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Ithipat, Sarinyapond, Michelle

Tips and Tools Your Startup Can Use to Maximize Your International Business
Digital business is growing rapidly causing business to be access easily and implemented
effectively. It makes international business and trade to expand without boundaries regardless of
where the business is physically located. Cost, risks, and logistics used to constraints business to
expand globally, however, with today’s technologies, businesses can be global. Here are the
1.   Translation and Localization
Translation is very important in global businesses because only a quarter of internet users are
English speakers, therefore using the target languages is crucial. Translation is basically
translating one language to another language, which helps targeted consumers to be able to
understand the contents better. Localization is to adapt aspects of the websites to be fit the target
community. There are many online services that help specifically this task such as: Gengo, Day
Translations, and Unbabel. Each has different methods of translating and localizing. Therefore,
with these services, language is not a barriers for business to grow globally anymore.
2. Global Payments
One of the biggest complications when doing business outside its home country is how to accept
customer payments. Not everywhere in the world is in the same currency as your home country,
so you must adjust your business in ways to accept different forms of payment. It is difficult to
do business outside your home country with no way to receive payment, however there are new
payment processors, like Payoneer, that removes the complication of different currencies
between country borders. Using payment processors make it easier and faster to receive
payments in an efficient way that can also eliminate extra costs on currency conversions and
foreign transaction fees.
3. Global Outsourcing
Creating and maintaining a talented team is one of the hardest challenges to accomplish for
growing and established businesses. A business must find team members and create a strong
understanding in different countries other than their local country in order to do business. A
competitive global marketplace of skilled workers makes business abroad more smooth and able
in expansion.

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