+ill - ID: Alignment 0.35j

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OD +Ill

a = mean radius - in inches L

c =depth of winding = ---

in inches
a (INCH) n

ID and OI) = inside and outside diam- 0.2 - 10
3 - 0
eters of circular coil or
the corresponding side of
- 2

square coil. L =0.126 an 3 LOG 8 a/c - 8 - 5

It will be noted that a square coil 5

gives a somewhat larger inductance 0.141 an LOG a/c I

than a circular coil of similar dimen- 0.25 -


- G

a C =OD
sions, probably due to the greater 4 2
- 0.5
length of "wire" involved. Table 1 n = TURNS 0.5
shows the extent of the correlation 0.4
Cc 0.4
between measured and calculated - 4 a t 0.3
values of some of the inductances 0.3
á 0.3
constructed. Typical coils are illus-
trated in Fig. 1. `c:
0.2 - - 0.2
- 3 0.5
Alignment Chart
Even though the formulas given
0.35j \Ivi 0.1
0.1 0.4

above are simple to use, considera- HID F.--

tion for the weary brain of the hard 2
- 0.3
working engineer made an alignment
chart (Fig. 3) seem desirable. The
0.4 - I

range of the chart has been delib- -

erately limited. A consideration of
1.5 - 0.25
the magnitude of the magnetic field 045-
around these coils, which is exten- I--- OD - 1.25

sive, indicates that larger values

than those covered by the chart will
not be generally practical because of
0.5 - - 1.0 0.2
space limitations. Larger coils can Fig. 3: Alignment chart for designing square and circular coils of specified dimensions
of course be constructed where
their use is indicated. frequency ranges. If operated above always being larger than the true
An example will illustrate the use its self-resonant frequency it will of inductance. This relationship is ex-
of the chart. Suppose it is desired course perform as a capacitor, rather pressed by the equation
to construct a circular coil, of 0.5 than an inductance. The magnitude Lo-
microhenry. A ratio of a/c of unity of the distributed capacity of printed
might be chosen as a reasonable coils is thus of considerable interest, where
L. \f)_

value. A line is then drawn through since most of them will probably be
1 on the a/c scale and 0.5 on the L operated at relatively high frequen- Lo = true inductance
scale to intersect the central refer- L. = effective inductance at frequency!
ence line. An additional line from
The effective, or apparent, induc-
= self-resonant frequency.
this intersection through the n and tance seen by the circuit will differ This is plotted in Fig. 2 to illustrate
a scales will completely define the from the low frequency or true in- the magnitude of the effects to be
coil. Space considerations might in- ductance due to the presence of the expected.
dicate a medium size coil, with a distributed capacity. This capacity In all the coils produced, a re-
value of a perhaps 0.3. The number may be considered as a lump shunt- markable constancy of distributed
of turns is then indicated as 5. This ing of the coil at frequencies up to capacity was found to exist. The
coil will have outside and inside di- approximately 80% of the self -res- number of turns seems to have only
ameters of 0.9 and 0.3 in., respec- onant frequency. Above this point, small effect, the capacity increasing
tively. Of course, other values of the the distributed nature of the ca- as the number of turns decreases.
various factors might be chosen to pacity makes itself apparent. The capacity increases as the dielec-
fit particular requirements. A square As the self- resonant frequency is tric constant of the base material in-
coil of like inductance would, with approached- from the low side, the creases but not in a direct fashion.
the same ratio of a /c, have either effective inductance will increase, Its value seems to be primarily some
fewer turns or smaller dimensions obscure function of the dielectric
than the circular coil. If a maximum Fig. 4: Series resonant rejection filter circuit constant and the overall dimensions
OD is the governing factor, one may of the coil. Values measured ranged
work from this in determining use- from 0.66 to 1.09 µµf. for all the coils
ful values of a, c and n. 1.15ph
constructed, averaging around 0.8
300 OHM 300 OHM
uuf. It appears from the data that
0.160h in the absence of other information
Distributed Capacity LINE LINE
a value in the vicinity of 0.7 to 0.8
Any inductance has a certain 2aafd
uuf, can be safely assumed for prac-
amount of distributed capacity. tical purposes when the usual types
which limits its usefulness in certain (Continued on page 120)

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