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G9-Computer Programming

Name: Margareth Dylana M. Legados Section: St. Leo The Great

Teacher:Sir Simon
1 Quarter
Date: 10/5/22

First Quarter Process Exam

Read the following article and write your answer in the answer sheet.

How to Design your First Programs


The most important thing to remember (and hardest thing to do) is to design your program before you
start coding. In many regards, programming is like architecture. What would happen if you tried to build a
house without following an architectural plan? Odds are, unless you were very talented, you’d end up with
a house that had a lot of problems. Similarly, if you try to program before you have a good game-plan
moving forward, you’ll likely find that your code has a lot of problems, and you’ll have to spend a lot of
time fixing problems that could have been avoided altogether with a little thinking ahead.

In real life, we often need to perform tasks that are very complex. Trying to figure out how to do these
tasks can be very challenging. In such cases, we often make use of the top down method of problem
solving. That is, instead of solving a single complex task, we break that task into multiple subtasks, each
of which is individually easier to solve. If those subtasks are still too difficult to solve, they can be broken
down further. By continuously splitting complex tasks into simpler ones, you can eventually get to a point
where each individual task is manageable, if not trivial. The last step is to test the whole program and
ensure it works as intended.

Rubric for Process Assessment:

Score Descriptor
The answer (claim) of the student based on the essential question is comprehensive and relevant with correct,
clear and logical reasoning to show connections between the claim and evidence. The paragraph includes an
4 in-depth discussion of one’s personal learning experiences with logical and multiple connections between this
learning experience and content from other courses, past learning, life experiences and/or future goals.
The answer (claim) of the student based on the essential question is sufficient with sufficient reasoning to show
connections between the claim and evidence. The paragraph includes a discussion of one’s personal learning
3 experiences with connections of it to other content subjects, past learnings, real life experiences, and/or future

The answer (claim) of the student based on the essential question partially gives the correct answer to the
essential question but the reasoning lacks clarity in explaining the connections between the claim and evidence.
2 The paragraph partially discusses one’s personal learning experiences with limited/vague connections to other
learning or experiences.

The answer (claim) of the student based on the essential question is unclear and insufficient and there is an
unclear and incorrect showing of connections between the claim and evidence. The paragraph does not include
1 a discussion of one’s personal learning experiences but does not articulate connections to other learning or

0 Answers are irrelevant/ No answer

Essential Question:
How does one design and create a C++ program?
Guide Questions:
What is your response to the essential question?
What are the lines from the article that will prove your answer?
Why is this way helpful in designing and creating a functional C++ program?
What lessons or topics can you remember which you encountered in this module that are connected to your answer in the EQ?
Can you cite those lessons or topics in connection to your answer?
G9-Computer Programming
Name: Margareth Dylana M. Legados Section: St. Leo The Great
1 Quarter
Teacher:Sir Simon Date: 10/5/22

First Quarter Process Exam

One does design and create a C++ program by understanding the

problems you are trying to solve, Design a solution. These are the
evidences that will support my claim. “ In real life, we often need to
perform tasks that are very complex. Trying to figure out how to do
these tasks can be very challenging. In such cases, we often make use
of the top down method of problem solving.” and also “The most
important thing to remember (and hardest thing to do) is to design your
program before you start coding. In many regards, programming is like
architecture. What would happen if you tried to build a house without
following an architectural plan? Odds are, unless you were very
talented, you’d end up with a house that had a lot of problems.” Its
because of the essential question and also because of the text that has
key words for my claim that I have given to also supprot my claim, also
its because of the real life experiences of mine.

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