your phones
 No chewing gums/eating food during classes
 Come in class early
Establishing classroom rules reflect that the students successful learning. Students become responsible
for their action and leads them to understand their task clearly.

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource Teacher is available,
ask him/her to describe the process. What's the effect of students' participation in rule-making on
student's behavior?
According to the teacher, the students participated in establishing the classroom rules through votation
headed by the classroom president with the guidance of the teacher. Students who are involved in
creating the rules are most-likely to become disciplined and responsible who conforms onn the rules

4. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (prayer, attendance, assignment
of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?
To start the class, the teacher greets the students and ask a representative from the class to lead the
prayer. Then , he ask everybody how they are doing. Usually students say they are doing good. He let
them be seated that starts to prepare his presentation. He also record the attendance through calling thr
students’ last name. after that, he proceeds with the lesson by a motivational activity.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this help in managing
the class?
The class were seated alphabetically from A-Z. but in the case of students with difficulties in sight or
hearing , he lets them be seated in front. Using this arrangement , the teacher easily identify the assent
students. This also help him to recognize a student’s name especially in oral recitation.
6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?
In a high school classroom, noise level is quite high as students like to talk a lot with their seatmate.
During the discussion, all students are very participative and everyone want to share their answer.
However, the teacher remains calm in telling them to lower their voice. He tells them that are also
other classes that they can disturb with their loud noise.

7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the Resource Teacher do? Describe
the behavior strategies used.
There are students who do not follow instructions especially when working on their task. The teacher
still accepts their output but reminds them to pay attention to be instruction because he will not accept
their output anymore if they made the same mistake again. This helps them learn from their mistake
and be attentive to the teacher’s instructions.

8. What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior strategies)
The following are the strategies used by the teacher to reinforce positive behavior:
 Make the class discussion engaging and fun
 Give rewards or incentives to motivate them strive harder
 Let them establish classroom rules
 Incorporate activities that promote collaboration and peer teaching
 Celebrate achievement through praising them
 Address problems in a friendly manner. He doesn’t scold them, instead talks to them

Reflection as a future teacher

1. Why do you need to enforce positive behavior?

There is a need to enforce a positive discipline among students to positively address the
conflicts that may arise in the classroom without being too harsh to the students. Enforcing
a positive discipline is essential in managing the classroom well. Even though the students
are well-mannered, there are unpredictable situations that would challenge the teachers’
patience. This will also help the teacher inculcate positive values among students. In
addition, students will be responsible for their actions, to be rational, and critical and decide
smartly in different situation. Students will not think negatively about themselves and this
will eliminate unwanted behaviors or reactions from students.

Classroom Management Matrix

Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix

Aspect of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners (to be

Management filled out after you answer
the analysis question)

1. Specific areas in The classroom is traditional set- These make them feel safe
the classroom up with table in the back for and comfortable in their
students belongs and reading learning spaces.
corner in the back.
2. Classroom rules The classroom rules are well The rules help them t
established and effective. become responsible and
3. Classroom The classroom procedures are These enables them learn
Procedures carefully taught and modeled. comfortably.
4. Daily Routines Daily routines are well-establish. These maintain consistent
5. Seating The seating arrangement is well- This leads them learn
arrangement implemented and help learners to better and participate in the
be attentive. class well.
6. Handling The teacher handles the This does not threatens the
misbehavior/off-task misbehavior calmly and politely. learners instead motivates
behavior them to de better nest time.
7. Reinforcement of Reinforcement of positive It increase their
positive behavior behavior is appropriate, effective confidence, regulates their
and catalyzes favorable result. behavior and reduce
negative behavior.



1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners' behavior?

Classroom organization and routine affect the learner’s behavior positively through making
them responsible and helps manage their learning better. It also increase their confidence,
regulates their behavior and builds good relationship in the classroom. Students may also
be able to develop self-control that can reduce the possibility that they may fail on their

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and routines?
What theories and principles should you have in mind?

In designing classroom organization and routine, the teacher must consider the following
theories and principles:

 Democratic theory- students are given the opportunities to participate in the

decision-making regarding learning as well as the equal chances to choose their
own educational path.
 Behaviorist theory- focusing on the behaviors of the students including the positive
and negative ones.
 Psychoanalytic theory- teacher must consider individuals thoughts, feelings and
experiences consciously or subconsciously.
 Cognitive theory- considered to give attention to the learners’ mental progress and
their construction of knowledge.
 Humanist theory- that emphasizes the human capabilities, what the students’ goals,
their learning style and preferences.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In motivating
students? Why were they effective?

The following are the behavioral strategies that teachers may use to manage the behavior of
the students or motivate them effectively:

 Create classroom expectations or simply classroom rules that are achievable by

 Reinforce teaching routines and procedures effectively.
 Acknowledge good behavior and reward them for doing well. This will not only
motivate them but this will maintain their demonstration of good behavior.
 Organized the classroom set-up in a new learner-centered classroom space where
students can be more independent and self-reliant.
 Utilize wide variety of tools, materials, approaches, and strategies in teaching to
support the different types of learners.

Reflect on the following and write your insights.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level do you see
yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?

In the near future, I see myself teaching junior high school students in my Filipino class. I
will start my class through a prayer, which for me is very important. To be followed by
asking them about how they are doing, are they happy, what they fell about our subject, ect.
This question will help me determine the current status of students regarding learning my
classes. I can also find out easily the strategies that I need to carry out to address their
needs if they ever shared to me what do they feel about learning my subject. Then of
course, the usual procedures like attendance, motivational activities and actual discussion
with constant posing of question to check their comprehension.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement at this level. Why would you choose these rules?

The rules that most-likely to implement in this group of students are the following:

1. Be respectful- a common rule that everyone should learn.

2. Be on time- to help them realize the value of punctuality.
3. Keep quiet- to minimize loud noises.
4. Ask question/raise your hand if you want to speak- to normalize raising queries if
the concepts are not clear for them. And also, to avoid them from making wrong
5. Follow directions- to remind them that through following direction, thing will work
6. No foods/gums/drinks while in class discussion- it is disrespectful for teachers if the
students are eating while they are discussing.
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Yes, students should be involved in the making of classroom rules to help them develop
their leadership skills as well as make them understand the value of being responsible in
their own action and behavior. It also allows for collaboration between students and
teachers in agreeing on the rules that they need to establish. But, making the rules should be
guided by the teachers as they are the one who knows the guidelines and how to facilitate
well in discussing the rules to include.

LEARNING EPISODE 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment

Episode 4 provides opportunities for you to have a more in-depth look into the factors that affect the
development of a learner. Focus will be on the early experiences and characteristics of the learner as
described by the family and other significant others. You will also focus on how the teacher links with
the community to maximize the learning and development of students.


At the end of this Episode, you must be able to:
 describe the influencing factors in the home environment that affect the students' learning.
seek advice concerning strategies that build relationships with parents/guardians and the
wider community (6.2 1), and
 identify effective strategies on how teachers can work together with the family

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

1. Urie Bronfenbrenner's bio-ecological model presents the learner within the context of layers of
relationship systems that make up the learner's environment. The layers are:

Microsystem - Mesosystem - Exosystem - the Macrosystem - Chronosystem - the

includes the the connection bigger social Outermost layer element of time,
structure such as between the system which which includes patterns of stability
one's family, structures in the includes the city cultural values, and pacing of the
school and microsystem government, the customs and laws child's everyday
neighborhood workplace and life.
the: mass media

The model helps the teacher look into every aspect in the learner's environment to understand his
behavior. The teacher's important role is not to replace what is missing at home (if any), but to work
so that the school becomes an environment that welcomes and nurtures families. The teacher works to
create a partnership with the family and the community to bring out the best in every learner.

2. Baumrind's Parenting Styles

Authoritarian. Parents are very firm with their children and expect unwavering and unquestioning
obedience. Rules are set by parents and misbehavior is met with withdrawal of affection, physical
punishment or threats.

Permissive. Parents are not firm or controlling. They have few expectations. May be Warm and
caring but appear to be uninvolved and uninterested

Rejecting-Neglecting. Parents are disengaged from children. Neither demanding nor responsive to
children. Provide no structure, supervision, support or guidance,

Authoritative. Parents achieve a good blend. They are firm yet loving. Have clear and reasonable
expectations and limits for their children. Treat children with respect and warmth. Make children
understand the consequences of their behavior.

Children of:

Authoritarian Parents: are often unhappy, fearful, withdrawn, inhibited, hostile and aggressive.
They have low self-esteem and difficulty with peers.

Permissive Parents: believe that their parents do not care for them. They are often impulsive,
aggressive and lack self-control; may they have low levels of independence and responsibility.

Rejecting-Neglecting Parents: are found to be the least competent in their overall functioning and

Authoritative Parents: are socially competent, self-reliant, and have greater ability to show self-
control. They have higher self-esteem and are better adjusted.
-Based on Child Development by Santrock, 2004.


Observing the learner's community and home environment

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:

1. Select a learner from the class which you have previously observed.
2. Interview the teacher about the learner's characteristics and the community.
3. Conduct a home visit to your selected learner's residence.
4. Interview the parents about
a. the rules they implement at home concerning their child's schooling.
b. the learner's activities and behavior while at home.
5. Write the Learner's Profile.
6. Analyze your observation and interview data.
7. Reflect on your observation experience.
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation/Interview Guide for Home-School Link

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe/interview. Then write your observation
report on the space provided.

The Learner
1. Make a general observation of the learner. Describe him/her in each of the domains
 physical-body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight, overweight), level of
physical activity (fast, slow, lethargic, active, etc.)
 social-interaction with teachers and classmates (loner, shy, sociable, friendly, gets
into fights, liked by others, etc.)
 emotional moods, temperament, cries easily. loses temper, happy, shows
enthusiasm, excited, indifferent, etc.)
 cognitive (appears to understand lessons, copes with the lessons, excels, lags
behind, shows reasoning skills, turns in assignments and requirements, etc.)

Interview the Teacher

1. What are the most noticeable characteristics of the learner? (emotional disposition,
behavior and discipline, sense of responsibility, study habits, academic performance,
relationship with peers, relationship with adults, social adjustment)
2. How does the teacher communicate with the parents? How often? What do they discuss?
How do they decide of the best course of action to resolve issues or problems?
3. How does the teacher utilize resources in the community to support the teaching-learning
process? How does the teacher work with the community to meet the needs of the learners?

Interview with Parents

1. Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set-up. (Home is orderly, family
pictures in the living room, etc.)
2. Use the Interview Questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which you feel

Suggested Parent Interview Guide

Name of Learner: Samuel Isaac S. Madera
Date of Birth: January 05, 2010 Age: 12
Grade/Year Level:Grade 7 Gender: Male
Number of Siblings: 3
Birth Order: Youngest
Mother: Mrs. Jovette S. Madera
Age: 40 Occupation: Housewife Educational Attainment: High School Graduate
Father: Joel S. Madera Occupation: Truck Driver Educational Attainment: High School Graduate

Learner's Physical Aspect:

1. Mother's Health during pregnancy with the leamer
2. Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child:
3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk
4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:
5. Who took care of him/her as a child?

Leamer's Social Aspect

1. Describe your child's sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner).
2. Who were the learner's playmates?
3. As a child then, was he/she allowed to play outside?
4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?
5. Do you have rules for him/ her to follow regarding going out?
6. What are these rules?

1. What are your expectations of your child?
2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?
3. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to
meet his/her emotional needs?
4. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?

How do you discipline your children?

1. Do you have rules in the house? What are they?
2. How do you impose the rules?
3. What are the consequences of breaking the rules?

Leamer's Cognitive Aspect:

1. What are the child's interests?
2. What is he/she good at in school?
3. In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty?
4. How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?
5. Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?
6. What are these rules? How are they implemented?

After you have gathered all the necessary data, Write the learner’s development profile using the
outline below.


Name of Learner: Samuel Isaac S. Madera

Date of Birth: January 05, 2010 Age: 12
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 Gender: Male
Number of Siblings: 3
Birth Order: Youngest

Physical Development
In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner Combine the teacher's,
parents' responses, and your own observations.
The child was born healthy and grew up with no complication or ailments from his body. He
is very picky and sometimes doesn’t want eat vegetables. He started to walk and talk when he was 1
year old.

Social Development
In paragraph form, describe the social development of the learner. Combine the teacher's,
parents' responses, and your own observations.
He’s very friendly to his classmates and neighbor, he likes to play with them after school.
He’s allowed to play outside but not later than 6 pm. His mother’s rule is not to stay outside later than
6 pm.

Emotional-Moral Development
In paragraph form, describe the emotional-moral development of the learner. Combine the
teacher's, parents' responses, and your own observations.
His mother wants the best for her child, so she expect Samuel Isaac to excel in class as
achiever. He is also expected to be responsible in his own decisions. His mom maintains a good
communication with her child and ensures that everything he needs is provided not only for Isaac but
also for her children especially the love and care. She motivate them always and tell the not too
pressure on things that wasn’t able to achieve. And also she always tell them that no matter what
happen she always be by their side to help them.

Cognitive Development
In paragraph form, describe the cognitive development of the learner. Combine the teacher's,
parents' responses, and your own observations.
Samuel Isaac love to draw anything, he also join in his school during the event like “buwan
ng wika” he won the first place. He is consider an average student who can copes easily with the
lesson. His mother motives him by giving a reward for his achievements. She also remind him to read
his lesson and accomplish his homework first before playing outside. She gives her child space for
recreation and hid hobbies.

Write here your salient findings about the learner.
Based on the data I have gathered from interviewing his mother and my home visitation, the
parent is authoritative. She has clear expectations on her child but she does not pressure him and nag
him to do what she wants. Instead she lets her child excel on his own. As evidently seen in the child,
he is happy, respectful and self-reliant. He grew up socially-competent and very independent.

Write your conclusions after you have analyzed the impact of the school and the home on the
learner's development. The questions in the Your Analysis portion of this learning Episode can help
The biggest factor that influenced his development as a learner is how he was treated his mom.
His mom is very supportive and motivate him effectively. Isaac is very friendly and respectful. He
raise her mom a good boy.

Write your recommendations.
Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answer the
questions here.

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced by the
learner? Explain your answer.
The parents of the learner knows when to say NO or YES to her and even being
consistent on their decision as parent.You cannot sense of favoritism as they spend equal
attention to them.

2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do you think
contribute to the development and overall adjustment of the learner in school?
If the parents supports their children on their educational needs, for sure the children will perform
better than others. It can motivate a child to be a good performer at school because they knew their
selves that they his parents is always at his back no matter what happen.

3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes, what are
these effects?
yes, because education begins at home. Parents were always the best teacher of their children. It is
good that parents should be responsible and vigilant enough to guide their children into a better

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience?
How did it affect you?

When I was a child my mother is the one who contrate in our study. Guiding my
assignments, projects and other school activities. This inspire me to teach others also and
share my knowledge like my mother did.

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can you
work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?
Parent has an important role in their child’s learning development. If I will become a
teacher someday, I will choose to call up the attention of every parents and have a seminar
in regards to their children’s need; psychologically and emotionally.

Learning Episode #3 Enhancing a Face-to-Face Learning Environment

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Assist in the preparation of the traditional face-to-face learning

In a face-to-face classroom, students and the teacher are physically present. They
meet at a time set in the classroom. The teacher prepares activities, provides
instruction and evaluates students' learning. Equipment and instructional
materials are made available in the classroom where teaching and learning take
place most of the time.

 Some of the advantages of a face-to-face learning environment for the

students are: less distraction and more concentration than when studying
at home or elsewhere;
 greater understanding and real world examples from teachers and
 greater chance of completing course work by doing it in the classroom
space; learn more easily and more comfortably in familiar, traditional
classroom situation;
 access more relevant information from teachers and classmates
interactions and
 greater opportunity to connect and socialize, network and solve problems
together with classmates and teacher.

 Here are some characteristics of the face-to-face or in-person learning

environment. Learning space is physical. Both the teacher and learner see
and hear each other from the same contained safe place called the
 Lessons are delivered with the teacher physically facilitating. Reading
assignments are from textbooks and other resources provided or referred.
Class meetings occur regularly on a specific time or schedule.
 Teacher leads the conversation, within a limited amount of time.
 Assessment is done face-to-face and usually during the class meeting.

Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic education, it
seems that everything is familiar. However, as teaching-learning theories evolve
over time there are changes that are taking place.
What changes have you noticed in the face-to-face classroom spaces?

Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now

You must go to library if you need to look If you need to look something up, you must use the
something computer that is available in your classroom.

When you report, you must paste manila We’re now using a power point presentation.
paper to the board inside the room.

They only have a green board in front of the We now have flat screens and projectors.

There are a lot of chairs in the classroom It doesn’t matter how many students are in the class
because there are so many students. because virtual classes can accommodate them all.

What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment
I believe that changes are taking place in the face-to-face learning environment as a result of
the incorporation of technology into the classroom, which provides effective learning
environment. It has an impact on how chairs and table are arranged, and there are spaces that
must be reserved among other things.
From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you
do it?
The most significant changes I believe I can make ate to the overall layout of the classroom: I
plan to make my classroom more creative by utilizing available technologies. I believe that I
should focus on things that remove distractions from the classroom and help students develop.

Action Research Prompts

What common problems have I noticed in a face-to-face learning environment?
The noisy environment, as well as the overcrowding of students in the out of the classroom.

Can I translate this problem into a question?

What can we do to help students deal with such a situation?

How would I solve the problem?
By establishing and enforcing the rules and policies that students need to achieve a god
relaxing classroom environment.

Will it improve my teaching? How?

Yes. It assists me I improving my teaching so that I can be more focused on the lesson and
provide a better learning experience. It also allows students to be more focused on their studies
while still allowing them to interact with one another.

What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.
I would design something unique so that my students can follow netiquette both inside and
outside of the classroom. Students develop their morals, attitudes, and become more
disciplined in a given situation as a result of this.
Portfolio Entry
Title: The Face-to-Face Learning Environment

Describe the physical environment:

the physical environment refers to the overall design and layout of a given classroom and its
learning centers. Teachers should organize the space, furnishing, and materials in the
classroom to maximize learning opportunities and engagement for all students. To do so
effectively, teachers can use the universal design for learning concept, which emphasizes that
the environment and materials contained within it should be accessible to all. Making this
accessibly possible may entail providing books at various reading levels, placing materials on a
shelf within easy reach, or providing enough space for a wheelchair-using child to move
around the classroom.

Describe the psychological environment:

The psychological environment is without a doubt the most difficult and one-sided in nature.
Teachers express their attitudes, excitement, values, and principles within the psychological
environment. When they begin their educational journey, most students expect to be
encouraged and assisted in their learning. The psychological environment in the classroom
promotes the exchange of ideas, opinions, and attitudes, as well as the asking of questions and
the investigation of concerns.

Describe the social environment:

The term social environment refers to how a classroom’s environment influences or supports
interactions between young children, teachers, and family members. A well-designed social
environment encourages positive interactions between adults and children and allows adult to
help children achieve their social goal. Teacher must plan activities that take the following
Factors into account in order to create a classroom environment that promotes positive social

LEARNING EPISODE 2: Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics, Needs

and Interests

This episode provides an opportunity to observe learners of different ages and grade levels. It
highlights the differences in their characteristics and needs. As a future teacher, it is important to
determine the learner’s characteristics and needs for you to be able to plan and implement learning
activities and assessments that are developmentally appropriate.


At the end of this episode, you must be able to describe the characteristics, needs and interests of
learners from different developmental levels. (PPST 3.1.1)

Resource Teacher: Sir Mark Allen L. Lacadin Teacher’s Signature:_____________ School: BVANHS

Year level: Grade 10-Burgos Subject Area: Filipino Date:_____________

1. Observe 3 groups of learners from different levels (Preschool,Elementary, Highschol)

2. Describe each of the learners based on your observation.
3. Validate observation by interviewing the learners.
4. Compare them in terms of their interest and need.


Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to document your observations.

An observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided

1. Observe their gross motor skills/ how they carry themselves, how they move, walk, run, go
up the stairs, etc. Are gross movements clumsy or smooth?
2. How about their fine skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns?
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament. How do they express their
wants/needs? How do they handle frustrations? Are they self-conscious?
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Describe how they figure
out things. Describe how they showed problem solving abilities.

Learners’ Development Matrix

Development Preschooler Elementary Highschool


Physical They are energetic and They are interactive and They are more
playful likes to walk participating in outdoor engaged in playing
Gross motor skills around and run back activity. They also show sports and outdoor
and forth. They are good skills in drawing activities interest
also dependent to or molding with clay. them especially
Fine motor Skills elderly when opening team or group
a bottle, opening an activity. Their
Self-help skills
umbrella or carrying drawing and
their books. writing skills
became finer too.
Social They are friendly, Attachments start to They start build
they share almost develop when they are circle of friends
Interaction with every little discovery closer to their peers. and always enjoy
Teachers they had to the class. They play with their being with their
They also offer friends especially with peers. They’ve
Interaction with something like food or the same gender. learned to
classmates/friends snacks with their cooperate with
classmates. others on working
out a task.

Emotional They easily get upset They can now express Mood shifts occur
when something their feelings, emotion, in almost every
Moods and happened isn’t what ideas and even situation. Although
temperament. they are expecting but imagination. They can they are now
Expression of they are gaily and contradict someone’s confident in
feelings often show positive opinion or simply tell sharing their
emotion toward that what the other feelings with other
Emotional others. But they easily people say isn’t true or they still find it
Independence cry when they are hurt unbelievable. hard to deal with
or someone showed a frustrations.
negative attitude.

Cognitive They copy or imitate They start memorizing They are now
what the adults are the alphabet ang logical in making
Communication showing to them knowing how to write their decision
Skills especially when they almost every letter in it. although
think that a certain They can read but still sometimes they
action is fun or it struggle in still need guidance
Thinking Skills
causes them to feel comprehending what from their gardian.
great emotion. they’ve read and
Problem Solving
Skills memorizing little

Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners. Based on these characteristics,
think of the implications for the teacher.

Age Salient Implications to the Teaching-Learning Process


Age range of Preschoolers like to  Therefore, the teacher should remember to use
learner (3-4) move a lot music and movement activities not just in PE but in
all subject areas

Age Salient Characteristics Implications to the teaching-learning Process


Age range of They imitate or copy Therefore, the teacher must show good acts to pre-
learner (3-4) adult’s action. schoolers.

Age range of They are more Therefore, the teacher should incorporate
learners (5-7) interactive in playing performance-based activities in every lesson
outdoor games

Age range of Mood shifts occur in Therefore, teachers must be patient in dealing with
leaners (11- almost every situation high schoolers as they are now in adolescent period
15) which is a critical stage. Understanding is needed.

1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experience when you were
their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?

I see the young me when I observed these learners. Just like a normal pre-schooler I was also
energetic and gaily when in class. I always like being the center of attention. But most of the
time, I play by myself and never want to join others when playing. As I excel in class, start to
enjoy talking to others, sharing my favorites and telling them most of my imaginations. I had
few friends in elementary that made me feel better when someone is harassing or bullying me.
I was crybaby that time. I couldn’t handle disappointment. During high school, I often had
mood swings just like any other teens. But with the help of my parents, teachers some of my
close friends I had, was able to manage my emotion well especially when being mad.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or
not help you with your needs (Physical, emotional, social, or cognitive)? How did it affect you?
As I mentioned above, only had few friends. And this what bothers my grade 5 teacher,
because I am not the friendly type. She often tells me to start making friends and being nice
with others. I am not mean , but I was really unapproachable that time. But because of her, I
started to make new friends and to feel comfortable with others.

3. What is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as a future teacher?
Development influences learning. We go through different stages of life, our human skills and
abilities strengthens and increases. These different stage will gives us developmental patterns
that will enable our body and brain perform a certain task. How we learn and respond to tasks
varies in every stages. And this is what jean Piaget’s cognitive development theory
emphasizes. Piaget’s theory simply tell us that we move through different stages of mental
development. This is why our learning ability, comprehension and we are young and when we
reach adulthood. Starting from birth to adult, our intelligence changes. Using this a tool to
understand better students will help realize that differentiated and modified responses in terms
of instruction, assessing and developing learning materials is important. Children are naturally
diverse especially in mental abilities. Through cognitive development theory, I will be able to
identify their individual needs and respond to these needs appropriately.

Learning Episode #2 Preparing the Learning Environment: An Overview

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Revisit the concept of learning environment in the context of the current
teaching and learning situation.

Overview of the Learning Environment

A learning environment, traditionally called the classroom, is a space in a
school that supports student learning. It is a self-contained area where teacher
teaches and children learn. In the classroom are chairs or tables for students and
a front table for the teacher. This is a traditional face-to-face classroom. Most
often the students should face the teacher as the chairs are arranged that way. But
as teaching deliveries changed to enhance learning, modification in the seating
arrangement evolved and more opportunity for the learners to move about for
cooperative learning was addressed.

A conducive learning environment should have the following characteristics:

1. Flexibility - There is opportunity to have small groups, movable walls.
2. Openness - Learning corners/areas which could be shared.
3. Access to resources - Audio-visual materials are ready and open for use.
4. Physical classroom - Space is clean and safe.
5. Psychological atmosphere - It is friendly and accommodating.

The classroom climate nurtures the intellectual, physical, social and emotional
development of the students.

Here are some specific strategies for developing the optimal classroom climate.
You may consider the seen!
1. Learning environment addresses both physical and psychological needs of
the students for security and order, love and belonging, personal power
and competence, freedom and fun.
2. Create a sense of order. For example, teacher should teach students how
 enter the classroom and become immediately engaged in the
 distribute and collect materials;
 find out about missed assignments due to absence and how to make
up for them;
 get the teacher's attention without disrupting the class and
 arrange desks, tables quickly and quietly for various purposes.
3. Greet learners as they enter your face-to-face or on-line classroom.
4. In a healthy and conducive learning environment, everybody belongs and
knows each other.
5. Encourage class building activities like and team activities. 6. In a
conducive learning environment, success whether small or big is recognized and

Both approaches, either the traditional face-to-face or online, lead to

positive results but in different ways, so usually in practice both approaches are


What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning
environment in the following conditions:
1. Bulletin Board Display
By providing necessary suggestions, related ideas about various subjects, and extending his
innovations that are relevant to the 20th century. I will also help my mentor by conducting
creative research and creating a poster, which is required to create a conductive I earning
environment. Because I understand that a bulletin board can be “another teacher” who reflects
new lesson and helps students understand new materials, reinforce new words and concepts,
and challenge students to participate in new ways.

2. Small Group Discussion

I will prepare all necessary related topics and materials. I will also give them enough time and
space to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions. It will assist students in making
better use to their time and in becoming more productive.

3. Checking class attendance in a classroom

Before the class or meeting begins, I will seek permission from my mentor to prepare for and
monitor class attendance. By starting this, she will be able to simplify his/her work.

Learning Environment 1:
1. What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What
message or theme does it convey? I noticed that the bulletin board listed the
names of the first quarter honorees. It’s beautifully painted, and every edge of the
paper was meticulously cut. The title is written in large letters and is clear.
2. What makes it attractive to the learners? By using vibrant colors, it is written in
large letters, and it can be seen from a long distance. It appeals to me because it
motivates children through educational and entertaining activities.
3. Does it help in the learning process? How? Yes, because listing their names on
the bulletin board as an awardee shows that the teacher is doing her job to monitor
their performance by giving them grades for that quarter. It will also to determine the
students’ specific needs and interests, allowing them to improve the teaching-learning
process for both of them.

Learning Environment 2:
1. If the teacher is using a distance of learning through the modules, where is
most likely the learning space of the students? In their own home, particularly
during this pandemic. Home is the best and most secure place for students to learn.
Parents are responsible for their children’s education and they are the ones who
receive the module at school.

2. Can you describe it? Learning at home is enjoyable, exciting, and meaningful.
Children can learn new skills and knowledge with the assistance of their parents
while progressing in their careers. However, the learning environment, particularly
our home, must be conducive. It refers to the physical space in which we live; our
home must be well-it, comfortable, clean and warm. It must be quiet so that learners
are not distracted, and it must also meet the needs of the children.

3. How can you as a teacher help to make such an environment conducive for
learning? As a teacher, I can assist them by holding a meeting and providing advice
on how to create a conducive learning environment. I will also pay them a visit at
home to see if they have a conducive learning environment. As a teacher, I will never
tired of reminding them to prioritize their children’s learning needs.

The examples above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows
that the learners are in the same room or space while in the second, the learners
may be in different learning spaces like homes, study hubs or in extreme cases
parks or under the trees.

As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage

learning? Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2.
Explain your choice: Why?
I’ll select learning environment 1, which depicts the learners in a room or classroom. Because
students may have the opportunity to ask questions in the classroom at any time. It allows
students to participates in small group discussions, various school activities, and spend time
with their peers. I can’t imagine that this pandemic the entire system of face-to-face education
inoperable. I miss those days, and I hope and pray that they will be over as soon as possible.
Learning in the classroom is enjoyable and meaningful, and children can gain an understanding
of true nature of the teaching-learning process. Through social interaction in the classroom,
they can experience various feelings toward one another. Online education, in my opinion,
cannot replace face-to-face education, and it is the best place for children to reach their full

In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: My Conducive Learning
As a future teacher, I plan to emphasize the following qualities in my conductive learning
environment: the first is flexibility. I intend to rearrange the furniture in my classroom to
create a number of open, spacious activity zones where students can work in groups for
those who do not have access to a table or desk, I will also provide clipboards and
whiteboards. In addition, I will use outdoor learning spaces when appropriate. In addition, in
order to motivate students to motivate students to study, I will display their work as well as
the process of creating that work on the wall. Finally, I will meet with students to discuss the
types of spaces they prefer in their learning environment. The second quality is openness. I’d
like to decorate the walls with children’s artwork. This will increase the children’s self-
esteem. Creating a cozy reading corner for grade 7 students, for example, will encourage the
children to read more. Furthermore, I believe that I can help the children reach their full
physical, mental, and emotional potential by introducing shared open spaces with other
classes. The third factor is the availability of resources. As a future teacher, I must remember
that not only will making the most of my resources save me time and money, but it will also
benefit a child’s ability to learn and develop. So I’m going to give myself permission to obtain
the resources I require to improve mt child’s learning experience, videos, powerpoint
presentations, worksheets, folders and files, and books and dictionaries are examples. This
enables me and my students to keep an organizes environment while also assisting them in
making the most of their learning experience. The physical classroom is the fourth option. As
a future teacher, I will make certain that the arrangement of desks and work space, the
attractiveness and appeal of bulletin boards, and the storage of materials and supplies are all
in their proper locations. My students will be able to see that the space is both clean and safe.
The psychological environment is the final one. As a future teacher, I intend to make mt
classroom welcoming and accommodating to children, I’d like them to express their thoughts
and feelings about something. I’ll also make certain that I can meet their expectations.
AY 2022-2023
College of Teacher Education

LEARNING EPISODE 1: The School Environment

This episode provides an opportunity for you to examine and reflect on a school
environment that promotes learning and development.


At the end of this episode, you must be able to determine that characteristics of a school
that is safe, secure, and is supportive of learning (PPST 2.1.1)


Resource Teacher: Sir Mark Allen L. Teacher’s School:BVANHS
Lacadin Signature:__________________

Year level: Grade 10-Burgos Subject Area: Filipino Date: October 03,

1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the school, then in
the classroom.
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyze your gather data about the school environment;
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning;


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the
column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available,
and say how each will contribute to the students’ learning and development.
Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the
students’ learning and
development? Why?

Office of Upon entering the room of the principal’s Having and office of the
the office, you can see the table of receiving area. principal in the school
Principal / The table you can see have a trophies, could contribute to the
certificates and achievements of the school. student’s learning and
Library The library is located at ICT room before. You Having a library could
/ can see 5 long tables, 30 chairs. 1 aircon and 4 contribute to the students
ceiling fans. cabinets for the books for the learning development
students who study there. At the side of the because they can easily
library is the librarian teacher. And also 1 mini access books that are
sofa and cr. needed to their study.
AY 2022-2023
College of Teacher Education
Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the
students’ learning and
development? Why?

Counseling Room The counseling room is located at the A clean and non-stressful
/ side of guidance room. The guidance surrounding of the
room is located in the up of the stage. counseling room could
The counseling room is privately provide a good result
separated. During the regular setup or during student’s
face to face class there are only 2 consultations and as their
chairs and 1 stand fan. psychological health were
taken care of, it will no
longer affect their studies.
Canteen/Cafeteria The canteen of the school is by They sells a lot of different
/ department. foods. The mostly among
there were nutritious. They
are not selling softdrinks
instead lemon iced tea or
Medical Clinic The clinic is nearby the principal’s School medical clinic could
/ office. The medical clinic is air help students to take care of
conditioned. is has 2 patient beds with their health when they were
pillow and blanket, first aid kit, feeling sick during school
weighting scale and a burse corner. It hours.
is very clean and kits were properly
Audio Visual/
Learning X

Science Laboratory X
Gymnasium / The gymnasium was not closed its Students’ gathering are
more likely to be called as open air. important in the school. As
the gymnasium could
accommodate a thousands
of students.

Auditorium X

Outdoor/Garden / Each classroom has designated garden. Having a healthy plants in

The garden were clean and full of school is refreshing and it
healthy plants. could be help the students
to have a peaceful
AY 2022-2023
College of Teacher Education
Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the
students’ learning and
development? Why?

Home Economics

Industrial X

Workshop Area

PTA Office

Comfort Room for / There are comfort room for boys. It Comfort room are very
Boys has 3 cubicles and 1 sink. It is clean important in a school,
and not smelly. because students tend to
urinate every day.
(Please specify)
AY 2022-2023
College of Teacher Education
An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on
the space provided.
Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the The school is along the highway. It has 2 gates. In front of
community or the school there are samgyupsal which is loves to eat
neighborhood where the students.
school is found.

2. Describe the school The school is huge. There are separated building for junior
campus. What colors do high school and senior high school. The major color I can
you see? What is the see is green and brown.
condition of the

3. Pass by the offices. The offices has a respective vibes, it is like when you pass
What impression do by the need to be silent and demure. The offices is well
you have of these organized.

4. Walk through the

school halls, the library,
the cafeteria, look
around and find out the
other facilities that the
school has.

5. Look at the walls of the

classroom. What is
posted on the walls?
6. Examine how the pieces
of furniture are
arranged. Where is the
teacher’s table located?
How are the tables and
chairs desks arranged?

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