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Instrumentation and Measurement

Topic: The general measurement system (CLO1)

Analysis of experimental data (CLO1)

Ir Fahri

Element characteristic
• Sensitivity
• Hysteresis
• Resolution
• Environmental effects ( Modifying input, interfering input)
• Error bands
• Generalized model
• Calibration

What is acceptable percentage of uncertainty?

- Depends on the industry/factory

- Generally, 5%.
Necessity of calibration

• New instrument normally calibrated by the instrument manufacturer.

Thus, it behave according to the characteristic stated in specification
• During use, its behaviour will gradually diverge due to the mechanical
wear, effects of dirt, dust, chemical, etc.
• when the characteristics of the instrument will have drifted from the
standard specification by an unacceptable amount, it is necessary to
recalibrate the instrument back to standard specifications
• instrument used for calibrating working standard instruments is known as
a secondary reference standard
• During recalibration, the instrument output range until its output readings
are the same as those of a second standard instrument to which the same
inputs are applied
Necessity of calibration
The calibration experiment is divided into three main parts:

1. O versus I when IM = II = 0
Ideally this test should be held under ‘standard’ environmental conditions so that IM = II = 0;
if this is not possible all environmental inputs should be measured

2. O versus IM, II at constant I

This test is to identify the environmental inputs. If it affect zero bias, then it is interfering
input II. If it affects the sensitivity/slope, then it is modifying input IM

3. Repeatability test
• This test should be carried out in the normal working environment of the element, e.g. out on
the plant, or in a control room, where the environmental inputs IM and II are subject to the
random variations usually experienced.
• The signal input I should be held constant at mid-range value and the output O measured
over an extended period, ideally many days.
• The analysis is done by measuring the mean and standard deviation values of the test sets
Topic 2: Analysis of experimental data

1. Causes and types of experimental error

2. Statistical analysis of experimental data
3. Error reduction techniques
4. Noise in measurement system
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error

For example, a person who takes a reading from a pressure gauge. The person does not
record the reading in any way shape or form. They commit it to memory and turn around
and present it wrong later on. These blunders in the reported data will be taken as fact and
may be used as a calculation to find the final results. Because the base data was wrong the
final results will in turn be wrong.
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error
1. Causes and types of experimental error
2. Statistical Analysis of Error in Measurement
• The statistical analysis of measurement data is important because it allows an analytical
determination of the uncertainty of the final test result
• To make statistical analysis meaningful, a large number of measurements is usually required

Things to learn in statistical analysis topic:

1. Mean
2. Standard deviation
3. Measurement error of a system of ideal elements
4. The error probability density function of a system of non-ideal elements
1. Mean

 The average value of a set of measurements can be expressed as either the mean value or
the median value.
 The average calculated in terms of the mean value is always slightly closer to the correct
value of the measured quantity than the average calculated as the median value
 For any set of n measurements x1, x2 xn of a constant quantity,

n=number of sample
2. Standard Deviation

 A good way of examining how measurement values were distributed about the
mean value is to calculate the standard deviation of the measurements



Exercise 1
The output voltage of an amplifier was measured by four different students using the same oscilloscope
in the laboratory as shown in Table 2. Referring to the table, find the value of mean and standard

Wednesday (25/1) and Thursday (26/1) the Class will be

conducted online through MS Team. So, you need to join
MS Team. The class will also be recorded and share to CN,
The end

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