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People's Army of Vietnam:

Taking the Offensive Viet Cong Regulars:
1 JULY 1966 TO 31 DECEMBER 1966
(version 11.08)

1.0 SCENARIO DATAS: Viet Cong Main Force:

1.1 Scenario Parameters:

Map Scale: 4km per hexagon (5km in editor)

Viet Cong Local Force:
Map Size: 250 x 178 (1000km x 712km)
Unit size: company/battalion
Units in theater: 1379
Turn length: Half-week
Number of turns: 53
Weather zones: 2
1.2 Unit Color Code: This volume is the fourth in a planned series of 24
scenarios trying to recreate in detail the various
United States Army: campaigns of the Vietnam War between 8 March 1965 (the
landing of the first two US ground battalions) and 30 April
1975 (The Fall of Saigon). It covers the second half of
1966, a period that marked a significant change in the
United States Air Force: allied strategy. General Westmoreland, having recieved
substantial reinforcements, went on the offensive in
selected "priority areas" and began corps-scale operation
that November with ATTLEBORO. It was also the period
United States Navy: chosen by the Northvietnamese to open a new front along
the DMZ by invading Quang Tri Province and drawing III
MAF away from its coastal enclaves. The human player will
earn VPs by capturing objective flags on map but also by
fulfilling a number of missions during the game (for
United States Marine Corps: example by conducting combat operations, securing
certain areas, establishing bases and CIDG camps etc...).
A chronology of events has been included in this manual, it
serves both as a guideline for the player and to explain the
Australia: missions the he will have to conduct to earn VPs.

2.1 What's New in Volume 4:

-Corrected missing river connection in Chau Doc.

New Zealand:
-Corrected minor event engine bugs.
-Updated abbrevaitions and glossary.
-Broke ATF artillery into individual batteries.
-Mission VPs are now received when operation is initiated,
Republic of Korea: not terminated.

2.2 Recommended Game Options:

Royal Thai Army: Advanced Rules:

-Command & Control: ON
-Scenario Variability: OFF
-Fog of War: ON
-Environment: ON
Philippines: -Active Disengagement: OFF (1)
-Air Staff Assistant: OFF
-No Borders: ON (2)
-High Supply: OFF
Special Forces:
(1) This is to simulate the high fluidity of the Vietnam
battlefield and the frustrating ability of the VC/NVA to
easily disengage.
Republic of Vietnam: (2) See In Game Options
In Game Options: All modified HQ icons retain of course both airlift and
To reinforce Fog of War, I highly recommend turning airmobile capacity.
Possession view to invisible in the Control Panel at the
start of Game Turn 1. Important rule: All non-airborne units that can use air
transport can only do so from one friendly airfield/airport
to another, they can never be airdropped (the only
3.0 HOUSE RULES: exception to this are the US Marine Force Recon units and
Special Forces, who were trained for parachute insertions).
I've tried to limit the number of house rules to a minimum
but some are necessary to give more realism to the game:
3.3 Airborne rules:
3.1 Air rules:
Only the following unit types are considered airborne-
capable in this game:
-No MACV/RVNAF/FWA air units can be placed on Air
-Airborne and Parachute Infantry (1)
Superiority or Interdiction missions (Air Superiority is
-Special Forces (2)
useless as there is no PAVN/PLAF air units and the only
-Marine Force Recon (3)
interdiction campaign of the War occured over the Ho Chi
Minh Trail which is outside the scope of the game)
(1)HQs are not considered airborne-capable in this
scenario (even HQs of an airborne formation like the 173d
-No more than 10% (rounded down to a minimum of 1)
Airborne Brigade or the ARVN Airborne Division).
of MACV/RVNAF/FWA air units can be placed on Combat
Support mission on any given turn, all other air units can
(2)This apply only to units with the SF symbol (crossed
be used in direct support only. Also, no B-52 units can
arrows), not to all units of the 5th SFGA (CIDG units for
ever be placed on Combat Support, they must be used
example can't be air-dropped)
in direct strikes (Arc Light raids) or direct support for
ground combat.
(3)In this scenario the only eligible unit is the 1st Force
Reconnaissance Company.
-By the summer of 1966 the attack carrier strike force
moved to Yankee Station, just north of the 17 parallel.
Important rule: Airborne units can be dropped on any type
At this point, the carriers primarily supported the attack on
of hex except Mountains.
North Vietnam and the supply routes in Laos and along the
Ho Chi Minh Trail. To reflect this, only one or two carriers
-For more realism, you might want to restrict airborne
will now be available for air support in South Vietnam. No
operations in Volume 4 to South Vietnamese, Special
WESTPAC air units can be placed in Combat Support
Forces and Marine Force Recon only (Historically, the US
mission, they can only be used in direct support for
conducted only one major airborne assault during the War
ground combat and may do so only above (and including)
in February 1967 using a battalion of the 173d Airborne
hexrow xxx,75 (In other words the five northernmost
3.4 Borders:
-To better simulate the adverse effects of Monsoon
The MACV/RVNAF/FWA player can never enter or attack
weather, the MACV/RVNAF.FWA player will suffer from a
(even with air or artillery) an hex located in the DMZ(1),
75% air shock penalty during Monsoon turns.
Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam, Laos and
Cambodia. ZOCs can extend into such hexes, however.
3.2 Airlift and Airmobile rules:
I could have enforced this rule with the event editor but I
chose to rely on the player's good faith instead, only the
Due to the extensive use of air and helicopter transport
PAVN VP hexes located outside SVN and the DMZ are
during the War I had to make a number of counter
"protected" (see section 5.0)
modifications to give new or previously ground-bound
units an airlift and/or airmobile capability (See Units Notes
(1) The DMZ is the strip of land between North and South
& Modifications for a detailed list of mods).
Vietnam extending from 104,10 to 88,13
The following unit type can now use air transport:
3.5 Air Units Basing:
-US Airmobile Infantry
-US Airmobile Cavalry
TOAW has only one type of airfield which is a pain to
-US Airmobile Artillery
represent all the different kinds of air facilities that existed
-US Airmobile Engineer
in Vietnam, from the remote dirt strips used to resupply
-US & ARVN Marine Infantry
isolated camps to the mutli-runways jet-capable airbases
-US Marine Recon
along the coast, and there is no way to prevent the player
-BDQ (ARVN Rangers)
to base his air units wherever he feels like, yet, for a more
closer description of reality you might want to follow these
The following unit type can now use airmobile transport:
simple guidelines:
-US, ARVN & ROK Marine Infantry
As a general rule, air units at start or entering as
-US Marine Recon
reinforcements appear on the historical bases from where
-BDQ (ARVN Rangers)
they operated during the War and players should leave
-CIDG (Civilian Irregular Defense Group)
them there. If you still wish to move them, you should try
-RF (Regional Forces)
to restrict jet units to Airports only (marked as AP on the
-BDR (ARVN Border Rangers)
Similarly, air units appearing in off-map boxes should
Note: These are in addition to previously eligible unit
remain there and not be re-based in South Vietnam.
3.6 Helicopters of the Special Landing Force: 1254 of these VPs (or 12,540,000 people) while the Viet
Cong controls 546 of them (or 5,460,000 people).
The 7th Fleet's Assault Ready Group/Special Landing Force
was a combined USN/USMC formation capable of striking (For those of you familiar with it, these numbers are
along the length of the South Vietnamese coast and far derived from the venerable Vietnam 1965-75 published by
inland. The Marine component consited of an embarked Victory Games in 1984)
medium helicopter squadron (HMM) and an infantry
battalion landing team (BLT). To represent the embarked 4.2 Mission Victory Points:
helicopter squadron I used a modified air unit symbol (see
Units Modifications): Each mission that the human player fulfills will earn him
victory points, the exact number will appear in the Recent
-The ARG/SLF helicopters cannot be used for any type of News panel.
air missions, but only to provide airmobile transport to
friendly units within range. 4.3 Victory Points for destroyed enemy HQs:

-They can be based only at the following locations: Each destroyed enemy HQs will earn the human player VPs
Okinawa (173,16), The SLF holding box (147,27) or as follows:
aboard the ARG (Task Group 76.5). -Theater HQ (Region 5 and COSVN): 30 VPs
-PAVN Front HQ: 20 VPs
3.7 ARVN Divisions activation: -VC Military Region HQ: 10 VPs
-Divisional HQ: 5 VPs
According to the allied combined plans for the early years
of the war, US units were supposed to conduct offensive 4.4 Programmed Opponent Victory Points:
operations against major enemy units and base areas
while ARVN divisions were, for the most part, confined to The PO will recieve additional VPs as follow:
pacification duties. To reflect this, ARVN infantry divisions -10 permanent VPs for each CIDG camp captured
(Su Doan) and regiments (Trung Doan) are on garrison -For each Provincial Capital, Autonomous Municipality and
status during most of the game but will sometimes be Saigon (marked in BOLD on map) captured, the PO will
activated for offensive operations. The player will be receive a number of permanent VPs equal to three times
warned of any changes in ARVN formation orders in the the objective value marked on map, even if the objective
recent news window. This does not apply to ARVN is subsequently recaptured by the MACV/RVNAF/FWA
airborne, marines, ranger groups and to corps formations, player.
which are always activated, and to regional forces, which -10 VPs for each South Vietnemese divisional HQ
are always on garrison status. destroyed
The following table shows turns during which ARVN -15 VPs for each Free World Allies divisional HQ destroyed
formations are activated: -20 VPs for each US divisional HQ destroyed
-30 VPs for each South Vietnemese Corps HQ destroyed
Unit Game turns available -50 VPs for each US Corps HQ destroyed
Su Doan 1 1+
4.5 Automatic Victory:
Su Doan 2 1-15
Su Doan 5 1, 8-30, 37-43
-If the MACV/RFNAF/FWA player captures an objective hex
Su Doan 7 18-22, 29-31, 41-50
located in NVN, Laos or Cambodia, the game will end
Su Doan 9 2-3, 31-32
immediatly with a PAVN/PLAF victory.
Su Doan 10 2-3
-If the COMUSMACV or JGS HQs (both located in 89,183)
Su Doan 21 27-29, 40-45
are destroyed the game will end immediatly with a
Su Doan 22 16-20, 32-34, 48+
PAVN/PLAF victory.
Su Doan 23 20-45
Su Doan 25 2-4
Trung Doan 42 22-23, 50-51 5.0 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND:
Trung Doan 51 -
Westmoreland had cemented his views on the coming
"year of the offensive" at an August 1966 meeting with
4.0 VICTORY POINTS: officials in Honolulu and during a later discussion in
Washington with President Lyndon B. Johnson. Publicly,
The MACV/RVNAF/FWA player will earn victory points in the MACV commander described the conflict as a "total
several ways during the game: war" centering on a political struggle with sociological,
economic, and pscychological – as well as military –
4.1 On-map Victory Points: aspects. From a purely military standpoint, North
Vietnam's open invasion of the South was, he believed,
There are two types of VPs on map, sanctuary VPs and transforming the revolutionary struggle into a war of
Population VPs. attrition, with enemy seeking to break American morale by
Sanctuary VPs are located outside South Vietnam and inflicting heavy casualties on the battlefield. These actions,
represent PAVN/PLAF base areas in NVN, Laos or he maintained, had failed and would continue to fail.
Cambodia. They are off-limits for the human player and Instead, MACV was "making progress on all fronts,
trying to capture them will automatically end the game destroying the enemy's main force conventional units and
with a victory for the PO. supporting Saigon's pacification campaign. Ultimate
Population VPs are the objective hexes located within the success, however, would depend on American
border of South Vietnam and represent the population of "endurance," both in South Vietnam and at home.
each provinces of the country. Each points roughly equals
10,000 people and there are 1800 such VPs (for a total To his own field commanders and staffs, Westmoreland
south vietnamese population of 18 million people). At the repeated these themes. During the previous spring,
start of game, the South Vietnamese government controls
American spoiling attacks in the northernmost part of the area pacification operation in Trang Bang district, Hau
country and in the mountainous Central Highlands had Nghia Province.
made it impossible for the enemy to take advantage of 13 Jun.-4 Jul. Operation SANTA FE, 1/27 (25thInfantry)
South Vietnamese political turmoil earlier in the year. area pacification operation in Duc Hoa district, Hau Nghia
Elsewhere, the security compaign in the Vietnamese Province.
countryside was making slow but undeniable gains. 13 Jun.-14 Jul. Operation FRESNO, 2/27 (25thInfantry)
Although the conflict would continue to be a war of area pacification operation west of Bau Trai, Hau Nghia
attrition, American ground forces were now prepared to Province.
take the initiative on a major scale. 19 Jun.-1 Jul. MISSION: The 3d and 1st Brigades of the
1st Cavalry Division and the 2/327 (101st Airborne) are
To fuel the American offensive, Westmoreland expected terminating Operation NATHAN HALE in the Trung Luong
heavy reinforcements during the second half of 1966 and Valley of Phu Yen Province.
the first month of 1967, nine U.S. Army brigades and 21 Jun.-5 Jul. Operation ENOGGERA, 6RAR security
regiments, which would give him a total of twenty-seven around Xa Long Phuoc, 2-3 km SW of Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy
Army and Marines brigade-size forces in South Vietnam. Of Province.
the arriving forces, Westmoreland slated four brigades and 23 Jun.-8 Jul. Operation YORKTOWN, 2/503 (173d
a regiment for III Corps area around Saigon, one brigade Airborne) search and destroy SE of Xuan Loc, Long Khanh
for the Mekong Delta south of Saigon, and the remainder Province.
for II Corps in the Central Highlands and coastal lowlands. 24 Jun.-15 Jul. MISSION: Operation BEAUREGARD in
The additions, he believed, would give him a "well- progress. The 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (minus
balanced" expeditionary force that could "be sustained 2/327) operating from Dak To (125,75) is conducting
indefinitely...[to] see this war through without calling up extensive patrolling between the CIDG Camp there, the
the reserves." one at Dak Pek (122,63) and the one at Mang Buk
Taken from Combat Operations: Taking the Offensive, 25 Jun.-1 Jul. Operation COCO PALMS, 1/5 (25th
October 1966 to October 1967 by George L. MacGarrigle, Infantry) search and destroy in Boi Loi Woods.
Center for Military History 1998. 29 Jun.-1 Jul. Operation OAKLAND/LIEN KET 46, 2/7,
3/11 Marines, 2/5 ARVN Bn, 37th BDQ search and destroy
in Quang Ngai Province.
30 Jun.-31 Jul. Operation BENNING III, 2d Brigade, 1st
This chronology serves both as an historical guideline and Cavalry Division road security in Binh Dinh Province.
to detail all the missions (indicated as MISSION) the
player can choose to fulfill to earn additional VPs. None are JULY 1966:
mandatory and you can decide to do only some of them or -------------------------Turn 1-------------------------
none at all. 1 Jul. US military strength in RVN reaches 274,000.
1 Jul. SAC quick reaction force of six B-52's at Guam
Color code: initiates continuous alert for strikes against urgent targets
MISSION: United States in SVN.
MISSION: Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces 1 Jul. A C-141 aircraft flies from Saigon to Travis AFB,
MISSION: Free World Allies Calif. in the first direct USAF Medevac from RVN to the US.
1-6 Jul. Operation HOLT/LAM SON 286, 3/4 Marines follow
(?) indicates that operation datas are missing or subject to up to Operation JAY in the Co Bi-Thanh Tan area of Thua
caution. Thien Province.
2 Jul. Construction of new MACV headquarters at Tan Son
Ongoing operations prior to scenario start: Nhut soccer field begins.
26 Mar.-21 Jul. MISSION: Operation FILLMORE 2-30 Jul. MISSION: The 1st Cavalry Division with 1/8,
continues. The 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Divison (with 2/8, 1/7, 2/7 Cav and the 2/327 (1st Brigade, 101st
2/327), 2d ROK Marine Brigade and the 47th ARVN Airborne) will initiate a reconnaissance in force operation
Regiment are conducting search and destroy and rice named HENRY CLAY on HL-487 between Cheo Reo
harvest security operations in Phu Yen Province, vicinity of (144,111) and Buon Blech (137, 118) and then all the way
Tuy Hoa (170,118). from QL-14 to the Cambodian border, Phu Yen, Phu Bon
26 Mar.-23 Sep. Operation SU BOK, battalion-size and Darlac Provinces.
operation by elements of the ROK Marine Brigade and 2-31 Jul. MISSION: Operation KAHANA I&II begins.
Capital Division in Binh Dinh Province. Operating from Xuan Loc (107,179), the 1st Brigade, 25th
10 May-31 Jul. MISSION: Operation PAUL REVERE I Infantry Division with 4/9 and 4/23 opconed will conduct a
continues. The 3d Brigade, 25th Infantry Division operating road security operation between Gia Ray (112,177) and Vo
from LZ Oasis (127,99) has launched a campaign along Dat (115,173) in Long Khanh and Binh Tuy Provinces.
the cambodian border to prevent a sortie from then 1st -------------------------Turn 2-------------------------
PAVN Division and a possible attack of the CIDG Camps at 4 Jul. Operation JAMES BOND, 2d Brigade, 1 Cavalry

Plei Djereng, Duc Co and Plei Me. intelligence gathering in Binh Dinh Province.
25 May 66-8 Feb.67 Operation LAM SON II, 2d Brigade, 4-14 Jul. MISSION: Operation SYDNEY I begins. 5RAR
1st Infantry Division pacification campaign in Binh Duong will conduct a search and destroy operation around Xa
and Bien Hoa Provinces. Binh Ba (107,187), in west-central Phuoc Tuy province, 7
2 Jun.-13 Jul. MISSION: The 1st Infantry Division with its km northwest of Nui Dat.
1st and 3d Brigades and its Armored Cavalry Squadron is 4 Jul.-27 Oct. MISSION: The 3d Marines from the Da
conducting an operation named EL PASO II to protect the Nang TAOR with 1/3 and 3/3 (135,37) and 3/9 at the An
allied installations in Binh Long Province, especially the city Hoa Combat Base (133,44) will conduct a search and
of An Loc (88,158) and the CIDG Camps at Loc Ninh destroy operation named MACON along the Ky Lam river
(87,154), Minh Thanh (84,164) and Chon Thanh (88,165) between An Hoa and Dien Ban (139,41). The R20 VC Inf
and to keep Highway 13 and Route 245 open. Bn is reported in the AO.
3 Jun.-3 Jul. Operation FORT SMITH, 2/14 (25thInfantry) 5 Jul. ARVN units conduct one-day search-and-destroy
Operation CUU LONG 32/66 in Kien Hoa Province province, 6 km N of Nui Dat
5-7 Jul. RVNAF units launch two-day search-and-destroy 15-23 Jul. Operation MOKOLEIA, 1/5 (25th Infantry)
operation in Vinh Binh Province (?). search and destroy in the Filhol Plantation.
5-11 Jul. ARVN units launch six-day search-and destroy 16 Jul. US units discover 20-mm AA weapons and
Operation BINH PHU 9/10/11 in Binh Dinh Province ammunition in Binh Duong and Quang Tri Provinces, first
6-10 Jul. MISSION: Operation THANG LONG begins. The indication that enemy possesses this caliber weapon.
45th ARVN Regiment of the 23rd Division based at Ban Me 16-18 Jul. MISSION: Operation BRISBANE begins 6RAR
Thuot (131,130) will mount a search and destroy will launch a search and destroy mission in the Nui Dinh
operation between the Mewal Plantation (133,126) and hills (104,189), some 4 km north of Route 15 and 12 km
Buon Ho (139,123) in Darlac Province. WSW of Nui Dat in Phuoc Tuy Province.
6-14 Jul. MISSION: III MAF finally launches the much 16-30 Jul. MISSION: Operation DECKHOUSE II begins.
postponed Operation WASHINGTON, an extensive The SLF with 3/5 Marines as BLT will conduct an
reconnaissance mission of the enemy Do Xa Base Area, amphibious assault on the coast between Cua Viet
the suspected location of Military Region 5 HQ. Operating (106,13) and the southern boundary of the DMZ. Once
from Hau Duc (138,56), the 1st Marine Recon Battalion and ashore, the BLT will join TF DELTA in Operation HASTINGS.
the 1st Force Recon Company will search the Song Tranh 17 Jul. Ho Chi Minh proclaims partial mobilization of NVN,
Valley south of Hau Duc. A two-battalion strike force from reiterates intransigent stand on settlement of the war.
the Chu Lai TAOR will stand ready to reinforce. 17 Jul. SECSTATE and SECDEF agree to ARC LIGHT B-52
7 Jul.-3 Aug. MISSION: Operation HASTINGS/LAM SON strikes against selected remote Laos targets, to be
289 begins. TF DELTA with 2/1, 1/3, 2/4, 3/4 and 3/12 executed without knowledge or concurrence of the RLG,
Marines will move north to the DMZ and, operating from with public cover in form of strike in nearby SVN territory.
Dong Ha (104,15) and Cam Lo (100,15), will conduct 17 Jul. ARVN elements conduct one-day search-and-
search and destroy operations between Route 9 and the destroy Operation LAM SON 290 in Quang Tri Province.
southern boundary of the DMZ while the 2d ARVN Infantry 17-22 Jul. Operation CEDAR RAPIDS I, 1/2, 2/2, 1/16,
Regiment will operate south of Route 9. The SLF with BLT 1/26 (1st Infantry) search and destroy in the Ong Dong
3/5 will reinforce on 16 Jul. with Operation DECKHOUSE II. jungle, Binh Duong Province.
Intel reports that the 324B PAVN Division has infiltrated 17 Jul.-1 Aug. Operation HAYES, 3d Brigade, 1st Cavalry
Quang Tri Province from NVN with as many as 3 Division reconnaissance and screening west of Dak To and
regiments. Dak Pek in Kontum Province.
-------------------------Turn 3------------------------- 17 Jul.-3 Aug. Operation AURORA II, 173d Airborne
8-12 Jul. ARVN units launch four-day search-and-destroy Brigade search and destroy 80km NE of Bien Hoa, Binh
Operation THANG LONG 243 in Darlac Tuy, Lam Dong and Long Khanh Provinces.
8-13 Jul. Operation EWA, 1/27 (25th Infantry) search and -------------------------Turn 6-------------------------
destroy between the Vam Co Dong and Cambodian border 21 Jul.-1 Aug. MISSION: The reunited 1st Brigade, 101st
in Hau Nghia Province. Airborne Division will begin Operation JOHN PAUL JONES
9 Jul. Former I Corps generals Thi, Dinh, Cao, Nhuan, and with phase I, securing Vung Ro Pass and Route 1 south of
Chuan sentenced to 60 days confinement and removed Tuy Hoa (170,118) to protect engineer parties constructing
from military service by special Armed Forces Disciplinary a new port at Vung Ro Bay (174,124)
Council. -------------------------Turn 7-------------------------
9 Jul. MISSION: Battle of the Minh Thanh road. As part 22-24 Jul. Operation CEDAR RAPIDS II, 1/2, 2/2, 1/16,
of EL PASO II, TF DRAGOON consiting of 1/2 Inf and B & C 1/26 (1st Infantry) search and destroy in the Ong Dong
Troops, 1/4 Cav will leave An Loc airfield (87,159) and jungle, Binh Duong Province.
travel to Minh Thanh (84,164) via HL-245 to provoke an 23 Jul. First civilian Philippine medical team arrives in SVN
ambush by the 9th VC Division. 2/2 and 1/18 at Minh 23 Jul.-6 Aug. MISSION: The 2d Brigade, 25th Infantry
Thanh, 1/28 at An Loc AF and 1/16 at Quan Loi AF Division (1/5, 1/27, 2/27) will mount Operation
(89,158) will stand ready to reinforce. KOKOHEAD to clear the area between Trang Bang
9-17 Jul. Operation AURORA I, 173d Airborne Brigade (80,176) and the Ho Bo Woods (84,174) in Hau Nghia
search and destroy NW of Xuan Loc, northern Long Khanh Province.
Province. 24 Jul. US tactical air strikes commence in the DMZ.
9 Jul.-22 Aug. MISSION: The 3rd Battalion of the ROK 24 Jul. Royal Thai Air Force squadron arrives in SVN to aid
Cavalry Regiment (CAPITAL Division) will move to LZ 27V VNAF airlift mission.
(119,102) along the cambodian border and conduct 24-29 Jul. MISSION: Operation HOBART begins. 6RAR
search-and-destroy Operation BUN KAE 66-9 in Pleiku will conduct a search and destroy east of Long Tan
Province in conjunction with Operations PAUL REVERE I&II. (108,189) in Phuoc Tuy Province, in an area 5 to 9 km
-------------------------Turn 4------------------------- east to southeast of Nui Dat.
12 Jul.-3 Sep. Operation EL PASO III, 1st Infantry -------------------------Turn 8-------------------------
Division reconnaissance in force along Route 13 to provide 25 Jul. Premier Ky declares in magazine interview that
security for Quan Loi, Binh Long Province. invasion of NVN is necessary to win war.
14 Jul. Philippine President Marcos signs bill providing for 25 Jul. Operation STEEL HORSE VII, 6/16 Art extensive
dispatch of 2,000-man Philippine Engineer Battalion harrassment and interdiction program in Binh Dinh
(PHILCAG) to RVN. Province.
14-22 Jul. Operation KOKULIEA, 2d Brigade, 25th 26-29 Jul. Operation FRANKLIN/LIEN KET 50, 1/7, 2/7
Infantry Division search and destroy in Hau Nghia and Marines, 2d ARVN Division search and destroy in Quang
Binh Duong Provinces. Ngai Province.
-------------------------Turn 5------------------------- 27 Jul.-1 Aug. Operation SPRINGFIELD I, 1/16, 1/26 (1st
15 Jul. MISSION: Battle of Helicopter Valley. As part of Infantry) search and destroy along Route 13, Ap Bau Bang
Operation HASTINGS, the 2/4 and 3/4 Marines will air- area.
assault the Song Ngan Valley (98,13) just south of the -------------------------Turn 9-------------------------
DMZ. The DMZ itself however, remains off-limits. 29 Jul. First British medical team arrives in RVN.
15-23 Jul. Op.SYDNEY II, 5RAR cordon and search 30 Jul. B-52's bomb enemy facilities in DMZ for first time.
around Duc My/Xa Binh Ba, West-central Phuoc Tuy 31 Jul.-2 Sep. Opeartion BENNING IV, 1st Brigade, 1st
Cavalry Division road security in Binh Dinh Province. Cau (168,108). Prisoners confirmed that the 5th PAVN
Ongoing operations: Division HQ is in the area.
LAM SON II, SU BOK. 3 Aug.66-31 Jan.67 MISSION: After closing Operation
Operations terminated: HASTINGS, III MAF initiates Operation PRAIRIE to monitor
1 Jul End of NATHAN HALE, 1 Jul End of COCO PALMS, 1 NVA infiltrations through the DMZ. Leaving only 2/4
Jul. End of OAKLAND/LIEN KET 46, 3 Jul. End of FORT Marines at Dong Ha, the 4th Marines at Phu Bai will stand
SMITH, 4 Jul. End of SANTA FE, 5 Jul. End of ENOGERRA, ready to reinforce if any significant contacts are made. The
8 Jul. End of YORKTOWN, 13 Jul. End of EL PASO II, 15 first step will consist in occupying the Rockpile (95,17) to
Jul. End of BEAUREGARD, 21 Jul. End of FILLMORE. 31 Jul. deny its use to the enemy.
End of BENNING III, 31 Jul, End of PAUL REVERE I. -------------------------Turn 11------------------------
Arrival: 5-15 Aug. Operation EVANSVILLE, 1/2, 1/26 (1st
3 Jul. HMM-364 Infantry) search and destroy around Phuoc Vinh, Binh
5 Jul. VMFA-323 Long Province.
7 Jul. 4th Engr Bn 5-18 Aug. Operation HOLSWORTHY, 5RAR cordon-and-
14 Jul. VMA-224 search around Xa Binh Ba, Phuoc Tuy Province, 5 km north
16 Jul. 615th TFS of Nui Dat.
16 Jul. 175th Engr C Coy 5-22 Aug. MISSION: The combined 5th Marines/2d ARVN
23 Jul. 1/22 Inf Division Operation COLORADO/LIEN KET 52 is initiated to
Departure: locate and destroy the 2d PAVN Division in the Que Son
1 Jul. Support Command Nha Trang Valley. Operating from Thang Binh (142,45), the 6th ARVN
14 Jul. VMA-211 Regiment with 2/6, 4/6 and the 4th ACR will push west
Status: towards Que Son (138,46) while a VNMC Task Force with
1/1 Mar relocated to Dong Ha (16-30 Jul.) the 1st, 3rd and 4th Battalions will be heli-lifted west of Que
2/9 Mar relocated to Dong Ha (19-30 Jul.) Son to etablish a blocking position. At the same time, 2/5
1/22 Inf located at Pleiku/Camp Enari Marines will conduct an air-assault on Hiep Duc (134,49)
6/14 Art relocated to Pleiku/Camp Enari (20 Jul.) to seal the valley's western exit. The 1/5 and 3/5 Marines
4th Engr Bn located at Pleiku/Camp Enari will stand-by at Tam Ky, ready to reinforce the operation if
39th Engr C Bn relocated to Tuy Hoa needed.
299th Engr C Bn relocated to Pleiku (29 Jul.) 7 Aug.-1 Sep. Operation LAHAINA, 2/27 (25th Infantry)
588th Engr C Bn relocated to Cu Chi pacification in the Bau Trai District of Hau Nghia Province.
175th Engr C Coy at Tay Ninh West -------------------------Turn 12------------------------
615th TFS stationed at Phan Rang 8 Aug.-1 Sep. Operation AIEA, 1/27 (25th Infantry)
HMM-363 assigned to SLF (4 Jul.) pacification in the Trang Bang District of Hau Nghia
HMM-364 located at Ky Ha Province.
VMA-224 stationed at Chu Lai 10 Aug. MISSION: The 2d Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division
VMFA-323 stationed at Chu Lai with 1/5 and 2/5 joins Operation PAUL REVERE II, air-
48th Avn Co relocated to Tuy Hoa (17 Jul.) assaulting LZ RAY (123,107) and LZ CAT (123,110) to
search the southern slopes of the Chu Pong Massif.
AUGUST 1966: 10 Aug. Battle of Cam Khe. As part of COLORADO, the
-------------------------Turn 10------------------------ 1/5 Marines battles two NVA battalions west of Tam Ky.
1 Aug. MISSION: A new CIDG camp opens at Dak Seang 10-12 Aug. Operation WILCOX, USMC search and destroy
(121,71), secure the site and build the camp for in Quang Nam (?)
detachment A-245. 10 Aug.-7 Sep. MISSION: The 173d Airborne Brigade,
1-25 Aug. MISSION: Operation PAUL REVERE II 2/18 Inf (1st Infantry), 1st ATF and the 33rd and 35th BDQs
initiated. Operating from LZ OASIS (127,99), Task Force will start a search and destroy operation named TOLEDO,
WALKER with the 3d Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (1/14, at the junction of Phuoc Tuy, Bien Hoa and Long Khanh
1/35, 2/35), the 3d Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division (1/7, 2/7, Provinces (104,185). The objective is the Long Nguyen
1/12), the 3d Battalion, ROK Cavalry Regiment and the Secret Zone rumored to harbor the 5th VC Division.
1/69 Armor will screen the Duc Co and Plei Me CIDG 10 Aug.-10 Oct. Operation STABLE, arrival and
Camps from possible NVA attacks, leapfrogging via LZ movement of the ROK 9th Infantry Division, 100th
PINK (124,99) and LZ JULIET (123,104) all the way to the Logistical Command, and HQ ROKFCV through Nha Trang
Chu Pong Massif (121,106). and Tuy Hoa.
1-31 Aug. MISSION: The 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry 11-13 Aug. Operation MANITOWOC, search and destroy
Division with 1/5, 4/9, 2/14 and 4/23 opconed will initiate operation in III CTZ (?)
Operation OAHU in Tay Ninh Province between Go Dau Ha -------------------------Turn 13------------------------
(77,175) and Tay Ninh City, to clear the area around Ben 13-14 Aug. Operation ELDORADO, 1/16, 1/28, 1/26 (1st
Cau (75,172), keep open the stretch of Route 22 in the AO Infantry) search and destroy around Ap Bau Tran, Binh
and clear the Vam Co Dong riverbanks. This operation will Long Province.
also protect the deployement of the 196th Infantry Brigade 13-21 Aug. Operation SUWANEE, 1/9, 3/9 Marines search
to the Tay Ninh West AF. and destroy in Quang Nam Province.
2 Aug. Premier Ky reaffirms that he will leave politics after -------------------------Turn 14------------------------
formation of constitutionally elected government. 15-17 Aug. Operation BELFAST, 1st Infantry Division
2-5 Aug. Operation CHEYENNE, 1/28, 2/16, 1/18, 2/18, search and destroy in Binh Duong Province.
1/2, 1/26 (1st Infantry) road clearing operation between 15-19 Aug. Operation GALLUP, search and destroy
Lai Khe and An Loc. operation in III CTZ (?)
2-8 Aug. Operation BUCKS, 3/1 Marines search and 16 Aug.-5 Sep. MISSION: Phase III of Operation JOHN
destroy 15km south of Da Nang. PAUL JONES begins. The 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne
2-15 Aug. MISSION: Phase II of Operation JOHN PAUL Division, joined by 2/8 (1st Cavalry Division), 1/22 (4th
JONES begins. Moving to northern Phu Yen Province, the Infantry Division) and two battalion of the 47th ARVN
1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division will search the area Regiment will continue searching for the elusive 5th PAVN
between the Dong Tre CIDG Camp (163,113) and Song Division between Tuy An (169,113) and Dong Tre
(163,113) and in the Song Ky Lo Valley (159,110) Ongoing operations:
initiated. In support of Operation TOLEDO, the SLF with Operations terminated:
1/26 Marines as BLT will conduct an amphibious assault in 1 Aug. End of HAYES, 1 Aug. End of SPRINGFIELD I, 3
the Vung Tau Peninsula at Long Hai (106,193) then search Aug. End of HASTINGS/LAM SON 289, 3 Aug. End of
the Long Hai Hills to the northeast. AURORA II, 6 Aug. End of KOKOHEAD, 22 Aug. BUN KAE
18-21 Aug. MISSION: Operation SMITHFIELD begins. 66-9
6RAR returns to the Long Tan area (108,189) for a search Arrival:
and destroy mission immediately to the northeast of the 1 Aug. B-50 Det Project OMEGA, B-56 Det
town to prevent rocket and mortar attacks on the TF Project SIGMA
basecamp at Nui Dat. HMM-263, VMFA-314, 37th SPS
18-20 Aug. RVNAF units launch two-day search-and-clear 2 Aug. 3/5 Mar
Operation QUANG DIEN in Thua Thien Province. 9 Aug. 1/12 Inf
-------------------------Turn 15------------------------ 10 Aug. HQ 2d Bde/4th Inf Div, 2/8 Inf, 4/42 Art
19-22 Aug. Operation CASTINE, 2d Brigade, 1st Infantry 12 Aug. 3d Sqn/11th ACR
Division search and destroy in Binh Duong Province. 13 Aug. 13th BS
19-29 Aug. Operation ALLEGHENY, 2/3 Marines search 15 Aug. HQ ROK Vietnam Field Command
and destroy in Quang Nam 14 miles southwest of Da 3/82 Art
Nang. 352d TFS
20-22 Aug. Operation OTTAWA, 3/4 Marines search and 20 Aug. 5/7 Cav
destroy in Thua Thien Province. 26 Aug. HQ 196th Inf Bde, F/17 Cav, 2/1, 3/21,
-------------------------Turn 16------------------------ 4/31 Inf
22 Aug.-1 Sep. MISSION: Operation AMARILLO is 27 Aug. 2/26 Mar
launched. The 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division with 1/2, 28 Aug. 97th MP Bn
1/26 and Troop C, 1/4 Cav opconed will conduct a road 30 Aug. 93d MP Bn
clearing operation between Phuoc Vinh (93,169) and the Departure:
Division main base camp at Di An (92,179). 1/16 at Lai 1 Aug. VMFA-542
Khe will serve as a reaction force. 11 Aug. HMM-163
23 Aug. Operation POLE STAR, search and clear operation 30 Aug. 3/3 Mar
by the ROK 2d Marine Brigade in their new TAOR near Binh Status:
Son, about 15 miles SW of Chu Lai. HQ 2d Bde/4th Inf Div located at Pleiku/Camp Enari
23-25 Aug. MISSION: Battle of Razorback Ridge. As part HQ 196th Inf Bde located at Tay Ninh West
of Operation PRAIRIE, the 2/4 Marines fights a two-day 1/4 Mar relocated to Dong Ha (13 Aug.)
battle for the Razoback (94,16), a steep ridge northwest of 3/5 Mar located at Chu Lai
the Rockpile 2/7 Mar relocated to Dong Ha (27 Aug.)
23 Aug.-26 Sep. Operation MALLARD, deployement of 2/26 Mar located at Da Nang
2/34 Armor from Vung Tau to Long Binh. 2/7 Cav relocated to Phan Thiet (26 Aug.)
25 Aug. MISSION: A new CIDG camp opens at Minh Long 5/7 Cav located at An Khe
(152,67), secure the site and build the camp for 3/11 Arm Cav located at Bien Hoa
detachment A-108. F/17 Cav located at Tay Ninh West
25-27 Aug. ARVN elements launch two-day search-and- 2/1 Inf located at Tay Ninh West
destroy Operation LONG PHI 984 in Kien Giang Province 2/8 Inf located at Pleiku/Camp Enari
25-31 Aug. Operation DARLINGHURST, 5RAR search and 1/12 Inf located at Pleiku/Camp Enari
destroy around Binh Gia in Phuoc Tuy Province. 3/21 Inf located at Tay Ninh West
-------------------------Turn 17------------------------ 1/22 relocated to Tuy Hoa (25 Aug.)
26 Aug.-6 Sep. Operation PAWNEE, 3/4 Marines search 4/31 Inf located at Tay Ninh West
and destroy in Phu Loc District of Thua Thien Province. 4/42 Art located at Pleiku/Camp Enari
26 Aug.-18 Oct. MISSION: Operation PAUL REVERE III 3/82d Art located at Tay Ninh West
kicks off. The 3d Brigade, 25th Infantry Division with 1/14, 93d MP Bn located at Qui Nonh
1/35, 2/35, 1/69 Arm and 1/7 Cav will continue search 97th MP Bn located at Cam Ranh Bay
and destroy and pacification operations around LZ Oasis 13th BS stationed at Da Nang
(127,99), Duc Co (120,99) and Plei Djereng (121,93) and 352d TFS stationed at Phan Rang
keep open HL-568 between the two CIDG Camps. VMFA-314 stationed at Chu Lai
Beginning 28 Sep. the 2d Brigade, 4th Infantry Division HMM-263 located at Marble Mountain
with 2/8 and 1/12 will join the operation. 117th Avn Co relocated to Tuy Hoa
26 Aug.66-20 Jan.68 MISSION: I FFV instructs the 1st 37th SPS located at Phu Cat
Cavalry Division to begin a long term economy-of-force B-50 Det Project OMEGA located at Ban Me Thuot
operation in Binh Thuan, the southernmost province of II B-56 Det Project SIGMA located at Ho Ngoc Tau
Corps. Codenamed BYRD, a battalion-size Task Force built HQ ROK Vietnam Field Command located at Nha Trang
around 2/7 Cav, A/227th Avn Bn, C/229th Avn Bn and a 2d ROK Marine Brigade relocated to Chu Lai (18 Aug.)
battery from 1/21 Art will move by air from An Khe to the 1 Aug. New CIDG camp opens at Dak Seang
Phan Thiet airfield (133,179) and conduct pacification and 25 Aug. New CIDG camp opens at Minh Long
search and destroy operations in the province, beginning
immediately north of Phan Thiet. SEPTEMBER 1966:
27-29 Aug. Operation JACKSON/LIEN KET 54, 3/5, 3/7
Marines, 4th ARVN Regiment search and destroy in Quang 1 Sep. US military strength in RVN reaches 306,000.
Ngai Province. 1-7 Sep. Operation ALICE, 3/21 (196th LIB) search and
-------------------------Turn 18------------------------ destroy in Tay Ninh Province.
30 Aug-29 Sep. Operation BLUE JAY, 196th LIB 1-12 Sep. Operation KIPAPA, 4/9, 4/23, 1/5 (25th
deployment and security of Tay Ninh West. Infantry), 7th ARVN Regiment search and destroy in Filhol
Plantantion. Tieng airfield, Binh Duong Province.
1 Sep.-11 Oct. MISSION: The 2d Brigade, 25th Infantry 13 Sep.-1 Oct. MISSION: Operating from LZ HAMMOND
Division with 1/5, 1/27, 2/27 will begin Operation SUNSET (162,91), the 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division with 1/8,
BEACH, a search and destroy and pacification mission 2/8, 1/12 and the 2d Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division with
between Bau Trai (79,180), Go Dau Ha (77,175) and the 1/5 and 2/12 will conduct a search and destroy operation
Boi Loi Wodds (80,171). in the Kim Son Valley (158,85) named THAYER I. The 3d
-------------------------Turn 19------------------------ Brigade at An Khe will stand ready to reinforce with 1/7
2 Sep. MISSION: A new CIDG camp opens at Trang Phuc and 5/7 Cav.
(124,124), secure the site and build the camp for 14 Sep. West German hospital ship Helgoland arrives in
detachment A-233. Saigon to treat VN civilians.
2-6 Sep. RVNAF elements launch Operation DAN CHI 261, 14 Sep.-24 Nov. MISSION: The 196th Light Infantry
a four-day search-and-destroy action in An Xuyen and Bac Brigade will initiate Operation ATTLEBORO, a series of
Lieu Provinces. battalion-size probes around Tay Ninh. While one battalion
2-29 Sep. Operation BENNING V, 3d Brigade, 1st Cavalry is in the field, the other two will remain behind to provide
Division road security in Binh Dinh Province. security and finish construction of the Brigade basecamp
3 Sep.-8 Oct. Operation DECATUR, 1/26, B-1/4 Cav (1st at Tay Ninh West-AF (71,168)
Infantry) security for Quan Loi-An Loc area. 14 Sep.-5 Nov. MISSION: For the first time, US ground
4-6 Sep. Operation CRANSTON, 1/16 (1st Infantry) units are authorized to operate in the Mekong Delta area
security and resupply between Lai Khe and Quan Loi. south of Saigon. 4/9 Inf from the 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry
4-15 Sep. Operation NAPA/LIEN KET 56, 1/5, 3/5 Division will begins Operation LANIKAI phase I in
Marines, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 ARVN Bns search and destroy in conjunction with the 3rd Battalion, 50th ARVN Regiment.
Quang Tin Province northwest of Tam Ky. After establishing a basecamp at Ben Luc (83,187), the
4 Sep.-8 Oct. MISSION: The 2/18 (2d Brigade, 1st two battalions will conduct a joint pacification campaign in
Infantry Division) will initiate Operation BATON ROUGE in Long An Province.
the southern portion of the Rung Sat Special Zone 15-21 Sep. Operation DANBURY, 1/16, 2/28, 2/16, 1/2
(97,190) to secure the water line of communication (1st Infantry) search and destroy in Thanh Dien forest.
between the port of Saigon and the sea. 15-24 Sep. MISSION: In support of Operation PRAIRIE,
4 Sep.-25 Oct. MISSION: The 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne the SLF with 1/26 Marines as BLT will mount Operation
Division with the 1/22 (4th Infantry) opconed will begin a DECKHOUSE IV, conducting an amphibious assault
rice harvest protection campaign in Phu Yen Province between Cua Viet (106,113) and the southern boundary of
named Operation SEWARD. 2/327 will operate around Tuy the DMZ. Intel reports the possible presence of an NVA
An (169,113) while the 1/327 will be in the Hieu Xuong battalion in the AO.
Valley (167,121) and the 1/22 will secure the road 15 Sep.-14 Nov. Operation KALIHI, 1st Brigade, 25th
between Vung Ro Bay (174,124) and Tuy Hoa. 2/502 will Infantry Division search and destroy in the Filhol
serve as a rapid reaction force at Tuy Hoa South Plantation.
(172,119). -------------------------Turn 23------------------------
-------------------------Turn 20------------------------ 16-27 Sep. MISSION: After terminating Operation
5-29 Sep. Operation MEADOWLARK, deployement of 11th FRESNO, the 1/7 Marines with elements of the 4th ARVN
ACR from Vung Tau to Long Binh. Regiment will begin Operation GOLDEN FLEECE 7-1/LIEN
6-9 Sep. ARVN units begin three-day security Operation KET 60 to pacify the Mo Duc District between Mo Duc
MANH HO 3/4/5/6 in Binh Dinh Province. (158,67) and Quang Ngai City (155,62).
6-12 Sep. Operation BANGOR, 1/26 (1st Infantry) search 16 Sep.-19 Oct. Operation WREN, deployement of 1st
and destroy in Binh Duong province PHILCAGV from Cam Ranh Bay to Tay Ninh West-AF
7-12 Sep. Operation CANNON, 2/1 Marines search and -------------------------Turn 24------------------------
destroy in Quang Nam Province. 19 Sep.-4 Oct. Operation KAMUELA 2/14 (25th Infantry)
8 Sep. Operation SEASIDE, search and destroy in III CTZ search and destroy in Boi Loi Woods and Ben Cui
(?) Plantation.
8-9 Sep. Operation WILTON, search and destroy in III 20-22 Sep. Operation HUNTSVILLE, 3d Brigade, 1st
CTZ (?) Infantry Division, 48th ARVN Regiment search and destroy
8-13 Sep. Operation ATHOL, 4/31 (196th LIB) search and in III CTZ (?)
destroy in Michelin Rubber Plantation. 21 Sep.-30 Oct. Operation CASULA, 5RAR and 6RAR
8-14 Sep. Operation PAWNEE II, 3/4 Marines search and construction of base defensive works in the area of 1st ATF
destroy in Phu Loc District of Thua Thien Province. basecamp.
8-16 Sep. Op.Fresno, 1/7 Marines search and destroy in 22-28 Sep. ARVN units begin six-day search-and-destroy
Mo Duc district, Quang Ngai Province. Operation BINH PHU 27 in Binh Dinh Province.
8-24 Sep. MISSION: Operation VAUCLUSE begins. 6RAR 22 Sept.-5 Oct. MISSION: Battle of Mutter's Ridge. As
will conduct a search and destroy mission in the Nui Dinh part of Operation PRAIRIE, the 3/4 Marines will sweep the
Hills (104,189), 9 km WSW of Nui Dat in Phuoc Tuy Nui Cay Tre ridge (95,15) north of the Rockpile. Dug-in
Province. NVA, possibly in regimental strength, are reported in the
-------------------------Turn 21------------------------ area.
9 Sep. First deep-water pier in Da Nang harbor opens with -------------------------Turn 25------------------------
arrival of USS Aludra 23 Sep.-1 Oct. Operation LONGVIEW 1st Brigade, 1st
10 Sep. The first US aircraft, USAF A1-E, shot down in Infantry Division security and road clearing between Phuoc
DMZ by NVA AA fire. Vinh and Bien Hoa.
11 Sep. Elections held throughout RVN for Constituent 23 Sep.-9 Nov. Operation MAENG HO 6, ROK Capital
Assembly. Division search and destroy in Binh Dinh Province.
-------------------------Turn 22------------------------ 24 Sep. Operation COFFEE, 2/1 Marines search and
12 Sep. First Brazilian contribution, medical supplies, destroy in Quang Nam Province.
arrives in RVN. 25 Sep. Operation BOYD, 1/16, 2/28 (1st Infantry)
13-22 Sep. Operation ATLANTIC CITY, 3d Brigade, 1st reconnaissance in force around Lai Khe.
Infantry Division, 4/503 (173d Airborne) security for Dau
-------------------------Turn 26------------------------ 334th Avn Co located at Bien Hoa
26 Sep.-9 Oct. MISSION: The 173d Airborne Brigade will 335th Avn Co located at Bien Hoa
begin search and destroy Operation SIOUX CITY to protect HQ ROK 9th Inf Div located at Ninh Hoa
engineer parties working on a new CIDG Camp at Xom Cat 28/9th ROK located at Tuy Hoa
(98,173) in Bien Hoa Province. Secure the site and build 29/9th ROK located at Ninh Hoa
the camp for detachment A-312. 1st PHILCAGV located at Tay Ninh West
27 Sep. RVN's 117-member constituent assembly 101 Fld Bty located at Nui Dat
inaugurated. 2 Sep. New CIDG camp opens at Trang Phuc
28-29 Sep. Operation MONTEREY, 1/5, 3/5 Marines
search and destroy in Quang Tin Province. OCTOBER 1966:
28-30 Sep. Operation KATHY, 2d and 8th TDNDs search
and destroy in the Capital Military District. 1 Oct. US military strength in RVN reaches 321,000.
29 Sep.-11 Oct. Operation BENNING VI, 2d Brigade, 1st 1-4 Oct. Operation LITTLE ROCK, 1/28, 1/2, 1/4 Cav (1st
Cavalry Division road security in Binh Dinh Province. Infantry) 48th ARVN Regiment search and destroy in the
-------------------------Turn 27------------------------ Ong Dong jungle, Binh Duong Province.
30 Sep.-3 Oct. Operation CROW'S NEST, 5RAR search 1-25 Oct. Operation KERN, 2/3 Marines reconnaissance in
and clear in Phuoc Tuy Province, 12 km north of Nui Dat. force of the Khe Le Valley in Quang Nam Province.
Ongoing operations: 2-24 Oct. MISSION: Operation IRVING/DAI BANG 800
LAM SON II, MACON, PRAIRIE, STABLE, PAUL REVERE III, begins. Operating from LZ HAMMOND (162,91), the 1st
BYRD Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division with 1/8, 2/8, 1/12 and the
Operations Terminated: 3d Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division with 1/7 and 5/7 will
1 Sep. End of AIEA, 1 Sep. End of LAHAINA, 1 Sep. End of sweep the Nui Mieu mountains (165,87) all the way to the
AMARILLO, 2 Sep. End of BENNING IV, 3 Sep. End of EL sea. 1/5 and 1/9 Cav will serve as the divisional reserve.
PASO III, 5 Sep. End of JOHN PAUL JONES, 6 Sep. End of In companion Operation DAI BANG 800, elements of the
PAWNEE, 7 Sep. End of TOLEDO, 23 Sep. End of SU BOK, 22nd ARVN Division will block the plain between HAMMOND
26 Sep. End of MALLARD, 29 Sep. End of BLUE JAY and the Dam Tro O lake (165,85) while the ROK CAPITAL
Arrival: Division in Operation MAENG HO 6 will sweep the Phu Cat
1 Sep. 175th, 334th, 335thAvn Cos Mountains (165,92) to the south.
2 Sep. 71st Avn Co 2-27 Oct. Operation BATHURST, 5 and 6RAR intensive
5 Sep. 919th Engr C Coy patrolling and civic action around Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy
7 Sep. 28th ROK Inf Regt Province.
8 Sep. HQ 11th ACR, 1st Sqn/11th ACR, 2d -------------------------Turn 28------------------------
Sqn/11th ACR, HQ 18th MP Bde 3 Oct. MISSION: A new CIDG camp opens at Du Lap
12 Sep. 2/34 Armor (119,137), secure the site and build the camp for
18 Sep. 614th TFS detachment A-239.
16 Sep. 1st PHILCAGV 3 Oct. MISSION: A new CIDG camp opens at Xom Cat
20 Sep. 101 Fld Bty (98,173), secure the site and build the camp for
25 Sep. HQ 4th Inf Div detachment A-312 (see Operation SIOUX CITY).
27 Sep. 1/26 Mar 3-10 Oct. Operation LEE/LIEN KET 64, 2d ROK Marine
HQ ROK 9th Inf Div Brigade, 4th ARVN Regimentt search and destroy in Quang
29th ROK Inf Regt Ngai Province.
28 Sep. HMM-363 3-10 Oct. Operation DECATUR (part 2), 1st Infantry
Departure: Division security around Quan Loi.
1 Sep. Co A, 82d Avn 3 Oct.-16 Nov. ARVN Airborne Task Force launch 44-day
Co A, 501st Avn search-and-destroy Operation LAM SON 318 in conjunction
Co A, 502d Avn with Operation PRAIRIE in Quang Tri Province.
197th Avn Co 4-8 Oct. Operation NORWALK, 1st Inf security in III CTZ
20 Sep. 105 Fld Bty (?)
29 Sep. 1/9 Mar 6-17 Oct. MISSION: Operation CANBERRA/ROBIN kicks
Status: off. The 1st Australian Task Force will launch a security
4th Inf HQ located at Pleiku/Camp Enari operation along Route 15 (101,189) to protect the
HQ 11th ACR located at Bien Hoa deployement of the 3d Brigade, 4th Infantry Division from
HQ 18th MP Bde located at Long Binh Vung Tau to its basecamp at Bear Cat (98,181). The 173d
1/3 Mar relocated to Khe Sanh (29 Sep.) Airborne Brigade will join the operation on 10 October
2/4 Mar relocated to Phu Bai (29 Sep.) after completion of SIOUX CITY.
3/4 Mar relocated to Dong Ha (17 Sep.) 6-15 Oct. Operation HICKORY, 3/11 (11th ACR) search
2/5 Mar relocated to Dong Ha (30 Sep.) and destroy and recon around Nhon Trach, Bien Hoa
2/7 Mar relocated to Chu Lai (30 Sep.) Province.
3/7 Mar relocated to Dong Ha (29 Sep.) -------------------------Turn 29------------------------
2/9 Mar relocated to Dong Ha (30 Sep.) 8-15 Oct. Operation KENT, 2/7 Marines search and
1/26 Mar located at Da Nang destroy in Quang Ngai Province.
2/34 Armor located at Long Binh 8-16 Oct. Operation TULSA, 1st Infantry Division, 5th
B-2/34 Arm relocated to Phu Loi (19 Sep.) ARVN Division security operation between Phu Cuong and
1/11 ACR located at Bien Hoa An Loc.
2/11 ACR located at Bien Hoa 8 Oct.-4 Dec. MISSION: Operation WINCHESTER begins.
919th Engr C Coy located at Bien Hoa MACV has ordered the reinforcement of the Da Nang TAOR
614th TFS stationed at Phan Rang to free more Marine battalions to move north to the DMZ.
HMM-362 assigned to SLF (28 Sep.) The 4/503 of the 173d Airborne Brigade and C-2/34 Arm
HMM-363 located at Ky Ha will immediately move there to relieve the 2/26 Marines
71st Avn Co located at Bien Hoa and secure the Hai Van Pass (135,33).
175th Avn Co located at Vinh Long
-------------------------Turn 30------------------------ -------------------------Turn 34------------------------
10-17 Oct. The 173d Airborne Brigade begins its portion 24 Oct. US, RVN, ROK, Australian, New Zealand,
of Operation CANBERRA/ROBIN. Philippine and Thai Chiefs of State meet in Manila for two-
11-20 Oct. Operation TETON, 3/1 Marines search and day summit conference on war.
destroy in Quang Nam Province. 25 Oct. Operation SEA DRAGON, a naval operation
11 Oct.-14 Nov. Operation KAILUA, 2d Brigade, 25th against enemy junks delivering supplies to the south,
Infantry Division search and destroy in Hau Nghia Province begins.
(continuation of SUNSET BEACH) 25 Oct.-28 Nov. MISSION: Following Operation BATON
11 Oct.66-17 Nov.67 Operation UNIONTOWN, security ROUGE in the same area, the newly arrived 3/22 (3d
for the Bien Hoa airbase and the Long Binh logistical Brigade, 4th Infantry Division) will start Operation
complex (one battalion from the 1st, 9th or 25th Infantry BREMERTON to clear the area between the Lau Tau
Divisions assigned on a rotation basis) Shipping Channel (95,187) and the Siorap (92,191)
13 Oct.-9 Nov. Operation BLACKJACK 21, MSF mobile 25 Oct. 66-12 Feb. 67 MISSION: The 1st and 3d
guerrilla operation in the Plei Trap Valley. Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division initiate search and destroy
-------------------------Turn 31------------------------ Operation THAYER II. With LZ HAMMOND (162,91) as their
15 Oct.-? Operation PROJECT DELTA 13-66 begins logistical base, the two brigades will continue their
northwest of Khe Sanh (?) relentless pursuit of the 3d PAVN Division in the Kim Son
16 Oct. RVNAF units launch one-day search-and-destroy (159,85) and Suoi Ca (160,90) Valleys, opening LZ BIRD
Operation CUU LONG 22/KT in Dinh Tuong Province. (158,85). Reports indicate high desertion rates and low
16-17 Oct. Operation CRADDOCK, search and destroy in morale in the NVA units operating in the area.
III CTZ (?) 25 Oct. 66-2 Apr. 67 MISSION: Operation ADAMS kicks
16-26 Oct. Operation QUEENBEYAN, 5RAR search and off. The 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division with 1/8, 3/8,
destroy around Nui Thi Vai, Phuoc Tuy province, 16 km 3/12 and A-1/10 Cav will conduct a rice denial operation
WNW of Nui Dat. around Tuy Hoa in Phu Yen Province, keeping Route 1
16 Oct.-2 Nov. MISSION: The 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry opened between Tuy Hoa and Tuy An (169,113).
Division with 1/26, 1/28 and 2/28 opconed will initiate 26 Oct. Fire aboard USS Oriskany in Tonkin Gulf kills 43
Operation SHENANDOAH I. Starting from Quan Loi US, injures 16.
(189,158), the Brigade will first push north to Loc Ninh 26 Oct. Phan Khac Suu elected Speaker of the GVN
(87,154) and then southwest to the Minh Thanh Plantation Constituent Assembly.
(84,164) to try to provoke a reaction from the 9th VC 26 Oct. President Johnson visits Cam Ranh Bay.
Division. 27-29 Oct. Operation SPANWAY, 2/12 (4th Infantry)
16 Oct.-3 Dec. Opration LEEDS, 1st Infantry search and search and clear in Hau Nghia Province.
destroy in III CTZ (?) -------------------------Turn 35------------------------
-------------------------Turn 32------------------------ 29 Oct.-24 Dec. Operation PAWNEE III, 2/26 Marines
18-20 Oct. Two ARVN bns encounter estimated two VC security along Route 1 in the Phu Loc District, Thua Thien
bns during heliborne landing in two-day Operation DAN Province.
CHI 263 in Chuong Thien Province. 30-31 Oct. Operation BUNDABERG, 5 and 6RAR County
18-30 Oct. Operation DOVER 1/5 Marines search and Fair operation 1 km south of Nui Dat.
destroy in Quang Tin Province. 30 Oct.-5 Nov. MISSION: Regrouping all its battalions at
18 Oct.-30 Dec. MISSION: The newly arrived 4th the Tuy Hoa South airfield (172,119), the 1st Brigade, 101st
Infantry Division will begin Operation PAUL REVERE IV. Airborne Division will commence Operation GERONIMO
Operating form LZ 3 TANGO (121,95), the 2d Brigade, 4th phase I, sweeping the area south of the Song Da Rang
Infantry Division and the 3d Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (163,120) between Cung Son (160,119) and Tuy Hoa
will push west to the Se San river (117,94), past the Nam while the 47th ARVN Regiment will screen Route 7B along
Sathay (115,92) and then all the way to the cambodian the river. The 18B PAVN Regiment has been reported
border. Once there, the brigades will swing north and somewhere around My Thanh (166,123)
systematically clear the Plei Trap Valley (116,85). -------------------------Turn 36------------------------
18 Oct.66-1 Feb.67 Operation DUCK, deployement of the 31 Oct. Operation TRAVIS, emergency airlift of 2d
9th Infantry Division from Vung Tau to Bear Cat. Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division from An Khe to LZ OASIS in
19 Oct. MISSION: As part of ATTLEBORO, 2/1 (196th LIB) support Operation Paul Revere IV.
is moved to Dau Tieng (80,169) to begin search along the Ongoing operations:
Song Saigon to the northwest. LAM SON II, PRAIRIE, BYRD, ATTLEBORO, LANIKAI I,
20 Oct. MACV accepts as confirmed the presence in RVN KALIHI, MAENG HO 6
of the Nong Truong 5 NVA Div, bring in-country confirmed Operations terminated:
total to 7 enemy divisions. 1 Oct. End of LONGVIEW, 1 Oct. End of THAYER I, 3 Oct.
20-24 Oct. Operation BETHLEHEM, 1/18 (1st Infantry) End of CROW'S NEST, 4 Oct. End of KAMUELA, 8 Oct. End
search and destroy southwest of Phu Cuorg (It phases into of BATON ROUGE, 8 Oct. End of DECATUR, 9 Oct. End of
ALLENTOWN for 25-26 October and, finally, into LAM SON SIOUX CITY, 10 Oct. End of STABLE, 10 Oct. End of
II for 27-31 October 1966) BENNING VI, 11 Oct. End of SUNSET BEACH, 18 Oct. End
20 Oct.-8 Dec. MISSION: The 11th ACR will begin of PAUL REVERE III, 19 Oct. End of WREN, 25 Oct End of
Operation ATLANTA to keep open the lines of SEWARD, 27 Oct. End of MACON, 30 Oct. End of CASULA.
communication between Bien Hoa (94,178) and Xuan Loc Arrival:
(107,179) and to provide security for the construction of 1 Oct. HQ 54th Art Gp 27th Engr C Bn
the regiment's basecamp, named Blackhorse, at Long Giao HMM-165, VMA-211
(106,181). 4 Oct. HQ 1st Bde/4th Inf Div, 1/10 Cav, 1/8,
-------------------------Turn 33------------------------ 3/8, 3/12 Inf, 6/29 Art, 5/16 Art
21-23 Oct. Operation MADISON, 3/1 Marines search and 9 Oct. HQ 3d Bde/4th Inf Div, 2/12, 3/22 Inf,
destroy in Quang Nam Province. 2/22 Mech Inf, 2/77 Art
21 Oct.-5 Nov. Operation ALLENTOWN/LAM SON II 30th ROK Inf Regt
South, 2d Brigade, 1st Infantry Division search and destroy 10 Oct. VMFA-542
in Binh Duong, Bien Hoa and Gia Dinh Provinces. 12 Oct. 8th BS
16 Oct. 86th Engr C Bn to Dau Tieng (80,169) while the 3d Brigade, 1st Infantry
18 Oct. 1/40 Art, 2/94 Art Division will be airlifted to the Suoi Da CIDG Camp
19 Oct. 14 and 15th Engr Bn, 720th MP Bn (Army) (76,166) and the 2d Brigade, 25th Infantry Division to the
20 Oct. G/65 Art (quad .50) Tay Ninh West airfield (71,168). Once in position, the four
23 Oct. 7/9 Art brigades will search the area around the Suoi Da CIDG
28 Oct. 7/13 Art Camp all the way to the cambodian border via Prek Klok
29 Oct. 3/3 Mar (74,161) and Katum (75,158). Intelligence believes that
30 Oct. 1/83 Art the 9th VC Division is massing for a possible attack on the
Departure: CIDG Camp at Suoi Da.
13 Oct. 13th BS 5-8 Nov. 2nd ARVN Division units launch 3-day search-
31 Oct. HMM-161 and-destroy Operation LIEN KET 68 in Quang Tin Province.
Status: 5-19 Nov. Operation SHASTA I, 2/1, 2/3, 1/26 Marines
HQ 3d Mar Div relocated to Phu Bai (10 Oct.) search and destroy south of Hill 55, Quang Nam Province.
HQ 1st Mar Div relocated to Da Nang (10 Oct.) 5 Nov.-10 Dec.. MISSION: Operation LANIKAI phase II
HQ 3d Marines relocated to Dong Ha (10 Oct.) begins. 4/23 (1st Brigade, 25th Infantry) relieves 4/9 at Ben
HQ 1st Bde/4th Inf Div located at Tuy Hoa Luc (83,187) to continue Operation LANIKAI in Long An
HQ 3d Bde/4th Inf Div located at Bear Cat Province with 3/50 ARVN.
HQ 54th Art Gp located at Xuan Loc 6-7 Nov. Operation YASS, 6RAR cordon and search of
3/3 Mar located at Da Nang Lang Phuoc Hoa on Route 15, Phuoc Tuy Province.
2/26 Mar relocated to Phu Bai (11 Oct.) 6-12 Nov. MISSION: 5RAR will begin Operation HAYMAN
A-2/34 Arm relocated to Cu Chi (5 Oct.) to clear Long Son Island (102,191) from possible VC units
C-2/34 Arm relocated to Da Nang (8 Oct.) operating there.
1/10 Cav located at Pleiku/Camp Enari 6 Nov.-4 Dec. MISSION: The 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne
1/8 Inf located at Tuy Hoa Division begins phase II of Operation GERONIMO. Moving
3/8 Inf located at Tuy Hoa by air to Dong Tre (163,113) the brigade will join 1/8 Cav
2/12 Inf located at Bear Cat (1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division) arriving from An Khe and
3/12 Inf located at Tuy Hoa begin a search and destroy operation in the mountainous
1/22 relocated to Pleiku/Camp Enari (10 Oct.) area known as the "Hub" (166,116) between Dong Tre and
2/22 Inf located at Bear Cat Tuy Hoa. The 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division on
3/22 Inf located at Bear Cat Operation ADAMS will block along Route 1 between Tuy
4/503 relocated to Da Nang (8 Oct.) Hoa and Tuy An while the 47th ARVN Regiment will block
7/9 Art located at Phu Loi south along the Song Da Rang.
7/13 Art located at Phu Cat -------------------------Turn 38------------------------
5/16 Art located at Pleiku/Camp Enari 7-20 Nov. Operation MERIDIAN, 2/503 (173d Airborne),
6/29 Art located at Tuy Hoa 33rd and 35th ARVN BDQs search and destroy around Minh
1/40 Art located at Dong Ha Thanh (in conjunction with ATTLEBORO).
G/65 Art located at Dong Ha 8-14 Nov. Operation ARCADIA, 1/1, 3/1 Marines search
2/77 Art located at Bear Cat and destroy in Quang Nam Province.
1/83 Art located at Nui Dat 9-27 Nov. ROK Marine units launch 18-day search-and-
2/94 Art located at Dong Ha destroy Operation DRAGON EYE in Quang Ngai Province.
14th Engr C Bn located at Tuy Hoa 10-25 Nov. Operation MAENG HO 7, ROK Capital Div
15th Eng Bn located at Bear Cat search and destroy in Binh Dinh Province.
20th Engr C Bn relocated to Ban Me Thuot (5 Oct.) -------------------------Turn 39------------------------
27th Engr C Bn located at Bien Hoa 12 Nov. The New York Times reports that up to 40
86th Engr C Bn located at Phu Loi percent of all economic or military aid to the Saigon
720th MP Bn located at Long Binh government fails to reach its destination due to theft,
13th BS relocated to Phan Rang (10 Oct.) corruption, black marketing and waste.
389th TFS relocated to Da Nang (10 Oct.) -------------------------Turn 40------------------------
VMA-211 stationed at Chu Lai 14-21 Nov. Operation BULLDOZER 5, Khanh Hoa Province
VMFA-542 located at Chu Lai (?)
HMM-165 located at Ky Ha 16 Nov.66-12 Jan.67 MISSION: Operation DAN TAM 81
129th Avn Co relocated to Phu Hiep (25 Oct.) begins. The 1/11 (11th ACR) will join the 1st and 2nd
30/9 ROK located at Dong Ba Thin
Battalion, 43rd ARVN Regiment in a rice harvest security
3 Oct. New CIDG camp opens at Duc Lap operation. The cavalry squadron will keep open Route 333
3 Oct. New CIDG camp opens at Xom Cat between Gia Ray (112,177) and Vo Dat (115,173) while
the two ARVN battalions protect the harvest in the La Nga
NOVEMBER 1966: Valley.
-------------------------Turn 41------------------------
1 Nov. US military strength in RVN reaches 350,000. 18 Nov.-3 Dec. MISSION: The 5 and 6RAR will begin
1 Nov. VC attack central Saigon with approximately 24 Operation INGHAM to clear the area between the TF
rounds of 75mm RR fire as National Day celebrations are basecamp at Nui Dat and (107,189) and Xuyen Moc
beginning. (112,189) and clear eastern Phuoc Tuy Province. The D445
1 Nov. MISSION: 1/27 and 2/27 (25th Infantry) are VC Mobile Battalion might be present in the area.
placed under operational control of the 196th Light Infantry 18 Nov.-23 Dec. Operation ATLANTA (part 2) 2d Brigade,
brigade and join Operation ATTLEBORO. 25th Infantry Division, 3d Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, 5th
2-8 Nov. Operation MARSHALLTOWN, 2/12 (4th Infantry) ARVN Division search and destroy in Binh Duong and Hau
search and destroy in Hau Nghia Province. Nghia Province.
-------------------------Turn 37------------------------ 19 Nov. Enemy releases 59 VN POWs captured at A Shau
4 Nov. MISSION: II Field Force decides to expand in March.
ATTLEBORO to a large-scale search and destroy operation. 19-27 Nov. 2nd ARVN Division launches eight-day
The 1st and 2d Brigades, 1st Infantry Division will displace Operation LIEN KET 70 in Quang Ngai Province.
20-27 Nov. Operation RIO BLANCO/LIEN KET 70, 1/7 Departure:
Marines search and destroy in Quang Ngai Province. 1 Nov. HMM-364, VMA-224
-------------------------Turn 42------------------------ 5 Nov. 2/4 Mar
24 Nov.-2 Dec. Operation WACO, 173d Airborne Brigade 15 Nov. VMF(AW)-235
resumes responsibility for the Bien Hoa TAOR. Status:
-------------------------Turn 43------------------------ 1/4 Mar relieves 2/4 at Phu Bai (5 Nov.)
25 Nov.-9 Dec. Operation BISMARK, 1st Brigade, 1st D/51 Inf located at Phan Rang
Infantry Division road security between Di An and Phuoc D/52 Inf located at Long Binh
Vinh. C/54 Inf located at Tuy Hoa
25 Nov.66-8 Jan.67 Operation KELLEY HILL, security D/58 Inf located at Qui Nonh
operation in III CTZ (?) C/87 Inf located at Long Binh
25 Nov.66-8 Apr.67 MISSION: Operation FITCHBURG 5/2 Art located at Long Binh
begins. The 196th LIB with 2/1, 3/21 and 4/31 will conduct 7/9 Art relocated to Bear Cat (13 Nov.)
a search and destroy operation to protect the approaches 1/44 Art located at Dong Ha
to Tay Ninh City (72,168) and Tay Ninh West airfield, D/71 Art located at Long Binh
beginning with the area comprised between Route 22 1st Arm Amph Co located at Da Nang
(70,164) and the Rach Ben Da (68,165). 11th Eng Bn located at Phu Bai
27 Nov.-23 Dec. Operation CHARLESTON, 2/18 (1st Inf) 14th Engr C Bn relocated to Dong Ba Thin
search and destroy in III CTZ (?) 20th Engr C Bn relocated to Pleiku (10 Nov.)
-------------------------Turn 44------------------------ 27th Engr C Bn relocated to Xuan Loc (15 Nov.)
28 Nov.66-1 May 67 Operation CANARY, arrival and 35th Engr C Bn located at Bear Cat
deployement of the 199th LIB between Vung Tau and Long 308th TFS relocated to Tuy Hoa (15 Nov.)
Binh. VMF(AW)-232 stationed at Da Nang
28 Nov.66-14 May 67 Operation FORT NISQUALLY, 3d VMA(AW)-242 stationed at Da Nang
Brigade, 4th Infantry Division deployement from Bear Cat HMM-163 located at Marble Mountain
to Dau Tieng and operations. 180th Avn Co located at Phu Hiep
29 Nov.-5 Dec. Operation HEARLDSBURG, 3d Brigade, 1st 336th Avn Co located at Soc Trang
Infantry Division search and destroy in III CTZ (?)
29 Nov.-7 Dec. Operation MISSISSIPPI, 2/5 Marines DECEMBER 1966:
search and destroy in Quang Nam Province.
30 Nov. Allies declare 48-hour cease-fire over Christmas 1 Dec. US military strength in RVN reaches 361,000.
and New Year, four-day cease-fire over TET (8-12 1 Dec. Battle of Phu Huu(2) 1/9, 5/7, 2/12 (1st Cav) west
February), following communist declaration of Christmas of LZ Bird (part of THAYER II)
and New Year cease fires. 1-2 Dec. Operation DANGLESNIFF, two-man SASR teams
30 Nov.-6 Dec. Operation SUTTER, 1/5 Marines search are inserted individually into eight separate locations in the
and destroy in Quang Tin Province mountains of Nui Thi Vai area to test the effectiveness of
30 Nov. 66-12 Dec.67 MISSION: Operation CS crystals laid on a previous operation by 5RAR.
FAIRFAX/RANG DONG initiated. Three battalions, one each 1 Dec. 66-14 May 67 MISSION: The 1st and 2d
from the 1st, 4th and 25th Infantry Divisions will join the Brigades, 25th Infantry Division will begin Operation ALA
30th, 33rd and 38th BDQs for a double force security and MOANA in Hau Nghia, Tay Ninh, and Binh Duong Provinces
pacification campaign in and around the Saigon Military to locate and destroy VC forces, supplies and base camps
District and Gia Dinh Province. This operation is the first and to interdict VC harvest, movement, and storage of
attempt at the pair-off program where an ARVN battalion rice. The first phase will consist in a search of the area
is complettely integrated down to platoon level with an between the Ho Bo (84,174) and Boi Loi Woods (80,171).
Amercian battalion to conduct joint operations. The -------------------------Turn 45------------------------
campaign will begin immediately south of Saigon (90,183) 4-5 Dec. Operation ALEXANDRIA, 11th ACR, 43rd ARVN
and extend progressively to the whole province. The 199th Regiment search and destroy near Xuan Loc and Duc
Light Infantry Brigade will take over FAIRFAX after Thanh, Long Khanh and Phuoc Tuy border.
deployement in January 1967. -------------------------Turn 46------------------------
Ongoing operation: 6 Dec.66-19 Jan.67 MISSION: Operation PICKETT
LAM SON II, PRAIRIE, BYRD, WINCHESTER, UNIONTOWN, begins. The 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division is alerted
LEEDS, PAUL REVERE IV, DUCK, ATLANTA, THAYER II, for an immediate airlift to Kontum (132,84). From there,
ADAMS, PAWNEE III. the brigade will launch a search and destroy operation in
Operations terminated: the northern Plei Trap Valley (116,85) along the disused
2 Nov. End of SHENANDOAH I, 5 Nov. End of ALLENTOWN, Route 613 in support of the 4th Infantry Division heavily
5 Nov. End of GERONIMO I, 9 Nov. End of BLACKJACK 21, engaged in Operation PAUL REVERE IV.
9 Nov. End of MAENG HO 6, 14 Nov. End of KAHILI, 14 6-7 Dec. Operation TRINIDAD, 1/1 Marines search and
Nov. End of KAILUA, 16 Nov. End of LAM SON 318, 24 destroy in Quang Nam Province.
Nov. End of ATTLEBORO, 28 Nov. End of BREMERTON. 7-11 Dec. Operation TRINIDAD II, 1/1 Marines search and
Arrival: destroy in Quang Nam Province.
1 Nov. HMM-163, VMA(AW)-242 7-12 Dec. Operation CORTEZ, 3/5 Marines search and
3 Nov. 35th Engr C Bn destroy in the Que Son Valley, Quang Tin Province.
7 Nov. 1/44 Art, G/65 Art 7 Dec. 66-5 Jan. 67 MISSION: Operation CANARY/DUCK
8 Nov. 1st Arm Amph Co begins. The 173d Airborne Brigade and the 1st Australian
10 Nov. 180th Avn Co, 336th Avn Co Task Force will provide security along Route 15 (101,189)
15 Nov. VMF(AW)-232 for the deployment of the 199th LIB (Canary) and 9th
26 Nov. D/52 Inf Infantry Division (Duck) from Ba Ria to Phu My and from
28 Nov. D/71 Art Phu My to Long Binh.
29 Nov. D/51, C/54, D/58, C/87 Inf (MP) -------------------------Turn 47------------------------
5/2 Art, D/71 Art 9 Dec. Secretary of State Dean Rusk arrives in Saigon for
30 Nov. 11th Eng Bn (III MAF) two-day visit.
9-14 Dec. Operation ROVER, the evacuation of all civilians -------------------------Turn 52------------------------
from the Kim Son Valley, was conducted by elements of 27 Dec. Battle of LZ BIRD. 1/12 (1st Cavalry) overrunned
the 1st Cavalry Division. Once the Valley was cleared, it by NVA Regt 22 in the Kim Son Valley (part of THAYER II).
was designated a "free-fire" zone . 27-31 Dec. Operation WIGGINS, 2/3 (199th LIB) search
10 Dec.66-12 Jan.67 MISSION: The A-219 MIKE Force and destroy in Bien Hoa Province.
from Pleiku will be airlifted to Buon Mi Ga (146,134) in 27-30 Dec. US and ARVN units launch Operation DAN CHI
Darlac Province to commence Operation BLACKJACK 22, a 270D in Chuong Thien Province, a 3-day search-and-
reconnaissance in force on the area between Buon Mi Ga destroy operation).
and the Buon Ea Yang SF Camp (140,129). 28-30 Dec. Operation NASHVILLE, search and destroy
11-16 Dec. Operation STERLING, 3/9 Marines search and operation in III CTZ (?)
destroy in Quang Nam Province. -------------------------Turn 53------------------------
11-18 Dec. Operation LANIKAI III, 2/14 relieves 4/23 at 31 Dec.66-1 Jan.67 48 hours New Year cease-fire
Ben Luc to continue pacification of Long An Province. 31 Dec. III MAF units observe estimated 1,000 VC/NVA
-------------------------Turn 48------------------------ troops well armed, moving into position N of Hue in Thua
12 Dec. The Dong Nai water supply system inaugurated; Thien Province during the New Years' cease-fire. Enemy
when completed will be able to supply 127.5 million taken under air attack and arty fire by 3d Mar Div and
gallons of potable water daily to the 2.7 million inhabitants ARVN units; action continued until 010630Z Jan 67. No
of the Saigon/Cholon/Gia Dinh area. friendly casualties; enemy losses unknown.
12 Dec. The Soviet Union has given 100 new MiG jet 31 Dec. Grand total of US/FWA forces in RVN is 441,190.
fighters to Hanoi, doubling size of NVAF, according to news MACV: 8,794, Army Units: 236,341, Marine Corps Units:
release. 70,405, Navy Units: 19,953, Air Force Units: 52,397,
12 Dec.66-21 Jan.67 MISSION: 2/7 Marines will Combined Studies: 6, DEF COM AGCY: 40, SOG: 595,
commence Operation SIERRA, a search and destroy and Total US Forces: 388,568 Australia: 4,533, Rep of China:
pacification mission in the Mo Duc District (158,67) of 30, Rep of Korea: 45,605, New Zealand: 155, Philippines:
Quang Ngai Province, between Mo Duc and Nghia Hanh 2,063, Spain: 12, Thailand: 224, Total FWA: 52,622.
(155,64). Ongoing operations:
13 Dec. 1/33 ARVN Inf discovers 64 prisoners of VC LAM SON II, PRAIRIE, BYRD, UNIONTOWN, DUCK, THAYER
during Operation DAN CHI 270B in Chuong Thien Province. II, ADAMS, DAN TAM 81, FITCHBURG, CANARY, FORT
13 Dec. GVN Constituent Assembly approves first three NISQUALLY, FAIRFAX/RANG DONG.
articles of new constitution, providing for popularly-elected Operations terminated:
President, and a Prime Minister and Cabinet appointed by 2 Dec. End of WACO, 3 Dec. End of LEEDS, 3 Dec. End of
the President INGHAM, 4 Dec. End of Winchester, 4 Dec. End of LANIKAI
13 Dec. Construction begins on the Plei Djereng SF/CIDG I, 5 Dec. End of GERONIMO I, 5 Dec. End of
camp in Pleiku province, the first "fighting camp," HEARLDSBURG, 6 Dec. End of SUTTER, 7 Dec. End of
designed to be a base for extended operations throughout MISSISSIPPI, 8 Dec. End of ATLANTA, 9 Dec. End of
the tactical area of responsibility rather than a walled BISMARK, 23 Dec. End of ATLANTA (part 2), 23 Dec. End
fortress in the middle of hostile territory. of CHARLESTON, 24 Dec. End of PAWNEE III, 30 Dec. End
13 Dec. MISSION: A new CIDG camp opens at New Plei of PAUL REVERE IV.
Djereng (121,95), secure the site and build the camp for Arrival:
detachment A-251. 1 Dec. C/52,D/87 Inf
-------------------------Turn 49------------------------ VMA-121
16-26 Dec. Operation INITIATOR, 199th LIB shakedown 3 Dec. Air Cav Trp/11th ACR
operation in Long Binh Province. 4 Dec HMM-262
17-21 Dec. Operation GLENN, 3/1 Marines search and 10 Dec. HQ 199th Inf Bde, 2/3, 4/12 Inf
destroy in Quang Nam Province. 11 Dec. 3/26 Mar
-------------------------Turn 50------------------------ 12 Dec. 2/40 Art, 87 Engr C Coy
19 Dec. Bob Hope arrives to start his annual Christmas 13th BS
shows. 13 Dec. D/17 Cav, 2/11 Art
19-21 Dec. Operation SHASTA II, 1/1 Marines search and 16 Dec. 306th TFS, 309th TFS
destroy south of Hill 55, Quang Nam Province. 19 Dec. 3/34 Art
19-22 Dec. Operation SANTA CRUZ, 3d Brigade, 1st 20 Dec. HQ 9th Inf Div, HQ 3d Bde/9th Inf Div,
Infantry Division cordon and search in Binh Duong 2/60 Inf, 5/60 Mech Inf, 3/60 Inf
Province. 23 Dec. Det, HMH-463
19 Dec.66-13 Feb.67 MISSION: Operation LANIKAI IV 28 Dec. 3/7 Inf
begins. Moving its base of operations from Ben Luc 29 Dec. VMO-3
(83,187) to Rach Kien (86,188), the 2/14 (1st Brigade, 25th Departure:
Infantry Division) will continue buddy operations with 1/46 1 Dec. VMA-223
and 1/50 ARVN to pacify Long An Province. 12 Dec. 8th BS
20 Dec. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Harold K. Johnson 16 Dec. 1/4 Mar, HMM-361
arrives in Vietnam. Status:
20 Dec.66-16 Feb.67 MISSION: Operation CHINOOK I 9th Infantry HQ located at Bear Cat
begins. The 2/26, 3/26 and 3/12 Marines will conduct a HQ 11th ACR relocated to Long Binh
search and destroy operation in the Co Bi-Thanh Tan area HQ 2d Bde/1st Inf Div relocated to Di An
(112,124) of Thua Thien Province. Intel reports that the HQ 3d Bde/4th Inf Div relocated to Dau Tieng
enemy is once more active between the Song Bo and the HQ 3d Bde/9th Inf Div located at Bear Cat
Song O Lau. 199th LIB HQ located at Ho Nai
21 Dec. MISSION: A new CIDG camp opens at Lang Vei 18th Eng Bde HQ relocated to Dong Ba Tin (1 Dec.)
(91,21), secure the site and build the camp for HQ 4th Mar Regt relocated to Camp Evans (23 Dec.)
detachment A-101. 2/9 Mar relieves 1/4 Mar at Phu Bai (16 Dec.)
-------------------------Turn 51------------------------ 3/26 Mar located at Dong Ha
24-25 Dec. 48 hours Christmas holiday cease-fire 3/26 Mar relocated at Camp Evans (17 Dec.)
C-2/34 Arm relocated to Dau Tieng (5 Dec)
1/11th ACR relocated to Long Binh
2/11th ACR Cav relocated to Long Binh
3/11th ACR Cav relocated to Long Binh
Air Cav Trp/11th ACR located at Long Binh
D/17 Cav located at Ho Nai
1/2 Inf relocated to Phuoc Vinh
2/3 Inf located at Ho Nai
3/7 Inf located at Ho Nai
2/12 Inf relocated to Dau Tieng
4/12 Inf located at Ho Nai
1/16 Inf relocated to Lai Khe
2/16 Inf relocated to Di An
1/18 Inf relocated to Di An
2/18 Inf relocated to Di An
1/26 Inf relocated to Phuoc Vinh
2/28 Inf relocated to Lai Khe
2/22 Inf relocated to Dau Tieng
3/22 Inf relocated to Dau Tieng
2/60 Inf located at Tan Tru
3/60 Inf located at Bear Cat
5/60 Inf located at Bear Cat
4/503 relocated to Bien Hoa (5 Dec)
C/52 Inf located at Saigon
D/87 Inf located at Long Binh
1/7 Art relocated to Di An
2/11 Art located at Dau Tieng
3/34 Art located at Bear Cat
2/40 Art located at Ho Nai
87 Engr C Coy located at Ho Nai
13th BS stationed at Phan Rang
306th TFS stationed at Tuy Hoa
309th TFS stationed at Tuy Hoa
129th Avn Co relocated to Kontum (5 Dec.)
VMA-121 stationed at Chu Lai
VMO-3 located at Ky Ha
HMM-262 located at Ky Ha
Det, HMH-463 located at Marble Mountain
13 Dec . New CIDG camp opens at Plei Djereng
21 Dec: New CIDG camp opens at Lang Vei
7.2 Note on unit reconstitution: AO: Area of Operation
AP: Airport
No units on either side except for MACV/RVNAF/FWA air APC: Armored Personnel Carrier
units can be reconstituted in this scenario, be very carefull ARG: Assault Ready Group
with them. Arm: Armor/Armored
Art: Artillery
7.3 Terrain Mods: ARVN: Army of the Republic of Viet Nam
AS: Attack Squadron
Minor modifications have been made to the terrain to give ASHC: Assault Support Helicopter Company
Vietnam a more tropical aspect and have no effect on play. AT: Anti Tank
They work best with the old ACOW graphics and ok with ATF: Australian Task Force
the new ones but I can't guarantee the result if you are Avn: Aviation
using some other types of terrain mods: (AW): All-weather
AWC: Aerial Weapon Company
BB: Bo Binh (Inf)
BCD: Biet Cach Du (Abn Rgr)
BCH: Ban/Bo Chi Huy (HQ)
Cultivated Bde: Brigade
BDQ: Biet Dong Quan (Rgr)
BG: Brigadier General
BLT: Battalion Landing Team
Bn: Battalion
Brig: Brigadier
Rice Paddy (treated as Bocage/Hedgerow) BS: Bomb Squadron
BTL: Bo Thu Len (HQ)
BTTM: Bo Thong Tham Muu (JGS)
Bty: Battery
C: Combat
Hills Cap: Capital
CAP: Civic Action Platoon
Cav: Cavalry
CIDG: Civilian Irregular Defence Group
CMAC: Capital Military Assistance Command
Cmd: Command
Co: Company
COL: Colonel
Comp: Composite
COMUSMACV: Commander, United States Military
Assistance Command, Vietnam
Borders CONUS: Continental United States
COSVN: Communist Office for South Viet Nam
-The combination of Forest and Arid tiles has been used to CT: Cong Truong (Div)
represent Plantations (Rubber, Tea, Coffee, Palm...) CTZ: Corps Tactical Zone
CVA: Attack Aircraft Carrier
-Most Shallow Water hexes in the Mekong Delta area are CVW: Carrier Air Wing
navigable by riverine forces. DD: Dai Doi (Co)
Det: Detachment
-Mangroves don't exist in TOAW and are represented by Div: Division
Marsh hexes DKZ: Dai Bac Khong Zat (RCLR)
DMZ: De-Militarized Zone
-Marsh hexes have also been used to show the inundable DPQ: Dai Phuong Quan (RF)
plain of the Dong Thap Muoi (Plain of Reeds) DRAC: Delta Regional Assistance Command
Eng: Engineer
-Light Forest represent both lightly wooded areas and Exp: Expeditionary
elephant grass expenses. FA: Field Artillery
FANK: Forces Armées Nationales Khmères (Khmer Army
8.0 ABBREVIATIONS & GLOSSARY: FFV: Field Force, Vietnam
Fld: Field
8.1 List of abbreviations used: FRAC: First Regional Assistance Command
FS: Fighter Squadron
AA: Anti-Aircraft FWA: Free World Allies
Abn: Airborne FWF: Free World Forces
ACR: Armored Cavalry Regiment GD: Giang Doan (River Group)
ACS: Air Commando Squadron GDNC: Giang Doan Ngan Chan (RAID)
ACW: Air Commando Wing GDTL: Giang Doan Truc Loi (RMG)
AF: Airfield GDTT: Giang Doan Tuan Tham (RPG)
AFB: Air Force Base GDXP: Giang Doan Xung Phong (RAG)
AHC: Assault Helicopter Company GEN: General
AML: Airmobile (Light) GHQ: General Headquarters
Amph: Amphibious Grp: Group
GVN: Government of (South) Viet Nam Rgr: Ranger
HAL: Helicopter Attack Squadron Light Rgt/Regt: Regiment
HH: Heavy Helicopter Riv: Riverine
HHC: Headquarters & Heaqduarters Company RL: Rocket Launcher
HHT: Headquarters & Heaqduarters Troop RMG: River Mine Group
HL: Huong Lo (Communal Road) RNZA: Royal New Zealand Artillery
HMH: Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron ROK: Republic of Korea
HML: Marine Light Helicopter Squadron ROKMC: Republic of Korea Marine Corps
HMM: Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron RPG: River Patrol Group
How: Howitzer RR: Recoilless Rifle
HQ: Headquarters RTA: Royal Thai Army
HS: Helicopter Squadron RTAVF: Royal Thai Army Volunteer Force
H&S: Headquarters & Service RTAVR: Royal Thai Army Volunteer Regiment
HW: Heavy Weapons RVN: Republic of Viet Nam
Inf: Infantry RVNAF: Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces
JGS: Joint General Staff SAS: Special Air Service
KB: Ky Binh (Cav) SASR: Special Air Service Regiment
KR: Khmer Rouge SD: Su Doan (Div)
(L): Light SEAL: Sea, Air and Land
LAAM: Light Anti-Aircraft Missile SEALORDS: South East Asia Lake-Ocean-River-Delta
LD: Lu Doan (Bde) Strategy
LDNN: Lien Doc Nguoi Nhia (Vietnamese Navy Seals) Sec: Security
LF: Local Force Sep: Separate
LIB: Light Infantry Brigade Serv: Service
LLDB: Luc Luong Dac Biet (SF) SFGA: Special Forces Group, Airborne
Log: Logistical SG-GD: Sai Gon-Gia Dinh
LRPD: Long Range Patrol Detachment SLF: Special Landing Force
LRRP: Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol SLR: Self-Loading Rifle
LTG: Lieutenant General SMG: Sub Machingun
LTL: Lien Tinh Lo (Inter-provincial Road) SOG: Studies & Observation Group
LOC: Lines of Communications SOS: Special Operations Squadron
LZ: Landing Zone SOW: Special Operations Wing
MACV: Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Spec: Special
MAB: Marine Amphibious Brigade SPS: Security Police Squadron
MAF: Marine Amphibious Force Sqn: Squadron
MAG: Marine Air Group SRAC: Second Regional Assistance Command
Mar: Marine/Marines Strat: Strategic
MEB: Marine Expeditionary Brigade STZ: Special Tactical Zone
Mech: Mechanized Sup: Support
MG: Major General TAOI: Tactical Area Of Interest
MGF: Mobile Guerilla Force TAOR: Tactical Area Of Responsability
MH: Medium Helicopter TD: Tieu Doan (Bn)
MIKE: Mobile Strike Force TFS: Tactical Fighter Squadron
Mil: Military TFW: Tactical Fighter Wing
MP: Military Police TF: Task Force
MR: Military Region TG: Tactical Group
MSF: Mobile Strike Force ThD: Thiet Doan (Arm Sqn)
MSFC: Mobile Strike Force Command TK: Tiem Kich (Fighter)
Mtr: Mortar TL: Tinh Lo (Provincial Road)
Nat: National TQLC: Thuy Quan Luc Chien (VNMC)
NVA: North Vietnamese Army TRAC: Third Regional Assistance Command
NZ: New Zealand TrD: Trung Doan (Rgt)
Opcon: Operational Control Trp: Troop
PACV: Patrol Air Cushion Vehicle TT: Truc Thang (Helicopter)
PAVN: People's Army of Vietnam TWCMN: Truc Uong Cuc Mien Nam (COSVN)
PHILCAGV: Philippines Civic Action Group, Vietnam VB: Ve Binh (Gd)
PLAF: People's Liberation Armed Forces VC: Viet Cong
Plt: Platoon VMF: Marine Fighter Squadron
PPL: Phao Phan Luc (Rocket) VMFA: Marine Fighter Attack Squadron
Prov: Provisional VMO: Marine Observation Squadron
QC: Queen's Cobras VNAF: Viet Nam Air Force
QD: Quan Doan (Corps) VNMC: Viet Nam Marine Corps
QL: Quoc Lo (National Road) VNN: Viet Nam Navy
QLVNCH: Quan Luc Viet Nam Cong Hoa (ARVN) VNSF: Viet Nam Special Forces
RAAF: Royal Australian Air Force Vol: Volunteer
RAG: River Assault Group WESTPAC: Western Pacific
RAID: River Assault Interdiction Division
RAR: Royal Autralian Regiment 8.2 Glossary of Vietnamese terms:
RCLR: Recoilless Rifle
Rcn: Recon A, An, Ap: Hamlet
RF: Regional Forces Ban: Village
Ban/Bo Chi Huy: Headquarters (Brigade and below) Thiet Ky: Armored Cavalry
Biet Cach Du: Airborne Ranger Thon: Village
Biet Dong Quan: Ranger (Mobile Troop) Thuy Quan Luc Chien: Marine
Biet Khu: Special Tactical Zone Tiem Kich: Fighter
Bo Binh: Infantry Tieu Doan: Battalion
Bo Thong Tham Muu: Joint General Staff Tieu Khu: Sub-Region
Bo Thu Len: Headquarters (Division and above) Tinh: Province
Cam: Village Tinh Lo: Provincial Road
Chien Doan: Task Force Toan: Team
Chu: Mountain Truc Thang: Helicopter
Co: Mountain Truc Uong Cuc Mien Nam: Central Office for South
Cong Truong: Codename for PLAF divisions Vietnam
Cu Lao: Island Trung Doan: Regiment
Cua: Estuary Van: Village
Dac Cong: Sapper Ve Binh: Guard
Dai Bac Khong Zat: Recoilless Rifle Vinh: Gulf or Village
Dai Doi: Company Vung Duyen Hai: Naval Coastal Zone
Dai Phuong Quan: Regional Force Vung Song Ngoi: River Force
Dak: Stream Xa, Xom: Village
Dam: Lake, Marsh Xe: Stream
Doan Hau Can: Rear Service Group Xuan: Village
Doi Danh Du: Honor Guard Xung Phong: Assault
Dong: Hill, Mountain
Duyen Doan: Coastal Division
Gac Dinh: Palace Guard 8.3 Glossary of Southvietnamese operation names:
Giang Doan: River Group
Giang Doan Ngan Chan: River Assault and Interdiction The RVNAF had the habit to label their operations in series
Group of the same name, using only a numerical designator to
Giang Doan Tuan Tham: River Patrol Group differentiate them. These names were specific to certain
Giang Doan Truc Loi: River Mine Group units, for example all LAM SON operations were conducted
Giang Doan Xung Phong: River Assault Group by the 1st Infantry Division. Here's a small glossary of the
Hon: Island most common names and their translation:
Huong: Village
Huong Lo: Communal Road AN DAN: Pacifying the People
Ia: Stream BAC THIEN: Advancing North
Khe: Stream BINH TAY: Conquering the West
Khong Doan: Tactical Wing CUU LONG: Vietnamese name for the Mekong River
Kinh: Canal DAN CHI: People's Will
Krong: Stream DAN QUYEN: Civil Right
Ky Binh: Cavalry DUONG CUA DAN: People's Road
Lang: Village HUNG QUANG: Valiant Light
Lien Doc Nguoi Nhia: Vietnamese Navy Seals LAM SON: Blue Mountain
Lien Doan: Group LE LOI: A Vietnamese emperor
Lien Tinh Lo: Inter-provincial Road LIEN KET: (Inter)Connection
Lu Doan: Brigade PHI PHUNG: Flying Phoenix
Luc Luong Dac Biet: Special Forces QUANG TRUNG: A Vietnamese emperor (also known as
Mui: Point, Cape Nguyen Hue)
Ngoc, Ngok: Mountain QUYET CHIEN: Resolved to Fight
Ngon: Stream QUYET THANG: Resolved to Win
Nhay Du: Airborne SONG THAN: Tsunami
Nui: Hill, Mountain TIEN BO: Progress
Phan Khu Nam: Southern Sector TOAN THANG: Complete Victory
Phao Binh: Artillery TRAN HUNG DAO: A famous Vietnamese hero
Phao Cao Xa: Anti-Aircraft Artillery TRUONG CONG DINH: Another famous Vietnamese hero
Phao Phan Luc: Rocket Artillery TRUY KICH: Pursuit Attack
Phi Doan: Squadron
Phu: Village 8.4 Note of PAVN/PLAF unit designation:
Prek: Stream
Quan Doan: Corps Communist forces used a code-letter system to indicate
Quan Luc Viet Nam Cong Hoa: Army of the Republic of the size of their military units during the war: A for squad,
Viet Nam B for platoon, C for company, D for battalion, E for
Quoc Lo: National Road regiment and F for division. For example, D7/E66 means
Rach, Rao: Stream 7th Battalion, 66th Regiment. Unfortunately this system was
Se, Song: River far from being homogeneous and lots of units had different
Su Doan: Division code letters. These designations are used for historical
Suoi: Stream purpose only, and have no effect on play.
Ten Lua: Missile
Tham Bao: Reconnaissance
Thanh: Village
Thi Xa: Autonomous Municipality
Thiet Doan: Armored Squadron
9.0 SOURCES & CREDITS: Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) by Randall M.
Romine, GreatUNpublished 2003.
9.1 Books:
-The U.S. Navy in the Vietnam War: An Illustrated History
-Vietnam Order of Battle: A Complete Illustrated by Edward J. Marolda, Brassey's Inc 2002.
Reference to U.S. Army Combat and Support Forces in
Vietnam 1961-1973 by Shelby L. Stanton, Stackpole Books -Victory in Vietnam: The Official History of the People's
2003. Army of Vietnam 1954-1975 by The Military Institute of
Vietnam, University Press of Kansas 2002.
-The US Marine Corps in the Vietnam War: III Marine
Amphibious Force 1965-75 by Ed Gilbert, Osprey 9.2 Games:
Publishing 2006.
-Vietnam 1965-1975 by Nick Karp, Victory Games 1984
-Mobile Strike Forces in Vietnam 1966-70 by Gordon L.
Rottman, Osprey Publishing 2007. 9.3 Websites:

-Vietnam Airborne by Gordon L. Rottman, Osprey South East Asian War - Area Of Operations
Publishing 1990.
Online Bookshelves: Vietnam War
-Vietnam Marines 1965-73 by Charles Melson, Osprey
Publishing 2005. Ground Combat Operations - Vietnam 1965 – 1972

-Vietnam ANZACs, Australian & New Zealand Troops in Vietnam Operations, Major Battles
Vietnam 1962-72 by Kevin Lyles, Osprey Publishing 2004.
Records About the Ground Combat Operations by the
-Vietnam Airmobile Warfare Tactics by Gordon L. Rottman, Army During the Vietnam Conflict
Osprey Publishing 2007.
The Vietnam Archive
-Vietnam Riverine Craft 1962-75 by Gordon L. Rottman,
Osprey Publishing 2006. Eleven-Bravo

-B-52 Stratofortress Units in Combat 1955-73 by Jon Lake, Carr's Compendiums

Osprey Publishing 2004.
The South Vietnamese Air Force 1951-1975
-Allied Participation in Vietnam by Lieutenant General
Stanley R. Larsen and Brigadier General James Lawton A Brief Overview of the Vietnam National Army and the
Collins, Jr., University Press of the Pacific 2005. Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (1952-1975)

-Where We Were in Vietnam: A Comprehensive Guide to

the Firebases, Military Installations and Naval Vessels of Scenario Design:
the Vietnam War, 1945-1975 by Michael P. Kelley, Hellgate Stéphane "Boonierat" Moutin Luyat
Press 2002. email:

-MACV Command History 1966, Military History Branch, Improved equipment database:
Office of the Secretary, Joint Staff, MACV 1967. Jo "Crazy Dutch" van der Pluijm

-Combat Operations: Stemming the Tide, May 1965 to Vietnamese military terms & translations:
October 1966 by John M. Carland, Center for Military Nguyen Tuan Trung
History 2000.
Special thanks to:
-Combat Operations: Taking the Offensive, October 1966 Gordon Rottman for his TOEs knowledge
to October 1967 by George L. MacGarrigle, Center for Richard Rinaldi for his great Vietnam OB Series
Military History 1998. Wild Bill Wilder for inspiration.

-U.S. Marines in Vietnam: An Expanding War, 1966 by

Jack Shulimson, History and Museums Division,
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington D.C. 1982.

-Vietnam Battle Chronology: U.S. Army and Marine Corps

Combat Operations, 1965-1973 by David Burns Sigler,
McFarland & Company 1992.

-Semper Fi-Vietnam: From Da Nang to the DMZ: Marine

Corps Campaigns, 1965-1975 by Edward F. Murphy,
Presidio Press 2000.

-The Rise and Fall of an American Army: U.S. Ground

Forces in Vietnam, 1965-1973 by Shelby L. Stanton,
Presidio Press 2003.

-A Vietnam War Chronology According to Military

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